9'2~/~4&2(v;n' OnoPubUe LlbrarY Jan 10, 1969 Orono NVOLUMEý 34, NUMBER 17 Weekly .Times ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 30t1, 1970 Unwarranted Destruction Street And Trees Have Police Trustees Stumped The Orono Police Trustees lield their regular. montlily meeting on Monday evening with the major portion being lield lu Committee when tliey met witli applicants interested in by-law enforcement and a representative of the Clarke Fire Department. The Trustees also met witli Mr. Bruce Tennant wlio was asking that the unused street allowance in front of his new home be made a proper street. 11e stated this would necessitalte the removal of some trees. He also pointed out that the Village map sliowed the streit in front of bis property ruinning north to the old cemet- ery. TJvý trees, lie said, did hamper hlm drîviing onto lis property. It was pointed ont at the meet- .ing that Mr. and Mrs. L. Boyd were not in favour of liaving the area extended as aroad ýand wîsh- ed ýit toý remain as it now exists. Mr Woodyard stated that there were the t wo conflicting view- points and lie recommended th4t 'the Trustees submit al the in- Jormation to the Depatmfent of Hfighways who could determine the obligations or tihe Trustees in this matter. This recommendation 'was finally approved and the 'Trustees feit they could have an answer within a couple of weeks. Mr. Simpson snggested the closing ont of this section of road as it wonld neyer be used as a thorouglifare. 11e also suggested that thé~ land lie divided between the two properties. Mr. Tenant aid ther>e was no way thîis road~ was going to be elosed. "Tt is a street as, of now and it's going to staytLhat ay," he said. Mr. Woodyard referred to a letter fromn the Ontario Wfater :Me- sources- Commission~ which re- ferred. t future devel.pment of eib-divisioes wishing to connect to the Orono water supply, It poînted ont tliat the capacity of the présent well was being taxed at peak arens. Mr. Simpson asked if tlie Trus- tees lad given written approval for Orono water use for tihe Cas- )pari sub-division. No one could answer the question but it was felt that they bad not done, se. At a previons meeting the Or- onio Police Trustees set a fine budget for tlie Village-Township Fire Department in an amount of $14,930.00. 0f this amount $7,900. is for wages, $6.00.00 fdr radio eciuiprnent, $75000 for téleplione and alarm system and $800 00 for a tank truck. 1 Rerunerition for Police Trus- tees was raised ' to $30000 ecd per annum witli secretary fees at $9000 pe~r montli. Garbage re- moval is being paid for at a mon1ithly sum of $250.00. Net Reassessegd We are informed thait tlie ad- juLstment and reduction of assess- ment of tlie Community Tebephone Company wthin the limits of Or- ono was not due to reassessment but nather to a change in arriv- ing at the assessment figure for taxation. Tlephone cempanies within a Police Village are 'assessed as a percentage of gross receipts anis- ing out of the defined area. Pre- vionsby Orono gained the benefit, of tlie gross receipts of the< en- tire CýommuiinLty Téleplione oper- ation in the area. The assessment lias been greatly reduced since 1969 wbpn tic gross receipt fig- ure could only be used as gener- ated out of the Police Village, not the entire opération. Telephone assessment ln tlie Township is based on a rate per muile of téléphone ine. Eaýrly>, Local Pictures Sparks Horticultural Meeting. Memoies were necalied, at thé Ji1orticultural meeting on Thurs- day, April 23 when- Mr. .Cccii Car, veth showed films and Mrs. E. Sdlimidprovided an historical1 dis- pbay. A good attendance included guests fromn Oshawa, Bowmanviile and Newcastle societies. After the singing of O Canada, with Mrs. E. Brown at the piano, the Presideat, Mrs E. Convier, ex- tended wonds of welcome to ail. The bus -trip to Ottawa w as discnssed. Anyone wishing, to take -this 'tnp, tic. latter part of May, should contact Mrs. O. Ciallice, as'sodon as, possible so they will know if enougi people 'are inter- ested. .Mr. C. Billings introduced Mr. Carveth of Newcastle, but who is a former resident of Orono and Leskard where. lie and bis father operated feed mihîs. His first filmn siowcd scenes at Onono Fair tbe last two or three yeans and la particular tlie many four-horse teams, and thé fine cattie, The next films went back into the past wlien many faces appeared on the screen of people Who are no longer with us. Others recalled yonnger days for some who were present atthe meeting. Everyone enjoyed naming those shown and noting the changes in store fronts, removal of gas pumps, the dirt road and clebrations whsin f1l paved road was comnpleted. Mrs. Couvier expressed our tlanks to Mr. Carveth and pnescated a gift. The President also called on Mrs. Schmid to accept a gift for the splendid wonk she bas dconc on the Horticubtunal Year books. She dncw attention too, to the most interesting-historical display whicb Mrs. Schmid had prepared for the meeting. This included photos of people, bands, the col- lapse of thc Flax Mill, the Leigh Fouadny, the Orono raibway- sta- tion, the stage coacli operated by -Mr. Jackson betweea Newcastle and Orono and many otiers. Tiere were costumes, Valeatines, bieaded pictune framIes, write ups, and an article about Orono wbidli appeared ia the Hamilton Specta- or., We were pleased to have Mrs. E. Hamm, our oniy charter mem- ber, witi ius for the eveaing. 'This wasfiheý nigit for tic Green Elephant Table and Bake sale and articles were soon sold. A buffet lunch, served by Mrs. W. -Wood' and lier committce, closed another interesting meet- bnp to go into the records Kendal Bail On The dfiMoe The Kendal Intermediate Base- baIl Team is readying for the bal scason. Practices are being icld on Wednesday cevenings and Sun- day afternoons at 2:00 p.m. 1Anyeae wishing to try out for the team are webcome to attend the practices at the above times. Urgenly .4Needed Tie District Red Cross Brandli wilb bold a volunteer Blood Don- or Clinie on Wedresday May 6th at the Lions Centre, Bowmanvillc. Clinic heurs arc from 1:30 p.m. te 4:30 p.m. in tic afternoon and from 6.30 p.m. te £900 p.m. lu the evening Ail persons in good healtihe- tween tic ages of 18 and 65 are urged te attend. Students wio have passcd tieir J 7th iirthday may' donate providiug thcy have themr pa.rents' cousent in writing. Ample staff will bc on liapd May 6th te proccss tic donors quick- !y and efficien0ty. Only haîf au heur of yodr time is reqiirced. It may well mean thi- difference be- tween life or deali le someone. Picase plan now to attend. For transportation te and from the clinie, please eall 623-9010 on tic day of tic Clinie. Work lias started in preparing the former Waddeil property at the corner of Churcli and Centre streets for the housing of the Clarke Public 'Library. At the present time no date lias been set for occupanicy of tlie'building by the library The old barn bas been removed from the premises and removal of dead b~çI~rush is ow underway in order to prepare for seeding of lawns in most of theremaining area. It is the in- tention to sod both the north and wcsf front lawns. Contracts have been let for the wiring, lighting and the construc- tion of a chimney. Contracts for the remaining work are expected, to lie let within a few days. A commiàittee from theý Orono Chamber of Commerce have ask- ed the library board to consider a certaiii area for auto parking, stating that there would lie a need in thearea for sucli a serv- ice. It 'was also pointed out that the area will grow with the plan- ned construction of one or two suli-divisions and that the com- munity lnust prepare for this growth. Indirectly, overtures have also been made for the possible use of vacant library land for use as a Senior Citizens Home consi§ting of from eight to ten units. The directors of the Durbiam County Co-oper tive Medical Services are a number of Senior citizen homes consilering a proposai of placing in the district they served when providing prepaid medical serv- ices. This organization lias a sur- plus of sorne $80,000.00 following its operation, and are looking for ner that people in general would a means to. dispose of it in. a man- benefit. The federal, goverament assists an approved plan witli a loan of 95% of the total cost of sucli an undertaking. Oshawa Girl .Murdevred Rev. and Mrs. Lester Molins on returning home from Churcli on Sunday niglit found thle body of their l9-year old daugliter, Gail in an upstairs bedroomf. Police said the girl -was possibly raped and then strangled. Mr. Molins, a pastor- of the Seventh Day Adventist Churcli, is also director of literature sales at tlie Kingsway College where lis daughter was a student. The O.P.P. are conductîng the investigation. A tour of tlie Orono Park could only prove dishearteni ng after viewing what cau only be terrned wilful distîuction. Pienie tables which lad bcen stored under the bootli shelter bore tic brunt of the damage and somewliere a- round tweuty tables were greatly damaged, some to the point of being totally tora apart. Thc greup of tables were not dilapi- tated but ratlier many were pract- Harness Rucing In Orono, May 15 Tic Oshawa Haraess Herse As- !sociation wio have hlbd weekly trace events a',thbe Orono brack ion two) years are now prcpaning for the 1970 scleduhe whicli epensi on May iti. Improvements for accommodation of fans arc wehb uaderway. and wilhl eienlaopera- tien on tic opening of liarness nacing la this community. Additionab open bîcachers bave aready been erectcd and a fur- tIen building is lai pregness bciag built on tic west sîde of the grandstand This new building wihh bouse aew cquipment for tic pani-mutual betting as wehh asi new booths for ticket sales. The acw - macliaery wilh give tic odd changes as tic bets are placed and for those intenested will lbe a great improvemeat. Orono Bail Starting The bail seasea is opening up in Orono witli four teains playlng under the banner of the Orono Amateur Athletic Association. AlU t1ýams start practiciag tLus cern- ing week. Thec Midgets pracitice in Monday nights, thc Tykesý on Tuesday niglit, thc PeeWees on Wednesday aiglits and tic girls on Tliursday nighits. Get labo the swing of thiags and join up this coming )yçek. ically new before being attacked. These taii ,s cost in the neigh- bourhod of $25.00 eacli. Furtier to this beer. botties have been smasied on the cernent with iroken glass spread over a ceasiderable area. Those imnplicat- e d in this destruction have littie regard for public property and certainly no "idea of the purpose of a publie patk Orono Loudge Holds Ladies' Nigkt The Orono Masonie Lodge hcld ý,heir annual Ladies' evening, Saturday with a turkey dinner served ia the Orono United ('hurcli Hall. Brother, Wayne Bailcy, Worshipful Master and bis wife Carol, welcomied the. guests as ,Iieyr arrived. Tic dcii- clous dinner was prepared and, served by the Figure Skating Club mothers. Thc tables witli their bouquets of white and ncd carnations looked beautiful and quite springlike. After the dinner, the officers at the liead table with their wîves were introduced by Bro. E. H. Mibîson. Ahl the hadhes atteading were prescated witli silver spoons iaving the eagravcd Masonie Creslt. Mrs. Wayne Bailey was presented with a gift and a bou- quet ôf American Beauty roses. Slie replicd most fittingly. A peppy sing song, led by Don Staples with Mr's. Evenett Brown at the piano was enjoyed by ev- eryone. Mrs. Brown liad also played the churcli organ as tic guests, tathered forý the banquet. A program followed when the entertairment was crovided by "The Counry Four"' quartette and "The Po4t, Family" of Belleville, wÉtli selections in Western style. Congratulations were offered Bro. Wayne Bailey for the splen- did social and entertaining even- ing which was coaducted uiýder lis cliairmanship as Wonshipful Master. Orono Sâkating'Clu b Eleets OffceFr 70-71 Sson Tic Orono Figure Skating Club hcld their annual meeting and et- ection of officers on April 16t1, 1970 ln the Arena Dining,-Hall, with 34 interested persons pres- cnt., The following offices wcre fill- cd: Past President - Audrey Buckley President - Peggy Blasclike lst Vice Pres.- Connie Peavoy 2nd Vice Pres.- Edua Watson Secretary- Mari orie Lowery Treasurer- Doreen Wood Test Ohairman - Fran Luna Directors - Carole Boycl, Ruth Grady, Darla Lowery, Madelon Madili, Joyce Major, Shirley Wil- liams. Elaine Mercer, Maria Munee, Bey. West. Banquet Convenor - Beryl Clark. Co Couvenor - Rosernary Hartwig Carnival Committee - Linda Mc- Cullougli, Shirley Williams, Bey. West Club Dehegate - Maria Muree. Tie meeting was closed and the new exçcutive nemaiaed for a bief meeting afterwards. Work Starts At.Lbrr