OWONfl WEEKLY TIMES. TTUSDAV APIL VqûtbI. 1q1f La. ansi .SV~fl, *UV ORONO WEEKLY'TIMES &Mnd C'au ausJItIRegwautoaN julabi0out Jblishi eery ulada t ue iec c01publkelÎo SENSELESS' The destruction of pîcnic tables in the Orono Park and smashed beer botties, is one of the most senseless aots that we have seen for quite some time. We could not understand any reason or motive for sucih action. It bas ac- compiished nothing other than registering and logging the stupîdity of some one or group. The Park and its equipment is maintained on a scant budget for everyone to enjoy. It bas, tbirough the years, been jusit this and la general most have appreciated this fact and have been proud of the area. The taxpayers of the country subscribe millions of dollars ito provide recreational opportunities of a wide and varied range where talents and energies can be expended. Surely thiey idon't now have to provide picnic tables to be demolished. It is time someone grew up! CONGRATULATIONS. Last week in our edîtorlal we commented that there was a lack of communication between factions involved ln regional goverament. Further we felt that ail municipal councils should bc voicing, interim policy on regional gov- ernment in order that a greater involvement can be stimu- lated. We would now congratulate the Clarke Township Ratepayer's Association for arranging a public meeting when regional government will be the topic. Mayor Newman of Whitby anel Mr. Sims, co-ordinator will bgQth speak on the subjecit and following past.policy of the Association, a question peériod will be arranged. Time is growing short if we are to voice our opinion on regional governmenit. May 12 at the Orono Town Hall may be onime meeting al. which some of the necessary in- formation* will be devulged ln order that opinions may be established. RANDOM TIIOUGHT We have no criticism of WalkWjhons and especiallv their end resuit which is very noble indeed. Yet the Walk- athon produces very little ther than tired feet etc. We could suggest that this effort could be turned to such as clean-ups withîn parks, river beds, road sides etc. The donation would then be for so many hourswork rather than so many miles walked. Mosport Decisien Low On List Reeve John Stone of Clar~ke Township, is reported as saying, that the County Court hearing la Cobou, didn't get around to deal ing with. the Mosport Park' sub- mision to have restrictions, iifted on their porperty. "It was set way. to the bottom of the iist," said ' Reeve Stone. 'Our Township, solicttor was there in case they were ready to pro- ceed right away. But, apparently it will 110W be *eld over to the end of the week or maybe not ev- en at these sittings."1 Manager of Mosport Track,' H. Hudes, said the mnatter "is very low on the list." This is because it was really oniy added at the last minute by Justice Lief when the submission came before him in Toronto. Clarke, Public HOUES OPENl: Tumday 4U*:» Tburaday 6M &W8 prldây Z:» I-6:30M ContinentaIsaou GENTLEMEN ... W. have as affla Mmd WVI4 P" feut fSryou M Drg» la mmad give them a U7 Gr.up Rates Av"Da"l mon. to Bat. I pin. -i1a.n. San. 8 a.m. I 1pi&. 16A ONTAIO STRET 728-2468OSHAWA HAMILTON TOWNSHIP AGAINST WORD 'AMALGAMATION, -Harnilton Township Council has refused to go along with Port Hope and Cobourg la petitioni'ng D'Arcy McKeough, Mfinister of Municipal Affairs, for a 'feasibil- ity study on amialgamation. In a letiter tz Çobourg'counçil Monday nigcht, towship clerk, Ken Burgess saidi council indicated that lt feitý the resolution 'in its present formn was premature." Cobourg couincil was under the impression thiat Hamilton Town- ship had changed its mind ln vlew cý a lettcir S ý by thie mun- icipalitY a fwýw ieks agq which called for- a illeet.ig betwe,%-en the Diamnond Trianglle municlpialities to discuss miutual problems. Mr. Burgess stâ-ýed that -the township council ýývas, ail for the principle of getting together in orne form of regcionaI goverament but it feltt that the use if the word amalgamation was premature. Council feit ,he said, that a study should bc launched to find ou the logical restduetureing of local goveraiment before the sug- gestion of amalgamation was The United Counties wanted to ilold onto its iclentity and since Oshawa in the >west and Quinte ia ehe east were looking in this dir- ection, Mr. Burgess said the most *rnporltant step would be~ to get orne form of governmeat of a regional nature. ,We are not back-tracking as far as getting together to studd our mutual problemns. Speciaol Of fer, This modern picture only or FREE if yeu excliange ! a' 40c milk jug et store or deer (One Exchange Per Customer) TITS OFFER GOOD TILL. JUNE 30, 1970 GlnRae Dairy i I SIim &Trimj Diet Aids AY DS 3 flav. ($3.55)........$3.19 NARAN -Con. ($2.25) ......... ...... $1.98 METRECAL liq. (39c ea.)....... 4 for $1.39, METRECAL Shake (99c).............. 88e SLIM MINT GUM ($1.98) ...... ...... $1.77 Specltal Savlin gs FLUSII-A-BYES - 48's -..............'9 COLGATE T. Paste - MFPFamily ....... 97e NOXEMA. CREAM 8 oz. ($1.59) ....... $1.19 STUTT'S PHARMACY ORONO, ONTAIO PHONE: 983-5069 J LOOKING FOR A NEW CHV.or OLDS EarI McQueen, AT INGRAM MOTORS Authorized CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE DEALER HIGHWAV No. 2 WEST, COBOURG Due to recent high volume of sales we are badly in need of. Used' Cars. Top trade-in allowance for your present car. I Geod selection of OK Usod Cars Um Best ln Town Refreshing MILK SHAKES LOLA DRINKS 10c. ICE CREAM, Cones to gal MA"wTS BILLIARDS adBarbershop Oreno, .onit. phone 983.531 W*hamC. HaIB.COrn r Chartered Accointait Phone Newcastle 98742# Au day Wednesday sud Seturday