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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1970, p. 1

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0 w. Orono 'VOLUME 34, NUMBER 15, 'Weekly qFTimes ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSIDAY, APRIL 9th, 1970 ()Ono Publie Llbrary Jan 10, 1969 Celebra.tes Fiftieth Amniversory Township uys Judge R. B. Baxter lias again deferred a decision in the case against- a Toronto company, which used an abandoned gravel pit in Newtonviile to store the decom- posed bodies of dead animais.1 The ceompany, Gordon Yzoung Ltd., was charged by the Victoria- Haliburton Pine Ridge Health Unit, under the Offensive Trade Section of the Public Healih Act. Judge Baxter heard the case on January 27 and withheld decision~ until February 17 when lie agai.n reserved a decision until sorne time in Mardi. .He stated at Bowma nville pro- vincial court tliat he Wou](d land down a decision on May 5. Meanwhile reports are tha.t the eompany is stili dumpin, the de- composed bodies of animais in large metal vats at the gravelpit and the residents of the area are won dering wlien tlie Judge is go- ing to make up lis mind. Mrs. Keith Gray, tlie nearcst resident to the dumping site, said recently that the trucks stop- ped dumping the bodies during thc winter months because the vats were frozen, but tliey start- ed again when the first signs of the thaw, set in. "Truck loads of dead bodies of animais are stili bein'g hrought in two or three times a week. In facta week neyer goes by wîtb- out the trucks bringing in a load," she said. Mrs. Gray and the other -resi- dents of the area are worried a- 'bout possible heati liazards now tbat the warmer weather is con_,- ing: "By M ay , withthe iié in temperaitures, the place, will start smelling again," she said. The. Gray's in particular are -worried because they -are trying to seil ticir liouse and, they feel' that its nearness to the diumping site could hamper a sale. At the heaning in Bowmanville in January the Grays and otlicr residents told the court of !,he deplorable odour emnitting froin the dump Iast summer. Évidence was given hy ýDr. ýCharlotte Horner, Medical Offic- er of 1ealti and J. D. Fsnlayson, dir ector of Public HealthI Servic- es, wio inspected thc dumping site last summer. EduatonTV On C lb 1-Kano, a Cobourg higli ý-hool toucher, says thc proposcd ëducatio'n teýlevision station f o, ï-ii' nsiDurliar eould be OI' JY Y b anuary l1, 1971. ,igY'm at a meeting of, tic Port bHope Kiwanis Club Tliursday -it Ir. Kanc, one of the or- gem-r- of the nroposed Channel 15, said'the local county board of ectucation had set.up acommittcc to study tie sc1îeme. 4'R ai takin' more time than 1 would lîke; but you can't be impatient and can't e'cpect> the board of education to gîve an in- stant answeî-," he said. He cxpiaincd that tic initial capital for. the station was being provided by tlie Great Pine Ridg-e Television Association, whicli xas a group of inturested citizens from service clubs, industry, bus- mness and varlous otier sections of the community. TheFçe people had pledged to iend*their supportto' the propos- cd1 statfion, either fînancialiv, or by vluneçrng heir scrvicesý '1ree- or by roviding equipmîcn1t. "We have been given nc- tions that the federal goverrnment xiii grant us a licence" hle said. The 'c Departmént of Education was alFo interested in the projpct. Mr. Kane said 1h'ý_ Americans werc giving Canada most of its nocrmal telev~i si on programmin g and n'ow vere trying to Igive cd- nention televi,ion. Three large tran'-mitters; one in Buffalo, o. j i-- Rocheste'r and the other ln Syracuse ai-e boaming programs into the lbving rooms of people in Nortliomb'enland and Durhiam. Clarke Tow~nship Counril on Tuesday received approval from the Departnieit of Highways for the purchase-of a new Diesel grader at a cc ,t of $30,995.00 less a trade-in allowance bringing the total cost pricc to $20,994.75. Couneil aNco accepted tenders for road surface treatment, grav- ei, snow fence and other items. By resolution the Township gave their approval to a Farm UJn- ion hrief which asked- for the ex- emption of farm land assessment for' educational tax or faiiing this that further financial 'assistance lie obtained1 from theProvince. Council Pa,, md a resolution in which Dyih Saving Time will corne intoL effect on April 26th, 1970. -Counicil gave approval to supply coverails for ail road department' employees and incre-ased, salaries of the road Pmp , rintenàent, Mr. Ross, by $5000O0 per annum, the cierk, Mr.. H. DcWitli by $50000 p-,, an numn, 1Mr. Best by,$260.00 r.r- annum, Mrs. Dorothy Stark -$ 126.00 'and Mrs. McGill by $200.00. A potition from residents in the area of lot 18, concession 2, Clarke Township, complaining a-. bout water laying in ditches in this area was referred to the Road Superintendent. The peti- tion stated that the water-fiiied ditches was a hazard to chldre. A request on behlaf of Mr., Bela Panta for an improved en- trance to his property in the area of the C.N. and C.P. rail crossîng was referred to the Road Superin- tendent and finance committee. A letter 5rorn the, -South Have, Nursir' , Home in Newcaýle in- formfed (,'ottncil of their new rate structure, of $1050 per day which h~ir been încreased from $9.50 a day. Passes ,Test Congratulations to Miss Bar- bara Ann 'Gustar, Orono, me mber of the Oshawa Figure Skating Club, who tried tests on April 2 and passed the 2nd figure and tixo silver dances: The American .Waltz and Rocker Foxtrot. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morgan_ Oronlo recently cclebrated theïr 50fih wedding anniversary at a reception. for frieîîds and -relut- ives, lield at the home of- their youngest daughter and son-n- law, Mr. und- Mrs. Jack Ba-irstow, Division St., OrOro.ý Mr. Percy Francis Morgan and the former Jean Matilda Tysick were married in Perth by Rev- erend D'Arcy Clayton, April '7, 1920. SMr. and Mrs. Morean have two daughters, Velma (Mrs. Donald Myles) of Bowmanville, Doreen (Mrs. Jack Bairstow) of Orono and a son Roy at home. They al- Quarter-Horse Planning for the 1970 edition' of ticDe la Central Agnîcul- tural Fair in Orono is progressing and plans arc already finalizcd for a numben of popular events wiici have been attractions at the fair in recent years. Friday cvcning's cntcrtainmcnt will again be harncss racing in- ciuding tic Jack Reid Memoriai race. Plans are also undcrway to re-rmn the rodeo ehiow of la-t ycar on tic Tiursday evcning but tiese plans have yct to bce finalized. Saturdav c-veninct's pro- grain has yet to lie decided but some consideration is being given for something which could ap- peal le thc younger set. It i., repoî-ted that the nepular uutc-Horse Slow and compe- tition xxili returu ugain this year. T ad~ vear thisshw was one of the largc'-t evor held hy the Quar-ter Horse As-sociation and 'vs a rIOxt DnnIfi- evet tfor those visiting the fuir on Frîday utternoon. '-o. have 'four grandaugliters. The réception honouning Mr. and Mrs. Mognwas giv,n by their daugli- tors. Mr: Alex Carruthers presented the couple with a Plaque from Premier the Hon. John Robartsý Congrdtulatory tclegrams, werGe received from the Rt. Hon. Roi. and Mitchener, the Prime Minis- er of Canada, the Rt. Hon. Pierre ElotTrudeau, Russell Honey, MV.P. -and Alex Carruthers M.P.P,. The couple aiso received many- gifts, flowres and cards. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan wcrc very successful farmers for 44 years before their retirement in 1964.' ATTEND SUPREME COURT 'HEARING tended Wednesday morning the hc1aring of the Supreme Court of Ontario whcre an applicationr submitted by Mosport Park Ltd, was to be heard. Mosport are asking f or a dec- laratory judgcment reg arding the application of the Township of Clarke zoning by-laws to its lands. It appears' that Mosport is seeking a iudgement, from the Supreme Court of Ontario to ai- low evonts other than motor car racing. They have stated tiat the present bY-law is too restrictive. Since the passing of the Clarke Township zoning by-iaw the pro- motion of the proposed- Peace Festival wiich was slated for Moport have licen sceking anoth- or centre for tic Festival. Under tie conditions of tie existing by- law the Peace Festival cannot leg- aily lie held at Mosport. Members of Council WilI cer- tainly be interestcd in the' decis- ion to lie handed down by the Supreme Court of Ontario. Durham Agricultural Society Holds Annual Banquet Mrs. M. J.- Tamblyn, (left) of O~aaand formerly of Orono is. shown above receivingc an A- ward of Menit presented by Mrs. Carl Billings, (right) on, behaîf of thc Durham Centrai Agricul- luràl' Society. Tic presentation of tic award and fiowers was made on Friday çveiîing of last weck. The award is gîven in ne- cognition for work with -tic Agni- cultural Socicty, and in agricul- Members of the Durham Cen- 7 ~tral Agricuiturýal Society met to- gether Friday evonîng for their annual banquet which tuis year was held in St. George's Parisi Hall, Newca-stle, Eîglity five wero present on this annuai occasion to enjoy a social outing and enter- - tainment. The banquet was cater- cd to by the ladies of the Angli- - can Churci Women. Dr. John Melntyre of Uxbridgc showcd pictures and spoke on varions aspects in, India. These, centrcd around big-game liunting, which> lie is most intercsted in and alsosubjects rclating to thc turc in general. During the pre- weif arc of the people in India. sentutio 'n both ladies rcferred to -His subjecet and pictures wcrc mci ncrable occasions in conn ec- Most, inte resting. tio , witi tic Durham Central Furtier entertainmcnt was pro- f au. vided by a group headed by Miss Photo Canadian Statesman Patsy Blake wlio displayed baton twirling as weil as tap dance nu mbens The local society most gracions- ]y lionoured one of their mcmi- h ,rs, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, with the Presentation of an "Award of Menit". This covetcd award is prcsented iu recognition not only for MVrs. Ta-mblyni's work witi thc Socety but uEso for leadership and interest in agriculture in gen- eral. Mrs. Billings in making tic presentation referred to Mrs. Tamrblyn's interost in the Holstein Fniesian Association as well as in tic showing of horses. Mrs. Tamblyn 'las been convenor for the Domestie Science dcpartment at tic Orono fair a good number of ycars. Sic was prcsentcd witi flowcrs along with thc award of merit. -- -- - ~- -- ----------......... No Yet Grader

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