Orono Public Library, Jan 10, 1969 Orono VOLUME 34, NUMBER 14 WeekIy Times ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1970 Two Millbrook Teenagersi Difrence Is Dier I Au moieFantastic Two Millbrook teenagers died n a parkcd caron a lonely rural road, one mile west of the vill- age of Fraserville Monday after- noon. Police identifiecl the couple as Conrad A. Challice, 19 of Huston Street, Millbrook and Brenda Ann Corfe, 18, of RR 1, Fraser-, ville. Dr. J. W. Wright, attendine coroner, said death was due to carbon monoxide poisoning. A police spokesman said the two bodies were found slumped in a front seat of the car around 1.20 p.m., by a group of young people who stopped their car to investigate after they had p)assed the parked car twice. The Young people said'tbW' en- gine of the parked vehicle was stili running. lnvestigating constable J. D. Coe said lie had no idea howv long the ýcar 'had been parked. He would only speculate that it had been stationery for several hours. It was parked wîthin vîew of any passer-by. It is believed that the ous gas ieaked into the interior of t he car through a rust hole in the trunk. osport Applies.Fr B-a Mi'sport Park Ltd., on Mardi 25th înstructed its solicitors to make application to the Supreme Court of Ontario for a declaratory judgemcnt regarding tic applica- tion of the Township of Clarke bylaws to its lands. The controversial bylaw ap- 'Proved by thc Ontario Municipal Boar4 on the 9th day of Mardi, 1970 caused suspension of plans for the Peace Festival scheduled for July 3, 4 and 5 at Mosport ]Park. The Mosport area, originally ,unzoned, *as zoncd as parkland, to be used for public entertain- -inènts and recrcational in 1968 mehb as miotor racing. The recent bylaw enaeted by the township, of Clarkc ini December 196 and ap- provcol by Ontario Municipal Board on March 91- 1970. Inter- pretation which secs the Pcace-* Festival form of, public enter- tainment banned seriously af- fects future development in tie .Mosport area. Thc million dollar Peace Fést- Ïval project like other Mosport ente xtainment events would be ýanother source of tourist reven- ue to the Province of Ontario in general, and the Clarke Township area wierc Mosport is located in particular. Mosport officiais have suspend-g ed serious plans for otier areas' of public entertainmeiit pending i tic requested declaratory judge-1 ment. Conservation Topic At Horticulture "Conservation" was tic sub- subject of a short talk gîven by Mr. Win. Bunting of the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests, at tic Horticuitural meeting on Mardi 26th. Mrs. 0. Chailice introduceed Mr. Bunting who spoke bricfly prior to sbowing two films. He said "Conservation is tic wise use of ouiý natural resources." These re- sources are divided into tire -groups: 1 - things statk - as thce surface- of the sea and land- wbich can't be changed. -- 2 - non-renewal. such as coal. gold, gas, oil. Some of these may be re-used but-,soe -day v-11 come to an end. 3 - renewable règlourcs - air,ý water, plants, animais, land. He spoke of tie pollution of the air and watcr. In some in- stances where efforts have been made to control the pollution, a saleable by-product bas been de vclopcd, sulpburic acîd being one xnentioned. Advances have been m"',-' thc quantity and quality of plants whicb covers food and ,fibre (fnr- cstry). Corn use to bave 40-50 kernels to a cob wbcras now one cob may have 1,000 kernels. When trees are cut down many more arc bcing planted to take their place. Domestic animais have been W. I. Thomas told members of the Counties' Council on Wednes- day of last week that the varia- Heath er Lodge The Regular meeting of Hah er liebekati Lodge No. 334 was held Tuesday, Mardi 24. This meeting was to celebrate the 23rd year Of Heather. P~ree rnembers wcre preserîted with, their 20 year pin from the Lodge, Sister Doris Wannan, Sister Wirn nifred Youngman and Sister Ber- nice Stark, The pins were pre- se îted bV Sistüer Betty I Past District Deputy and ýSister lia Martin,. Past Noble Grand. tion in the remuneration of thc Just one officer was repoî tea reeves, deputy-reeves and coun- absent and there was anexli S cillors over thc United Counties c nt turm out of members. Tice was fantastie. Viere representatives from Osh- awro0wman1vilîe, Port Hope and "Don't forget," lie said, "we Port Pcry tic other five lodges B are in the day of the incrcasing tsDirc. 1 work load, and 1 feci the pay Brottierr Art Youngrnan, Dist- should be the saine for each PO- t eut radWadnwas sition across the' United Count- introduccd by Brother Clame ies." Ma-tini and was welconied by tic N.G. Sister Hazel Stapleton. Under Commu11îcatiOj1 j there f He said at the present time the wcre severai Bîrthday Greeting pay scale varies from a high of Cards read aiso an invitation $1,800 to a low of $350. from Oshawa No. 3 Lodge to at- tend their 89th Birthday Party on the evening of April 22nd at 8 p.m. Also there was a notice of an Eastern al' hc sone ~IUUIIU~vemýy interesting, wich is to bce held at,Blleville on April '25th, 1970. vastly improved so that produc- Tic Degree was exemipiified in tion is higlier and quality better. a very beautiful and' dignifieci Game laws protcct tic wild -life manner under the leadership of animais when they are raising the Degmee Captain Sister Mac their young, and limits the num- Allen, Past District Deputy Pres- ber that can be taken. If they bc- ident. Thrce new miembers were corne too plentiful more have to admitted, Sister Joyce Major be kilied off according to the Sister Marilyn Major and Sîster food provision there is for them. Violet Sutcliffc. We should not destroy the Sister Violet Dunlop was nom- habitat of hirds and animais inatcd as Seliolar and Sister Jean which miglit become cxtinct. The Lewis as Represenative to attend. ,Cardinal is a song bird and is Rebekali Asscmbly, June 15, 16 protected. and 17. Today good agricultural land Sisters Betty Major and Irene is bing sed or ndusrialand Murray are to be the District Rep- residential projects. in the past rnttiayGorctetings w ere cx sandy soil wa- cb'sred of trees itdyGeins wr ex uselss.Ourrefretraion. po- 3rother Youngman during bis grsssarrlefortrtion pro- shiort talk told the new Memibers lems o a-re alatin his,, ob-toattend meetings regularly as lem o a çTcat xte~tany mnember gets out of it ju-t as The fii"Yours is thc Land" much as they put into it. After a showed nm'ny or these problcms. few messages from the various The secon' film "Beaver Valley" Noble Grands, lodge was closcd shûwed ,theé beaver at work build- and a delicious birthday repagt ing bis lic ne and laving in lis wa.s served in the banquet hall by winter eood supply. We ai"'- - Sister Violet Dunlop and lier very the salmron fighting ticir way up capable committee. stream to the spawning- grounds many beîng killed in their at -________________ tempts to jump Up over the rocks. Mrs. Cliallice tlianked Mr. years. Both recipients cxpresscd Bunting antd pesented hlm with their thanks. a token of appreciation. President Mrs. E. Couvier an- Mrs. Carl Billings surprispid nounced thc Green Elephant sýVe Kay Chapman whlen she presented for the April 23 meeting. lier with a lovely "T.riliium" cup If anvone has extra ra n and saucer. Mrs. E. Couvier sur- slip7, they could :t'imt 1 prised Pa-t Presîdent O. ('lallice would lbc anumreciafe'1 for < - with a gîf t for lis work in past ticultural flower brd7 ORONO MIDGETS END HIOCKEY IN FINE STYLE ùînîo ividgets took part in an, ei> .,iztatioia five-team tournament lui irwood on Satrd, g-rl c.ihome. with tF 'n- " tropliy inateir first gaine tiey defeat- W/arsaw five to tbiree: Ha itîngs for tie championship, seven to t-wo. Althou5eh -t Jed, -' withôut ticir ca-tain Randy Tennant. whio is in -nit i., the boys playcd one of f0'pir W e - hOf tl Goals were scored by:< Ken Coxnr( 2, N ico -1 I ri- e 1 Gxood Crowd Attends Athietie Family Night Thc Orono Amateur Athlctic Association held a successful, famîly night'at the Orono Arena on Fiday evening of last week. The evening was planned with two hockey games with' nublie skating concluding tice yvfljfl<, Both hockey teams. provided much entertainment of one na- ture or another. Tic Orono Tyke hockey club waged a battie .with their moti- ers as opposition. Boti tic snec- tators and players enjoyed the kame and tic antics on the ice as tic -motiers endeavoured to keep pace with their Young sons. Tic second game of the niglit was between a souped-up' Orono Midget Club and a club of former Orono Orpians. Age succumbed to youth in tuis feature witli tic Mldgets takinga 9M win.- Steven West paced the Midgets with tliree goals. Bill Robinson netted two behind the Orphan goalie, Bud Ilooper with single counters going to Blain "f- Dean Cox, Douglas Taylor and' Robin Winter. Dean West and Junior West counted two goals apicce for the Orpians. Eric Carleton and How- ard Quinney completed the Or- plian's scorîng. Thc Midgets supported by some sound goal tending by Don- nie Allen, outscored tic Orpians 3-1 in tie first period and 2-1 ini tic second peiod.' In tic third period both clubs scored four goals apiece. Members of tic Orpian cluib were Bud Hooper, Don Mercer, Junior West, Dean West, Raye West, John Sictier, Ciuck Hut ton, Carl Flintoff, Gary Cooper, Pflhil Long, Eric Carleton, Hoc- ard Quinney and Carman Cornish ,Tic door prize of haîf the gate receîpts for the nigit was won by Mrs. Junior West in an amount of $5500. THlE ORONO COTTON BELLES bave been ]earning 'thc a t <nf .During tic past igit wceks a dress niaking and iad as lt"ýir small group of girls from tic projeet "Separates For Summer." area have been taking part ili a The course was complcted on 4-H Homemaking Club, at tiiMonday evcnîng wlicn tic girls home of Mrs. William Tamblyn. modelled their womk boforei Instructions for tic group has mothers and friends. This <'yen- been giveni by Mrs. Wm. Tamblyn ing was hcld at tic home of Mrs. and Miss Karen Stec. Thc group Tamblyn. The choice of attire was quite varieci and colour-ful. Their excellent work receivcd most fav- ourab]e comments from tiose present. Lunch was scrvcd. Tiose taking part were (1. to r.) Helen Cartwright, Dianne Bar- nett, Ruth Chater, Carole Barnett Dale Evans, Lorraine Thertell, JoYce Wcrr.y and Ruth Blodeett. ....... . ... Pence- Festival Site London Now? Tie muci talked about Cana- dian licace festival, first announc- cd by Beatle John Lennon at a news confemence last December, may, onuce again, have found a home. John Broôwcr, pr- Ide t of Kar- ma P'7roductions Ltd., promoting the festival planned for July 3-5, s ici agi ement may be near for a ste near Parkhill, a town of a- bou~t 1,100 about 35 miles nortb- wvct of London, Ont. 'Jfi he.,etival, calird tic Toronto Pcace Festival Yeam One AP Af- ter' P ace, oignaily was scicd- uleci to take place at kfosport in, Clarmke Township. Bi 'ower, in an interview, said an announcement wil be mnade in the next 10 days as to tic cx- ac t location of the festival site andi "Pa-khilîl seemý, to be the strongest consideration. Parkhill MayorAdrian Ansems, ai o interviewed, said lhe favors i dýdîng the f estival at a farm site ini adjoining MIcGilivra y Townsiip, for whîlc "tiiere are goïrg to be problems -- the bene- fits are, greater." Reeve George Dixon of Me- Giilivray Township. said lie fecis triac '%lie -magnitue ol it is much. too large for this area." lrower and Mvayor âinsemà con- fîî méd there liad beeni some dis- cuâ,îon of a $50,000 contribution by tic fcstival's Promoters to~- ward cSntruction of 'a proposcd, $130,000 ice arena in Parkhill. Browcr said tic offer was made "as a token on good faith." Ontario government stipulations tiat the organizers pay> al cx- Penses, including policing, mcdi- cal services and garbage disposai, had raised, the estimated cost ut organizing tic festival to more thaÂ,l $--,000,OOo,.Brower said.'