ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 3th, 1970 Start With 'The- Faith Y, u Have Scripture Lesson - H1ebrexvs 11: 1-10; James 2: 14-26. Thc Bible says fliat "faith is the assurance of things hopcd for, tlic conviction of things not seen," People say, "Il yoa can pi-ove il, Fll have- laith la il." Tliey are not talking about real faith. Be- cause if 3 ou eau prove it, it does not take failli to lelieve 'it. We can have experiences, draw strength and inspiration lrom tbem and have convictions about certain tbings that cannot ,be seen or7 cannof be proved in the way that the man of science wants to prove. If you want a greater, more mneaninglul f aith then, 'start with the flaith that you have." Evcryone las faili to some cx- tent, ev( n an Atheist. We ail have laith that tomorrow is going to come. JTow do I know? Piments provide a future for their dhild-' en. Young people get an educa- flou to meet the challenge of the future, or set a date t0 get -mar- ied. TIey have no assurance that tomorrow xill corne bat they have faitli that if will and they acf in a way tîat indicates a f aifli. The wliole wold was concerned wheu the spacemen rau into dîl- iculties. Those mca bad faith . In their spacecraît, faitli in the people at the controîs and faitli in the instructions sent t0 tliem and tliey are now salely back >on eartb. What is your faifli? Some say, "I'm a Christian by laith." Others say, "My faith, I'm United Churcl or Anglican or Baptist or Pres- byteian." They are not really saying wliat their faith is. Tliey are indicafîng thcir interpreta- tion of tIc Christian laith. Others may say, -Oh, I have none. I'm a liard j, eaded realist." Many wlio caîl thcînselves realists are the opposite. If thbey were rcalists tbey would have to say, "There is mudli of life that cannot lcecx-, plained and so many things in- dicatiri; lite beyond our under- standing fIhat I have f0 have faith -in some thiags whidh I cannot prove." Others wiil say, "I dount know whetlicr I have any laifli or not. I ca't swallow everything thé Bible says. I can'f believe thaf bit about the sun standing sfill, the axe lloating la watcr, flic cartî lcing creatcd in six lit- eral days. I suppose that I liaven't very maceh faitb." will be washed awaY when you speak to God out of your heart the things you really ledl. Even if you hate God, tellilm so. Be honest and sec what God will doi for you. It is remarkable xhat lias, bappened in the lives of people when they began to be honest about how they feit. It, is better to admit unheli ef and go on from where you are. The man in the story did not' biave absolute faith but lie feit hie could trust Jesus enougli.to bce honest about his lack of belief and that was enougli for Jesus. But how can wie get this faith? In the way that you get faifli in any- one and that is by getting to know hlmi especially by going through dilficulties with hlm. This does flot happen over night. But if you find yourself in the hour of tri-al without the experi- ence needed for a full faith, you can at least cry out: "Lord, 1 be- lieve, help Thou mine unbellef!" If you are sincere and honcst He will build Up your faith. "Faith without the riglbt ac- tions is dead," says' the Epistie of James. This is thc other side of the problem for many people who believe that Jesus can heal and make their lives fuli a--id pos- itive, stili get nowhere. , The trouble is that it is not just a case of believing in Hlm and His powv- er and then ignoring Hlm when H1e tells us to love our enemies, to be forgiving and not to set our bearts on earthly possessions. We must start taking Jesus scriously in ail that 11e daims and coin- mands. That is the start of real faitli, even if there is a lot that stili ýpuzzles us. The reason peopleý find faith s0 difficvt is they think it means that tliey have to swallow what- ever they are told. You may have various doubts about the Church's line, or, about the Bible. The man of f aith does îiot ignore' these, but kýows that he cdli trust Jes- us to have an anisw\,r to thern and a good one at that, if he just g1oes on "in faîth." Now the Christian faith or hope is belief in God against the worid and belief ln the future against the present. if we fol- low the world's standards we may .have ease, comfort, prosperity. if we fo]low God's standards we rnay have pain, loss, discomfort,> unpopularity. it is the conviction of the conviction of the Christian hope that it is better to' suffer with God thart to prosper with the world. Chris~tian faith carnies us beyorid the moment. It looked as though Pilate had crushed Christ but the verdict of the fu- lure reversed the verdict of the moment. Nero, the Roman ruler condemns the Apostle Paul but the years pass on. The tirne comes when men eall their sons 'Paul' andl their dogs 'Nero'. Abel was kffled by his brothtr Cain. We remember Abel as a man of faith. Noah believed Cod, and bis famf- ily was saved. A braham, a man of faith didn't know where he was, going when he moved by thec im- pulse of God i'rto a different country. Hi,, fclthl speaks on lhrough the agces. Start with the f aith you have. We ahl have some. Christian f aith As responding to what we know of God's will and then learning more of God's will and respond- ing. to that. "eFaith is the assur- ance of things hoped for,,the con- viction of thîngs not seen." If '.we'1l only start with the faith we er expressions 'of f aith and great- have, God will lead us into great- er rewards through it. Naturalists Must Be M52ilitant "We as, nafu ralists must learn a little, something about being militant," Mrs. T. W. Lawson said at a meeting ln Port Hope. She made ber comments dur- ing the introduction of guest speaker Malcolm Kirk and four panelists who discussed sleps that could lie taken by groups of ordinary citizens to force the dif- lerent levels of governmeiit to take stronger action in the areas The paýnelists were J.W.L. Goer- ing, Wiifred Day, Moira La Mar- chant and Dr. F. L Lawson, Mr. Kirk suggested that the formation of an environmental de- fence association. He told of how a group of interested-citizens lrad stopped the logging program in Algonquin- Park and of other wildlife areas saved through the interest of "ordinary citizens." Mr. Day pointed out that the governlnent was composed of' 4"ordinary citizens," except they had been there so long they had forgotten. Dr. Donald Matliers, writing in "The Word and- The Way", says, "The Christian faifli doesn't realîy mean believing the things tIat you read lanfthc Bille: it means belieyving ln the God that the Bible tells you about, trasting lm and obeying Hlm" Ot3lers say, "I don't believe that Christ- ianîty is the only true religion so I guess I Iraven't much faifli." My answer would be, "Start where you are v ith the fl<d of ail and H1e will lead ',ou into a greater understanding of light and of I-ls own nature" Others might ,be more -ositive and say, "I believe in the living Christý I believe in, His power to niake lIfe positive and victorious. 1, Iclieve 11e can heal us ln spirit and soul as well as la body." But faith seems to le a stumblingý block for many people. Ian Cowie ln "The Heal- ing Christ" says, "Ah, but you 1must have faith!" people say, as if this were the big snag. So, le- fore we go further, let us get this sorted ouf. What does "laith" mean? Surely if means "lloving trust" la somebody. Certainly not pretending you believe something you do nof." There is a story in St. Mark of a man who came f0 Jesus and sai d, "Lord, my s'on is !Il. 11e goes into convulsions and does himself harm. Will you heal hlm?" Jesus said, "if you believe. ail things are possible." And'the man said a strange thing.H1e said "Lord, I beieve. llelp Thou my unlielief." Honesty is one of the most im- portant thinjgs to remember in Our search for deeper understand- in g and stronger faith. Be honest in prayer. Feelings of bitterness B ls 2 r and 4-doors ixsa Your 'ontiac dealer' small car gives your bud: an extra break! This is the news that buyers of smaller cars have been waiting for. Now you can order both the coupe and four-door sedan models, equipped with either a six or V8, at a $185.OO* price reduction. Ail these models will be equipped with the convertional inside -rearview mirror. The day/night mirror, bias-belted tires, cigarette lighter and seat beit retractors, which were standard equipment, are now available as extra cost options. So don't wait. There's neyer been a better time to see your Acadian-Pofltiac dealer. 'Price reduction based on Manufacturer's Suggested RetaiPrices which indlude Federal Sales Tax. n Now at a new Iower price A c d a at your Pnicdaes - ---- j Drize. Acadian-Pontiac-Buick dealer A-4701) COWAN PONTIAC-DUICK LIMITED 166 KING STREET EAST BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO PARRY'S GAS BAR AND COFFEE SHOP HIGHWAYS 115'and 35 MILE NORTHT 0F KIRBY OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK pigSeca YOUR CAR VACUUMED- WASHED- WAXED Enjoy .our: Pizza -Fish and Chips Home-Made Pies' Proprietors - RICK and CHERYL PARRY PHONE 623-3396