THUSDAY, MARCH 2Gth, 1970 the means wherebyý Township could be vithout 'being annexed hawa region. the Ont ario County ,c Ontario Water Re- i lsin as recom- w ewage system betwcen, Oshawa and industry would lo- of IlighwaY 401, with ,Vices, and develop- of 401 should be re- large lots with septie Free Pizza beli'very JIN ORONO'and NEWCASTLE COME IN AND PAY US A VISIT j YOU WILL ÉNJOY OUR FOOI) Wlla C. HallB. Comm. CkrrdAcet. 'upply could be provid- eý Bowmanville system, 'ew waterworks halfway Oshawa and Bowman- ýh could bc operated as the Southe n Ontario ,;stem. This need flot 'wever, that, the area 1part of an Oshawa re- "ivernment, Mr. Beeck- 'aid. Counities' consultant added b-out amalgamations. ~sc ch group of municipali sdecides to proceed in the gÉht cf the financial statistics cýontaincid in the survey report, hýfî- i îýi I ' cofl3Ultants should be engaged to assist us in the detail- ed work of 'forecasting financial iresults of the proposais." An enriier report defined Hope Township, Port Hope, Hamilton, Township and Cobourg as a "group of municipalities."1 'rST/fFRIENOS LNO, jS/ÎÛIN NEWS FOR ' '1 The future of the eVel came with the comedy nt= î 1, 14 y Elaine Richards Nichois Ohawa. Rer antics were most thunderlrxg applause she Local' News Mrs. Mooney of Sudbury spent the weekend with lier daughter Mrs. C. S. McLaren.' Mrs. Ed Graham left by plane on Sunday for Portage La Prairie owing to the sudden death of lier brother-in-law, Mr. Laurie Sproul. A Newtonville School group entertained at Orono sehool as- sembly last -week and proved very entertaining., This same group will, be performing on Easter Monday at Newtonvýille's first Easter parade at 10 a.m. 11ev. Basil Long received word on, Sunday of the death of lis father Mr. William Archibald1 Long, in the- Civic Hospital, Pet- erborough. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr.j and -Mrs., Long and family. Mrs.. Donald Staples,, Sally, Paul, Jonathan and Jane, Mrs., E. Samuel, tLisa, Katherine and Ir- ene, Mrs. Mikios and two boys of Newcsatle and Miss Nancy For-j rester are skiing this week in Ver-I mont at Stowe. Messrs. E. Samuel> Donrjîd-Staples and Roy Forres- ter left for Vermont Wednesday morning.1 (Continued from page 1) pressed the audience as a large group of skaters with sparklers circled the darkened arena in a glare of light and later presented a prescribed routine. Commendable solos were skat- ed by Lynda McCullough, Ronda Tennant, Craig Tannant and Bey- Hamss'okedîb77c! iSpecialiy Seleéted RUMP or ROUND STEAK ROASIS '99c Fuflyi. Coôki uras mId Seasoned HAM SL'ICES .lb. 99c Sausagemeat Burns IL 59c Mild Seasoned - SKMNLM.s Canada Grade 'A' Evlscerated Fresh WIENERS turcs IL 651 TURKEYS 6 to 10 lb. B'EANS in -Tomate Sauce 4, 19tin89s FamousChîquita Brand Bannaus 2 lbs. 35c Bee RHive GColden CORN SYRUJP 2 IL .39 Pre-priced 7*. Stufda manifla 12 oz. Jar Club HNous. Olives 69c SAVE'1. - Pure Strawberr or Raspberry 9 oz. Jars E.-D. SMITH'S JAMS 39C Best Buy - Save Ilc. - OASTED, lb. bag Maxwell House Coffee 88C Reg. $1M5 -14c OFF PAM 6 oz. jar NESCAFE-:INS TANT COFFEE $1.19 Deu'It Be Wltheunt COTTAGE CIIEESE SOUR CREAMi DUTTERMILK j - - IAVAILABL1E AT OJUR MARKET I. ORNSH' REW&ITE We reserve Uic right te Il"mituantitie Phone 981-5201, Orono, Ont. mbher mated kere- T.Ge4hud WhiterOCk Estates, the land developinent Company active in this eomxty and ln, the Peterbor- Ot*gh ares, Wil! be Permitted te Continue to se!! lots if they meet five conditions laid down by the Ontario government. If the Conditions are neot met purchasers will have the choice of another lot or their money back, Hon. Bert Lawrence, the re- cently appointed minister of gov- ernment, financial and commer. cial affairs, told the legislature last week. The conditions are: -Roads allowlng adequate ac- cess te lots are ta be avalable; -Lots are taelie suitable for servicing by septie tank and wat- er available at a reasonable depth; -Lots sold are, in. fact ta be available and to be properly iden- tified; -Building perniits and elect- ricity are to be available. Mr. Lawrence said that 'these requirements are "a reasonable, if minimal, basis, for a -fair, deaL' "I made it clear to Whiterock that 1 expect Whliterock to meet these minimal requirements, and have received assurances that these requirements wiII be met," the minister said. Whiterock records were seized last November for the investiga. tion. PAST GRANDS CLUB 62 On Tuesday evening, 'Mardi 17 Past Noble Grands Club met at the home of Sister. Irene Murray, when ten members sat down to a delicious supper by hostess sts- tcrs Olive, Doreen, Iretie. and Betty. A very short meeting foil. iowed after supper presided over by Sister Gamsby. Our next meeting is to bi e ld at Sister Milisons,calsoü a supper meeting. A mlotion was made W hold a Tulip Tea and penny sale around the end of May,, further pkIPeing at Our ne xt meeting. Sister Gamsby moved a hearty ttiaîki to Sister Murray for the use of her home and her haýpers. The Baster Bumw b as vIsited our store and lbt a sélection, of E&TE GGS, UNE CICKENS anmi BASKET au mly for ater mr be M.ede Albort's Texac. COIEAL 1PA1D WhyPay More DX FUEL Oit Ph.,, 668-3341 -CoUlect' ON DX PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL CALL US TODAY For Prompt, Courteous Servie