-- - --- ------- - ORONOWEEKLY TIMES PuIIhed ee" r g th O et ^ieIaof NOW OR, NEyER! [t became quite clear on Tuesday evening that to become part of the Oshawa Regional Area, Clarke Township must take the initiative to be encompassed within the bound- aries of the region. It strongly appears' that there is no prize in Clarke for the regioný and if no voice is heard- from Clarke the Township will lie left out. The Tuesday meetire,, at which Mr. Sims, executîve administrator of :the Oshawa Regional Study, was !the guest speaker, did reveal that the Provincial Goverament was in- creasing grants to those municîpalities which are part of a region He noted substantial financial gains ito northe rn Townships in Ontario County and a reversai of opinion in Pickering Township due to these grants. It is now the duty of the'Clarke Council to investigate these grants'and to de- termine their effect on the financial position of this muni- cipality and individual taxpayers if they were to join the Oshawa centred region. If Clarke is flot to become part of, the Oshawa region they could very well be left out of any region for a goodly number of years. There is no indication of a regiou, other than Oshawa, being contemplated in 'his district at this par- dicular time. Many have feit that the Uited Counties would re- main intact but this is now highly unlikely. The recent Pro- vincial "Design For Development" inclui.s Bowmanville, Darlington and Cartwright within the concepts of the Tor- onto-Centred region. Bowmanvifle and the major portion of Darlington are included in a planned urbanized area whule Cartwright is situated in'an agricultur al zone. It is hardly likely that either Bowmanville or Darlingtonwill make any play to stay. with the United Counties. It is interesting' to note that Clarke Township, through thie Provincial plan, lias been placed ii an area de- signed for conservation. Following the idea that buffer green zones will separate urban centres Clarke could well rem-ain dormant as the next step as outlined in the "Design For Developmient" wouild be to the Peripheral urban centre of .Port Hope-Cobourg,. This latter developmnent is not1 ex- pected for at least the next ten year and there is no indli- cation thiat the area woulq even then be designed as a regbon. Clarke Township lias very littie industrial or, comn- mercial assessment and could be passing up benefits fromn such assessment in the west if they remain sulent on join- ing the Oshawa Region It is time Clarke spoke out and this voice should leie hard £rom hoth residents and the governing body. The implications over whether we join the Oshawa Regional Area are far more important and could effeet this, community to a mueli greater degree than whether John Lennon or Karma Productions hold a three-day Peace Fest- ival at Mosport., L.N.lBrd RealEstate Limited PLACE CALL IF WE MAY ASSIST YOU IN SELLING OR BUYING PROPERTY Orono Branch on 115 liighway (Ontario Sports) BUS. 983-5350 TORONTO 364-1807 RES. 983-5427 MANDER RAFUSE RES& 623-3605 An thïIer Dra Firsi-ever graduates in Applied Arts and the three-year pro- gramns in Business and Teclinol- ogy will lie among the 124 stud- ents to be graduated from Durham College of Applied Arts and Tech- nology May 16. Eighteen members of the grad- uating class made/ the Dean's List which, requires an overali 'A' average (80 per cent or better). Four Publice Administration students and 22 Communication Arts students - 12- in Advertis- ing and Display and 10 in Public Relations - will will receive Dur- ham's first Applied Arts diplomas. The Apfle Arts Division opened its doors if September, 1968, one year after the Business and Techi- nology Divisions. Twesty-eight students will libe graduated from three-year Bus- inesh. Administration programs five in Accounting, il in Data Processing, one la General, 'and 11 in Marketing. Seventeen students will re- ceive the first three-year Teclinol- ogy diplomas - two in Chemical Techniology, seven in Electronic Technology, and eight in Mechan- ical Technology. The second graduating class in two-year Business and Teclinical prQgrams includes 43 Business students - thirec in General Sec- retarial, eight eacli in Legal and Medical Secýretarial, five in Accounti.ng, 10 ïin Data Process ing and fine in Marketing: two- year )Technical graduates include five in Electronics, six in Eleet- ronies (Computer Option), and mine in Mechanical. Altogether, 26 Applied Arts Clarke.'Public LIB R AR Y HOURS opENl: Tuemday 6:30- 8:30 Thursday 6:30 - 8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 - 8:36 Saturday 10:00- 12:00 am. Continental1 Sauna and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN We have a Sauna and Whirl- pool ready for your use. DrQp In and give them a try Group Rates Available Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 a. Sun. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 16A ONTARIO STREET 728-2460 'OSHAWA Listerine (Reg. $1.39) ..-. $1.05 Seope (Reg. $1.49) ...... $1.12 DettOiex (eg. $1.09)....82 Pyribenkame Tabs (1.05) .79 13la1n. Size lenx<2-79) 2 -8-0 MaCdess Carefree (.59c) ... .45 Peanut Bfrittle (.65c). ..4 Peppermint Patties .. 2 for .67 Elastiplast Strips (-89c) ...67 Curad Bandages (.45c)....33 Noxzema ($1.59i)....... 1.19 West Tooth Brush (.98) '.... 73 Nox. Instant Lather (1.35) 1.01 Gillette Lather (.69c) ... .. .52 Ban R.9il-On ($1.99) -....1.49 Softique Beatis (1.59) .... 1.17 Nic.e and Easy ($2-25) .... 1.69 OId Spice Hair Creani.. 1.13, graduates,. 71 Business graduates, and 37 Technology' and Technical. graduates are scheduled to re- receive their diplomas at the Col- lege's second annual convocation- A. ,H. Crocket, 53, president of the Bank of Nova Scotia, will be guest speaker at the ceremony, Saturday, May 16, at the General W. Sikorski Polish Veterans' As- WeAeAgents For Bowmanvile Cleaners Pick-up and Leliver Tuesday, Thursday and.,Friday MATIS BILLIARDS and Barbershop Orono, Ont. Phoue 983-5310 Lady Pat. Hair Spray (.99) .74 Head - Shoulder* Creami. 1-01 Toni Sun-In ($1,95) ...... 1.46 Cil- Razor and Blades ... 1.72 PhifIiIps M of M Tabs (.95) .71 Aniphojel, 65 (1.95) ....... 1.46 Agarel (1.45)............ 1.09 Beadasil Çream (1-23)....92 Spectrocin'Cream (2.30) -1.72 Neasporin (2.99) ........ 2.24 Pamovin (Reg- 1.60) .... 1.20 Wyanoid Ointment $1.15) ..-.77 Anusal Supplement (1.45).1.12' A-S.A. Tabs, 300's (.77) ...58 Bayer Asperin (.99c) ..... .74 Persona Blades Ii (.75) ... .56 Schick S- S Blades (.75) .... .56 STUT'SPHARMACY 1. ORONO, OqTAUO PHONE: 98-59 Special - Grade A Larg S- 2 Weekçs Only MAY 10 to 3th, FARM FRESH EGGS - produced under the moôst rigid quality standards. omnatic feeding and collecting system at Orchland Groýve- Coinpley aut- Farms, Maple $PmR1NGSPECIALS Williamà C. Hall, B. Comm. Charter.d Accouat Phote Newcastle 987-4240 ARl day Wednesday aniSatturday Suago PUE RAGEJICE400oz. 39 Delivered to your door Glen Raie DauryL ORONO WEEKLY. TImES, TIjUXSDAY, -MAY l4th, 1970, . Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5310 Il 1 1