Local EuctonTaU Clarke- Township taxpayers are- ito pay an aditional amount of e49,687. in 1970 for educational -purposes over the amount paid in 1969. This was revealed iast -week when- the Northumberland- Durham Board of, Education brouglit down their budget for 1970. The budget for the two counties now stands at $18,621,000 which is an'increase of $1,626,665 over" the estimated budget f or 1969. Taxpayers in the two count- les must pay an additional amn- ount after grants of $261,239. The Clarke Township increase of $49,687 is the third iargest in- crease -in the United Counties and is estimated to 'represent a 9.88 miii increasýe or $2964 on an assessment of $300000., This miii rate increase is the second iarg- est in the United Counties. To this amount there' is an addition of a small sum of a non-payment for 1969 stili owing. The total _payment by taxpayers in Clarke wiil amount to $436,609. T axpayers in Newcastle will pay' les& edücation tax this, year with a $3,471 reduction of their requisition which aiiows a 2.3 miii reruction. Taxpayers in Bow- manviiie wil add $34,444 to the education coffers which will be a 3.32 Mill increase. The Northumbehiand - Durham County Board of Education chop- ped $300,000 from the original budget estimate which was pre- sented two weeks ago. The first figure reieased' was $18,906,550, but after a further one w~eek deéliberation the board cut the figure by the $300,000. Severai board members at Thursdays's meeting were stili "unsure" and one voted against its accepi ance and two others ab- stained from voting aitogether. The local taxpai crs must pay $6,440,700 of the total education budget, which is an increase of $261,200 over last year's figure, The disparities betweerî the tax increases facing varlous munici- palities based on assessment were the main factor in're-considering the budget. Dîuiig the week meetings were held with both Russell Rowe, MPP for Northum- berland and Alex Carruthers, MPPI for Durham and with prov- nciI goverument officials in Toronto, in an effort to ease the increased levies for rural areas. Because of the use of the prov- incial equalization, set up by the Departmeut of Education, severai municipalities will pay a iower ievy,. than in 1969. These include Brighton Town- ship lveevy which has decreased by 6.54 milis;, Brighton Village, down I 3.02 milîs; Campbell- ford, ioown by 7.42 milis; Cobourg down by .46 milis; Port Hope down by 1.11 mils; Coîborne down by .71' milis; Newcastle, down by 2.30 milis; and Seynmour township down by 1.63 milis. Wbile the levy for these mun- icipalities are down, the levy for 16 other municipalities in the 2 cou * es wili go up., The municipality with the high- (Contiuued Page 5) Orono VOLUME 34, NUMBER 13 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1970 Skaters Take Part In C)rono Carnival Shown above are some of the da McCullough, carnival convenor senior memb-crs of the Oro ao 1-honda Tenuant, Beverley Tesi. Skating Club who took 'part and t 1 r~'r' the Pe- performed solos in the local car- te.-,borough club, and in front nival iast week-end. (I1 t r) Lyn- Craig Tennant. OrnSnria Four highland lassies in the a- bove picture took part in the pop- ular Scottish number at Orono Carnival. (1 to r) , Diane Boyd, Lynn Lowery, Nita Taisma who was s6loist with the Easter Par- United Countes Progress1 1Regional Report Relased 1Six major arguments favoring the retention of the Unted Counties of Northumberland and Durham as a regional goveru- ment, with the present boundar- les, have been assembied by tise Family rNight At Orono .Arenai This Friday evening tise Orono Amateur Athietic, Association is sponsoring a' famiiy night' at the Orono A rena. Tise night is spark-ý ed with hockey, skating and a cash door prîzeewhich couid be a sizeable amount as the ptize , is 50% of the admission take. Activities start at 6:30. p.m. when the Orono Tyke hockey élub play their mothers. Tise motisers for this game give up their position from the- spectator seats where they have been.cheer- leaderq and oft-time critîc-coach- es to join their sons on the ice oval. Foliowing this game the Or- ,ono Midgets and former Orono Orphans provide the, entertain, ment. Free skating_ will conclude the evening and activities at thse rink for the season. erac.antly, Pierre Beeckmans of. Municipal 'Planning Consultants Ltd. broke new ground by chai- lenging the idea that tbe only criterion for establishing a re- gion should be its ielatiouship to an urban area. "There is reason for concern tihat the loss of one portion of the United Counties could jeop- ardize the continued existence of the- remainder," he said. Bo'wmanviile, Darlington aud Cartwright contain 24 percent of tise Counties' population and as- sessmeant, and -,Clarke and New- casteliahâve a further eight per. -cent, lie pointed out. "Aithougis the loss of one or ail of these areas wouid reduce the rond costs iqpproxiinately propor- tionately, it is very questionabie that the administrative superstru- ture, and costs or -specialized ser- vice.s, provided, by a regionai schQ.ol board could be supported by a much, diminished area, un- less increased grants were lorth- coming?" ",Aiready, there, are signs that Vie ioss of the western fringe could resuit in a move by eastern fringe to secede. This couldý ieavt, the remainder of the Un- ited Counties with little more than haif thse present population." Counties' planning consultants. In a progress report reieased (continued on page 8) ade, -u an WV ý.,'Tracie Stutt ,Miss Stutt also soioed in thse Lep- rechaun number. NOW KNOWN AS THE GANARASKA . HURON An organization calied the Ganaraska - Huronia Traîl Asso- ciation is being formed to pro- vide a link between thse Ganar aska Trail in the east and tise Bruce Trajii in the west. <~combined trails wili ex- tend almost 50 miles for hikin7g. Shown above is tise Orono Tyke Ho ckey Club who have been en- joying hockey at the Orono rlnk çluring the winter'season. On Fr1- day eVening they took part in a local Tyke tournament and were The Orono Figure Skating Club presented their 24th,,annual skat- ing carnivai on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon before a good audience on both occasions. The theme of the carruval was "Hoiidays On Ice- when. every member of the Club took part in depicting one of our hoiidays. Hallowe'en saw the traditional creatures of that holiday on ice presenting their routine. Christ- mas invoived the bý,-,,iuer bKac- ers as the excited chiidren at Christmas time.,ilere we aiso were treated to the parade of the wooden soidiers, sugar pluns fair- les, snowmen, reindeer and San- fa'c hieipers. Miss- Merridy Wi- liaiam presented her solo as 'The Blue Faîry.' The Easter Parade in ail its colour was also presented on ice runners-up to the, championship. (back row i to r) Bobbie Myles, Ronnie 'Taisma, Ross Stutt, Tomi Gustar, M~r. Brid*ger,,coach, Mich- ael Mitchell,' Brian Schoenmaker, with Nita Talsma tàking tihe- feature role in a solo. Patti Lunu, as cupid, took a similar role in a ' Valentine nuimber which, like t'e ci,,r numbers, was most en, jo3îabý audff their holiday wvas represented in the show with the i'oP ce of a group of lepre-. ( i .. ho. were dressed in the tradit orai green Irish costumes, Tran tutt soioed lu this num- b2r. costufiing lu this pro- s 'as possibly the best int the show. Thse audience caught thse tempo of the music of thse ý cçtti,7! umber as Dianne Boyd, PTi nuVowe. y, Tracie Stutt and Susan West broughit their routine to the foi efront with a Scottish fiavour. The 24th of May holiday in- (Coutiuued page 3) Steven Clark. (front row) Wayne MeLean,' Danny Elliott, Gary, Bridger, Davîd Hutton, John West, Danny Mitchell and Pres-. ton Long. 1 \l-lý