~~~1 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURiSDAY, MAY 21, 1970 Congratulations to Mr. Allen Irwin who graduated on Saturday May l6th from Sanford College na three year course in Civil Tech- riology. H1e bas secured a position in Peterboroughi after completing in Hamilton. hBOLDING SPECIAL MEETING 'RE SCHOOL DEVELOPME NTS The Northumberland - Durham Board of Education is holding a public meeting at the Clarke Higli Sehool on Thursday, June 4th. The rnoeeting is being held to present to the _general public a -proposed plan in the development of education in the Clarke Town- ship, Orono, Newcastle area. The Board, it is understood, wll also devulge their proposed building program and çxpansion program for the aforementioned area. READING CONTINUES UPWARD AT LIBRARY The librarians report at the May meeting of the Clarke Lib- rary Board showed a continuing increase in the loan of books over the similar period of last year. The increase was close to twenty percent over April of 1969. The library Board officially ac- cepted contracts for the heating, plumbing, outside painting and carpentry work as well as land- scaping for the new library prem- ises at the corner of Centre and Church streets. Prior contracts have been let for wiring, lighting and masonry work. The total cost of the- renovations of these con- tracts amounts to $10,000.00 R1e- maining plans have yet to be completed for plaster repair, san- ding of floors and general redec- orating the interior.1 ORONO WATER SAFETY CLUB PREPARES FOR JULY SESSION The Orono Swimming aad Wa- ter Safety Club held their annual meeting last Wednesday evening when the 1970 slate of officers Best Buy! Gem Margarine Coloured ilb- parchment packs 4'for 89c Speeîally Selected - Branded BL A DE ROÉ %A "ST Save 29e! 48 oz. Fancy Quality tins TOMATO JUICE' 3 for. $1 Local Happenings HANK'S SAKERY and, Snack B ar Phone 983-5203 Save 30e 14-oz tins C LARK'S BEANS with pork in Tom- ato sauce .5 for $1 Value Check'd SLb.11,--1 69 c -Yon Save Twice with Trim and Price! Prime Rib' Roast IL.89c GROUND BEEF IL 59c COTTAGE ROLLS lb. 89c PORK LIVER IL.43c I ONIS'SRED &WHITE We rreserve the tlgU te U"mI* qu"llsPoe9350,OnOt and directors were electecl. Those elected to office were: PreX!dent, Mrs.' Joanne Hutton; Secretary, Mrs. Beryl Clark; Trea- surer, Mrs. Ruth Grady: Directôrs elected were Mrs.. Florence Allun, Mrs. Shirley Williams, Mrs. Helen Henderson, Mrs. Joan Ard and Mrs. Marie Wcst. The organization reported a surplus of funds of $66862. The swimming program at the Orono park is to agai.i to be held this summer at the local pool. The program of lessons will con- tinue as in former years with the program starting on June 29th. _UPIIOLD CONDITIONS 0F CLARKE ZONING BY-LAWS ---Reeve John Stone of the Town- ship of Clarke informed us_ on Wednesday afternoon that the Supreme Court of Ontario has up- held the conditions of the Clarke Township Zoning By-law as per- taining to the application by Mos- port Park Ltd. to have certain changes made to open up the use of their park for activities ther than only car racing. The application made by Mos- port was dismissed. Race Enitries Orono Race Entries for May 22 lst RACE- Wil Lor Ben, RoFbinson; Rusty Pete, S. Brown; Guy Tana, Samon Centenial Star, Norris; Delcia Herbert, TBA; Nýorthco Jerry, E. Wilson; Range Idol, W. Foggo. 2nd RACE- MQlly Haw Lea, R. Brown; Elva Magie, Dolley;' King of Diamonds, Robinsori, Chef Clyde, Bird; R. E. Counsel, Ff.ggo; Parkview Ann R. Glover; Hesahoney Pick, Gent. 3rd RACE- Command Grattan. M. Brooks; Zephyr Billy, Dolley; Johnny's Choice, McGuaid; Dupstless Todd, 1. Cochrane; Ruthator, Robinson; Hi Vie, L. Goodale; Tom Appleby A. Cassidy. 4th RACE- Lorraine H., R. Rahm; Lucky Ace, Dolden; Nida Dale C., Kelly; Dicks Henley,, Goodale; Mighty Betty, Gillian; Wil Lor Andy, S. Brown; Dust Proof, TBA. 5th RACE- Liz Son, Williams; Brickley Star, Adams; Ligthning - Dares, 1. Cochrane; Flemington's Ace, L. Staff; Trevor Song, Feltis; Sparky Sue, H1-ile; Northwood Barney, W. Reidl. 6th RACE- Chief, CIffle, R. Bird; Molly Haw Lea. R. Brown; King of Diamonds Robinson; Hesahoiiey Pick, Gent; R. E. Couii 1, bggo; Elva Magie, Dolley; Parkview Ann, Glover. 7th RACE- Miss Buckeye Lady, L. Dixon; Van's Pride C., W. Reid; Lady Karen, E. Brock; Waltzing Matil- da, R. Bjrd; Topheel Special, I. Thackeray; Hope Song, Williams 8th RACE- Frosty Linda, Kinston; Bruce Jaydee, J. Dôlden; Qu inte- Lad, P. Stewart; King Grattan S. ýJack Williams; Buster McNab, Dixon; Gene Putney, G. Robinson; Beurt, Bumpas, MacKay. 9th RACE- Liz Song, Williams; Sparky Sue D. y~ie; Flemington's Ace, Staff; Brickley Star, E. Adams; Trevor Song. Feltis;' Lightning Dares, I. Cochrane; Northwood Barncy, W. Reid. Albert's Texace GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249' Ormse DEPUTL MINISTER DEFENDS BREATH LAW The Supreme Court of Canada continues it s government-ordered test of the validity of the 1969 legisiation which compels motor- ists to give police a sample of thçir breath. Deputy Minister Donald Max-. well of the justice -department spent four hours Tuesday outlin- ing the government's position and continued on Wednesday. Boxed Plants 2 for 89c. GERANIUMS 69e. Picnic Supplies Paper Plates of many sizes Disposable Table Cloths. ,Hot and cold Drinking Cups, Canned Pop, Snacks Chips etc. Phone 983-5242 ORONO, ONT. SeedPotatoes Coblrs$5.50 Katadin $ 5.2 5 Sebago $5.00 GARDEN SUPPLIES Boxed Plants' .40ce TWO-YEAR ROSE 4USHES <1 //~FERTILIZERS - LAWN SEED GARDEN EQUIPMENT and SUPPLIES LUNN'Pro, HARDWARE Bonus Brand Whýole Canned 3 1/4lb. Tin CIICE Best Buy - Save 8c - Choice Quality Sliced Cling 28-oz. Tins AUSTRAL PEACHEtS 35c Regular 79e Value - Introducing Sunspun COFFEE -CREAMERBoI lez. Feature - S.ave 8c - Silver Ribbon 19 oz. Tins Choice Wax Beans 5- $1 Save 8c - Stafford's APPLE PIE FILLER 19 oz. tins 39c r, Wv"hy Pay More '-7r- Save With DXA FUEL It Phone 668-3341 Collect ON DX PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL DX FUE L OIL CALL US TODAY For Prompt, courteons. Service