ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSI>AY, APRiL 9th, 1910 A ?New Books Adut- Singer Sewing Book, and new techniques New ideas for sewing W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LI MITED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt, courteoqs, e ffici- rvlce when buying or and for the largest sel- of properties in the Contact Oren. 'Area RepresentatIves Roy Fouter 983-5801 Dane Foemd: 623-3965ý Aady S",c 983-9119e 52 r il Bethany , .e.....0n0,4> eut ger semlnga ectioni aiea and Home Decorating. Mothers Day by Mary Kay Whel-, an (a 'book on the origins and cuastoms of Mothers Day). Men in Groups by- Lionel Tiger (the t4heme of this book is the ui"versail phenomenon of maie groups fr om Prehistorie man to modern communities). Satuirday -he Raffi Went Hungry by Harry Kemmelman (lis sec- ond niovel following it's best selling .predecessor). The'Night is Kind by Bess Nor-' ton ( a love story). The Kraken Wakes by John Wyndhani (a Science-fiction thriller). JUNIOR-I The Greeks- A Great Adventure by Isaac Asimov. Wild Orphan byý Glen Rounds (This touching account of a WiId Beaver,, orphaned before it was weaned, is true). The Cat and Mrs. Cary by Doris Gates (a fasrinating 'story of Mrs. Cary and THE Cat). Here Cornes Snoopy by Charles Schultz. Tizz and Company by ElisaBal (another Tizz Adventure) Kindergarten and Pre-SchoQI The Tale of Little Pig Robinson by Beatrix Potter. Loopy by Hardie Gramatky. Colors by John Reiss. A Book of Elephants by Ashok Davar. Olga Beauchamp M.RS. GEORGE LOFTHOUSE Following a lengthy sickness, the death occurred on Saturday, Mardi 21st, 1970, at the Dr. J. O. Ruddy Hospital, Whitby, of Mrs. George Lofthouse o! 229 Kendal.- wood Road, Whitby. She was in her 63rd year. A resident o! Whitby for 28 years, Mrs. Lofthouse, was the dat.ghter of thé. late John and Is- abella Stewart. Born, Auîgust 27, 1907, at Kendal, Ontario, she at- tended schoul at S.S. No.* 21, Township of Clarke. She 'later graduated from the Peterborough Normal School and taught for twvo Years at S.S. No. 17 McLeasn. Enitering Oshawa General Hos- pital She, trained as a nurse and received lier Regcistered Nursing Certifîcate in 1931.1 After doing privateduty nursing she was cm- ployed by the T. Eaton Co. at the Oshawa store. A charter member of Westmin- ster United, Churcli, she was a, member of the Church session. For several y ears she was a mem- ber of the Wh itby Home 4,nd Schooi* Council and 'was a Life Member of theNurses' Alumni of the Oshawa General Hospital., Besîdeslier, husband, Mrs. Lofthouse is survived, by two daugliters Mrs. Bryant Brown. (Mary) of London,- Ontario, and 2!rs. Daniel Keane (Jean) of Seý,rborough and a foster son, ludi Willerding of Belleville. She x.ias predeceascd by a, son David November 1llth. 1965. Also surviving are a sîster, Miss Catherine Stewart of Kendal and 'two grandchidren, Carrne .Ai- ison and Michael Brown of Lon- don. A brother, Mr. Neil Stewart prcdeceased in 1955, Mrs. Lofthouse rested at the Mlntosh - Anderson Funeral Home and the funeraltook place from lier churc'h, WestminsSzer United on Tuesday, March .24th at 2 p.m. The service was con- ducted by the minister, Rev. Iloger Rice. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. 'The pali bearers were Ross Lofthouse, Ronald Lofthouse, Edward Pow- ell, Lloyd Scott, Robert J.3rimbe- com, Thomas Moorcroft. Many beautiful floral off erings were received also donations to favourite charities and Westmnin- ster- Churcli. AXE MAY FALLi ON DRAMA FESTIVAL Officiais of the Great Pine Ridge Festival o! the Arts have toid the Newcastle Community Hall Board they wiil be unable to accep t the terms laid do wn by the board for use of the hall this summer. It means there will probably be no Festival of the Arts i1i castle this summer. For several seasons the festi- val has attracted as many as 100 young people from'a wide area who came to the village where they received training from pro- fessional directors, made their own stage, scenery, cpstumes and produced a number of plays. A meeting of the entire Festi- val Board has been called for inte this week when several important decisions will have to be made. It is understood that consider, ation is being gîven to possibly holding the Festival at the Bat- terwood House Theatre north of Welcome. COUNTV COUNCIL BUDG-- The Counties' Council --- cd a, $1,602,608, budget for 1970 during the closing session Of 1-t Wednesday's final meeting. The general miii rate foi- h Counties will be 15.5 more than haif -of this. 9.75, is to 1b'- on rond and bridge maintenance and building under the Hîghway Improvement Act. A general breakdown of, the budget includes: general ment $159,980, ronds and bridges $1,004,851.13, public welfare $296.884, and other 'expenditures $217,443. The Corporation of the TUnited Counties have $76,550 in credits from varions sources. The assessment to figures for mome centres are: Port llope 192 !q0989 Hope Township 57,846.98 Cartwright 33 ?0953 Cavan 3673748 Clarke Darlingýton Manivers B'owvmalivillo 77913.41 Millbook 141.479.76 Newcastle 10,225.85 M35 72 '36,027.28 Total Road Ley $i04 Tl 13699089) Total, Couinties' Levy $1.602CI-7l'2, DXService Station Highway 35 and 115, JMatnorth of Newcastle Featurlng: - () remium Quality Products At The Most Reasonable Prices Sto've oH may be picked up inamâa -quantity,19.9e per gafla Phone 987-4215 In just one hour an oil-fired Esso Wýater' Heater delivers over 80 Imperial gallons of piping hot water. An Esso Water Heater is as economical as it is efficient. Ail you pay is a nominal monthly rentai, plus the cost of thefuel. Why not enjoy al the hot water you want? Call S Haorvey Partner- ORONO, ONT. PHONE 983-52U~ $29ýa montilh San EsseoWaterxHeater, Your copy of i owaamfl 1970 BUDGET Cet the complete story of Ontario's provincial financial picture. This information is avai lable in complete text with supporting papers-or in an easy-to-read sirnplified formn that presents.alIthe budget highlights. FOR, YOUR FREE COPY WIE r--------------------~---------, The Hon. Charles MacNaughtn Treasurer and Minister of Econom cs, ~--Queen's Park, Toronto 182, Ontarîo. Please forward The 1970 Çntario Budget -Complete text and supporting papers EThe 1970 Budget Digest- -Budget highlights in simpiified form NAME ................ ........... ........ ......i ADDRESS ........ .......................... .... CITY................... .........................i -.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - '70 YEARS AS REALTORS' A LOCAL OFFICE FOR VOUR 91/2 KING ST. EAST 110 WMAN VILLE REPRESENTATIVES BOWMANVILLE:- R. C. SLEE 623-3383 NEWTONVILLE:- Mrs. W. ENTWISLE - 786-2911 PROMPT ATTENTION TO VOUR NEEDS CALL Us FOR APPOINTMENT Confientii Dicussols "TIIREE SCORE YEARS AND TEN AND, BETTER NOW THAN THEN" REALTOR TOWN AND COUNTRY DIVISION 46 Eglington Ave. East, Toronto 315, Tel. 487-8161 6 1 Roy - strmr