ORONO WÉEKLY TIES, THURSDAY,_MARCII lffl, 1970 emium qua ioor this s; rs rost surfé j in half an h >00 sq. ft. Sn y to apply pý iJorless, dur ater clean-u nc r woodwork and lenty of waÉhlngr ..95/qt. Coloursi DWRE -'gnied to Pleasant- ;49 jality is o' -very îol1d -d ustî ng ,àver. EasiIy Washes and ALi it for getting 'Reinforce~ le.B!& 160 à%9 oOIO Oxford H'ICKLAYERS STONEMASONS 1. Schmahl 989-.5606 Speclalizlng in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimnev Repairs RESTAURA NI 111ghway 115 and 35 /2mile south of Orono Phone 983-5651 Spccializing ln Pizza aund Spaghetti Daid eni hadf the misfort- ueto break h-is ;egvhile skiing e n Satrdy aes 'o Kendal on te siopes 0ownedlby the Osbawa kiClub. Miss Peggy Fo t" 1-- clwn1 dark stair well stnaining the leg- aments ln ber leg so that she has t-i use a crutch to get around. At the Eucbre party in the Orange Hall on Friday night Mrs. Gordon Trim, Newtonville won the dôor prize. Mrs. Dorothy Stark was the higli lady,_ and Miss Lorna Lowery the low lady. Mr. R. L. Hoy won the men's higb and Mr. Joe Jilisen the mien's low. There' was a good turn out. The next Euchrc wili be Apili the tenth. The District of Cartwright Roy- Septcic Tanik 0 SevY1ce :ae-I, GENERAL PUMIPING 0Wv 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY ýalo Leskard, Ontario rableTelephone 993-5266 p 01 or 983-5723 Cost Up but he was concerned about the wa y the levies came out using the goverament formulas, but, prom- ised' full support to the munici- palities, when they make their vicws known to. the provincial goverument. Board members also receive d a surprise when I bey found' out that they did noi end the year 1969 with a budgetary surplus of $10000 as had carier been thought, but were instead, sad- dled with an under levy of more than $290.000. The provincial'gov- erament bas decided that there will be no such thing as deficits and surpluses, tbey will now be under and over levies wbich wîll be charged to the individual ST. SAVIOURS AN~GLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Services - 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion.-- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Snnday Holy Baptîsm by appointment with Recto'r 987-4745 The Rev. Il Robert Hayne, B.A.. L.Th. ali Scarlet Chapter held its regu- lar mon thly meetinig in Kendal on March 9th, 1970. There wasa good attendance and ComPanion ~usseI Crown took pictures of he officers of 'te eh apter. Com- )Vin Leslie iBrooks3 showed Vi~ig among tihe Fo ýter amisthe past week bas been ~r.A. iclkette of Clover, Vir- ginia. The lKendal Women's Institute ,,, tqt thie home of Mrs. ýAllen Fo ,e on Tuesday afternooný, -iarch 17 with ten members andf t"-o vi, itor7, present. Themetg oo'j-ned with the singing of the "1.The minutes were read by the secretary Mrs. A. Low,,. Dis- nlzo ro-e concerning the a- mount of 'en dollars voted to- ward the puî)irdhase of furnishings for the chiildren's wing of Bow- manville Hlospital. Some member8 <onsidered-we could give more. It was moved and seconded that fifteen, dollars more. be given making a total of twenty-five' dol- lars. The details of the Penny Sale were worked out and changes in the siate of officers for the com- ing vear. Mrs. H-. Foster read the financial report. Lunch waq served by our bio-it- eqses Mrs. E. Couroux and Mrs. M. Manders, A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. A. Foster for ber home. Miss ,Ann Samnelîs ;attendçl tl,, HaidrssrsConvention, Sùnday!,i and Monday vof this wekat the Royal Yokiote]', Toronto. returnejd home after~ pnighl ,clys iuFloridIa. anc Mt. FoydNicholson a~~~3r: Ad5r 'pdM - Archie MeLar- ire~ t FWidaon Tues- iy ~dwil tasea holiday UNITED CHURCH -A Orono Pastoral ,sY Minister Rev B r,. Long SUNDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1970 Orono Unlittr Churc- Sud.Sebool at 10:00 Sievice at 11:*15,arn Kirby- eMorning Service at 9-45 a.m Sunday Sehool at 11-00 aund Shoes'l"' Just in time for Spring - a shipment of Sisman Work Boots, Suede Sahaira.Boots, and a lune of Casual -Shoes. < WORK BOOTS Men's Leather Work Boots, Good. year, WeIlt conhstruction, steel shanks. Sev- eral styles - tan uppers with foam soles, iight tan uppers with Nuron crepe soles dark brown uppers with cork soles, black uppers with leather soles. Sizes 6V2a to 12. Priced from . $13.95 to $17.50 SUEDE SHOES, The Iatest in Suede Casual'Shoes, 2 cyclet tie with' moccasin toc, fuil-cnsh- îoned insole. Tan only with boue foam wedge soles. Sizes 7 to 11. Priced per pair $12.95 SAHARA BOOTS- Good-looking reverse Suede Boots for casual wear, Beefroll moccasin vamp. Tan only withblack foam soles. Sizes 7 to 12. Price per pair $10-95 BOY'S SAHARA BOOTS Similar to Men's style 'ln tan shade., Sizes 1 to 5. Price per pair $6.95 Love CAndConcern Tecro Ss h God's love r large, and as John says, God's loelavs upon eacb of us the ohb- Iiton1 love one another. 'To Iviethe love we see i l Christ. Th1e United Church makes it possible for us te show our con- cerni for others and.to, become, in- volved in ministering to' their peal for, O'_v ra-D~'ev ix Irt Through tii tdw cniu b fin way of r pording Ùo loveih~ wemayeffetvdýy m'In- i ~erto ilwbo 'cry out in their dites~Anythiing less on> our part istoo littie -if we are to be fafflto Hlm wbo cared s0 Givey~urshare to show you, care to fielp othersto help themi- selves. Mr. and -Mrs. reemian Eddy attended a birthday party on Maich lOth for Mrs. Eddy's sisiter, Mrs. A. Whitmee, Newcastle. municipalities in accordance with an equalized formula. The $290),- 000 under levy was disco'vered only last week by board adminýis- tration officiais wben, final fig- ures were baing set down for the 1970 budget. "The administration expiained that the government sent. out a whoie set of ncw ruies which meant we had to re-caiculate evetvýthing and as a result of re- calculatinf under ithe new systemn and several other contributing factors we find ourselves wlth a shortage of $290,000.11' One of your most cherished assets is your health Good health attributes much to your 1f e and the lives of'those who'surround you. We are dedicated, along with your doctor to the protection of your health. Our prescriptions are dispensed with care and eom- pounded from the freshest of quality drugs. ST îUTT DS PH1ARMAC('Y Phone 983-5009 Orono, Ont. SkaingCarnival March 21, 22 ARiSTRONGS iý;;;;i ç '00 m 77777777Z-ý -- ------------------- Organiâzation eetiùg for the wiil be hield on, Monday, ,March 23'r 1970 At Cavan Town Hall at 9i,30 a.m. and Orono I.O..F. Hal at 1:15 ýp.m Further Information may be obtained from ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE and FOOD 14 Frank Street, Bowmanvile. Phone M~-3348