ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1!70 School Board-Teachers' Hands Are Tied By Local NORTHUMBERLAND and DUJRHAM COUNTY BOARD 0OF EDUCATION * REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1969 A debate between local mem- bers of the Ontario SeconJp,'ry School Teachers' Federation and the Northumberland - Durham County Board of Education overý the board's ban of hiring teach- ers ended in deadlock. The'hoard took the line that it had to stick with its agreement withi the Ontario Schools Trustee Council regardless of the fact that ilI ad settled its dispute with local teachiers. A delegation of almost 30 sec- ondary sehool teachers frorn the area attended the board's regular meeting and while there was no oificial notice of the delegation, the board, disregarded its poliey of- 24-hour notice, to hear what ithe teachers had to say. Johin Syýlvestervich of Clarke High Sc>hool, Division President of thie OSSTF, pointed out that the teachers and the board had reachecc an amicable. settiement ou slary and other matters and s;aw "no reason why the ban on hiring ishoudl continue." "We are here as interested parents, taxpayers and teachers to show our concern about the possible n eg ative effeets -that the nxoritoriumn on hiring teachers miglit have on the quality of cd- ucaton that' the students in Northum berland and Dur'ham might rectîve ncxt year," he said. Mr. Sylvestervich said the teachers of the area feit that the Trustees Council bas placed the board and the administration in thie unfair position of having to sacrifice ithe local quality of cdu- cation in supporting the Metro boards. "There are other means of support available to the trustee council , iwlich would flot jeopard- ize the quality of education pro- vincially," he said. George Gratton, Port' Hope 1-igh School, asked the board what its' rationale was in persist- ing with the ban? Jeoffrey Rolph, chairman, said Ihat maybe lie was "over simpli- fying the matter" because he was "Ino expert" but the OSSTF pink- lisý.,d the 7oronto board and this was what started the action. "'You belong to the teachers group; the -ban is a re-action to an action;" he said. Teachers And Baurd Reach Agreement Salary negotiations between the Northumberland and Durham board of education and its teach- crs and employeer are about com- pleted with the 'announcement that has been reachcd with the elementary and teachers of re- tarC*-d. oilîdren. Frank Thom, director of educa- tion said ail that remains are the few specialist positions that don't really fail into a given catcgory. The elementary teachers won an avfrage increase of 4.5 per cent in the basic rate which when conmbired with the annual incre- ments, still is within the board's budget guidelines. T'.,3 starting rate for level one elernen tary teachers is flow $5,400 up to a maximum of $7,200, At the Up- i %r end of the scale, a level five teacher would start at $7,400 up to $12,200. Mur Thom, saîd fringe benefits rernain about the same with min- or changes. The agreement is a- bout eight pages long and has been ratified by the teachers and signed by the board. ASSETS Elementary Seconidary Accounts Receivable Municipalities (including underlevies) - 298,906 Other School Boards ----- --- 15,800 GovernmentL of Ontario General Legislative Grants ------- -- Education Mill Rate Subsidy 294,920 Okther -------------- 12,100 Goveýnment of Canada----------- 12,950 $ 634,676 Due from Other Funds ---------------- -------- 64,034 Other Assets - Sundry Receivables------------- 104,884 Secondary Schools Revenue Fund Balance Sheet--1877,213 Deficit of Former Boards at January 1, 1969-------- T otal -- -- - ----- - - --------- Bank Overdraft ------------ Temporary, Bank Loans---- Accounts Payable Other School Boards ----- Goverament of Ontario Trade Creditors ---------- O th er ------- - - ----------- $2,680,807 $2,340,323 LIABILITIES -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- - $ 2 84 ,33 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 ,0 7 0 ,0 0 0 Elementary Schools Revenue Fund Balance Sheet Surplus of Former Boards at January 1, 1969 ---- Total 4,798 -709,906 75,530 $1,018,553 247,924 204,107 259,003 $ 463,110 1,B77213, -- --------- $2,680,807 $2,340323, REVENUE FUND STATEMENT 0F REVENUE and EXPENDITURE FOR THE VEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 19~69 REVENUE Local Taxation Requisition Sunplementary Taxes ---------- Adjustments for Unlerlevies ------------------ $2,614,316 -------------------- 62,479 ----------- -------- 163,612 $2,840,407 Other School Boards ----------------- - -- - ---- 15,800 Government of Ontario General Legisiative Grants --- - -- $5,023,035 Education Mill Rate Subsidy ----- --------------- 294,920 Canada Pension Plan Reimbursement ----------- 49,385 O th er --------- -------- ------- ---- --------, ---- 8 ,155 $5,375,495 Government of Canada -----------------r---------- $ 12,950 'O ther ---- ----------- -- Total Revenue -------- ------ -- - - -- 50,590 ---------------- $8,295,242 $3;542,469 41,652 15,481 $3,599,602 9,420 $3,984,110f 171,679 46,510 -1,565 $4,203,864 $70,4'75 17,-16R 27,646 $7,928,475 CA RETAKER A pplications wili be received for a part time Caretaker for the Bowmanville Hligh !chool, uxtil 5 p.m. Monday, May ~2t,1970. Apply ini writinge, stating.experience and qualifi- cations to: Mir. M. A. MacLeod, Busineis Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland anid Durham County Board of Education, 3354 King St., East, Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. J. M. Roipli, Chairman of the Board 1W. Frank Thom, Director of Education EXPENDITURE Business, Administration ------------------------- Com puter Services -- ----------------- --------- In stru ctio n - -- -- -------- ----- -- -- --- --- -------- Educational Services --- --------------- ------ --- Attendance, Health and Food, Service------------- Plant O peration ----- --------------------- Plant M aintenance ------------------ -------- T ransportation --------------------------------- Tuition Fees ------------------------ Other Operating Expenditures ------------------- Capital Expenditure (Non-Allocable)--------- - -- D ebt C h arges - ----- ----------- --------------- Non-4Operating Expendîture -------------- ------ Total Expenditure ---------------------------- $ 253,762 176,520 4,055 9-522 5,342,639 5,097,287 99,020 73.863 4.076 48,561 613,350 480,066 119,696 109,875 761-493 467,535 11,770 5683579 - ------259,191 77,444 980998 606,248 26,939 31,228 $8,295,242 $7,928,475 CAPITAL (BUILDING) FUND BALANCE SHEET-AS AT DEC. 31, 1969, ASSETS Fixed Assets Cash ------- - Tutal ------- $16,608,573 $16,129,301 ---- --- ---- --- --- ---1 3 1 ------- $16,608,573 $16,129,432 LIABILITIES Unmatured Debenture Debt -------------------- $8,279,825 Accounts Payable ---- ------------------------------- 10,310 Due to Other Funds 63,134 Equity in Fixed Assets -------------------------- 8,255,304 T o ta l -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - April 15, 1970 "IJ M. Rolph" - signed Chairman of the Board $4,444,100 1,610,179 10,075,153 --------------- $16,608,573 16,129,432' "W. Frank Thom" - signed Director of Education and Secretary AUDITORS' REPORT To the supporters of Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education. We have examined the Revenue Fund and Capital (Building) Fund Bal- ance Sheets of the Northumberland and Durham County Board of Edu- cation as at December 31, 1969 and the Revenue Fund Statemrent of Rev- enue and Expenditure for the year then ended Our examination includ(ed' a general review of the accounting procedures and such tees o f accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered pecessary in -the circumstances, In our opinion these financial statements present f airly the financial position of the Board as .at December 31, 1969 and the resuits of its oper- ations for the year thon ended, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario school boards. Cobourg, Ontario, "J. A. Langhorne, .. No. 3884 - Signed April 3, 1970. of the firm of Sharpe, Lan,,-horne.(1 Townsend and, Co. benoÂUUJ. $15,481 9,420 448,924 171,Q79 6,000 59,975 $ 711,497 1,610,179 Youi're Invited To Port Hope 2nd Annual 2 to 10 P.M. PETER CAMPBELL ARENA Ward Street Frn. and Sult., May 22 - 2 OVE 40EXHIBIT EVERYTHING FOR HOME AND GARDEN FREE MOVIES FREE ADMISSION FREE PARKING,.- RAIN OR SIiNE