flRfll'*Yfl W~9'T~1 ~V TT1WI~ TXJJTX~QTI I ~1 UK A ~T >1 -'-a--sa * ~ - ..taoJ Locail News Thirty-niac members of flic Or- ono Horticultural Society journey- cd by bus f0 Ottawa on Saturday iast f0 view thfli lips and four flic scenie drive, Parliament Buil- dings etc. In spif e of thc rainy day, ail report agood time. Mr. 0. W. Roîpli ceiebratcd lis 82nd birthday last weck and states lie has many more birth- days f0 celebhate. Mrs. Fred Bowcn, Ncwcast le, a one time resident of Orono, pass- ed away on Sunday, May l6fh. The funcral service was held on Tues- day witli interment in Bowman- ville ccmcfery. A miseellaneous shower was held on Wcdnesday niglif of lasf week in the Sunday Scliool Audi- torium for Miss. Sharon Alin_ whose marriage to Mr. Paul Bar- clay takes place June 13tli Shar- on reccivcd many lovcly and ii-c- fui gîfts and good wislics. Shc thankcd fliose present and invit- cd fbcm f0o lier home. Lunch wvas served by flic co-liostesses, MVrs. Everef t Brown, Mrs. Bruce Mer- cer, Miss Carol Nixon and Miss Valerie Mercer. Miss M. B. Tuckcr, who lias been a patient in St. Vincenf Hos- piftai, Ottawa for several 'wccks, passcd away Monday. May l8th. Dr. and Mrs M. Tuckcd of St. Pctcrsbu.rg, Florida, flic formicr a brother of flic dcccascd, atfendcd thefuncral service in the Lang Memorial Chapel af Orono. Mrs. Wayne Bailey and Shawn visitcd ve Wednesday witli ler sister aný family, Mrs. lion Dim- ner, Sherry and H-eaflier at Port Hope. Mr. and, Mrs . Carl 'Kimmeft spent the. wcckend wifh lis par- e%ts, Mr. and Mrs. Manly Kimmctt in Napance. Mrs. Ken Gamsby, Mrs. Harold Snell and f wo sons of Toronto spent fhe holiday weekcnd with flic formcr's son Mr. and Mrs. Oxford KRICKLAYERSl STONEMASONS WILL IE 1. SCIMRAL Phone 983-5606 speclalizing la ail klnds of STONEWORK and MÉRPLACES We also. do chimnev Reipairs Turn on i the Funi with a Fox builds the world's most wanted mini-bikes! Exciting irait models for Trait Blazing, hunting. fishing and camping -. .. Finest campus bikes for àsngers, shoppers. swim mers ... A "hot dogger" scrambIqr that's flot a bit timid for the field or track. Many models are treet liconsable. T',uamon Me FIN wftiha wiinning Deai W.e have lemI Low esÎ $199.95 Rolph Hardware ORN PHONE 983.5207 Jim Gamsby and family, Montreal Mr. and Mrs. Roy Forrester, Mr. A. West anîd Mrs. Jane For- rester attended the graduation of Miss Elaine Forrester on Satur- dýay at the Durham College, OL%- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Arehie Lunn at. tLended Convocaton of Durham C\llege graduates on Saturday when theîr grandson Mr. Dionne graduated. Mr and Mrs. J. Davidson at- tended the graduation of their sicyi Mark Titterson at Durham College on Saturday. Port Hope Home show TJ;e doors of Peter Campbell Ares a open Friday, May 22 to tlie mos' speeýtacular Home Show f0 fak. place in thec lakefront area. If you -,re building, re-modeli- ing, re-furnishing or have any plans for improving Your home, You wiII sec the very latest in "what's new" at this show. No'th- ing is forgoj4en from tlic base- ment f0 fthc attic -. . .gardening and garden equipment . heat- ing . . . decorating . . . and with thou 'glts of summer:there will be trailers and mobile homes on dis- pla3j Specia]. exhibits' will be the Ried Cross, Cystic Fibrosis and Cancer Societies. Also' an out- standing display of Early Can- adiana,,by the His-toricai Society and the local Art Guild. wili have a showing of paintings on view and for sale. The Great Pine Ridge Tourist Association will be ffowing feature films of Pollu- tion and timely f opies. Mr. A,. M. Morris,. promoter of the show said that last year over 7,000 People attendcd which lie thouglit -as very good for flic first show but lie expeets double that -this year as the show is greatly improved in quality and 50%7 more exhibitors. One of the best featurcs of this show is that miany of the exhibitors have train- ed men there representing their produets which is a great lielp to those who attend and the dealer they represent, he added. This show is sponsored by the firms exhibiting and tlieré is no admission charge and 'also free supcrvised parking from 2 f0 10 p.m. ecd day, May 22 and 23. Mayor Wlaodyka Crowned 1970 King Major Michael Wiadyka brouglit to bnr~ is town,' Port Hope, lazt Wedne. day when lie was ei- ccted 1970 president of the Asso- ciation of Ontario Mayors and RBcc"es. u T' ction fook place at the 7t.annual conventi on held in Wînd.por, and was affendcd by more than 800 delegates froM munîcipalities ail over the, prov- ince. Mayor W]adyka, wbo is the fir-t port Hlope Mayor to be ci- e,ýted fe the office, said that it was tihe largcst convention in the hstorv of flie association. Mayor J. A. Heenan of CobourgF a form'er y resident of the Ontario Municipal Assoiation, was ciecf- ed a vice-prcsidcnt of tlic May- orc- and Peeve". Mayor H. Tanner of Campbell- ford vias alQco elected a vice-pres- ident. RESTAURANT Hlghway 115 and, 35 Smile south of Orone Phone 983-5651 Open 7 days a week Speciallzing in Pizza - AlIs 145 Graduate From ..Jur .arnCollege One liundred and forty-five stu- dents of Durham College reccived their graduation diplomas at the Durham Convocation held last Saturday in Oshawa. The impressive ccremony was held in the Gencral Sikorski Pol- ish Vteran's Association Centre A. H. Crockeft, Bank of Nova Scotia president, gave a stark de- scription of the rewards and pif- falis of business life outsidc the classroom. Mr. Crockeft, Iwho started his upward climb as a 17-year-old junior clerk, congratulafed the graduating class and said that lis aima mater, "the sehool of liard knocks", wastcd foo mucli, talent and time to lie an adcquate tool of business i l the 970'5s. Mr. Crockctt, who had 1lis first brandhi managcr's position in Oshawa 'in 1951, warned flic stu- dents, however, there was a higli level of "verbal Pollution-' in mucli of wliat nassed as contemp- orary education. lic said the rcward of a man- agemenit Position was available to successful graduates wifhin- six years of ieaving school but added four ycars affer this their skills could be outmoded and education ,,'houldn't end with graduation. He stressed fthc importance of student s finding the kind of em- ployment they could enjoy as wcll as work at. "I feel sorry for so many peo- pie -wlo are unliappy in their jobs," lie saîd. "I can't imagine anything more drcadfuL"1 The graduates wcrc also told there was nothing wrong with sweat and that it was hopcd thaf they would take their full part in society and soon become taxpay- ing cifizens. UND URCH OreoPaitral Boy. . E.. Long S U NDAY, MAY 24th, 1970 Oromo Uniw . Churcb- 8 Seb4oi at 10:00 Swereat -1:15 am Kfrv- ý4orn!ng Service af 9-45 . Sunday Sehool at liOO Object To High School Parking- Plan The Northumberland - Durhiam County Board of Educà'tion is go- ing f0 file an official town plan whicli calîs for fWe~ parking spac- es for eadh, classroom at fle ic h school. A report givea at týcir, regular meeting, Thursday niglit sfatcd fliaf Port Hope Hîgli Sehool fiad 60 'cla ssroom, which wouid mean 300 parking spaces fofalling 60,000 square feet in area. Jcoffrcy Roipli, chairmran, said flic amount of parking reflected on thc cost of fli c shool but wondercd at what point did park- ing refleet on education. M. A. McLeod, business admin- istrator, said that witli fli in- creasing use, of scliools as com- munity centres, flic Port Hope Planning Board' feit that even 300 parking spaces was insufficient. Mr. Hoîpli agrced thaf a public building witliout adequate park- ing was "frustrating" but the ad- ditional cosf had to be justified. E. M Creigliton', board mcm- ber, proposed that flic board file an officiai objection with the town, which would eventually be heard by the Ontarlo_ Municipal Board. "I wouid hate to sec the football field go as a parking lot" lie said. Mr. Roipli said if the situation was flot properly i ecognized, this could possibly happen. ST. SAVIOàURS ANGLICAN Establlshed 1869 Regular Sunday Worshlp Servlcec - 9.30 am. 11oly Communion- Ffrst and Third Sundays Morming Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by. appointment with Reetor 987-4745 r'he Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Tb, Septic Tanik Service GENERAL PUMPIkNG m4 HOUR SIERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard. Ontario Telephone 993-52« or 983-5728 Planting Time.. VAN. BELLE'S provide a complete GARDEN' CENTRE in Evergreens, Shrubs, plants, fertilizers and gardenu equip- ment. Patio slabs, decorative or- naments and fountain units. are also available along with many other garden needs. PYUS AYA VISIT! PHONE 623-5757 WE DELIVERV Van Belle Gardons, Highway No. 2, West of Bowmianville _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS- Sec our new short siceve sport shirts by' "Currie". The Materials are mostI'v permanent press for easy-care. Stripes, 1 checks and plain shades in sizes S, M, L and XL. Priced from ............ $5.0o to $6.0( MEN'S KNITTJFD SHIRTS V-necks and round necks in knitted sport shirts with short sledves[ Shades of gold, green, blue, navy and white with con- trasting trim, Sizes S, M, L and XL. Prfýiced from ......... .... $4.9ý5 to $9-O00 MEN'S SWEAT SHIRTS--' Men's "Campers" by Pemnans, fleece-lined shirts ithl raglan 1long siceves. Gold anid white only. Sizes S, M, L and MI. Priced from ............ $3.25 to $3,50 MEN'S STRAW HATS Cool' Summer Straws la natural or dark green with col- gl ourcd band. Sizes 6Vg to 7%. Priced at............ $3.25 MEN'SSHTORTS MciÙ's walking shorts in plain shades, stripes and checks. Mostl3y no-iron materials. Waist sizes 30 to 42. Priced fi-oui......... $3.95 to $5.95 77 M"; iJLPAI, MAI ZI, 1970 ORONO WEEKLV TIMPq- MUTTRýSlnAV MAV 91 loya ORONO