ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 9th, 1970 MI lison Insurance Agoncy for AM classes of personal and Commercial CoveraLres Office: Main St., Orono 983-5032 >1Res. 983-5754 Gord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario, PAINTING CAILPENTRY EEMODELLING GENERAL REPAIES InUterior Exterior CHALESREID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Gonsuit me for terms and dates PHONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and Family Memorîils~ Ou r quality and service leaves -nothlng to he desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street - PORT HOPE Largest dispîay in Southera Ontarie IWATSON'S .arineJ ad C y ciLe Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS ABouette Snow Mobilesj *McCulloch CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4, cycle Enginesf SNOWMý'OBILES f PIJMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert' Tompkins Phon eý825 Clarke.31Public -LIBRARY HOUES OPEN: Tuesday 6:20 -.830 Tbursday 6:30 -8:Z0 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 1200 arn. PLUMBING and HEATING 1Sale, and Service 14 HOUE BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low lnterest Rates I' !Phone: ITyrone '263-2650 Orvile Chaterto Electrical Contractinx i Electric IIeatinz and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 IOrono. Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvail 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-Fi FRIGIîDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Hamiltoos Insurance i Service Pire, Fldelity Bond, Llality LUfe jFirst Mortgage Loans iS)adie Hamiltoni Phone 983-5115 !BOX 133 Phone 668-3552 j lî Sliffrd Brothers Limlted jManufacturers et ICemfetery Memorials î 318 Duada.str.. NBut WHITIY, OdTAEI@ Ior rerndeilng me, theu FIoyd N I Ph.. 9u-»» a lieuse? gyw prement a contact Nichol son- ,ORüN0 STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE You also may plick your own for 25 cents per quart. Bring con- tainers. Klaas Reitsma; turn north by the Acres, Restaurant; second place. Telephone 263-2754. b-28-c ORONO TRMILEE SLE AND RENTAL For the % -ton Truck Sot and Hard Top Campers Charles stapleton, 983-697 WANTED: Old Clothes Especially from the thirties, shirts, blouses, dresses, hats, ov- eralls, boots, shawls purses, quilt, kerosene lamps,' longjohns, flan- nel shirts railroad jeans, man's suit - size 38 black. Please bring to Orono Youth Thçatre,, Arena or phone Barbara Suarez for j, ick-up, 983-5816. a-c Nol=t Orono Landseaplng for Garden Service, Planting, Soddlng and SeedinZ4 Phone 983-5598. tf HOLIDAY NOTICE Orono Snack Bar and Bakery will be closed from * June 20 to July 25 Revisiting our homeland, Hlolland ODD JOBS! Baby'sitting,, lawns eut, paint-- ing, or anythîng you need donc. Youth Theatre Manpo-wer can supply the labour you need at a inoderate fee. Phone 983-5617 between 10 and- 6 for Manpower. d-29-c CQMING EVENT Decoration. Day Service wil be held at McCrae's Cemetery, Sun- day, July 12th at 3 pmn. Rev, Nor- they will be the ýspeaker. b-p NOTICE Fun for the entire family, games of chhnce, Bingo and Rides at Kendal Annual Carnival on Wed- nesday, JuIy lSth iu Harvey Jack- son Memorial Park. Admission, 50r Includes free' attendance draws. b-28 c CAR CASH Car Wash at Barraball's Garage, Saturday, July llth 10, a.m. to 4 p.ni. Sponsored by Saracens. a-c i. ROGERSON I ORONO, ONTARIO f ANTIQUEâ WE BUY AND SELL iOld Glass,1 China, Pine Articles j I Toys and Oddittes IF ITIS OLD . . . i i CALL US IWE PAT CASH EPhono 623-5342 after 6 .m J)ACK, RDEALTOR 99King st., E. BOWMAN VILLE When Duying or Selling eu WILF HAWKE -CARD 0F THANKS 1 wish to thank ail my friends who were so kiind to me by send- ing the lovely cards during my stay in Bowmanville Hospital. Mrs. Alex-, Watsoný a-p FOR RENT A quiet one-bedroom apartment phone 983-5158. Strawberries Excellent quality. Buy at our stand orpick your own at 35e per box. Ice Cream - 79e a '% gallon. FRED'S FRUIT MARKET t-f Wanted Dead or Crippled FarM StOçk PICKED UP PROMPTLY Telephone Collect 283-3721 Margwill Fur Farm. Licence No. 258-C-70 C sdail o ut CARMAN PLUMBING AND»'HEATING ph... 95-5307 Or... FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Carlos, Tamîblyft are happy to announce the forth- coming mnarriage of their daugh- ter, Sharon ,Laureyne to Mr. David'. Lawrence Staples, son of Mr. an&. Mrs. Lawrence Stapleý of Bethany., The rnarria-ge wiil take place iii Orono Unîted Church on Satur- day, August lSth at 3:30 p.m. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of a deýar son Joey Eastabrook, who passedl a- way July Ilth, 1966. Ouir hearts stiil ache with sadness, And our secret tears still flow What it meant to lose you, son, 1No one will ever know When the days are sad and ielyp And everything goes. wrong, We se 'nem t hear you whisper "Cheeir up and carry on" Each time we see your picture, _You seem to smile and say "Don't cry, I'm only sleeping" "W'1meet again some dýay."> Dearly loved and sadly missèed by Mom- and Dad, brothers and. sis- ters. Çet Yogi, TICKET NOW FOR THE Beef Bar- BQ TO BE HELD Saturday, July liSth TICKETS AVAILABLE- Mercero.sGarage Miattfr 0rw- ber Shop, Middleton's Confection- ery, MiilsoiVs Insurance Agency Orono Times;'.Eolph's Hardware,, anid Lunn's Hardware. Proceeds in aid of Clarke Library Renovations 24 HOUE Mdechanilcal Service Ai Work Guaranteed Farm and Industrial Work Vour PrenIses or Our Shop A.S.M.E - C.SA. Approved PHONE 283-8818 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F LANDS AND FORESTS Sealed tenders for the construction of, approx- imately 970 rods of nune lime woven wire fencing (labour only) bounidary fences on parts of Lots 35, 33, 32 and 31, Concession V Clarke Township, Durhamn County will bc received until 12:00 noon Juiy 20, 1970 Ail fencing materials will be supplied by the Department. Tender forms, plans and specifications are avail- able on request from the Nursery Superintendent, Provincial Forest Station, Orono, Ontario. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. A. E. Walroth, District Forester.