ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY> JULY 9th, 1970 Race Entries For Fri*day Night PIRST RACE-Molly Gratan, Me.- Quaid; Dicks Henley, Goodale; Alan Del Direct, Callacott; Guy oana, Samons; Bay State Annie, Fines; (Chatter Hal, Jr. West; Da- vid's Temple, Vyse; AE8 Johna- than Dale, Cochrane'. SEOND RACE- Lorraine Hal Rah*m; Julo Pet Richards, Cook, Molly 11gw Lea, Brown C. Clyde, Bird; Tom Liner, Graham; Mer- cury Way, Schlimback; The En- tertainer, Drew; AE8 Ruthator Robinson. THIRD, RACE- Zephyr Bîlly, DolIey; Waltzing Matilda, R. Bird; Jubilee Song, Brethour; Rob Ron Chief, Gassien;. Mike K Abbe, E. Wilson; JLanet- Forbes, Johnson; ~Tru Ray Sis, Gifford; AE8 Cen- tnalStar, Mawson. FOURTH RACE- Bridgenorth Lass, TBA; Wades Rocky, Wade; Ozark Jeffrey, TBA; Victory Gra- ttan, Johnson; Bonnie Delighht, G. Robinson; Hi Vic, Goodale; Flit By, MacIntogh; AE8 Hockley Glen P. Stewart.. FIFTH. RACE-Kawartha Cher! Staples; Command Grattan, Brook W.J. Chief, Hicks, Doc Herbert, ,Sctllimback; Juno Herbert, West; :1lva Magie, Dolley;, Dreamy Chef ~Brethour; AE8 Centennial Star. SIXTH RACE--Liz Song, Wil- iams; .Tom Appleby, Cassidy; Tre- vor Song, Feltis; Van's Mary, W. Given; Mvooreiands Alice, Moore;. Brickley Star, Adams; Freddie Grattan, Till; AE8 Cld Spot, Hicks -SEVENTIT RACE - Kî,ng of Di.amonds, Robinson; Rusty Pete, Brown; C. E. Parker, Hie; K Song Brooks; Homestcad Irish Fergie, Brooks; Superior Stan, Cochrane; 1. Ný. Wann, Brown.. EIGHTH RACE- Van's Pride C, Reid; Nanian Riddell, TBA; flucky Song, Hicks; True Adios, Glover; Superior Ted, Hie; Hligh Triple, Brown; King Grattan S., J. Williams. NINTil RACE- Jimmy Bing, Cochrane; Mr. Banker, Givens; F ', edd!ePick, Robinson; 0. K. 'Velvet, Brown, Dick's Boy, R. Me- Quaid; Moorelands Dusty, Moore. TENTH RACE- Quinte Lad, Stewart; Doctor Kirk, K. West; Burt Bumnpas, Hie; Parkview Ann, Glover; S. W. Lightning, Smith; Mi'ss Buckeye Lady, Dixon; Count Thiree, Graham The Orono race at the Orono ýýceway on Friday last set a num- ber of records, in dollars- bet and ,in setting a new track record. Jimnmy Bing set a new track re- cor,1d with a time of 2.05. The dri- ver and owner was J. Cochrane who took his win in the ninth e- ,vent of the night. Thie mutuals were also active w'th a new record set at the Or- ono) raceway when over $31,00 Agents For ORONO WEEKLY T1MES £soel" am Mail gùrWaaNumb.r â was bet by the 'patrons present. Gerald Robinson was second in In the first race of the nig'ht J. the fourth with Ruthator, and 3rd West took the win driving Juno in the fifth with King, of Dia- Herber, followed by Johnathon monds, Keith West placed third Dale and Dusty Star. Chief. Bill Wade placed third In the s'econd race Junior1 West i h it ihDco ik finished second driving Chatter Bll Reid. a constant wînner Hal being out-distàaVced by W. J. with Van's Pride C placed second driving Wades'Rocky. in the final race of the nigýht. NE W!e Flash that works without batteries - Sylvania Mýagic Cubes Kodak Instamatic i15x Camera $25.16 Listerine ($1.39)1 ------- Breath Spray ($1.29) Vîro Tee Spray ($1.09) Tampax 40ls /($1.97) -- O.S. After Shave ($2.00) .97 .82 $1.48 $1.50 Elastoplast Strips ($1.10) .83 Noxema ($1.35) ------- Colgate T. Paste ($1.29) Polident (.98) --------- $1.01 Z.B.T. Baby powder (.89) .67 Desert Flower Hand Lotion '($2.00) ---- Noxema Lather (.69) ..$1.00 A' .52 Right Guard Spray ($1.39) $1.00 O.S. Haii- Cream ($1.25) - .94 Breek H., Spray (.99) -----.74 Pristeen Deod. ($1.89) -- $1.42 Philips M. of M. Tab. (.95) .71 Bufferin 100's ($1.69) $1.27 FREE PICNIC PLATE HOLDER WITHF E FREE ~ ~EACH $1.00 PURCHASE H IE PAPER PLATES 100's .88e SERVIETTES 250's ------.-62e CALGON BEADS OR GREATLY REDUCED ALL BUBLES------ $.5 $129 SUN TAN LOTIONS AND BUBBLS $159 -$129REPELLENTS STUTT > PHARMACY PHONE 983-5069 ORONO~, ONTARIO Donald R. tell, Windsor E. G. Cryderman, ThomesilIle President irst vic..prosident OCI past presiilent 1CR past prisident Leon Davey, Oshanwa Tyson tougmon, Hawkestone DCI comproller UN Idirector J. F. Ujieli, CLamina o St . EcKercher, Dbi OCL directr CRo osdoat ORONO BASEBALL- SCHEDULE FOR WEEK TYKES July 8, Ovono at .Port Hope, 6:30 July 14, Cobourg at Orono, 6:30 PEEWEES- July 11, Carmel at Orono, 2:00 July 14, Orono at Kendal, 6:30 MIDGETS- July 1L~ Peterboro at Orono, 6:30 J.uly 13, Port Hope at Orono, 6:30 Darlington To*nship has taken steps to solve bage 'disposai problems. Council its gar- It was decided to ask Totten, Sims, Hubieki and Associates of (Whitby to undertake the prepar- Chtaries . Munie, Embro Socond vice-preildont OFA nast eresimient Frank Wlu,,rt ;rweii RDA frst ice-president ation of a plan .for the develop- ment of the- Lonïg Sault disposi site. Application will be made to- the department of energy and re~- sources for site approval. Continental sauna and STEAM, BATH Ï GENTLEMEN . We have a Sauna and Whfrl- pool ready for your use. Drgp lu and give themx a try Group Rates Ava&ibe Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. Sun. 1 a.m. - 1 Pmn, 16A ONTARIO STREET 7284U66 OSHAWA -where people are important The principal objectives of CIAG are good value to policyholders and fair and prompt service to ail claimants. These and the other objectives of this insurance co-operative are set by its board - whose 'ten members are elected by the controlingonrs Ontario)Credit Union League - OCUL Ontario Federation of Agriculture , OFA United Co-operativn of Ontario - UCO The sponsor - owners a ccept onliy a fair return on thelr invested capital. Premium Incorne covers dlaims anid operating oosts, Investment Income Is used ta pay lncdme tax and premlum tax, to provide moderato dividends ta shareholders, and ta build the surplus needed ta support service ta a growlng number of pollcyholders. John Roetson, Livly ,I -- ' ~ --- 1- ' nuL noector CIAG provides home, life and automobile Insurance protection end service for more than 200,000 Ontario familles. 'The CIAG companies have $47 million ln* assets, a thousand staff members and sales people, and 58 offices. OIL president LN.e Bird Real, Estate Liniited PLACE CALL IF WE MAY ASSIST YOU IN SELLING OR BUYING PROPERTY Orono Branch on 115 Highway (Ontario Sports) BUS. 983-5350 TORONTO 364-1807 ROSS GILBART, P. Ag.' RES. 983-5427 MANDER RAFUSE RES. 623-3605 WilIia '-ýc. Hall, ..Comm.. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ÂII day Wednesday and Saturday 7