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Orono Weekly Times, 14 May 1970, p. 5

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flUt Uw1r ~.. ~.. ,Umr-trj- - - r r OBONO WEEKLY TIMES,, THIURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1970 Orono SàhoolNews On Wednesday, May l3th, the girls of grade 8 put on a fashion show with everything from 'bath- ing suits to maxi coats. The "dawnin age of the 70's" (dance) will be held ini the -gym, May 141h by the grade 6 class. ,This dance is going to bc a "tri- bute to the Beatles?" Grade 8's are 'having exams June 3rd, 4th and 5th in the mnornings and afternoons, Houseleague Teams started basebaîl on Monday. The girls played Mustang vs. Cobra. The Cobra's won 7-l'. The boys played Cougar vs. Roadrunner. Cougars won 9-7. Bonnie Dunlop, Editor Edv;ard Clark, Ass't Editor Tom Moffat, Jim Moffat, Gail Morrison. Head tepyer The Clarke Township Ratepay- ers Association elected ýtheir slate of officers 'and directors for the year 1970-71 on Tuesday evening. Those elected to office were Mr. Gene Buti, chairman; Mr. R. D. Morton, vice-chairman; Mr. John Veldhuis, seeretary and Mr. John Kimbaîl, treasurer. Mr. Btt commended the offic- ers and -the organization in gen- eral for their conduc<t of the asso- ciation's business during 'the past year. 11e said they bad shown a positive responsibility 10t their duties. H1e also felt that the or- ganization had lived up to its pur- pose and, had many accomplish- 'ffendts to ifs credit since its in- ception. Oxfor d IMRICLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCHIAHL Phone 983-5606 Speclalizing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chlmnev ReiaIrs Turn on the Fun with a Fox bui!ds the ýworld's most wanted mini-bikes! Exciting traitlrmodets for Trait Blazing, hunting, fishing and camping ...Finest campus bikes for swingersi shoppers, swimmers A "hot dogger" scrambler that's flot a bit timid for the field or track. Many models are Street licensable. Tu,,, on tMe FIN wlith à?ining7, Deal W., have 'emI Low as j $199.95 Rol ph Hardware, ORONO PHONE 083-5207 Local News Reeve John Stone and Deputy- reeve 1-. kEari Waikey attendect thse isyors and ±eeves confereace tUie torepart of tis week in Wind- sor, Uu.ario. The Orono Fire Dopai-tisent compieted an cxcellent join of wasîIiing dowis the M1/an Strtet of 0rono on Tuesday evcnin. Mr. Blumberg of RR 1, Orono lias estlablisnied a new enterprise les Oroîso with the services of the Oroiîo Taxi. H1e coùsmenced thîs operation iast week which also isclucles a -Newcastle franchise. A taxi service has been lacking in Orono for sometime and this en- terprise is a welcomed addition to the Orono scene, Work started the forepart of thi-s week in the construction of a new cement apron around the Orono Swimming Pool at the Or- ono Park. Orono Building Con- tractor A~ doing the work for the Park Board. When completcd the cement apron xiii scacl out 10-the south, ebst 'and west fence, elim- inating the former grassed area. Also in the work is" 10 bc included a.,foot bath at the entrance to the Pool. Mrs. K. Gamsby, Mrs. H. Mur- ray, Mrs. L Plain and Mrs. H. Bailey attended 'the annual diii- ner mecting of the Northumber- land and Durham Tuberculosis and ]Respiratory Disease Associa- tion at Cobourg on Tuesday nigbt when Dr. C. W. L. Jeannes, Exec- utive Secretary, Caandian TB and RD AssÔciation, xvas the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and daughter of Peterborough visited on Sunday with bis mother Mrs. C. Wood. Mr. and Mss. James Ferguson of Rochester, N.Y. spent several days last week, witb -Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson. On Mother's Day, Sunday, May 101h at the Orono United Church the ,;,ïerament of Baptismi was ad- ministered to the following: Mrs. Henry (Margaret) De- mark; Wayne Gordon Atkins. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Atkins; Lesley Mîchele Demark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Demark; Jac- quelin Susanne Hood, daughter of Ms. and Mrs, D. Hood; Brent William Hutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hutton; Michael Wil- liam Lane, son of Ms. and' Mrs. E. Lane; Csaig Maarten Mantel, son of Ms. and Mrs. M. Mantel; Peter Scott McCullough, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. McCullough; Christine Marie MeHugh, daughter of Mr. and Mss. McHugh; Leanne Marie Reid _ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RoUI. Reid and Emily Karen TaI- sma, daughter of Mr. and Mss. R. Taîsma. Mother's Day visit ors wih Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn wese Mr. and Mss. Grant Tamblyn and children, Mr.' and Mrs. A. Plum- merand Ms. Bryan Tamblyn. kendail News Miss Linda Greenwood, Kendal and Miss Sharon Pierce of Port Ilope, hoth students at Trent Un- iversity, left Malton on Friday, May 8 by Jet for a three weeks tour of England, France and Spain. A presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Edwasd Carscadden was held in Kendal Orange Hall on Friday evening, MaY 8. The even- ing began with rouîsjd and square dancing to tUe music provided by Mr. and Mr-, Jameq Lower 'ry and Mr. Dave Masters. Mr. 'Mac' Ransberry 1 %ii tise one vv ( c i, î for the dances and also t- ted a,ý Master of Ceremonies. The hon- oused couple were called to the platform. After the realing of tbe address ýthey wee -o s-sý entcd with a Sunbeam va'cuurn dean- er and a G. E. floor polisher as well as a sum of money in a purse. Edward thanked the friends for their gifts. and învited tbem to caîl at their home. The committee i charge were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Down, Mr. and Mrs. David Mercer and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Batten. There was a great many neighbous_ bus drivers, relatives and friends present to wish the young couple a happy future. Mss. ù'ack Stapleton attended a shower for ber niece, Miss Mar- lon Cooper last Wednesday even- ing at the home of Mrs. chas. Walker. 1Mrs. Minne Wybenga is visit- îng ber parents in llolland., Mrs. Lawrence Greenwood beld a jewellery demonstration in ber home last Thursday evening May 7 put on by Mr. and Mrs. John Ingraham of Bowmanville.. Mrs. Ingraham teaches at Lockharts. school. Ms. Ingraham does custom cutfing and polisbing of jewellery as a hobby. This was most inter- esting. On May 6 the United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. K. Wood with eleven present. Tl'0î President ýopened the meet- ing with a special prayer for tUe work of the Kendal church and it's minister in fUis our Centen- niai year. Mrs. F. Wood at the piano led us in, the bymn, "We give Thee but Thine Own What e'er the gîft maf be." Mrs. A. Low sead an article on charity. The theme of our meet ing was "giving." Rev. T. Snelgrove gave fthe top- se. He sfated that we live in a world of confliet. Youth rebelling against their eiders, employee a- UNITE»CHURCH Orone Pastoral chm Rev. B. B. Long SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1970 bmdw sd.o" at 10:0 8o _c t11:15 a.rn. Idrnbg Souvice At 9PAS arn - 5aa 8omatu il- gaînst employer. There were bar riers of race etc. We as church people must do. something f0 rec- tify these, wrongs. In Christ, Godý bas ipade ahl people equal. They should have equal oppoÉtunity. We must' bring the spirit of ChriFit to bear on these problems. The sccretary gave the finane- ial report. We werre askedto rr, vide a salad' plate for an eveniing wedding. Moved Uv l'Jiýs C. St'ýw- îart seconded bv Yrss. W. Hoy that we accept. Carsied. The Rama Indian Resprve near Orillia could use six Observers. Moved by Mrs. G. Cathcart, sec- londed by Mrs. W. Merc,r tbnt $12.00 be given fo purchase six subscriptions for tbem. Ttje prînting of Centennial In- vitations will cost $2000. Mored by Mrs. J. Carscadden, seconded by Mss. K. Wood that the U.C.W. pay this bill. Carsîed. Kendal girls are plýtnninq on aftepding Quin-Mo-Lac Camp. Moved by Mrs. W. Mescer, second- ed by Tfs~. R, Elliott thaý, -ve give $10.00 towards eacb girl's regis- tration fee. Casried. Six dollars in talent money was given ouf at this meeting. We sang ia closing, "Blest ho the tic ýthat binds Our hearts un Christian love." A vote of tbanks was extendd f0 ous hostesses Mrs. W. Hoy and Mrs. K. Wood. Our next meeting will be June 3 in the Sunday Sehool room wben we make final plans for the Cen- fennial on June 7 Mention was made of the Reeds of the Preston family wbo were burned out recently. They form erly lived in Kel4Ial village. Kencta S, naycholAnniiver- sary was helcf on Famiily Day, May 10. Our Junior choir led in the singing of "1When Mothers of Salem". Then Rev. T. Snelgrove offïciated in the baptism of Ray- mond Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Foster. Four special awards were pre- (Continued on page 5) iST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN4 Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Servicec - 9:30 a.m. floly communion- Flrst and Thifd Sundays 'Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment .with Rector 987-4145 rhe Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. Septic 1Tank Serv ice GENERAL PUMPING 2.4 HOUE SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leakard, Ontario Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 Surm er. Dresses Corne in and lookover orverylarge selection, -E I Planting -Time. VAN BELLE'S provide a complete GARDEN CENTRE in Evergreens, Shrubs, plants, fertilizers and garden 'equip- ment. patio 'slabs, decorative or- naments and fountain units. are also available along with many other 1 l garden needs. ý A PAY US A VISIT! PHONE 623-5757 WB DELIVER Vau Belie Gardonms Highway No. 2, West of Bowmanville ARMSTRONGS

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