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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jun 1970, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1970 ýORONO WLL IE $10"*o ffluy 1Tugm r t e» Oàs. .wpuM.beeýi *Miâ Mrs.t, *w, o"&Pâome OUMU1 A WORTHY PROPOSAL A proposai presented to the membersh'ip of the Dur- ham County Co-operative Medical Services by the director- ate to use the coop-assets to construct Senior , CitizenM Apartments does menit commendation on 'at least two ac- counts. First, the proposai is a humanitarian one in that the organization eau better the lot, of feilow citizens., This attitude is too, often Iacking today when we beconýe increas- i4gl.y self-eentred. Secondly,,there is a ineed today for hous- mng and accommodation andi the eleviation of this, problemn to a degree at one level must certainly. aid other levels seek- ing housing accommodation The co-operative' has assets which amount close to $10 ,,000.00 anti as the organiziatîon can no longer operate un der its former charter to provide prepaid medical in- surance the funds buit up from surplus revenue are now oz-5y colecting interests and «at present is of no value to anyone. The ass3ets of the Co-operative could vety well he distributed among the presert and former members of the Co-operative. There no doubt would be some problems but they certainly would flot be insurmountable., We do have compiters today and we do also have the knowledge to make this distribution. The cost of the distribution shoulil not reach the magnitude as suggested at the_ recent mem- bership meeting, 25-30 per cent. However redistributionnlay not reward any one member with any great sum of money. Possibly not in ex- eess of,$10000 and in most cases mueh less, Truly the meim- bers bave in effeect received value for the premiums they bave paid and the present day surplus is what might bc called a bonus. The Co-operative was formed to provide a service at 4eOst whicb since its inception it bas. It coulti certainly fur- ther this service if it did turn over the assets of the co- operative to construet Senior Citizens apartments. CORRECTION-m lest ,weeks edition, we termed Pivýate Dmr- kie Johanna Munneke as a lo- cal men. Miss Munneke is the tiaughter of Mr. and Mms An- ýd!es A. Munneke. We regret the mistake. WEEKLY BALL GAMTES June 3,Neweý-asle at Oon,6:30 June 37, Oronio ' ia oor, .0 June 28, Oronio I Ken, :3 July' 1, flsrot t Orono Thýis is a dlouile ]header. First game at 2:00 p.m. ORONO PEEWEES The Port Hope PeeWees came te Orono rýcently and dedfeateti the local tea-m 14-6. Or-one runs were scored by Mark Mercer, 2; John Coatham, Ga,ýry Cox, 2 and Barry West. Orono committed ipany errors aIliowing Port Hope to ýscore their fourtee.n runs by R'. Smart, Bern- berlion, Watts, Stevenson, And- rus 2, Watson 2, Stinson 2, Lamb 2, Svm~lles and Freeman. ORONO MýIDGETS WINONE, LOSE ONE AT PARE Last Saturdayafteroon he Or- ono Midgetsý edge'd outl a victor-Y ovrtheir opposition from Belle- w~innfi pitcie O,11ma took the etige of4 he Saýturday vieoywhen tIi-e\-shut- out the ,,Oronn team. o onnrYday, 11-0. Doug Stoneý allowed only ý,4 bits to tLhe Orono hter.Jim Becker took thfe loss for Orono. Orono hits were to Russell, Pears, Wright andi Becker.- KEN*DAL DEFEATS BELLE VILI E Kendal Eagles posted a 7-6 TWilliam C. Hall, B. (omm.. Chrtr.d Accoeutat Ph... Newoegtle 987-42» AI. dayWedueuday aiSaturday Win Orono Race Entries ORONO IRAC(EWAY, JUNE 26th VVades, Roeky, Wade; Dust. Proof, -Wethierup; Molly Hiaw Lea, Brown ýBonnie Delight, TBA; Dicks Hea- ley,,L. Goocle; Shief Clyde, R. Bird; Wil Lor Adios, T.B.A.; Flit By, I. Maclntosh. 2nd Race- Roanie Lad, R. Hie; Miss Pnide Di;llard, B. Gordon; Guy Tana, M, ýSalmrons; Tom Liner, G. Grah'am; -Bay State Annie, D. Fines; Jo'hath- 'on Dale, H. _Cochrane; Bonnieway Dale, R. LoqwQry; Centre Road Dolly, G. Robinson. 3rd Race- Mhss Buckeye Lady, L. Dixon; High Triple, S. Brown;.Riddie Acres, A. Nichols; Qu inte Lad, P. Stewart; Ringo Star, E. Ad'ams; Van's Pride C, W.Reid; Marianne Rididie, TBA. 4th Race- I N Wann. T.B.A.; Canadian Way A. Cassidy: (Commanti Grattan, M. ;Brocks; Kawartha Cheri, R. Stap- les; Bonnie Ritideil, A. Nichols; Zephyr Billy, G. Dolley; Supenior Stan, Y. Cochrane; Tru Ray Sis, P. Gifford. 5th Race- ,Juibilee Son-, M. Brethour;, Sing Song, F. Gifford; Single Coin, E. Given; Fastry, D., Fines; Janet Forbes, R. Tjhnson; Jule Pat Rich- ards, T./A.; King of Diamonds, G. Robin o)n;i Range Idol, W. Nor- ris. 6th Race- Bniickley ' rE Aam;Dictator Pick, S. $bn Liz Song, J '. Wil- liam; LghtingDars,1. Coch- rae; Vanls Lary., W. Griveni; Loore-, lan"s Aic~S. Moore; Fleming-ý tons AC.ý',Ç.ie; Hli Vic, L. Gooti- Dream Chif, , reth1ouir; Wage- maker R. ickr1em; W. J. Chief, Rl.Hik;Rtatr G. Robinson; PitrGatiy , S. Moore; -Bridge- nocrth Lasa ý,,E.Given- Litti,[e Etsel, L.~ ~ ~ ~ Hl GoPl ~a wR i. Rahm Ho.~esea IrshFergie, MJ. Brethi- Larbee Eva Mge G. Doiley; SinglanW.Gvn Fleetwood Dusty, B. Shea; Jimmy Bing, J., ,F. Cczhrane;,, Freddy P ick, G. Robinson; lVloorqctands Dusty, E. Moor\ Buster McNab, L. Dixon; O.K. Velvet S. Brown. lOth Race- Rob Bon Chief, R. Gas-sien; S. W. Lightuing, W. Smnith; Parkview Aun, R. Glover; Mike K Abbe, T. Wilson; Doctor Kirk, K. West; Burt Ijqumpas, E, MacKay; Waltz- ,ing Matilda, R. Bird; Brown Tim, M. Samnous. Post positions drawn by: Stan Br.wn, Frank Wills. Homses net drawn in: Silkway Direct, Lovely Empire, Lady Bird Spencer, Linclon Alice. over Belleville in a EOBA gamne playeti Sunday,, at Belleville. Win- ning pîtcher wzlas Barry Lane who was re,5Cued i the ninthby Paul Jones. Withba ses loadeti andi one out Jones came in. as a fireman and retireti the side winninýg the gaine. Outstanding players included Ralph Hodgson, Grant Yeo, John Witheridge and Don Mercer. Ott awa Report Russell, C. Honey, Q.C., M.P. Northumberland - Durham I spent several days in the Northwest TerritorIes in the past week and 1 thought I might i this Report mention some cf the policies of the Federal Goveru- ment with respect te, resource de- velopmeut andi northern ecology. Within the last five years the North bas at la'st begun te provîde evidence cf its real petential. Like the tin, of 'an iceberg thrust- ing above the surface of, the sea, the North is revealiug the eviti- ence of what lies beneatih. New mines such as Plue Point Iu '.bc Mackenzie, New Imperial, Clinton Creek 'andi Anvil in the Yukon have -appeareti ýrecently With the discover-y %t Atkiuson Point a couple of months ago, we know that -oi exists on the shores of the Canadian Arctic. Other potential deposits scatter- cd across the North >have been identifîed and are being examin- cd. Mary River on Baffin with its iron ore and Casina Silver du the Yukon are but two, of these. In Northern Canada we have a reiativcly unblenmished canvas on whdch to paint a future. We are working wîth something nobody fully understands an Aretie ecology anti an Aretic climate We are attempting to mrate a balanced deveiopment which 'wil meet the needs of the North, of Canada, and lof the future., Our concern for devciopment of northern resources must be mat- ched by an equal conceru for bath the people of the North and for the envîronmieut in which they live. Iu this session of Parliament we bave passed legisiation f0 pro- teet the quality of northeru waters in the Northern Inlaud Waters ConinetalSauna and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN .. . We have a Sauna and Whirlk pool ready for your use. Drop ln and give them a try Group Rates Available Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. -"l a.m., Sun. 8 a.m. - 1 P.m. 16A ONTARIO STREET 728-2460 OSHAWA Act and the Arctic Waters Pollu- tion Prevention Act. Protection- of the surface of northern landis is, provideti and strengthenedc in a-- mendments to the Territorial Lands Act and by spýonsorîng &- broad program of Arctic LandUse Researchi which is known as the ALUR çlrogramn. T#e legistation andi prqgrams are des'igned to ensure that the benefits can be made available te man without degrading and des~- poiing oéýur NbrthIand. CONTINUES 30 PCOf TIMEX WATCHES MEDICO PIPES Men and Ladies WALLETS Polaroid Sunglasses und Breso Orono, Ont. P"hào5e 98310 INVEST NOW0 on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Also "CASHABLE AT ANY lIME'l Guaranteed Savings Certificates up to 81/%.. For further information contact your financial adviser or Write or telephone collect: STANDARD TRUST 214 Bay Street, Toronto 1 363-5477 area code 416 A FEDERALLY CHARTEREO COMPANY MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Save C WHIPPING 2pn 1 Offer Good June 22 to lune 27 Enjoy the real thing on your desserts and fresh fruits. It can't be topped. Drin 11kFor Alli tsWorth GlenRae Dairy Phone 623-5444 LN. ird Real Est ate umfed PLACE CA LL IF WB MAY ASSIST YOU IN SELLING OR BUYING PROPERTY Grono Branch on 115 Hlghway (Ontarlo Sports) BUS. 983-5350 TORONTO 364-1807 ROSS GILBAET, P. Ag. RES. 983-5427 MANDER RAFUSE ............ imiâ s 4 fflý

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