s" ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAV, APRIL 30th, 19'70 UpAnd Down The Book Stacks NEW BOOKS APRIL 30th, 1970 Adut- 11 I Arn An India n - Written and il- lustrated by Men and Womn of flie many Indian Tribes of North Amerîca. This is the first Anthology of Indian Lit- erature to be publislied in Can- ada. Ideal Marriage - by T. H. Van de Velde M.D. (It's Physiology and Technique) Consider The Season by Reuben Mer]iss ( a novel of the making of a Doctor) Isle 0f The 1umming Bird by Juliet Armstrong (Romance) An American Tragedy by Theo- dore Dreiser (the story of the corruption and destruction of one Man) Ped]ock Saint, Pedlock Sinner by Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCWWAHL Phone 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimnev Repairs Turn on the Fun with a k Stepheii Longstreet ( a blister'- inrg indietment of religious hy- pocrisy) Junor- F'ield'Book of Common Rock& and Minerais by Frederick B. Loomis The Miracle of Vitamins by Doris I aber Blue Mystery by Margot Benary- Sisbert Seabird.by Holling Clancy Holling Kindergarten and Pre-School One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss The Little Carousel by Marcia Brown In The Forrest by Marie Hall Ets Timothy Turtle by Alice Vauglit Davis Olga Beauchamp Kendal ,News A number from this commun- ity went up to the Gerrett Under- taking Parlours, Toronto on Sun-, day atternoon to 'meet the family and friends of Marj6rie Elizabeth Vaughan who passed away sud- denly on Saturday as the resuit of a stroke. Marjorie was the youngest daughter of flic Wan- nan family. She attended Kendal scliool, after completing lier teacher's training she tauglit Ken- dal sehool for one year. Her fam- ily moved to Raglan She lihas been a widow since she iost lier husband eigliteen years ago. She leaves one daugliter. Barbara (Mrs. Douglas Steen), and a sister Mary (Mlrs. M. Reeve) and four brothers, Lloyd of Toronto, [orne of St. Catharines, Kennetli of Co- bourg ai-d Charlie of Orangeville. The funeral was on, Monday, Ap- ril 27th, 'Interment York Cemet- ery. Mrs. Jerry Byers, DManne and Scott were visitors witli Mr and Mrs. Il. Foster last weekend. An eariy Easter ýdid not mean an early spring this year. In fact on Easter Monday the tempera- turc was 15' and the'ski hli was busy al Mardli. April lias- been cold and backward, now at the end of April it lias suddenly changed from winter f0 summer. On May 10 wiil be Mother's Day and also Kendal Sunday Sehool Annivcrsary at 11:15 a.m. Mr and, Mrs. Claire Trayner of Regina, Stsk., visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Catlicart on Wednes- day of iast week. . Kendal Penny Sale *Ill be on ~May 9th in tlie evening. It looks like spring to sce the new aluminum siding being put on Mrs. W Mercer's home- this L cal News Mr. and Mrs Ale\ Drummond, Toronto spent 'Sunday with MVr. and IVrs.ý A. A. DLrurtimoric. 1\1r. Abray of Toronto was the guest organist at the Orono Unit- ed (hulLca Sunday moirînng..and his music played on the new Conn organ xvas mucli enjoyed. Don't forget the Orono U.C.W. Spring Fair held this Saturday at the Orono United Churcli. Many interesting items will bc on sale and you can enjoy a cup of tea with your fiiends. Orono Scho.I News Friday, Aprîl 22r.1 the grade eights held a groov-in from 3:30 to 5:00 There was square danc- ing and modemn dancing whic ,h everyone enjoyed. $6.00 was the profit that was made, which is being put towards school trips. From 8:30 in the morning un- tii 8:55 the pupîls enjoy roller 5kating in the gym. Records are supplied by the pupils and they are learning to do stunts. On Friday the Orono Grade seven girls challenged the' grade seven Kendal girls and won over witli a score of 4-1. Comics, magazines, old books and paper back books were sold by the grade five class on Friday. The prices ran'ged from 5c to 25c. The book sale was very success- ful for the grade fivp's. To, see the change in the wild- Ulfe the grade seven class went down to the Park and studîed plant life, soit, water animais. week. Mr. Robt. Nichols is coin- pleting a new addition to his home, Kendal Churcli is beingý wired for electrie heating. Kendal Centennial is June '7. Send in the addresses of far a- way friends of the Churcli to Miss C. W. Stew",rt. uNITED CNURCH Ormue Pastoral Rev, B. B. Long SUNDAY, MAY 3rd OrexthitoChurcli.- nd Schuoal at 10:00 âOîruià4 SWrvý eat 9.41 am. Suniday Séhoo1 at i1VOO NO SUMMER SCIJOOL TN TRIS AREA SAVS BOARD TeNorthumberland- Durham Counlty Board, of, Education has decided,'to participate in the sum- nmer school programns operated by the boards of ectucation in Ontar- io an-1d Peterborough counties. D. W. Patt ers on ,*superintend- cnt o! planning, in a report, to the boar-d recently,, said on the basis of'Ia-,Ft year's summer sehool experience, which was successful, it would appear that the local board shouild operate its own summer school "It would cost the board con- siderably more to operate its own programn as it would be necessary to engage and pay principal and staff and. also provide transporta- tion throufglhut the county," lie said. The boards in Ontario and Peterborougli Counties asked the local board for some indication as to whether if wished to partiel- pate in their summer school pro- grams. Mr. Patterson said from past ,,xperience it would seem likely that students in the United Couni ties who are candidates for- sum- Many species were brought back Ail classes have been working bard preparing for the, spring concert. We hope ail parents will be able fo make it and We hope you enjoy it. Assistant Editor - Ed Çlark. Editor - Bon'nie -Dunlop. CGlass. Reps. - Anna Ciesielskî, Kim West,, Susan West, Jim Mof- fat, Tom Moffat. Supervising Teacher - Mrs. Deremo, the, grade' 4 teacher. mer school will wish to attendi the established, summer sch.,pol courses in Oshawa and Peterboro- The intention of this board's participation in the courses, lie saLid, would be to provide an op- portunity for students to com- piete or upgrade their require- ments for credits at a particular year and level. Department of Education grants are applicablQ ân ail fees paid to other boards for tuition purposes. ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN lEstablished 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Servicec - 9:30 am. Hoiy Communion- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 Ihe Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. Septic Tank "Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERViCE LORNE HARD)Y Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 Fox builds the world's most wanted imini-bikes! Exciting trail models for'Trail Blazing. hunting, fishing and camping ,- . Finest campus bikes for swingers, shoppers. swvimmers. ... A "hot dogger" sorambler that's flot a bit timnid for the field or track. Many modeh e re street licensable. Turn oentheRFLN wNil a Inning Geai W. have 'emi Low as~ $199.95 Rotlph HMardwre ORONO PHONE 983-5207' Ladies SHORTS- Lots of new shorts ln your favourite Wash and Wear FAbries - Crimpiene, Fortrel and Stretch Nylon. Bright summer shades as weil as navy, black, brown and white Sizes range froin 8 to 20. Choose now while there is a good selec- tion of colours and sizes. Priced $4.95 f0 $7.95 TOPS- Match them up with your Shorts and Slacks. Tricot Knits with short sleeves or sleeevless. Choose from V-Necks, Round Neck, or lowScooped Neck. Plain shades, stripes and fancy designs. Sizes small, medium and large. Priced $3.00 f0 $5098 ARMSTRONG S j'- / i vj f I For Ail Occasi'on We supply flowers for ail occasions including Hospi. tai arrangements, weddings, funerals, gis etc. We would be pleased to have you visit our show room at the nursery wher<e. a complete lime of plants are aiways availabie. PIHONE 623-5757 van Belle Gardens Highway No. 2, West of Bowmanville Iligliway 11' andi 35 ½mile soufli of Orono Phone 983-5651 Open '7 days a week Specializing in Pizza - Meals BASEBALL THE BASEBALL SEASON ffAS ARRIVED Next week all teams are to commýence practicing MONDAY NIGHTS - MiDGETS TUESDAY NIGHTS - - TYKES WEDNESDAY NIGHTS - PEE WEES THURSDAY NIGHTS - GIRLS >Everybody who wishes to play bali is asked to be at à ýie park on the above nights at, 6-30 p.m. ORONO AMATEUR A41THLETIC ASSOC.