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Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1970, p. 1

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92q. /&'x~ orono public Library /x~)Jan 10, 19 -VOLUME 34, NUMBER 19 Weekly Timesi OBONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY,- MAV 6th, 1970 Youth -Rally Held At Orono United Church Thc Sunday morning service at the Orono United Church took an entirely new form last Sunday 'when youth -groups within the Church apd'tic community were given recognition. The entire ser- vice was given over to the Youth GrQups' wiich includcd -the Orono Girl Guides, the Sigma Cs, C.G. LT.>, Orono Brownies ýand the Ty- ros. A good attendance of young people were present for -the oc- casion. Prior to entering thic Churcli in a group, a parade was cenducted arouind the block bcing la by the newly formed Newtonville Pub- lic School Bugle Band unider thc direction of Mr. John Veldiuis, principal of the school. -Each leader:witi assistant from from tic, mcmbcrship of their groups outlined briefly the pur- poses and aimfs of tic youth groups within the community and tic rally gave a splendid oppor- tunity to stress the 'imiportaiicc of these local organizations. Tic choir for tic rally was comiposed of members of the Or-' 0110 Hi Cs. The Orono Girl Guides who have been taking instruction on religion were presented with their relîglous badges. The Unit- ed Church Sigma C members who ~were graduating from the organ- ization were presented with their graduation diplomas. Graduating Tyros werc also prescnted with certificates. 1\i1usie at therally mas oiInt to that of youth with accomrpani- nment provided by Ralph DeJonge :*nd his guitar. Group Leaders and- Assistant eaeswere noted as follows: Girl Guides: Mrs. Nel Sneldcrs (captain); Mrs. Jean Heard (lieu- tena nt). Sigma-C: Marvin Colvin, G. D- Jonge, R. Hadley, J. Taylor, Bar- 1rY. DeJonge, Bob Tennant, Nico DeJonge, Brian Black, David Fèr- rester, Bill Gilbank; .Gý.I.T: Mrs. M. (Betty) Colvin Mrs. Ross Roberta) Nesbitt,, Mrs. 'M. (Pat) Mantel. Irownies: Mrs. Elgin Heard, Mrs. Pat Mercer, Bonnie Partner, 1)arlene Maher, Carol Ann Cald- well. Tyros: Carl Kimmctt, Alvin Yeo, Bihl Gilbank, Don McLaren, Gordon Werry. Giorden Young Fashion Odessey At Clarke Hýigh On May 14 Clarke Hîgi School is presenting 'A Fashion Odesscy' at 8:00 p.m. You wil vicw bizarre blouses, skimpy skîrts, jovial jumpers and many other garm- ents made by tih,, students. Tic night will include a round trip to tic moon with tic cost being silver collection. In addition to thÎs youm fricnds at Clarke migit give you a 'Bon Voyage' gift - i tic. formn of a door prize. So come out and support your local show. Gordon Young Ltd. of Toronto was fined Tucsday lu Magistrate Court ini an amnount of $250.00 plus $20.00 a day for a period of twcnty days and costs of $2300 for use of lands in Clarkc Town- ship for tic storage of dead ani- mals. Tic arca in use is in the Mor- gani's Corne-rs district and lias for well over a year been a -con- cern of local citizens. Sunday Fire Destroys »House A fire Sunday morning com- pletely destroyed ' a Township frame house on the boundary line between Clarke and Manvers, west of McCrae's churci., Thc bduse was owned by Mm. TIMOl who occupied the first floo af artmient. Mmr. and Mrs. Preston and famuly lived in the upstairs apartment. The fire was first ohserved by a passerby who aroused the resi- sents. Thc fire apparently start- ed in an outside stairway and it is believed could have started from defective wiring. Furniture fromn the first floor apartment was emoved while furniture and clothing in the sec- ond floor apartmcnt was destroy- ed, with the house. Intries For Durham Central Harness Herse Stake Court Thursday Ontario Pro ' Police ar- rcsitcd a 15-ycar cld boy Monday in connection with ýtic deati of Gail Ruth Moi ns, 19, at hiem Dam- lington T3culc ýard h~ome, Oshawa, April 26th. le appeared le % venilc court in Cobourg Mordav and was charged under the Juvenile De- linquen1t Act. lHe was remandcd ln custody. Thce bw will appear lu juvenile courtci today.* Tic boy, a higih Iool qstude(nt wio lived in ic ' nm i iglibor- hood as tic Molins family. wil 'bc mcprcsentcd b' ( Oshawa law- ycr Terence Kelly. Thc arrest came cigit days af- ter an OPP tcami began an in- vestigation under tic direction of Inspector John 1-ilmer. Tic cigit-man team c)nductcd more than 100 interviews with friciids, ne-igibors and fellow students of Uýý0eýcIý {I ,ý- mIil4 ! fi arrest. Since tic law forbjis tic mc- porting,.of names or details of hegal proceedings against juven- iles it is likely a trial resulting from tic arst would 'bc closed to thc press and public unless tic prcsiding judgc decides circum- stances warrant tic openîng of tic trial. .M.osport Appealt Referred To Toronto10 It is 110w undcrstood that tic appeal bcing made to the Ontario Supreme Court by Mo- port con- ccmning their lands in Clarke Township bas been rcfcrrr.1 back t0 Toronto. Tht apn)e1 eso'i inally to bc heard in Toronto but was refcrred to Cobourg. Tic pro- cedure has 110w been reversed. Local Dumps Unsuitable. 'For Garbage Disposai The Township of Clarke Coun- cil on Tuesday were informed by P. E. Davidson, of the Wastc Management Brandi and E. J. Newman of the Air Management l3rarch ýthat the operation of garbage disposai at both tie Township and, Village dumps is unsatisfactory. It w a alo point ed out that the construction of ini- cinerators were flot feasible or 'deelrable. A. committee of wo usembers of Council and one from the Trusttes was formed to inivestigate furtier. Council received a letter fromn Mr. Robert Pelletier who object- ed strongly ýto the condition of the Vil1age dump. The i ctter was referred to tie Orono Police Trusteces. The Orono Police Trusttes pre- sented parking by-laws to be nsdby the Township Council. Council referred these by-laws to th(i solicitor, Mr. E. R. Lovekin before taking any action. Messrs. Russell Savcry, Charles Cooper, Arnold Wade, Arthur Tii'ôrpson, Dionalid Vinkie, and Councillors 141.E. Wa]key and F. Gray' were- appointed to, the Clar ke Cemetery Committee. Council rcscirded a former res- olution pertaining to lighting op- en fires in the Township and pas- scd another which now states that "Ino one shah hbum or permit to be br'rncd any material in an op- en fire lihat may contribute to air pollution except with tic permis- sion and under the direction of the TowvnshîJp of Clarke 7ýire Chief.' Tenders; are to be called for the construction of the Patterson Bridge, lots 18-19, concession 5,ý the Golf Course Road bridge, lotsý 20-21, concession 2 and the new shed for the Township Road Departmtnt. A letter was receivcd fromn the Ontario Municipal Board in whicù, the Board- dismissed an apDeal by Mr. D. J. Hallowell for a severence which had prcviously been turned down by ;thc Clarke Township Committte of Adjustment. Council approved a resolution of the Planning Board agreeing to rezoning from, Agriculture to Open Space a parcel of land known as the Clarke Conserva- tioni and Fishing Club. Both E. R, Lovekin and the Department of Lands and Forcsts noted condi- tions that should be met in changing thc zoning and in thc damming Up of thc Wilexnot 'Cre ek 1A total of twenty-cight building permits have beecn issued during tht firFt four rnonths of 1970. The total value of construction a- mounts to $378.700.00. A letter from the 'Unite d Counties Road Departm'rnt was fjlcd. The letter referred to est- ablishing a buildiog lot on Prin- cess and Main Stmr-ct by Mr. L. Bowins of Orono. Thc letter re- ferrcd to set backs and that the- Counties could us3e Princess St, for storm-n sewers sonetirne in the fu ture. The letter also noted that the lot would be difficult to service for sanitary sewcrs whcn these were installed in Or- ono in. thc future. 1Tbc fTre budget for the Clarke Township Fire Dcpartmcent, is notcd as almost doubiing over that of 1969. The total cost to opemate thc system this yçar is nearly $15,000,.0. Youth and even a few in the seventies swarmcd onto thc higi- )yay Saturday in thc annual Miles for lZillions Walkathon wiich, this year, broke ail records of 1969. The 324mile trcck .jn this area is along a route from Osh- awa to Wiitby to Bowmanville to Oshawa. A few from tic Omono arca took part in the walk to -help ho] ster tic revenue for those- in nced of assistance. Recciptsfromi the MUiles for Mi]- ilous marci Saturday not" nl srt a new local record tiey may abnoýt double last Year's tlotal of $6Ô,000 when ail participants have bcen lheard from. Tic tally czo far i, $102-P77 and several chcckpoints have not yet reported marchers who droppcd out at their stations. Morris Thompson who manned tic final 'chcckpoint says he est- imates the final total may be $115,000 and-calls this a "conserv- ative iuess." ,Thc pïoblcm is that some walk- crs may have dropped out be- twecn checkpoints and not __boti- cred to -report hodwfar ,thcy trav- eled. When: these -have been trackcd down thc total should show a considerable jump. Treasurer Larry Fitches gaid the final total will not bc known for about a monti after ail collec- tions hiave been made. Officiais have donc prelîmînary checking on tic number of parti- cipants and now say thcy can ac- curatcl1 y estimate thit more than 10,000 persons began tic march and more than 3,000 crossed thc finish line at tic 32-mile' mark. Tic fol] owing arc names of horses and owners who have paid the nomination fee for -thc "Dur- ham Central Stake" to be held, September 11, 1970 at Orono -Fairrounds, 8 p.m. 1, Coburn Lobeli, owned by R. Rolloson, Strathroy; 2. Nomýinated, ,H. Cochrane, Co- bourg. 3. Lin ýLouise, N. White, Har- Wood. 4. Siifty Gier, Mrs. R. T. -Crichton, Rockwood. 5. Dusty Star, H. Stiner, Clame mont. 6. Billy Battles, H. Stiner and J. McCabc, Claremont 7. Centennial Storm, K.M.R. Ranci, Markhar,~. 8. Quinte Qucen, D. Freeman and P. Stewart, Woodbridge.. 19. Single Coin, E. Given asd D. Civen, Bobcaygeon. 10. Rlarwil Pincess, J. Williams Orono. 11. Vanity's Pride, G. MacGilliv- ray, Whitby. 12. Bonni's Way Dale, W. Car- son, Ncwtonvillc.,, 13. Northwood Iris, D. McKay, Linday. 14. Darte, Escadario, Barbara .and Carl Findlay, Oshawa. 15. Chris St. Patrick, M. Naft- -clin and R. Hlolland, Toronto. 16. Wil-Lor-Cathy, E. Phillîps, Oshawa. 17. Lad's Debut, D. Aitchison, Fergus. 18.. -Star Venture, D. Aitchison, Fergus. 19. Wil-Lor-Bcn, D. Newman, Orono. 20 Stuart's Boy, Mm. and Mrs. R. IR. Marshall and J. Sharp, Act- on. 21,. Carman Ciuck, R. Wood, Millbmook.. 22. Balger's Prince, J. Hulis, Grand Valcey, 23. Saucy Swingem, Madawaska Farms, Arnprior 24. Spanisi Gold, Madawaska Fanms, Anprior. 25. Cherry Frosting, Madawaska Farms, Arnpmior. 26. LittlgQ Rain Drop, Mrs. P. Summers, Trent River. 27. Brave Breeze, P.- and M. Zakarow, Bowmanville. 28. Zephmyr Don, P. and M. Zak- amow, Bowmanville. 39. Karen's Major, V. Cookson, Bowmanviile. 30. Misty Thomas, E. BrQ<'k, Oshawa.1 31. Mcadowview Song, E. Brork and C. Reid, Orono. George Carson, OroiZo Stake Secrctary. Youth organizations connectcd Vouti Rally on Sunday. Prior to with tic churci and tiose outsidc it service tic groups mamched to of tic church attended a form of churchIlcad by tic Ncwtonville Fouud 'GuîIty ByI utd 1Oi,OOG in Wallkatkon ý4 ý Attendý', Youth RaII'y At Unîited Church Buge Band. Tic march was con- ducted around tic business block Qlfflâ

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