ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JULY 9th, 1970 FATHER'S' DAY Part 2 Seript.ure Lesson Luke 15: 11-24; St. Johin 4: 46.54 in my experience I would say that m'ost parents are too uncert- ain ta assert old dogmatisms1 now. Manyi say tbcy do not know how to t'each these cbldren who. are se different tram what tbey tbem- seives once were. Most cbldren a.re nrot able ta learu tram parents and eiders that tbey will neyer resembie, hecauseth-ey are living in a different society. A new cul- ture-- is being boru and we don't know,ý, what it's gaing ta be like. "It can be likened ta an unbwri chlld, alreadv cnr'~ bult -+ill in the womb. No one knows the sex, the appearace, the canahil- ities of a cbild yet unbarn. Wben we tbink of the new culture wbicb îs being conceived, we can apply the same tyoe of reasoninLy. We don't know what it is going to be like. But the unborn child in tbe womb will necd imaginative and dedicated aduit care and prepar- ation. Our new, culture being born, needs the same. No one can know in advance what the child will become - heow swift bis limbs wiîl be - what will deliglit hiý eyes, - whetber bis tempo will be fast or slow. No one can know how bis mind will work - wbetb- er be will lea'n- best tram sigbt or sound or toueli or mavement. But knowing what ive do Pot knovw and cannot predict, we can construct an environrnent in wih1 the child, stili unknown, can be safe and grow and cliseav- er himself in the world." That's the chlalilge ifor today. Young pmp1ehbave a saying. "Naw i3 fhe future." I dan't kieow wi at a l a inva v cdinl theïr think. i g mibe's it'ey say thîs but there is a fi ulhb. Thînir a in of the ur- born chld. The future of the child is navW h-causýe it denencis on what is done now. Our young peo- pie have a word of wisdoim wheni tbey remind us, "the future is now." If we can't recognize that, there may be no real future. We live in a time wben yaung people are seeking freedom. Fathers are trying to bang on to a littie antharity. Thn boy mnav hi' more at home in bis present so- cteity than the father is but the father has a wisdom of the years that:he st'Il h3 ta uqe and c -t for the wel being of his son. Lasi week 1 told' younger people of wbat frec-dorn wold b- i -11 tie puppy, tied in a kennel, to break lan ~.d befree on 401 >7ith two strearns of fast traffic os eacî ,,IinP' ie -wirl h' "Pe" in a dangerous way and wouldn't likely last long. So. in this fast changing time, toda's father bas the great re--ponisihilitv of brirg- ing bis bai to the point whPre he can be-'trffly free and capable of being i homie and handling lits enviraurnent. Býut Ifsirc came ai ti-ilse when 1a father bas ta ]et hi-- son go. Tbat's wbiat JTqiu, wv ?,~Vi7ie i thp story of "The Wi.ýe. Father." lis son, having had the influence of lis home and bhis own teaching for a numiber of years was anx- bous ta pet away and trv bis, wings. The fathier did't tie hlm, to the borne, be let bim go to fiii bimself. Tihe son did find himself aithougli he bad bard momoiits ia the proces;. Every father bas to face that4 agonizing moment, ,letting his son ba himseîf in a vGrilt that, can destroy bis son. But that is 'he only way the son c, q b" hil't3'ue self, is to be free. o' ta c a'andi not without pre- paration bt the time does corne. Taday's fathv'r is challengcd to g. ve ai' son the tools with which ta work-in a society which he imelf doeas 'hot understand. This eau be donc by showing him how to live. If a child lEvcs witb criticism, ,He learn- to condemn. If a child 1' zes with bostility, -He learns to fight. If a'I ad 1I zes witli ridicule, H1e learns to be shy. If a child lives with shame, ,He learns to feel guilty. If a cbild lives with tolerance, He learils to be patient. If a child lives' with ençourageý- ment, He learils confidence. If a child lives wvith praise, 11e learns to appreciate. If a child lives with fairness, 11e learns justice. If a child lives with security, 11e icarn.s to have faith. If a child lives with approval, (Continued on page 5) BeneFif raies for, Chiroprectic treatment Benefît' rates fow Osteopatiiic treim>erth ln thie pcctitlone/'s .1k. -in the practtontrs duc. orhiin histitti ......... CPW l pey S7»,0 0 1orakiatItRUto..... ..C ISPwig pr$ 7100 subiequent Tuafrnas, 5à ý Te4îe* ln officeew«ututtlon........O6FwPaf v 5»00 inoffiece on.dS........ OHSIPflWinI Ms 5.00 Treamet ithe. piPae ho«. OHSJPwîU pey 7.00 Ttcatned in te patloeCs home. Oê~w w4I pay 7.00 Radiographic Exiahatie- "RaciioaplExmamouo- maxiimu for eéch Serice ....ORI'4P WIpaf, 10.00 maximum fS "ac service ..,.OH*SIP widl pay 10.00 total allowed per peiscain tot a Howed par person in a twelve-tuontli period. ... .OHSIP wiU psy 25.00 o tweîve.-moeth pr... . .OHS Wim ttpy< 25.00 MAXIMUM OHSIP PAYMENT. MAXIMUM OHSI? PAYMENT luaemn a twelve'.motm period per person ini a twelve-month period ê" isrdiog<pbkszminti~)..p......100.00 (excludins radiographic examintion)......... 10Q.00 Hon. Thom sL WeIIs, Minster s1-* Ben eÇ;î rates for Chiropocly (Podatrv.1 Treatment, in the ptactitioner's office or i an institution or i the patient's home...OHSIP WilI pay $ 5.O Radiographie Examination- maxiamm for each service .... OHSIPwiliIpay 10.00 towa allowed pet person ini à twelSfflonth period .. . .OHSIP wifl pay 25,00 Wnependent Minot Procedufe, which May be extra ta the visit anid will include follow-upcare .OHSIP wig pay 9.00 DilaterilOr multiple procedures pedFormed t onL stage -4or seconld procedlure..OHSIP wil pay 4.50 -f4or third procedure...OHSIP wilI pay 2.25 MAXIMUM OHSIP PAYMENT per person in a twelve-month perod (excludinq radiogîaphic exaninations)......... 100.00 DX Service Station Highway 35ý and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Produets At The Most Reasonable Prices -y s Stve oil may be picked Up ln any quantity 19.9e per gallonj Phone 987-4215 ---,$menu 1