ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TH-URSDAY, JUNE llth, 1970- Orono <bhomber Members Support Western; Region A poil taken of the Chamber of Commerce members on Monday day evening in the mnatter of what regi in Clarke Towý,nship should loin b"ought unanimous support for the Oshawa centred region., Duigthe disciussion members pointed out that the Clarke Town- ship area was associated to a greater extent even now with the western region than to any reg- louai area either ia t he north or east. It was felt that - he surge to de- velop the Port Ilop9.Çobourg ar- ea would be as grent as the surge to develop the Oshawa area apd that the grea 'ter' par' of Clarke Township was moe distanced tû th. Port Hope-Csou,ýorg develop-' 8 Cand 4 DRILLS,- 5 P.C. Off s;rrtiuag F or The Golfers, The Fishermen,, The Basebail Players, Tennis Players Etc. 'LUNN Pro HARDWARE ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5307 Northumberland &Durham Coumty Board Of Education Sealeýd Tenders will be received until 5:00 p.m. E.D.S.T., Thnursday, June 18, 1.970, for Fuel 011 1970-71 heating season, SeptemIber 1, 1970 to June 30, 1971. The lowest or any Tender will not necesarily be accepted. Tender forms may be obtained fr om the office of Northumber- land and Durham County Board of Education, 33A King Street East, Cobourg, Ontario. County Board of Educý,ation Quotations will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. Janie 15,* 1970 for the demolition of the buildings on 19 Liberty Street, Bowmanvilie. Ail sal- vage to lie the p*roperty of the successful vendor. buildings on 49 Libery Street, Bowmanville. Ail sal- Foundations to be takendown to two feet below ex- isting grade. 'The flGior slab te bie broken up se the ex- cavation will nuot iold water, and the excavation fili- ed with wel rc<mpàlcted granular fM1. Site te be left dlean and eyeit surtap-ed. Buildingsmay be examÈined -with A. Laird, telephone 623-5021, Bowmanviile, Ontario. M. A., MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer,' P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario.- J. M. Rolph' Chairinan of the Qoard 1W. Frank Thom Director of Education Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premjum Quality Pred4cts - à A The Most Reàsonable.,Prites v~ e ohl may lie picked up in amy quantity 19.9e per gallon Phone 9874215 ment area. Further the discussion pointed to the fact that regional areas were to receive additional Provin- cial grants to affect rising costs and that this could very well be an incentive to now join the West- ern areA rather then wait into the future for the formation of an eastern regional area. The discussion aiso centred a- round the Ontario Design for De- Velopment where Clarke Town,. shIp is noted as a conservation area. It was felt thart if Cljarke is to continue ln this roil that greater funds would be avallable from the, urban are as of Oshawa and Whltby to carry out this plan than from an eastern area that is now clW efly rural and bras no great need at this time for such development. It was also feit that the western alkea would be much more pro- gressive than an eastern area. The fact that BowinaLi ille, and Dariiington were likely to joîn the western area was another rea- son for Clarke joi.ning the same area. Interrelated services would be more readily available from Bowmanville than from Port Hope or Cobourg. U.C.W. Meeting On the eveaing of Mlay 28 the General meeting of Orono U.1C.W. was held in the Main Hall of the Orono United Church with :a good attendance of ladies, ail units be- ing represented., President Mrs. J. Cook ch'aired the meeting which opened wiVh a inspiring devotional in charge of Unit two. The theme was 'First Steps in Prayer'. A skrit was pre- sen'ted by seven ladies who were dressed as pilgrims. The journey of a thousand milesbegins with the first st,ý'a and men find God through the first prayer. As each pilgrim màde her entrance she fastenied to the stage curtain a paper footprint, isignifying the Steps taken by people in the con- tinuiný,j growth of their Christian faith, beginning with the child- hood prayer, 'Now 1 Lay Me'. Then the Lord's Prayer, the 23rd Pàalm and other meoningful praï,ers. Passages of Scripture were read at intervals, interspered with the singing of hymns. Unit, two sang 'Let There Be Peace';1 and 'Surely Goodness and Mercy'. Mrs. A. A. Drumrncnd was pianist and sang a beautiful 'solo., A gîrl's quart- ette £rom the Hi-Os favoured us wiiri singîng three -selections. Mrs. Robert Rosseau gave an interesting report filom the Gen- eral Executive Meeting of Osh-* awa Presbyterial held at Eldad United 'Church recently. She spoke on ways-we mîglit help to brigikten the liveis of mental pa- presened the Orono Churcli by tients at the Wh-itby fHospital. A lovely gold tea ýservice was SOth Weddcing <Coninued front page 1) Locust 1Hill, Mrs. Aldine Hamlin, Ciaemotand sisters-in-law Mrs. Maude Middleton, Claremont, and Mrs. ,Eva Gibson, Orono, and friends- of both the bride and groom, Mý,rs. Rea Cowan, Orono, Mrs. Pauline Wannan, Kirby, Mrs. Wilfred Ogaden, Oshawa and Mrs. Dorothy Wager, Oshawa, and aunt of the bride Mlrs. Lila Samis, Orono. ' ý" Thec reception was s erved and the guest book attended by the grandchildiren. Congratulatory telegliras were reci ive'd from theù Governor Gen- erAl of Canada, the Rt. Hon. Roi- aud ieihener; Primne Minister 9f CndPierre, Elliott Trudeau; Mr. aud Mrs. Èussell Honey, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carruthers and R obert L. Slaufield; also a plaque received frome Premier John, Ho- barts on behaîf of the province, of Ontario. The couple also received mlany gifts, flowers and curds Guesats attended from Ajax, Bowmanville, Claremont, Cobourg Erin, Locust iII, London, Lind- say, Markham, StouffVille, port Hope, Orono an d surrouuding territory. R. Sutton on behaîf of Mrs. S. Payi>e and Mrs. J. Coryeil, daugh- ters of Mr. Harry Rowe and the latte Mrs. Rowe, in memolry of Mrs PWwe. Mrs. Long accepted the gift for the U.C.W. and said it would be lovingly used on many occasiow~. Mrs. F. Lycett gave a brief out- line of the history of Quin-Mo- Lac ýcamp, its facilities and var- I Dus camps held each year. Mrs. P. Werr;y brouglit information of lier personal experij nces which she had enjoyed at QuitlMo-Lac Fami ly Camp ciuring the past three summers The business period was con- dueted. Th~e meeting closed with repeatingý the Mizpah Benedietion A delicious lunch was served by members of Unit 3. Local News Word was reived o n Wednes- day of the death of Mr. R. P. Rickaby oî Bowmanvi]le. The fun- eral service will be' from North- cutt-Elliott Funieral Home on Frn- day, June 12th. Interment in Or- ono Cemetery. Mrs. Michael Hykawy of Win- nipeg spent the week-end with Mrs. F. E. Rhodes and Dorothy. Richaud Black ls attending Air Force training at Portage' La Prairie, Southport, Manitoba. He is taking a course in flying. Mr. Lawrence Greeniwood, Mr. Wanted Dead ýor Crippled Farm stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Telephone, Coileet 263-2721 Margwill Fur Farm Licence No. 258-C-70 Leskard Welding AND FABRICATION Repairs Arc and Gas Weldlng Evenings and Weekends PHONE 983-5760 and Mrs. Wm. Carman attended an educational conference at Que ens University, Kingston the forepart of this week. Beau 'Villa Ltd. NURSING HOME Home away from Home Professional Care Reasonable Rates Cail 623-3711 Bowman-vile Rozeli Roofîng ALUMINUM SIDING CHTMNEY REPAIES and EVETROUGHING PHONE 576-7271 158 Blopor St., Oshawa Trontway Tours TO MOOSONEE July 19th to 22nd July 26th to 29th July 3lst to Aug. 3rd <Civic Holiday, Weekend) AND QUEBEc CITY July 3lst to Auùg. 3rd (Civic Holiday Weekend) For further information con- tact: TRENTWA1y TOURS, P.O. Box 772, Peterborough Phone: 742-9192 Furnace probleins: Esso can provide the SQlntioiCý Et takes a home IiéaUtnq «eà ta salve your heating prâblein. Call your Esso Home Comfoirt specialist. Ris complet. home turvey takes all things înt con- cideration, like room dimensions, Insulation and everythlng noces-. sary ta give you a positive roc- ommendation on-which furnace youlIl need and if Qfl7 changes ta pipes and ducts are neoessary. Gýet the right solution ta your heating needs before it costs you a single penny. iCali the experts.c Cali Essü. ORONO 983-5206 iNa rvey Partner PLUMBING and HEATING Orono, Ontario NO PAYMENT TILL OCTOBER list -em W.e FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 Kinir St. W. Bowmaaville M3-338 Toront9P.3-91'74 Part Hope Office 8854543 For prompt. c.urteiks, effici- est service when buyig or selllng and for the largest sel- eeim. of properties in the aren contact Orme Arn RepresentatIves RY Fater '983-5801 Dame Pound, 623-MN Andy Sut& i983-9119 ROYStrour 52 r11 Bethany, 1