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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Mar 1970, p. 7

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___________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,, THURSDAY, MARCU- See Mils.m hsurance Agemcy fer .,clases of persona] Commercial Coverare.s office: Min St., Orono Rç.983-5754 Gord Simpson PHOE 9834808 Orono, Ontario CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS Interior Exterior CHARLES RI Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farmn and Furniture Sales Con11sUit me for terms and ddites PIIONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and! Our quality and service leaves notbimg to be desired Asic the person who bought from us, a neigbbour, frlend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display in Southern Ontario I WATSON'S Marinle i I and Cycle t Orae Phone 983-5343I PRINCE CRAFT BOATS AMouette Snow Mobiles Reliairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues OTACO PLOW POINTS AND -MACIINERY PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANK'- Bert Tompukkins j Phone186-2552 LY"CETTI PLUMBING and HJEATING I Sales and Service -M HOUR BURNER SERVICE IGULF ]FINANCING Low Interest Rates , Phone: I Tyrsie 263 -2650 I UrvilkChatteron Electric Contractingz IHeatlaz and Service 4PHIONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono. Ontario 1 ORHONO ELECTRIC Hferb anid Gerri, Duvali ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL ,APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - 11-FI FRIGIDAIRE - ILC.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUIRANil'EED SERVICE Hlamnitons SInsurance Service Auto. Fin I Fidellty Bond, Liability Lit e First Mortgage Loans w Sadie Hamiltoni I Phone 983-5115 I j 0neoeoaoeue.0.o.e,,fo,0.U. Bgox 133 Phone 668-3552t Stafford Brothers Ceaetery Memori ais 31â Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTAItIO Sor remodelling - oiethen FIoyd tN a onsl.~.e,oe, your present icontact ORONOe MEN WANTED To plant trees frommi1-i to mid-May. Rate: $2.54 per out. Appiy: Ontario DQpartmnent of Lands and Forests. Orono, <1)-t- ario - 983-9147. b-12-c FOR SALE Portable Traveriter DeLux <ReminCjfon Typewriter with lea %er case. Like new. Phone 983-5810. a-C MARCH IS RED CROSS MONTII PLEASE Welcome, your volunteer canvasser GIVE GENEROUSLYI MARCH I$ RED CROSS MONTH CLARKE PUBLIC LIBRARY TENDERS Tenders wili be received bv the undersigned until 5:00 p.m., Ap- ril 2nd, 1970, for heating, elect- ricai wing, repairs, alterations and masonry work at the (1qike Public Library propertv, Orono. Specifications obtainable fromi the undersigned. Tenders mnay be seàparate or ail-inclusive. Roy C. Forrester, Cha'imain, Clarke Public Library, Qrono11, Ontario. HORTICULTURAI MEETING Corne to tlhe Uorticiiitural mieet- ing on Thursday, -March 26thi at 8 p.m. and sec two interestîng and timely films ta be shown by Mr. Wmi. unting. "Yours is the Land" is on Pollution. "Beaver -aly is a Walt Disney film' on WVild Life. Junior Gardieners invited to at- tend. 1b-13-c WAINTED House to rent li Orono or area, Phone 26'3-2126. 1~ WANTED Two men for nilht Waýtchman dut,'. Drivers Liconse is essenial. delopPortur4t.; for retired person. F or f1irherfinformation zapply in pexrson' Curvply Wood Products, South. Plant, Orono, Ontarlo.a-c iD. ROGERSN ORONO), ONTARTO WE BUY AND SELL Old Ginss, China, Flue Articles Toçand Oddftles I IF IT'S 0LD ... , CALL US j WE PAIr CASHI jPhone 623-5342 alLer 6 p.m. J.ACK RICAjBD REALTOR 99 Kiag St., E. BOWMIIANVILLE When Buvlng or selung eaul WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONÙ AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-52174 Member of Oshawa andl Dis- tict Real Estate Board 1 NOTICE 1 Sewers and knitters needed to complete disaster relief ciothing. Ried Cross Wo-rkroom, Temner- ance St.. Bowmanvilie. Open FL- days 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Ail materials supplied. Work. to be comofleted in your own home. 'or further information cali 983-5291 NOTICE Orono Larndocaping. Garden Ser- vice and Snow Plewing. Phone 983598l. t-f A Trat fer yeu Fancy Quallty Red Dellcious, Macintosh and SPYS 0380 FRESH CIDER ICE CREAM C Grade Apples for sale $2.00 bus. Fred"s Fruit Market llighway 115, south of Orono Lailyouw lioeaud Pluoebing &. Jf.echanical Contractoe Who seulis, itais PLUMBING AND H-EATING, Phone 983-5201 Orono O roimo' Building Contractor IBrick - Bloch - Concrete I Stone Work î SCarpentry - Cabinet Work Flo- Tl 981-5441 OROIN FORTH1COMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Orilfle Challîce annoiunec the forthcoming Mar- niage of their, dauighter Doretta Susan Igabele ;'o Mr. Murray George Browin son of Mr. and Mr.Rob :rt Browin, Pontypool4. The weding wiu take plac~e in, rooUnited. Church, Saturdiay, Apr7il 18th at 3 o'cloçk. GOLDE N WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Perecy Morgan, Sumimerville Drive, Qrono, are celebratlng their gýolden weddinrf anniversary. Open hotuse wlll be held Saturday, April 4th from 2-4 at the home of their. daughter, Mrs. jack Bairstow, Division St., Orono. Friends ail welcome. Best wishes oniy. b-13-p REGIONAL (from page 3) Depuity Reeve Lyqns. said the two townships' l'orientation" is towards Newmarket, Stouftville and Toronto. H-e said it is not inconceivable the county's centrai townships of Scott, Tlxbridge, Brock and Reach and the àdjoining townships of Marioosa and CartWrieht r-1 join together in *a regional area. Alpproaching it from the con- sultart's point of viçw. -hofth Study Director N. A. Irwin n-d region'ïxl goveirnmentco-- Consultant Donald Paterson eid the healthy air of debate was cood. Both said the opening of 'bound- ary talks away from the Picker- ing Townphip boundary dispute came as "no surprise." It was to be 'expeted wih the northern townships and municipalities tak- ing a m-ore, direct interest in the Study tfhan in the past." Last weekend two local base- the O (ntarîn a Bq-eballAssociýation duri'~ h~ii an inp meting in the F~mn' -Tntr.l. PpterborouFch Mr. ïrnol Wakof Newtonville w~wre-1ecr.dto the executive whileMr.Tim Luttr",- of Osh- awai was elected 3rd vice-presi- dent. LINDISAY WINS LOCAL MIDGET TOURNAMENT A good crowd attended the an- nuial Bob Best Memori ai Midget hokytournament held ýat the OvruaArnaon Friday evening of lat week. The Lindsay entry wer ( awarded the memoriai chbampionship trophy bv the pres- idxtof the Orono Athietie Asso- ciation, Mr. Sterling, Mather. Lindsay, in their trio games riere uindefeated. Other teams entered. in thé, tournament riere from Or- ono, Oshawia and Cobourg. Oronn -on the on)ening game in the taurnament when they de- fe(,ate d Oýýhawa in a close feature bv a cnre of 2-1. Robin Winter and Bliain Y~offait Were the trio goal getters for the local club. In the s'econd game Lindsay <lefeated Cobourg by a score o f 5-1. The Cobourg team then re- turned fa the ice to hand Oshawia a 4-0 defeat. The fourth g2amve of the night ras the chiamipionshiD game be-, tween Linds-y, and Orono. Lind- say, won the game, 3-1 with Ken Partridgýe scoring the loue Orono goal. This game, like the others of the evening, was weil played and provided a great nigcht of hockey at the Orono iarena. are niow dealers for "FOX AMINIBIKESý" A compleeUlne of kits and ' machines from * $109.9,5 to $419.95 PARTSý and SERVICE R.R. 3, Port Hope, Ontario Phoane: 416-8S5-2760 77 . .. ....

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