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Orono Weekly Times, 14 May 1970, p. 1

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fpjbUC ,, b e 196 Oiro no Students Present Fashion Show Clarke Township In Neutral Posii eegi aiArea The Orono Public lichool, on -Wednesday cvcing held a fashion shwwhen studens modelled a Nvide variety of wearing apparel. Sliown above are (left to right) Cathy Bunting, Shelley Vinstone, Jackie Snelders and Bonnie Part- ner who are but a few who took part in the show. The fashion show was lield in ,lic Auditorium of the school which was decorated with an ar- Volume 34, Number 20 bour, spring blossoms andi a park setting. hirs. Ray Sharp, a protes- sional model, a.-isted the gïrt, i the art of modelling. Those taking part, other than shown above, were Lynn Lowery, Bonnie Dunlop, Dora Knapp, Gail Morrison, Catliy Stephens, Susan West, Tracie Stutt, Darlene Ma- lier, Malca Miller, Yvonne Sclioen- maker, Karen Wilkins, Margaret, Moffaf, Donna Knapp anti Debra Hîr I-h. Nancy Duvail was the m-.1nIntator for thie show. îm n-delled was from Arn,'rong'k, Toms and Sons, Bre lin's, John and Judy Shop, Eaton's, Simpson's andi Walkers. Ligfiting was prov.idcd by Fred Bunlîng of Clarke Higli Sehool and -music by a musical group ai- so froirn C' oke Rîgli Sehool. 1Re- fre liments were served by the girls of grade eiglif. Weekly'Ti es ORONO WEEKLY TIES, TRURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1970 Figreworks D'ls pih The Orono Chamber of Com- emerce are againholding their an- nual fireworks display.' The event as usual is to beclield in the Orono Fair Grounds this coming Mond ay evening, May l8tli. The local or- ganization is spending well over $25000 for the show of fire works It was reported af the meeting on Moday at the Venezia ReFtaur- oant that the fý,eworks had been purcliased and the Chamber is riow f0 seek the assistance of the, Orono Fire Departmenf f0 ignite the display. The only revenue f0 support this expenditnre is througli gate re- eceipts and the Cliamber' is hope fui fliat everyone will co-operate in the charge in order that flic cost of tlic show may be covereti. It was also reported at flic meeting that the sign atthe souf h of flic VillaV was 110W being painfeti. In addition f0 this sign the Cliamber lias purchasedt lre '1,Wclcofne"' signs which are to be cerecfed at the ithree entrances in- to the Village. These signs are constructed similar f0 fliose crecf- cd by flic Departmenît of Lands. and Forests. Arrangements are now being made f0 have fliese signs erecteti. Autlority was given f0 obtain prices for the re-planting of flic flower boxes which were sponsor- eded hast year by thé majority of businessmen in Orono. If is lioperJ' f0o have tliese planters in place within the next few weeks. Mr, Heykoop and Mr. , Noone report ed on- a recent meeting of the Great Pine Ridge Tourist, Council. If was stateti that t our- ists wcre intercsted in buildings and other items of hisforical val- ue and fliat attention sliould be attractedti f0sucli features in 'the comunrity. Tourists meant dol- blars to flic business communify, ltwas sfafted. The question, of flic annuat Becf Bar-B-Q was broughft before the meeting but xhen it! was un- derstood fliat flic Orono Park Board was con-tidcring sponsoring flic event this year if was laid ov-, er until sucl i fme as a defir- te decision was made by flic Park Board. Port 1H"peai Cobourg Devlopent1980 The Port Hope-Cobourg area was designatcd as a "pqériperal urban centre f0, be sfimulafed,"' in the Met ropolitan Toront o and Region Transportation Sfudy un- veiled Tuesday in Toronto. The Government plan cahîs for the "tievelopmcnf of a very signif- icant periplieral urlian centre in thie Port Hope-Cobourg vicinity affer 1980 aimeti af absorbing moreA-han double this present population liy the ycar 2000. The plan also suggests flic Co- bourg area could liecomie a sea- way port witli added landi trans-- portation links witli Peterboro, Lindsay, Orillia and Midland and designates tlie Port Hiope-Cobourg area as flic "spriîngboard" fo east- ern Canada. Bail Season The basebaîl season opens bofli in Orono an dKcndab thîs Monday May l8fli. The Kendal Intermediates wlio are being coacheti by Mr. Ronnie West anti managed by Mr. IRoy Wintcr, open their scason of play' on theïr home dia-nondt Mondav afternoort. C'me time is at 2:06 o'clock being prececded with a brief opening ceremony at 1:45. On Ilondaw cx n;ag id athe (Or- ono Par k the Oro,,, Midgcs1 ac the Ontario Ji,-,,'ile Champlions of 1969) frori Knal- Thiý,game is being called for 6:30 p.m. Hegional govcrnment was the central topic of discussion at the Clarke Township Ratepaye"r's As sociation meeting on Tuesday ev- ening when Mr. Ted Sins, execu- tive adminisitrator for the Osh- awva centraf regional study was the guesýt speaker. The meeting w'is informal and held on a que ,tion and answer basis. ?/7r. Sim . sta+cd that events .were moving quite rapidly within ,the pqst few weeks and referred to the Provincial Municipal con- ference, the province's design for Toron-to Conitred P< and the fir-:t r1 ng of bill 67, a b-1l de- siýned for adrii'ionnl unc. l as'istancý for rInîcmnrlii"wi0s'h in a regcional area. Hie also re- -d to the establishment of the York region on May 6tli. Iu speaking on Bill 67, Mr. riaid that when pa-sed this billxviii provide additional funds for individual municipalitiels wi'th- i- region system as well as es- tablishing greater grants for the top level of regional government. Sin-. this legi-lation hbas been presented the Township of Pick- ering, lie said, lias reverscd ifs de- cision and now is interested, frorn reports, f0 join the Oshiawa reg- ional area, Previous to this Pick- ering has been making strong crertures to join with Toronto. He Pointed out that with this leg- irlIation Townships in flic north of Ontario County woul «d receive ad- ditional grants totalling around $250,000.00. Mr. Sims statcdthat urban de- velopment was such today that changes have to be made f0 cope witýh the exa ein lcsaid thisý w-as ilot particula,.rlY the caseý in Clarke Township anti that Clarke lis o the fringe area and no clear rea v>n to bc in or out of the' region appeared to exist. H1e did say ýhowever that 1no municipalify coulti cxist on Its own and there Pmust be a grouping of a number of municipahities to accomplisli certain goals. At this point, he said, land was rot a iïoblem and he cited that ,the~ Oshawva region, exclusive, of Clarke, was ample it0 contain the proposed population increases es- pecially when one considered the population 110W encompassed in ieTonto area. The proposed ýn-i-diationi figures for the Osb- a-,va rcgion is far hess than the Toronto area. H1e did not forecas-t any great growtli for Clarke Tcxvnsh5,1 within the next feu ye.ars. In speaking again of Clarke he said that the Oshawa study com- mi'ttee liad no idea wliat Clarke x tdand that there had been no expression of opinion from flic Townshi-_. Tt xvas stiated-,that the Oshawa region would- have a two-level structure of government and that possibly, if Clarke were included, I bat Clarke and Newcastleo would be one naunicipality wifli one vote at the upper regional level. H1e stated~ that the lower levcý. of gov- erument would contain to look after* local streetîs sanitation, v'r er distribution, committee of adjustmcnt, local planning etc. The- upper tier would construet main highways, sewage treatment plant, water sources,- police, homes for the aged etc. Mr. Sims forecasit a substanfial ,ncrease in industrial and com-. nmercial development for the Osh- jawa rcglion fo which everyone ,vould banefit if part of the re- gion. When asked if Clarke should lie* icludeti in the, Oshawa reg- ionah area, he said that flic reg. ional grant structure favours fuis move as well- as the industrial as- scssment which is contained with- i-n tbe region. He poinfcd out thaf Clarke may nof be able to join another area for some years anti thus for th is period' wouhd lbse out in the extra grants for this perioti of time. On the other side, he saiti, there would be a loss of representation as the new area wihl have f0 gear representation closcly to population although landti-assfactor shoulti be given Çome considCation. Uc aLso saidà that perliaps one couli consider staying out because you are not faced wi'th a great growth nor will lie in the next number of years. 34r. Sims said thaît lic third report would lbe sulimittet ina late July or early August and this will contain a single propos- ai. lHe feif that Clarke Township wvocld be e eluded for the sebeme bUt he raid this wouild not be a final, dccirionj. Public meetings w7ould 1)2 h.'ld in Octolier when jindiiiuls or groups may pre- sen! their r iFhe's. Following these Mcting,ý the executive will again revîcw the area lirfore presenting their findings f0 the minis4er of (Confinueti Page 5) IIoids A Lot 0f Respect For Bobby Orr Mrx s ii oin f Chono now c1 mný obLi Orr 'a tCi' greatei, hock < pa-ver of P-1l times. She not only recognizes lis ability Io score gotial. 0who n timing of scoïýjiag flic innin-g goal at 40 secondsý of flic overtime perioti hast Sunday. As a result of flic goal, coming at the 40. second mark, Mrs. Mather receiveti a sum of $501 .06 from the Orono floi obîs MWhe -50-50 ?J.H L. d aw.rTholoýnil Mock ý, 'others 1 do-e t 1103 lîckete on the drî,'xv w1iIt'a te wîninig tick ýt t be ci'tcrned by the ltime of Ithe winning goal in the final gamne of theN.L phaydowns. Above Mrs. Barbara Black, president, presents the cheque f0 - r-. 3 allier xxCsle n.Ronnie West orn the leit and r Raye Wer-t ou the riglif, boîli members cfe lue ioc'e Idýothers', show their înteresf. Thi-i oek -y 3"%thers wisli f0 thank evcryone who solti anti pur- cliaseti tickets and lielped make this draw a success.

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