ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,_TUWRDAY, APRIIJ 9th, 1970 kendal News The -minutes were read -by Mis C. Stewart. It was agreedý to pur- ,dhase a $2.50 blanket for over- seas relief. Three members vol- unteered to make birth'day cakes for the centennial, The offering was $10.70.- The meeting closed with the hymn, "My faitli looks Up to Tliee". Lunch was served by Mrs. J. Stapleton. The next meeting will be Wednesday evening, May 6 at the home of Mrs. Keith Wood. The; RLIGHT-WEIG-HT chain saw wit more powver to getth job done! The Pioneer 2200 saws are the ideal Ilghtwelghti. The New single ring big power piston combined wlth Pioneer' ligtilweight guide bar and %I pltch chain give yo - % faster cuttlng., The 2270 model bât ail weather automftic oiting for longer bar and chain lite. Ask yow~d.ealer todayt THE PIONEER 2200 SERIES RoIph Hardware Ltd. Na nStroe CHAIN SAWS .Oroe, Ontario. Glad 'to see more at church. and in the choir. Vht choir seng, 'Jesu.s Keep MIe Near the Cross' and, Rev. Snelgrove told the children the story, "Jimmy made lihe Sunshine,." Some from Kendal attended the folk festival in Port Hope United Churcli, put on by Richi- mond Hill, Sunday evening. Mrs. Geo. Langstaff lias moved into the' house formerly owned by Mr. Frank Miller who lias moved to B elleville. Several of the Kendal people nttended the funeral of Miss Selena Therteil on Saturday, Ap- ril 4tli from theý Morris Funerai Parlours in Bowmanville. Selena spent al lier life in the Kendal area. She was, predeceased by lier two brothers Walter and Norman. She has been infailing health for several yearsý spent in' Sunset Lodge and the Bowmanville Hos- pit. On April 3rd- the United -Churcli Women met at tlie home of Mrs. Wm. ,boy wiith eleven members present. Mrs. T., Stev- ens opened the meeting -with praycr. Theni the ladies sang "There is an green hli far away." Mrs. J. Cars.,cadden read the scrip- ture, Mark 11, verses 1'19. Mrs. Stevens gave a fine commcnitary on this passage. Mrs. G. Cathcart gave the topic 'The Pliglit of Canada's Indians.' HANK'SIAK, ERY and -Snack Bar Ph.fte E.O .1 U..Canada No. 1 - ICEBERG Large Size 24 LETTUCE large size 2 for 39e Controlled Atmosphere HEAPING 6 QUART -- McI-NTOSR APPLES 89e Frozen Omar Fancy GREEN- PEAS 2 lb. bag 49c BEST BUY- - Pre-prîced 89c. ORANGE CRYSTALS TANG 4 to4poly pack 77c BEST 1BUY!,- GRANULATED Redpath S 'ugar 10 lb. 99C BEST BUY! - Save 10c.- Creamed, pure white clover Billy, Bee Hone'y 2 lb. 69c BEST BUY! - Save 4c. - Regular SARAJLN WRAP 50 et. 79c. VALUE - Pre-priced 69c. - -TEA DACGS Specially Selected - Value C'hecked -T ' LOI N'O SCHNEIDERS - FAMOUS Red Hots Wieners 63c, MILD CURED - RINDLESS Schneiders Bacon lb. 89C Meat and Chicken Loaf, Duteli Loaf, Pickle and Pimento Loaf, ileadeheese, Pork Loaf with Dressing, Bologna, Macaroni and Cheese, Luncheon Loaf. 6 oz. pkgs. Your choice IITE 1we reserve the right te limit quantities Phone 983-5201, Orono, ont, 55e PALM GREE. 100 to pkg. She told of visiting the -Anglican residentiai scliooi at Sioux Look- out in 1938. It overlooked a beau- tiful ilake. -There was a herd of twenty Ayrshire cows in the pas- ture field. They liad. just liarvest ed an abundant crop of potatoes. There were four teachers1 and Il. pupils. The pupils, stayed at the scliool ten months of the year., Now however most of the resi- dential scliools, have been turncd into day sehools and the pupils live at home travelling by, busin suramer and bombadier in winter toschool. This- means that 'the ifat4her, must ýgo off alone for long periods to, trap or fisi. 1He ai o must ,care for the furs hlm- self which used to be women's work. Mrs. H., Foster read the st'ory of the Indian Carver on thc Pac- ific Coast wlio was forced to 1mo ve witli lis family of twelve children to a one bedroom apartment in Port Alberni wlien the salmon be- came scarce. Many of the Indîans wlio have become 'nurses, doctors and teacli- ers owe their successm to the mis- sions. The late Rev. Dr. Peter Kelly the pilot of the Thomas Crosby on the Pacific Coast for sixteen years was chosen President of the United Churcli of British Columbia. H1e was, a Haida Indian. Mr. Alton Bigwin B.A., B.E. of Aldervilie, Ontario was Principal of the Wm. Miller schooi of Scarborougli witli 1,1,05 students. Now lie is principal in Baden- Baden, Germany ofan 850- pupil school with 42 teadliers. 11e is on leave of absence and serves un- 'der the Dept. of National De- fance. One of the ,pressing problems in isolated regions 15 unemploy- ment. On the reserve at Wiart- on the chief and 3 women went each week end in the summer of, 1965 to learn siik sereen print- ing fromn an Oakvilie couple. Then they were able to make their own designs. These are put on fui-niture, draperies etc. Sev- eral iladies had seen the rustic furniure made on the reserve at Wiarton. The Iindians at Curve Lake, north of Peterboroughi are now very busy makîng jackets, feath- ered lieadgear, tomahawks, 'etc. Their storekeeper put on a dis- play at the Sportsman's Show and received many orders. Sewing machines arc needed by the Indian women. The government schools are teaching youtli how to make a living but it is the churcli that must teacli them liow to ive courageously.. GRAND PRIX AT COBOURG One of- the biggesf ev 'ents ln the Canadian horse show scene, the Grand Prix, is to bc sta7ged at Cobourg this August. Gordon Wright, president of the Cobourg Horse Show eXecu-, tive committee', said recently that the Canadian Equestrian team sel- ected Cobourg for the event. It will be heid on the. second dyof the Cobourg Horse Show, August 23., 'This is a tremendous boost for the newly revived show," Mr. Werighit said, "an d should attract a cruowcl of1 at ileast 10,000." He explained thiat the, equest- rian team for the 1972 'Olym pies ini Germany woufld be selected at the Grând Prix,. "Us.ually the event is held at theý ('aadian Na7ý'tional Exhibition groundls in Toronto anIld 1 was quite suprse hwin Jimrny Ei- der cilled and suggested it sliould be lieîd at Cobourg, this year. l"At first 1 thoug[it he w Jok- ifig' but he was completely ser- ious," lie said. Mr. Wright said the best ets trian riders in Canada and the U.S. would take part in the ev- ent: "It will be the, h ighliglit of the show this year"' Ice Cream Stra*berry and Cliocolate 2~gis , REGULAR $1.15 Snack Delights, Chips, Corn Puff s, Pretzels, Cheedsts, etc, e. Middletons phone 983-5242 ORONO, ONT. Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono a ROMI * or MACARONI Buy 2 lbs. as regular price- Get 1 lb. FREE -Celle Bags 3 for 49îc Tender Young (Tenderloin Portion 3 to 3y2 lbs. LOIN Pork Chops IL 75c Jumbo PoIish Loops lb.79c Why, Pay More Save- With, DX FUEL Oit Plhone 68-31 oiUect ON DX PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL CALL US TODAY For Prompt, Courteaus Service