- -------~ - -'---.r---~.---- - -.. -~ -- -~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1970 ManRN O WEEKL ThE TOO FLUID Energy and Resources Management Minister George Kerr moves gingerly, painfully, reluctantly toward tlic in- evitable, like a man walking on broken glass. Wc may all be walking on broken glass before hie arrives, if his present hesitant pace toward a logical policy on botties (as litter) bs unchanged. The non-returnabie bottie sccms to bec&unloved by everyoae, save for some bottling firms and store owners ývho welcome the greatly rcduced traffie in botties. If is sprcýad over the landscape --wlole or in parts. Unsightly or dangerous or bofli. We are about to move into fhe b.arefoot monflis of vacation, to occupy as mucli unspoiled countryside as we can find, to consume seasonally large quanfities of pop. But Mr. Kerr, affer one, meeting with the province's botfling industry, is hoping "wec can work tôgether." He hopes'the ,industry can be pcsuadcd to stop using the botties and says no legîsîntive action will be taken in the immediate future. Mr. Kcrr says tlic situation is "foo fluid", and, by. :eaven, li's riglit! It ccrtainly isn't as firm as we woula like to/ sec if. Mm. Kcrr could help by setting a date for the* banning of non-returnable botties instead of wringing his hands. Simultancously '*he could rescue us from flic flireat' of a mcssy summer by requiring ail bottling, firms to fol- low fhe example of Seven-U-p Bottling Co. Ltd. and Vcnor's Botfling Co. Ltd., who reccntly raiscd flic deposit on mc- turnable soff drink boftles from 2 cents fo 5. Thesc arc inflafionary times. If a kid lias a, mid for profits, fthc lume of. 5 cents a bottie should work. -Globe and Mail j Miss Valarie Mtercer lcft on Monday for a fliree week visit to England. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Billings spent.last week-end witli Mr. Har- ley Bi1l.ings and other relatives in Philadellipia. Mr. and Mrs. Arche Watson, Waterdown, visited on trhe week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wat- son. SA re&'-ption to honour the re- tirement of Mrs. Bertha Toucli- hurn, teacher at thec Orono Public School, will bce held onJune l2th. The reception will be lield at the sehool to wliech everyone is wel- comed fo attend. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. Bailey and Shiawn were-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little and Lynn, Kendal, Mr. and Carl Kimmet'é and Mrs. 1-arry Bailey. The Great Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts, Newcastle, will be me- turning for its third summer sea- son in Newcastle. The foemost Youth Theatre Company of Can- ada will hold its auditions 'at St. George's Anglican Parisi4 Hall 'in Newcastle on May 30 and 31. If further information is requircd w;,ite Box 136, Newcastle or phone 623-7001.- Mrs. Ed Graham spent a wcek- end recently with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barnett and family, Oak- ville. LockartPupils Tà'ckle Landàscaping On- Tucsday and Wedncsday, May 19 and 20, the Parent-Teacli- crs Group of Lockhart Element- ary sehool launclicd tlir firsf maj or' projeef, flic beautification of fthc school grounds. The girls and boys under the supervision ofý some volunteer mothers, womkcd energefiéally. Mrs. Adams donafed some trees which she brouglif to thc sehool in lier truck. The big- gem boys from Grades five and six wcre soon engaged in digging holes and planfing trees along flic south and casf sides of fli c shool yard. Mcanwhile other boys dug up and raked flic flower bcds at flic front of flic scliool. Then flic girls fook over and plant cd an- nual and perennial flowcrs. Along flic sout- side of fli c seool a new flowem bcd was made. A baek- .ground of licmloek was planfed. In front of this flowers werc ar- rangcd. Thec wbole bcd was edged witli. large stones collecfed by flic pupils. Ncxf fliree shlade trees wc.-e plantcd in that part of flic yard border ed by flic circle drive- way. Tlien began 'flicîr biggcsf projecf - flic building of a rail fence. Thé boys frorn Grade five an.d six assistcd by flirce mofliers laboure-d indu9triously and by dis- missal time flic fence was ercctcd. Thie clildren viewcd witli pride and satisfaction flic resulfs of flicir labour. Mucli pracfical in- formation on planting &nd prun- ing of f rccs, planfing, of flowcr lieds and flic construction of rail fences liad licen gaincd by flic Pupils. As one boy rcmfamkcd wliulc sfudying flic complcfcd fence, "l'il always remember flic day our mofliers slowed, us liow fo build à rail fence." Special thanks is given fo flic following mofliers for flicir assist- ance in flic planfing: Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Brougli, Mrs. Hcncssy, Mrs. Stubingfon and Mrs. Molcy Aluin. Also the pupils extcnd tlianks to fliose- parents wlio assisfed wifli donations of plants, rails, fertil- izer, etc. Clarke Public LI1B RA RY HOURS OPEN- Tuesday 6:30 9 :30 Thursday 6:30 8:30 Frlday 2:30- 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 a.m. Continental Sauna and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN.. We have a Sauna and Wbfrl- pool ready for yeur use. Drop in anid give them a try Gronp Rates Available Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. -i a.m. Sun. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 16A ONTARIO STREET 728-2460 OSHAWA Too Good To M iss; ý Detibolex AEROSOL SPRAY ($1.09) .57 Dristan DECONGESTANT CAPS ....67 Glad GARBAGE BAGSý, 10s only....57 Zippo LIGHTER KIT ($3.95) for ... $2.47 Gillette PLUS BLADES ($1.69) for ..-. .97 Curad ADIIESIVE STRIPS (49c) for. .27 Colgate TOOTH PASTE ($1.59)..... .77 RAID Flying Inseet Killer......... .67 RIGUT GUARD Deodorant ($1.35) ..- .67e Lady Pat Soft Ibid lair Spray 12 oz. -.. .57 Instamatic 44 CAMERA ($11.40) $7.77 SIIOP NOW AND SAVE STUTT' S PHARMACY ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE: 983-5009 LadRotDas MOfNDAY THROUGII TO WEDNESDAy TO OSH-AWA, PETERBORO or TORONTO PHIONE FOR SCIIEDULE AND RATES Phne983-5501 FATHER'S DAY GIFTS Mak'e Matt's your Shopping Centre for Dad TIMEX WATCHES LIGUTERS PIPES - CIGARETTES and many other items MIATIS BILLIARDS' and Barbersk.p, Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5310 Thinkîng of buying or changing cars?, For a car yon eau depcnd on contact at INGRAM MOTORS LTD., Authorized Chev Olds Dealer Higliway 2 West Cobourg Phone 372-3291 Bowmanville 623-7166 Good Seleetion Lote Mlodel Used Cars William C. Hall, B. Comm. Chart.r.d Accou.tamt Piwxe NewSàeatl 97.42 AU dey Weduoeday Mad Saturday LNe.Bird71Real Estate Limlted PLACE CALL IF WE MAY ASSIST YOU I N SELLING OR BUYING PROPER¶'Y Orono Branch on 115 HighwaY (Ontario Sports) BUS. 983-5350 TORONTO 364-1807 ROSS GILBART, P., Ai. RES. 983-5427 MANDER, RAFUSE - RES. 623-360m