Tarxes Up -On Average By $28,0OO Taxpayers in the Township of ,Clarke are faced with an increase in taxation again this year with the increase bcing due solely to thie education levy within the municipality. The average. in- -crease on the average home asses- ed at $2800 wili be very close to :S28.00. The education rate for the 'Township has increased by 9.98 milis wbiie the Township rate for general purposes and Town- ship roads bas been reduced slightly by 0.4 milli The education levy increase in I'larke is far above the ove rali ~average over the two county sys- Volume 34, Number 31 tem. This basbeen explained to corne about due to the use of the, Provincial equalized assessment factor which in Clarke Township is the1 lowest of any of the muni- cipalities. The'county rate for ail proper- tv in Carke Township remains at, a similar level to that of last year. This same condition' also is evident for Street lighting in Kendal and Newtonviile. The, separate school levy in 'larke.( Township bas also risen but noýt as sharply as the public sehool rate. 'The Separate school levy is uplXv 7.1 milîs. Property within the Police Vil- lage of Orono will have a similar Mill rate to those in the Town- ship. The Orono General rate is up by 0.825 milîs and the Orono RoAd rate by 3.63 milîs. Howéver this bas been offset by a decrease of 5.048 milîs in the Police Vil- 1lage rate. The total Miii rate in the Township excluding charges. for Ncwtonville or Kendal street lighting will be 141.303 mils. The Miii rate within the Police Vil- lage of Orono willi ncrease to 145.7973 mills. 1 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1970 Gradmaes r Prgresive Minded -S The Orono Public Sehool rec- ently disti-ibuited' a questionaire -...amoil the parents of students who attend the school. Seventy percent of the questionaires were returned ýto the sehool which numbered one hundred and five. In general it appears that par- ents îf students at the sehool are in agreement of the present teachinc, methods and are in fav- Our of sonie progre3sive ideas be- ............ ing introduced at the school. AI- so the questionaire devulged that these parents, 95,percent, feit that their tax dollar was being wîsely Mis Saro AUndaghte of spent in the Orono Schooi r.and Mrs. Normnan Aluin, Or- Ninety-nine percent 'of the re- oino, is an honour graduate in fturns etated that the &chooi Barly Childhood Education from 'should be concerned with the Sir Sandford Fleming College of moral, physical and social devel- Peterborough. Convocafl-n was opinent of the student as wellas held Saturday at the George the academic growth.' Street United Church, Petei-bor- TheEoine adShogogaia ough. tion, according to the survey, bas a membership witb only 36 per- cent of the parents. Siixty-four : £ut o r Trial percent of the parerts are o members of the Association and ~* of this 85 percent have no desire Bid rosîponea to take ont ebrhp The questionaire also gave par- A hearing on, whether to move ents the opportunity to present the trial of a 15-year-old youth additional, comments. These take Vchargeçl in connection with the in wtde range of items and below ;murder of Gail Ruth Mobns to we list a, few of them: adult'court was, adjourned for -The 'sebool playgrounds are one week in juvenile court Tues- poor. Orono should have a new day by Provincial Judge R. B~. school built, for the top tax dol- IBaxter. lars we are paying. The school is The decîsion to adjourn 'the too old, unsuitable and uncom- hearing to May. 26 was made to fortable. give defence counsel Terence -I feel the discipline in Or- Kellyand Durham County Crown ono Public School is the, best, Attorney Geoffrey Bonnycastle, c )npari'd to ýthe other schools tieto gather more evidence on Our cb!Mren attended. the motion for the change to ad- , -Winter Vacation Week is a uI-t court. "nothing-to-do" time for many The October wedding of Mr. Gordon E. Dent, son of Mrs. 7Tildred Dent, Orono, to Miss Maureen Susan Fitter, daagh- tr of Mr. and Mrs. B. Fitter, Caiedon wil be heid at Cai- var:' Baptist Church, Brampton. boys and girls. Perhaps some of them would enjoy a schedule of floor hockey in the G.P Room. 0f course, this would entail con- Vkd erabi, organization and sup- eri- iion on the part of a respon- sibie group of parents. -1 think it would be beneficiai for girls tohave Home Economics from Grade 6 (this is îhe age when girls like to do things like this) ar;lI then they could drop lt in Grade 9, (that is of course if they don't plan to make a career out of it) and M.ick up another subject that would bc more use- fui to them. - So many things I think are star.ted too late, iLe. languages, workshop etc.' -1 feel that the gap between Public School and High School' has been an unnecessarily big one with too many adjustments ex- pected of the child, but 1 have ob- served that the Orono Public School is attempting in many ways to' overcome this by encouraging students to think for themeselves and express their opinions and acquire a source of motivation early in their lives -Which I feel is excellent. -I would like to .see English Grammar, returned in formal les- sons- ý-Reading, writing, and arith- metic are stili the most important, subjeets to my way of thinking. -The weekly tests are good, as compared to cramming for exam- nations each term. However mis- takes in the tests should be cor- rected Many Attend Orono Fireworks The Orono F ireworks sponsored by the Orono Chamber of Com- merce met with considerable suc- cess last Monday evening when a very good crowd were in attend- ance. The. display, an entirely aerial display, was held at the Orono Fair Grounds. The fire- worký, werc ignited by thc 0,. ono- Clarkes Pire Department who have assisted with the program over tthe past number of years. A sui of $19000 was taken at the gates wbich will cover a por- tion of ;the cost of the display It is eygnected that the total cost of the fircworks 'will be in the neighbourhood of $275.00. The Orono-Clarke Firefigliters held a 50-50 draw at the fire- works with Mr. A. Cancellier of South Orono being the winner. The prize moneyfor ýthe ,draw to- talled $200.00 with a sinillar a- mount going to local firefighters. Jerry Murphy, Judy Stephens on, Don McKenzie and Susan Simnp- son were but a few who took part in the Clarke High School Fash- ion Odyssey. Close to seventy dif- ferent items of wearing apparel Controller Margaret Shaw of the Oshawa Council is reported in the Oshawa Journal as favouring the .inclusion of Clarke Township within -tbe Oshawa Regional area. The Controiler sees Ciarke as as an area of deveiopment which is a reversai to that expressed in Orono recently by Mr. Ted Sims. Controller Shaw is reported as follows: "Con. Shaw i s extremeiy pleas- eid that Clarke Township is in- cluded in the city's recommenda- tioni. Clarke Township, the con- troller says wili add miles of at- aractive lake frontage with po- tential for good harbor develop- ment. The industrial land' made available througb the addition of Clarke township would mor e than pay for the initial cost to the' rest of 'Vie region, she says. Mrs. Shaw demands, that the Miss Elaine Forrcster (left) daughter of Mr« and Mrs. Roy Forrester, Orono, received ber diploma from the two-year Busin- essSecretaria' course at the Dur- ham ýCollege Convocation on Sat- urday. Miss Brenda Van Damn (right) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. were modelled by 'the students and this incIudd both boys andi girls. Many of the items were the rhsuit of their own work in the' Home Economics clasts. provincial. goverrnment1 put its promises for assistance in devel- opment in writîng. "But Clarke township is the real ca1frot to draw indtlstry., There are the railway and the harbor and the 'transportation routes." Con. Shaw- also feels thiat thýýe region will need- the spac,(e. Iit',s part of growing into a big eity. We have to have room foer expar- sion." Alderman Edward McNeeley of Oshawa also favours the inclusion, of Clarke township and iNewcastle at thîs time ratherjh&in in some- time in the futui~e as suggested by the-regionai government con.- sultant, Mr. Donald Patterson, McNeeley, states ýthat here is an- affinity betw een Clarke,, New- castle and Bowmanville.. George Van Dam, Pontypool, also rec.ýived ber dîplorna from the ýkwo-year Business Secretarial course. Miss Van Dam was one of sixteen graduting ,students who were cl the Dean's listý for com-- piling over eighty percent inher work. 1h e Clarke FLshion Show- Favours Clarke In Region Graduate At Durham Collee pm