ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURtSDAY, APRIL'Dth, 1970 RESUMRECTION REALITIES (Continued from page 4) the journey. It is only something he crosses to get hom'i. And I have heard many a person use those sarne words, 11 amn going home." No dread, no anxiety, just happiness, q arn going home." And then another yesurrection reality is the power, the eternal power of the resurrection in Jesus Christ. On one of his trips to Burmia, Dr. Frank Eden, was ac- companied by his seven year old daughter and they visited a mos- -ue witb a party of tourists. The ga.dcýh.ýwc-d thepi a place in one large roorn -.vheve the Moslem priest would starij to give the caîl to prayer. His voice would bu caught Up and magnified from dome to dome until it sounded forth over the whole city calling the faithful to prayer. As the party moved on.to the next room, Dr. Eden and his daughter ling- ered behind. And Dr. Eden stood ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Establlshed 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Servicec - 9:30 a.mi.- lloly .Communion- First and Third Sundays MWorning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointaient with Rector 987-4745 rhe Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. Septilc Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leekard, Ontario Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728u Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCHMAHL Phone 983-5606 Speeializing iu ail kinds of jSTONEWORK andj FIRE PLACE' We also do chimnev, Repairs VENEZIA RES TAURANT Highway 115 and 35 /2mile South of Orono, Phone 983-5651 Open 7 days a week Speclalizing in Pizza - Meals IrJ -aews Mîlis 0arl Gilbl-anl;, tR North Orono graduated from the Accel- erated Business Certificate Course at the ShawNorth Central Col- lege of Business, Toronto in Feb- ruary 19'70, after passing the ex- aminations in this course as set by the Association of Canadian on the very spot wheie the priest wvas accustomed to give the cali to prayer. And he , thought to himiselIf, "What if some day, in- stead of a Moselem priest, a Christian should stand here and arnounce the affirmation of the ages "'Jesus Ch;st, King of1 Kings, Lord f Lords fc--tver and forever." And almost uncoe~r, -, ]y the words slipped audibly fromi lis lips and were caughit up byf the dome above. Louder and louder they sounded until they could be heard all over the city. "Jesus Christ, king of Kings, Lord of Lords forever and for- ever." 'Well the temnple guards came running back. Pandemoni. um reigned. Dr. Eden looked, a- round for a quick, exit but his daughter pressed his hand and said, "They can't stop it now, can, they daddy?" And. suddenly he' caugh the tremendous -signifi- cancé of the child's word s and he said, "No dear, they cannot stop it 'DOW." 1 know wherever I go that, peo- pie seem' to be lu fear and tremb- ling that the great disbelief across the world is doing away with -the Christian faith or the Christian Church and that songe seem to think that it is effectively deny- îng the fact of Jesus Christ and His resurrection. But that is not so. Do flot be afraid of the great dishelief that is everywhere. If you take a good look at it, maku a careful study of it, you will se where it leads. It leads to noth- ingness. It leads to tragedy. Do not bc defcated because there is, wrong. on, every side., So also is there a great deal of good on every si2e. Do flot loo)k at the nlegative things ind 1bu weakencd aind mnade ineffective yourseIf in life. Remember that it is th rough the few of tihe faithful that God works Ris mighty works. Do flot look at the tragedy in this world and feel there is no God. Do not join the great multitude through the ages who thought that Christ was dcfeated when He went to His death.* Certainly take note of, the tragedy and give every assist- ance that one can. But do it with a realization that God is not de- feated, that Jesus was 'ýictorious in death. The good news of the Resur- rection has echoed through 1the "'c.WIat war do'le h Christ c'annot bu Ftoppcc-1»And 't brings to uq a hiopc which cannot be hk iawav'. Becaus .e Re lives, we shahlî ve also. Good Friday and its seeming tragedy was .but the ioadl home to light and life for Christ. And Rlis promise is that we who can have the faith to be- lieve and the courage to live may have that life also. It is any won- der tliat Easter is a time of great joy. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B IR. Long SUNDAY, APRIL l2th, 1970 Orun, urnia Uurh- %und-, SchMO6 at 10:00 Se-iee at 11:15.a.m dorpnxg Service at 9:45 am Sunday Sohool at 110 daughters, Oakville spent Satuir- day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Grahiar. A miscellaneous shower was held for Mis$s Susan Cantrel on Tuesdfay evening at the home of Mrs. Jack Watson, ýomm ercial Colleges. ý Miss Gil- bank attended Clarke Hligh School prior. to enrolling at Shaw Col- leges. Mr. and Mrs. John Forrester and sons David and Rongld at- -tended the wedding of Mr. Frank Stapleton and Miss Betty Skeld- ing in Newtonvillc on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart and two daughters, Kitchener, visited ,with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carman ar'd family over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. StapIeton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Forrester were Sunday. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Found, 'Agincourt. Mrs.,J. W. Hall is a patient in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital having suffered a faîl in her home Saturday. ,,as'er viMoffat had the mis- fortune to fali at the Orono rink Friday evening, fracturing his right arm. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Drummond, Toronto, visited' on Sunday with Mr.ý and Mrs. A. -A. Drummond. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burnett and COURSES FOR ADULTS Check this-lîst, of fuli-time courses starting late April at Durhamù Coll 1eg.e's Manpower Division -A certificate in onu of them will imprQve your job opportunities. STARTING APRIL 13 - English for New Canadians -----24,Weeks STARTING APRIL 20 Elementary School Completion (Grades 1-8) Duration varies Grade 9 ---------- 16 Weeks Grade Il ------------16 Weeks Grade 10 ---------- 16 Weeks Grade 12 ------------16 Weeks COMMERCIAL CLERICAL ---------------------- ------ 40 Weuks COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHIC ----- ----------- 40 Weeks COMMERCIAL REFRESHER --------------------1------ 16 Weeks STARTING MAY 4 D RA FTIN G -------------------------------------- 40 W eeIks BLUE PRINT READING ------------------- ----------- 8 Weeks RETAIL MERCHANDISINGC - -----------16, Weeks RFIIAIL and MERCHANDISING --- 40 Weeks KEV PUNCH and VEIR FIER-------------------------- 4 Weeks ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING Il ---------------- 8 Weeks DID YOU KNOW YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR TRAINING ALLOWANCES j- FOR DETAILS CONSULT YOUB, LOCAL -CANADA 7MANPOWsER ,CENTRE If you are not eligihie for Canada Manipower Assi stance you may enrol in a 16-week course for $32,00. To ensure acceptance on course contact immnediately. The Manpowor Division Durham CJIege 0f Appied, Arts and Technology SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO TELEPHONE 576-0210 LOCAIS 51, 54, 56 CIIILDREN'S 1HOODED JACKETS Two-tone Squall Jackets for child- ren in waterproof Nylon. with Cotton flannul ining. Zipper front, hood attached Gold with blue, navy, green or brown. In sizes 4 to 6X years. Priced each .......... $6.00 CHILDREN'S T-SHIRTS A good stock of short siceve T. Shirts for Infants and Children up to 6X yeams Different styles in plain shades and stripes. Priced from ... $ 1.00 to $3.00 MEN'S JACKETS Several styles in Me's Jackets for Spriug and Summer. Water repeflent ma- tuils in shades of boue, blue, goîd and tan. Sizes 36 to 46. Priced from. $10.95 to $18-95 MEN'S TOPCOATS Water repellunt ¶ýopcoats ln For- tel and Cotton. Double-breasted style in short Iength. Single-breasted style with f ly front in longer length.,Bone 'and beige. Sizes 38 to 46. Priced from $19.50 to $30.00 BOY'S SWEATERS Fully fashioued bulky Cardigans with Cable front and Cable down sieeve. 100% Acylic, V-Neck. Gold, tan, beige, green and browu. Sizes to fit 8 to 16 yrs. Prieed each .......... $6.95 ST-s William C. Hall, B. comm. Chartered Accountant Plume Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday adSaturday For AU Occasion We supply flo'wers for a]! occasions ineluding Mme-i tai arrangements, weddlngs, funerais, glft etc. We would be pleased te have yeu visit Our show room at the nursery where a coinplete nue of plants a»e always avallable. PHONE 623-5757 Ven Belle Gardeas Highway No. 2, West of Bowmanville