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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jun 1970, p. 2

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OItONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE llth, 19-40 ORONO WïKLY TIMES S«S m IMiff %euïnNumbor Hints United Countes May Stay Together indications that the United Counties will not be split Up in the event of regionai governrnent were madle by D'Arey MeKeougli,, Minister of Municipal Affairs, in Millbrook last Wednlesday niglit. Speaking at the annual Ward- en's Banquet in the Legion Hall, he told the 250 persons present that while it was true that Bowrnanville, Darlington and Clarke were in the Oshawa study area, it must be rernembered that this iis oniy a study. ,it should also be rernembered that when the Oshawa ýstudy has been cornpleted, its proposais will be just that . . proposais and not a firrn governrnent policy," he said. Mr. meKeoUgli spoke of the study undertaken by the Uiited Counties Couneil and said that it should be considered in relation with the Oshawa study: "and I suggest you not delay in your study until the Oshawa report is available." He said he expecte d to receive the regional gover7nment,,propýos- ais of the - shiawa study. early next year. Ijf you feed a necessity to in- ject a rnore Concerted opinion frorn the United Counties înto tIc Oshawa study, then you istili have tirne to do go, as public hearings into the Oshawa study will be lield 'in August and October this year," he sÉid. The Cabinet Minister said he was impre!ssed by the nurnber of discussions going on in the area with respect to poýsible mnunicipal amalgamations, either In connec- tion with the United Counties study or independently of it. Amalgamation The practicality of amalgami- ation was being diseussed by the town of Carnpbellford, the village of Hastings and the townships of Seymouir, Perey and Alnwiek. 'lHe said he understood that a committee of mayors and reeves had been forrned to pu rsue amal- gmation proposals further and that he had been requested to meet with the leaders to disduss the proposais. "ButI aisornew,ýhat inclined to feel that sueh a discussion would ~:: I Letter to Editor OooRc nre Winnipeg, Man. June 8, 1970 Dear Sir: As a regular visitor to, Orono 1 arn overjoyed to. find that the people of Carke Townshiip have the wisdo~m to preserve one of their lold and b0autiful houses and use it for theix library instead of tearin- it down and putting up whot 1 arn in habit of calling a "cernent shoeboux," which is what rnost new bulidings look like to- dayj. Congrat'ilatiofl to youi. Sincerely Mrs. Grace Hykawy be prernati.ire at the present tirne, at least until' the municipalities have had 'an opportinity to study the reportý cornisiuned by the United Counties." RepVesentatives of lis depart- rnent, he said, have: been observ- ing the discussions of the diam- ond Triangle and iistening td the various idas put forward. "A rnore dlynaic Port Hope- Cobourg nuleus coud become a springboard to Eastern Ontario," he said. Ideal Centre He referred to the design for developrnéiet introdu(e'd by tie provincial goverflr-ncnt and said 'hat the port Ilope-Cobourg area lias been seleectedi as, an iciea l cen- tre in which to encou)rag-e fuIture growth. No QuesionI Mr. McRXeoug9h said there was 11o q-;'stion that -this area is an integral and vîtal' Par~t Of the Torontio-centred region pln." ConisequLently, th~e government is anxious te -bear the vesOf the people Of the Uaeafkflie Pro- posais ini the -felr develop- mlent. It is,;also ovioli e said], that al pflanniiig and im-pieineiatiofl of delit ný'r0o'als ~ o behield up uni 1 the regl6nhI col"- cept lia, beencornletlyefined. Therefore the con),cept of the Toronto-cent-red iT.gion, iw %ill be ern- ploye;d by fthc provincial, govcrn- mnent as a b)asi& for, deion-rnak- ing purposes, hne addedi. plans of the mnunicipalities in the Toronto-centired region niust- bce in harmony with the regional deveiopmrnet conèept and the pro- vince will ase tbé concept as a set of. reference points against which it m411 test .and consider officiai plans, propocals: for sub-dividing land and other applications. Balanccd Growth A A rorg orderiy and balanced growtli within the region, partidu- iarly the PIroper developrnent of the Diamond TiYangle as a future urban centre, should, be assured as 'mrunic-ý,Iipl, pr~ovincial and pri- vate developiiient ,sr-ograrns should be bette-r organized within a broad grwth esignlihe said. 'Up And Downlr The Book Stacks NEW BOOKS JUNE iith 1970- Adut- Ontario Calîs You Camping by Enid L. Mail'oiy Airline Stewardess by Jack Enge- man Green Mansions by' W. H. Hudson Puýppet On A Ch«in, by Alistair. MacLea Too Many Ghb'sts by Paul Gallico A- Lover More Oondoling by Adni- -3 enfle Clarkson. Junior-, The Titie Book of Conservation by Richard Gates The Wild Srjans by Hans Christ- ian Anderson Miss Pickett's Secret by Nancy R. Julian Good Grief Cliarliie Rrown by Charles M. SehuI'z. Kindergart en and Pre School- Petunia Beware by Roger Duvo- isrn Morris is a Cowboy by B. Wise- rean The Digging-est Dog by AI Pierkins The Little Airpiane by Lois Len- ski. Olga Bcaudhianip lst Race- .Bay State Annie, Fines; Wil Lor Ben, HIooey; Range Idol, NQr- ris; Tru Ray Sis, Gifford; Trojan Babe, TBA; Cheeky Lane, Hie; Wil Lor Adios, Býrethour; Ae._ Todds Lucy, Gent. 2nd Race- 6 Drearn Chef, Brethour; Flying Grattan, , Brooks; Lorraine Hal, Hie; Mighty Betty, Gillian; North- co Jerry, Pichrem; Oomrnand' Rahrn; Bonnie Deiight, TBA. Ae. Siikway Direct, TBA 3rd Race- F1ernington's Ace, 'Hie; Trevor Song, Feitis; Freddie Grattan, E. Till; Van's Mary, Given; Hope Song, Williams; Celdane, Coch- ranle; Brickley Star, Adiams. 4th Race- Toipheel Special, Thackeray; Pon- tiac Sal, Cochrane; Canadian Way Cassidy; Centenial Star, Norris; Zephyr Billy, Dolley; Jubîlee Song Brethour; Sing Song, Gillian; Ae. Gene Putney, TEA. 5th Race- Miss Oro Jean, Adarns; Jolinny's Choice, McQuaid; Refund Tirne, Norris; Liz Song, Williamns; Hli Vie, Goodale; Guy Tana, Sanions Sue',5 Ami, MeHattie; Ae8 Dust Proof, TBA. 6th Race- Singiand, Given;' King Grattan, Williams; Larry. Dillard, G r aharn Burt Bumpas, MacKay; Sue Rose- croft, Staff; Cavan Mary, Fines;. Mike K. Abbey, Wilson; Ae8, Lucky Ace, TBA. 7th Race- K. Song, Brooks; Viva Lea, Gas- sien; Rtrsty Pete, Brown; Coun- try Mir, Powell; W. J. Chief, R. Hicks; Molly Haw Lea, Brown; Chief Clyde, Bird; Ae Dicks Hen- ley, Goodale. Sth- Race- Willie Jay, Cassidy; _-lesahoney Rick, Gent; _-Hockley Glen, _-Ste- wart; Miss Duke Dernon, Grahama; Elva Magie, Dolley; Janet Forbes Johnson; Litie Etsel, Goodale; Ae> Hornestead Iriih Fergie, Brethour 9th Race- Waltzing Matilda, Bird; Quinte- Lad, Stewart; Parkview A'nn, R.. Glover; AHieiand Direet, Brethour; Miss Buckeye Lady, Dixon; Van's Pride C, Reid; Grattan Portage, Gase;Ae8 Superior Stan, Coch- ranle. .< Attendance at the races in Or- 0110 on June 5th was 807 with a muual handie of $28,347. FATHRER'S DAYf GIFIS Make Matt's your Shopping Centre for Dad TIMEX WATCHES LIGHTERS PIPES - CIGARETTES, and many other items Mýi-ATTS BILUIARDS Orltio, Ont. PhýBIe 48,-531 Continental Sauna and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN ..- We have a Sauna and Whirl- pool ready for yeur use. Drop lu and give them a try Group Rates Avalable Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 amn. Sun. 8 a.m. - 1 P.m. 16A ONTARIO STREET 728-4#O OSHAWA The Differencale Ils lui Your Favour Fifteen years ago 7 out of 10 of today's prescriptions could not have been filled. By keeping pace with medical science, we help your doctor help you .to better health. STUTT'S PHA R MmACY ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5009 1h inking ýof buying or changing carsfil For a car yen can depend on contact at INGRAM M7OTORS LTD. Authorized Chev OldsDealer Highway 2 West Cobourg Phone 372-3291 Bowmanviile 623-7166 Due to recent high volume of Sales we have a godd selection of LATEý MODEL, GUARAN- TEED USED CARS. DRIVEA LITTLE FURTIIER AND SAVE william C. Hall, B. comm. Chartered Accointait Phone Newcastle 987-42 AI day Wedaesday arA Saturday Le, N. Bird Real Estate PLACE CALL IF WE MAY ASSIST YOU IN SELLING OR BUYING PROPERTY Orono Branch on 115 Hlghway (Ontarlo Sports> BUS. 983-5350 TORONTO 364-1807 ROSS GILBART, P. Ag. RES. 983-5427 MANDER RAFUSE RES. 623-3605

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