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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Mar 1970, p. 1

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Oronoi - à VOLUME 34, NUMBER 12 Weekly TIim.e s ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV, MAItCI l9th, 1970, Serel o-oeraiveFor22Year urha FarersC - r iv KrbyHomeo choi Explosi on Oies A Bowmanvillewomnan losf bher five day fighf for life in Oshawa Gencrai Hospital on Friday lasf. Hospital. officiais reDorfcd ]V!ýs. Tlarold Witheriy, 47, died af 9:40 Mrs. Witherly was admitfed fo hospital in fair condition Monday affer she reccived burns in an ex- plosion, wbich destroyecd ber Bow-, inanville home. Imrmdiate "i- vors iare ber husband,ý a foreman af an Oshawa garage and two eidren. Mrs. Witherlv suffered - f0 50 ner cent of ber bodv '--r a gas explosion ripped apart ber Elpn Street home. She was rushcd to b " -wherc she was rep)orý"d'" -vWell for the firsf fwo days. Police said rsint neigý,hborhàod had beencos1'- ing about the smeii of gas during the morning 'and thaf Vr envy had jusf beentokr, cas; companv inspector w'-~ eloinrock-d the ý - Wifherly was fraun"-' 1- a refrigerator when fthe blasf oc- E'tÈiafcd damiage in fthc explo- sion and the rcsuling. fire is $100 U000. The exIplosion is uinder i~H çafin b the Ontario Fi'y""' ha1soffic e and the Cor Gas Company. Dowmanville seing' Held Respousible- Bowmanvillc Town, Council re- ,ccîvcd a letfer Monday nightf saying the fown would bc beid respnonsibi?ý for ail damages from the Marcb 9 gas explosion which lafer claimed the life or 47-year- old Mrs. Wifherly., A discussion fe, appoint a com- m-iffee fe, look int o safeguards a- gainsf furtiher explôsions, was tabled unfil )a later date in a ecommiftee of the wholc session. The letter, from Greer, Kelly and Jes-myn, solicifors for fiane famiies afft'cted by, the blasf. sgid in part: "As a resuif of thec explosion and fire, some very severe per- sonal injuries were susfained as well as substantiel property dam- age loss. ". f. is letter consfifufes no- tice that we are holding thac cor- The annual meeting of the T urham Farmce,-'s' County Co op- erative was held on Friday even- in-, in ihe Orono.Oddfellow's Hall w:th about- sevcnty members present. The co-oparative this year re- p')rted their most succegsful year in 1969 with sales totailling $366, 000, comparcd with $3?59,100 in 196 1 Net saving3 amountcd to $20,100 which was also 'an ail- fia- ih., Net savings in 1968 am1rt-d fo $12,400 and in 1967 at $8,600. Mcn'mbr e quities at the close of 1996) 'arounted to $192,200 w, '~woking cap'tai totalling The moceting on Friday evening authorized a patronage dividend of 3% to be paid in easb on. 1964 bu iness. A dividcnd svas also de- clared on the 1969 business, Me-sr3. Ronald Bickle and Howard Quantrili wcre re-el-'cted fo the ýdirectorship. Mr. C5arlos Tamblyn 'was clcctcd to fi the vaeancy resuifing from the retir- ing. of Mr-. Sfanley Allun. Other directors are Mesisrs. Ken Hend- erson, Sam Turner, John Knox, John Riekard and Stanley Mill- son. Musical entcrta'nm-nt was pro, vided by a group headed by Mr. L. Woods. The' following were lucky draw winncr M]Vr. Ernie .Snr, a gl Ion of paint; Mrs. Russell Os- borne, coffee etc. Pass Skat*ig Tests The foilowing is tests passed at Orono Figure Skating Club onp Sunday, March 1.5th-. Names in aiphabefical order. -First Figure - Nif a TaIsma, Sui-an West. Preliiminarv Dance- Dutch Waitz - Wanda K\rn--r. Mari-Lou Powell. Jane Wendy Watýon. Canasta Tango - Jo Ann Mer- cer, Jane Staples, Jon Ann Ten- nant. Swing Dance - Marcia Lowcry Margaret Moffat. Junior. Bronze Dancc- Fiesta Tango - Maureen Shet- 1er. Su-an West. Ten, Fox - Patti Lunn. wiliow Waltz - Patti Lunn, NiutaTalsmAl., poration of' The Town of Bow- manville fll responsible for al damages in this instance." Fi or the maitfer was fabled, council.;argued whcther a com- mittec sbould be appoinfed and whcther if should sfudy plans of the town to find out where pipe and shufoff valves are located. Council Ami Mosport Meet Togmether Aguin. The Councîl of the Township ,of Clarke held a special meeting on Monday evening When 'they met with two representatives of mVospirt Park Ltd. Council gave Mosport a flirce-bour bearing at wbich time Mosport requested that Council ellow non-conform- ing uses at their location in the -north-west corneèr' of, Clarke Town-zbip. Althougb Council beard -the delegation tbcy took no action on the requcst.,A special, meet- -ing was to be held again Wednes- day afternoon. Reeve John Stioneý reported thiat al c9uneil members and the clerk atfended 'Saturday's Semin- ar in Eastdale Collegiate in Osh- awa concerning the Oshawa Reg- lonal plan. Reeve Stone, saîd the 400 delegafes were arreanged in- f0 smail discussion groups for open discussion. H1e pointed out thaf if was the intention to form the area info units of at least a population of 8,000 and thaf eacb unit would have one 'represenf a- five on the regionai council. Un- der sueh a plan, he poinfed out, Oshawa would have et leasft ten electcd ,rppreenfatîves on the area council and thaf this was of concern fo smme present af the Seminar. Reeve Stone said that the boundaries have not y et been de- clared and that manyprosi were stili being diRse.le said he did objeet to f1-ic eosf bou-1dary spiitfing the Tnwnship of Clarke perhaps af the Newtoni- Viileroad and was of the opinion that if ülarlýe was fo be inciudcd in the Oshawa region that ail of the township shouid be taken in- to the plan. At a former meeting of Coun- cil, Mr. Lyali Lowery 'was ep- pofinted Warbie Fiy Inspector at an hourly rate of $2.50 plus 10e a mile. Mr. Lowery was authorîz- cd fo have the spraying donce t a charge of 25C per head on herds of ten or less and 2 for 35e on herds, over ten. Kirby Home and School h"-ld another card party on March 7th. Aithough, the weathe'- wasn't very good it was very well attended. The re were 12 tables of Euchre. Those winning prizes were Mrs. Charle; Taylor, high lady; Lawr- ence Greenwood, -1ýhigh m.The low prizes went to eorgeDun jop and Norina Le.The door orize was 'won 1by Reg. Elliot t and lucky chair, Jaýmes Lowery. We would like to thank the teachir.ý staff of Kirby Centen- niai School for dlonating the mon- ey for the prizesý. We would like to sec more familles participate in these -functions as ahl the child- We are planning on having an- other card p)arty on the 290- of thi, mron th. Hlope you will come and have a game. Thanks to all. NDoP Brass Dfe By Rank And FilPe Durhm riing ankand file sir aint'ti- advice of it cex- ctie t a imeet-ing and vot- «d to ý -olda nominuation meeting thi3 'pring to elcct an NýDP can- didlate for the ncxLt provincial el- ection. The nomination meeting. is ex- p- tcýd to Iýke placeein MVay. President of the a3 -ociation, Wiifred Day, spcaking iainst the motion for an carly nommna- ti, said thiis spring wouid be too soonl. FIe said the obrt ve- m 'r~ il lkcy old tucto formand <>tcaîla povinialel- ecio bfore the 1hi11 of 1971L "If we elect our cadd neiow, th'it will give him a v"ar and a ba' to put his foot inhi mouth, ,zomrthhang the ov)no i1ý-n i-' par- ,ticui1v good at putting over."$ P(, told, the niembers that a great deal of work r oif0be done in orgîanizingý a really ef- fective party organization. Said one riember, "You can't steer a boat without a rudder - Iet's get the rudder and get mov- ing."1 Lively Ente rtainment on 'Pueqday cvening in the Or- ono Unit-d Church. Be' ta "St, Patriek's Variety Nigh" a held bv Unit 3 of the U.C.Wý. Mr. Sterï-ig Mather wus the capable M.C. for the vcry im- promptu cntertaînment. Muc:ical numbers by young aiid not so young were enjoyed along with a skit by the Hi-Cs which was a take-off on, the TV show 'Laugh-In'. Tihis was donc corn- plete with flashîng lights, cost- umes background music etc. They also gave n vcry dciightful1 music- (continued on page 2) twcnýty tv o years stirtîng with Vie rcaizsionat it-, iincepion of Orono,,)vaq purchascd from Mr. Ccil". Lockwood. 0f these fwcnty- two years Mr. Spry bas b-en manager for a period of twenty years. During ithîs period, he -aid he had seen many changes in the fccd'indusfry and the local operation of the co-operafive. He recallcd the opening of the new premises in 1953 as one of the m*iestonies in the history of the Co-operafive. Mr. Spry rctircd as manager of the Durham Farmers County Co-operative as of Dec- ember 33,sf, 1969. Photo by Canadian Statesman An Overail 2.57 M!ilis The Board of Education o- eh Unitecd Counties of Northumber- land. and Durham bas struckits 1970 budget at $18,906,550. of which area municipalities will be asked f0 raîse $6,765,600. This is îan increase of $261,241 over last year and represents an oi'er-aIi mili increase of 2.57 mihis. Broken Downi The 1970 budget is broken clown as follows: expenditures %'vith revenue expccfed of $6,648,- 385 leaving $3,170,190 for the miunicinalities to raise. Expend- itures, secondary are forecast et $9,087,975 with revenues cxpccted of $5,721,730 lcaving $3,366,245 for the saunicipalifies. These fig- ures n ere the resuit of many hours of -paring clown the origin- al draft budget presented in Fcb- ruary by more than $875,000. The'breakdown of le-vies by municipalities is bcing 'wifhheld by the board until this Wednes- day in order to send copies to municipal officiais and prepare themsclves for the expccted out- .As wes the case last year, there wvill be certain mutnicipali- fdes that won't bca a al happy with the way the $6,700,000 is Io be collccted. Once again, certain municipalities will face gigantic increiases in their levies for school purposes while other municipali- tics will have small reduotions ini the amount tbcy wili pay in com- parison to Iast year.. Places Fault Chairman of the board, Jeff Rolph, was careful to point out to board members that if was nof tihe- fauit of the board of educa- fion that the inequalities âs far as !evy payhmenis arc concerned bas croppcd up. 11e placed the b1-am- souarely in the lap of the prov incial governoment which de- vi'-ed the "provincial equalization factors" that the board had to use to make their assessments. W. C. Down called for a comn- mittce of the board to mneet xih the municipal . affairs minister to show him just what bis formulas and factors a-e idoing to some of the municipalities. The resolution f0o request such a meeting fbrough the local MPPs was unanimously adopted. Board chairman J. M. Rolpli termied th-e budget, and the pro- grain so.mething "to ha proud of'_ (Coniin'ued Page 4) Mr.- and Mrs. Ernie Spry are picturcd above folowing a p-e s- enfaftion honouring MýlIr. Spry's ycars of. servie wifh the Durhiam-i Farmers Coun ty Co-operative. The presenýtafion of a recliner chair to Mr. Spry, in which be is sîtfing, and a bouquet of roses to Mrs. Spry was made at the an- nual meeting of the Co-operafive held in Orono lasf Fridây even- ing. Mr. Howard Quanfrill, pres- ident of the Co-operafive, pres- enfed the chair while his wife Presenfed Mrs. Spry with the ros- es. hVIr Spry was also presenfcd wifh a suede jacket on bebaîf of the staff at the Co-op. Mr. -Ernie1 Spry was wilih the Co-operafive for 'a period of

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