ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUIR The Cost. 0f Iappiness, IT WAS A GREAT I FOR THE IRISH AT LEGION DANCF Scripture Lesson Luke 9: 51-62. Jesus set lus face to go to Jer- usalem b2cause H1e was ready to pay the price of happiness. "Who for the joy that was set be- fore Him, endured the cross, de%- pising the shame and s eated at the riglit hand of the th-rone of The degrce of happiness pos- agony of the world not touch voit? If Plot then l'in afraid you are flot living. Those who mourn for the suffcrings of others, those w'to bear one another's burdens and thus fulfili the law of Christ, e".pose themselves to pain, for the more they love the more they suffer. But they also find healing titrougli their effort to heal the hurts of others. sble of .eing cxperienced is Jesus the ultimate in under- closely related to the degree of standing and sympathy faced the development within one. The vibrations of life with a power more highly developed the person and strength that draws us to the more sensitive hie is to ex- Ilim. Jesus prayed in agony in quisite joy and also the more lte Garden. Then in a littie while sensitive to sorrow or pain. H1e stood composed and serene before Pilate who was going to sentence Him to death. What is We often Mlake the mistake the secret of His composure? To when thinking of Jesus that be- say "11e was the Son of God, coin- cause we sav H1e is divine, there- posure came automaticallly" is to fore 11e lida resistanez to sîîf- deny His humanity, to deny that fering that we would not have. H-e suffered as we suffer. Jesus Jeslis was more fully human than was more sensitive to life than we are. Caught Up in the Foul xve are. H1e had an, area within shiaking events of the last few riim where H1e was at rest or an-' days and hours of His life, il cored to God. That area remains *would hurt to part with friends, the source of powerý because He to be denied and rejected. There kept His soul sensitive to the would b"ý physical torture and promptings of God. If we are to real agony of soul and mind. Sur-, gain this power or obtain the ely Jesus suffered these things ini higher happiness, it must be a greater degree than is possible through the development of our even for us if we were in lis senses in relationship to God and place. 1lis promntings. The 1f e which is centered ln Christ becomes re- Likre tliose h.o followed Jesus sponsive to the higher values. But we find ou!rselves amazed and the. hie that is centered in self- somnewhaIt frightened by the (led- ishness grows duller and duller. icationof Jeqs"' ife and the Jesus was tuned to God. If we are steadfastncssý of , is purpose. sensitively 'tuned to Christ, the There, was one am and pprpose. world may b)e.,lamouring ail a- These a .re Hlis words, "The Son round us but we will bhe able to of mati camneto seek and to save somehow draw aâide for a quiet - tat whch as]4o. jarj, im ofhitenring of e.xperilencing 'À h± ht myht y. lfe4firner things, they miglit have, it miore- un-.'3 v ~ h ui~l e'V ThèHarkné6ss- TÔMer of Yale purp.is~ ~~re 'hi1dI .kon1y1 ùi4vi is--of:ý-'31q'hiEe -grPCC * r-od -~ r9iç1~.W.~Utecros. r' td -eat»1 ihér64j-' sfie Slone Y,:tîe ýdeeti'-1p#it cfffre - * sorrowV and pai e 'a s t o rock on which the teW san- kny, ~ ~ api Is1e and it is set there to be a visiloil. musnai ofee h rat. aoy wtniess of fthe invisible _,founiîi'7 Ralpbt : 1So11CImn sast;i i "The nr lpdtheftVv- ' tie heis are not seen are eternal - - utIle buthas ý es ittS so.rrows bithey aýc-iièiýted in rpp t » , quicklffraised ah,'m 0 iftn ot ho has ean soon su1.3pfded. But evky in- paid the prie and found a higher, creas3ýe" qi _!týztoenjoyM high- l, pns -~- ~ er va1uées carHes wîth it gr-_wl.ng ~ *4y'* - -keapa&cty toQ jfe~ 9LcuS e know thatTÎhe ear,.that-.ls&_most à- Whie >'an U.,ha. e~ Ato harmony is aso iuost h th&sù, hý discord. 9T1e !nïs,éexce which. is most responsive to goodness is Steadfi aikd'sure hl O iuost shoc-ked ýby ýthe evils around -billows roîl it. Love, the most beautiful thing . - ïii hfe carried ià"i ifs nature the. Fasteneds to the-rocbk 'which poàsibiïties of the most.,exquis- cno oe iié torture, somnetimes burning with desire, -sQmretimes aching .Gone imaddepl h with taxiety, sominesf -îg Saviour's love?" with despair." The Stoies, trying -to avoid painm and. discomfort ýýaid,' "Don't love y6ur, wife or child or'ý .' anything too .hiuch then otu will not be bowled over 1by thýeir loss.'.' But Is tliat living? if ve. would be sens- itive to the iiig her happiness,- theni we m~ust rt 'alize that we will...,- be' qeýsitve , to 4ife's tragedies. Àre- you, hurt Iby life? Dioes the. Jesus is the rock. If we would build successfully .w%?e:need to build on that rock. and throuigh Hlm 'bc se»sitively' tuned- 'to the promptings -of God. When we finçi the higher, happiness we will ýrealize that the pathWay.to hap- pines lies through the valley of self sacrifice .anid,--sometinlevs agony. ,, who WoüT ,d avoid the sacrifice. andf miss the g -mater? ENDO0F THL F-AM1LY NIG T' 6.3 Oono ykes vs _Tyke Mohei 7J0 ronýé MI4 e#S, V&OrOo. Wh s ýee thé i l~r a n %-éti" ~g.in ~~P~Ie - 5Receipts ~~ONO ARP-ENA:;. ADMqISSION- ADULTS 50c. PULCSIO Z 5c. SPONSORED'BY-THE ORONO AMATEUR 'ATH LE f C ASSOCIATION "I aim to make 1970 another Chamnpionship year 7but'- Imstilicvrn y costs, with .ýcrop.insu rance." Harvey Knox 1968 Wodld Barley Champion, R.R 1, Glenburnie , Crop inisgran7ce pro tects Yomu against the hazards Of a hbad year- the weatker, plant disease and insects. Farming is a risky business. Crop pro- duction costs increase steadily, year by year. ln contrast, crop yields vary - depending largely on unpredictable natural hazards which you cah't control. But now you can -protect your investmenc in seed, fertilizer, sprays, etc. - with crop insurance. Crop insurance guarantees your production -so yOU can cover your costs. Rates are Iowv - Federal'and Provincial Government paricipation means you buy this comprehensive coverage fo'? less than haif the cost. #No-dlaim discounts' - can reduce, premiums by as much as 25%. Premniumns are deductible - At tax lime, your crop insurance premiums can be listed as deductible expenses. For peace of mind - find out howcrop insurance can benefit you. Talk to your local agent - he's listed below APPLICATION DEADLINE MAY lst (SOYBEANS AND WHITE BEANS JUNE lst) ENUMAERATORS REQUIRED APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR "THE POSITION 0F ENUÙMERATOR WITH THE REGIONAL ASSESSMENT OFFICE for the United.Counties of Northumberland and Durham ENUMERATORS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL MUNICIPALITIES IN DURIIAM COUNTY Term of Employment. Approximately three weeks. Applicant must supply own transportation. Previous experience as Enumerator an asset. Applications to be forwarded ini own handwriting not later than April lst. TO: R. W. GOODY, M.I.M.A.; Manager of Assessment Services, Regional Assessment Office, 860 William Street, Cobourg, Ontario Gosh and Begorý rick's Day" has conr' once again with the Iý us how to really cr. day. Amid shamrocks,, ves and of course" wearers of green selves immensely. The guests althoug number enjoyed- a vý; atmosphere throuï course of the eveniný, During the dancir gifts were won by ùt, lst Spot' dance picý,, Carter, -won by Mrs. Peterborough, $5.00 cate donated by 0fr Wear, Bowmanville; Haynes, Bowmanville, ses. 2nd Spot Dance pick( Whitney, won by Mir. Doug Pingle, $3.00 gift by Lloyd Ellis, Note Jo 'ated by Fred Kramp's. 3rd Spot Dance picked