m - w . a -~~-~ ~- -..........- 9?/ /~iz ûKL/;'~) OTGI&b~96 Bsar B- &Dance,This Saturday Orono Wee klyTimes, VOLUME 34, NUMBER 29 ORONO -WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY lth, 1970 Clarke Public Library To Get 3000- Additional, Books, It was learned last week that the Regional;Library Board will denate to the Çlarke Public Lýb-ý rary saine 3000 new books upon their opening in their new prem- ises. This donation to the local li- brary lias forced_ the local com- mittee te. expand the library pro- per within the building, and te make raom for add ed shelving ta facilitate this donation. The local library now.lias a book collection of some 5000 bocks. This will in- crease ta over 8000 when the lili- rary moves. The Regional Library is aise making available additional slielv- ing and other items ta promote the library service within thecom- munity.ý The new library premisis are exýpected ta lie open semetime in the middle cf August. At the pres- ent tiri.e the eletrical service, heating 'and wasliroom facilities have been completed. Plastering and repairing ef plaster lias been completed and currently outside painting is underway. A cQmplete cleanup along witli inside decar- Township Byý-IÉws' Council gave three readrngs to a by-law gaverxlng dogs within th e municipahlty. The by-law pro- bibits the running at large cf dogs As yet caunceil lias nat appointed Dcg Contrai Officer ta enforce th-e conditions et the hy-law. Deg tax tees are accepte dat the Town- slip office. CounceIl alsa passed a by-law ini connectian with plumbing per- mi'ts whicli are ncw needed for repairs (except ,mrinar) altera- tions and renewal. Inspection will lie carried eut by the Northium- berland - Durhiam Inspectar witli permits available at the Townsliip office. Tlie by law sets residential permits at $6.00 plus '$1.00 for cacli fixture. ating is expected ta start shortly. Provisian lias also been made for autside landscaping and sedding. Women kiled Six lnjured, A Peterboroughi woman was kilied and six other persons were injured in a fpur-car pile-up on Highway 115 north cf '@rono and south cf the eighth.Ilie,ý late Sat- urday niglit. Dead is Helen Chan, 21, cf 689 Water St., Peterboroughi, who w.as a passenger in a nortli-baund car. She. was pronounced dcad on ar- rivai at Peterborougli Civîc Hes- pital. Her husband, Eddy. Paul Chian, 26, is in satisfaetory con- dition in haspital. Clristaplier T.,an, 26, also of 689 Water St., Peterborough, was admitted ta Civie Hospital with a broken leg. H1e is in satisfactary condition. Another passenger' in the same car, Ken Ng, 415 George ,t. Peterborough, is in St. Jasepli's Hospital la satisfactory condition with possible back injuries. The driver et another car, Mi-, chael Venton, 17, et 2755 Jane St, Tarante, is la Toronto General Hospital. His passenger, Lynda Barrett, 16, cf 70 Mars Rd., Scar- boraugh, is la fair condition with multiple injuries and a broken anki,-e. in Oshawa General Hospital 1Narcyz Borodcal, 31, cf 81 Dun- edin Dr., Toronto, the driver cf a third car. was net înjured and his wite, Lillian, 33, a passenger in the car with him, was treated at Bowmanville Hospital and re- leased. PeterG- sn 19, cf '6Ahon Dr., Traotedriver cf theI fourth car ir.vclved, was net in- jured. Supports Federation Tax Proposai Clarke Township council- has come out in support cf a recomi- mendation of the Ontario Feder- ation of Agriculture in whicli the Federation la seeking the rernov- al cf ail education tax from rnal real property within the province. Council gave their support tdý theF request in the foi-m of a resolui- tien. -Council at their July miïeeiýng reeeived and filed a petitidnsg- ed by. saýme ninety residents of Newtonvilie complaining about a traffic hazard at the intersec- tiop cf No. 2 Hiîglway and the County road running scouth. The petition, aise asked for the redue- ,ion cf the speed limit on No. 2 £rom 40 to 25 and on the County read by the school from 50 te 30 miles per heur. Reports from th 'e Orono Ycutli Theatre in tlieir progress te date are ail favourabie. Production cf the tliree plays are on scliedule and tlie director and manager are well pleased witli the progress and tlie ability cf the ýartists. The preparing of sets and cost- umnes as well as other teclinical features are also in Une and ev- erything, aliould lie in readines for the apening in August. An a dded feature ta the festi- val wil l e an art exhilift whicli will be on display. This wifl feat- ure local talent in the area aý well' as ther -works, It lias aiso been reported that the Orene Youth Theatre is re- eeiving same donations of a fin- ancial nature. A steak Bar-B-Q is aise' plan- ned for opening night and pro- ceeds tram this venture are 'to go towards the aperatien of the theatre. Tickets will libe preseld for trie Steak Bar-B-Q. ANNOUNCES MENU FOR BEEF BAR-B-Q Mr. S. Mather at the Chamber of Commerce Meeting on Monday evening announced the menu, for, the Beef Bar-B-Q being held this Saturday evening at the Orone Park. He stated that there would bc some new inovations in the menu this yêar and was assuring everyone of areal treat. The followîng is the menu: Prime Bar B-Qued Beef Roast Potato Boston Baked Beans Cole Siaw Relishes Coffee Donuts Furtler ta the menu Mr. Mather infarmed the meeting that Orono Youth Theatre was providing the entertainment and this lie said would be a varied program. The Bar-B-Q, and dance whicli Hall on the same evenng is being wili follow at the Orono Town underway at the new Clarke Pubi- held in aid cf renovations now lie Library site. Alil proceeds will go towards this operation whicli will be open ta the public ini August. Rained Stopped For Orange Parade Someone turned the taps off and the ramn stepped just in time for thie 0Orangemieiin'sCommemora- t;in Paradfe in Port Hope Satur- Abo)ut 50 Orange Ledges frein six surrcounding céounties teck part ia the parade whieh celebrated the 280th anniversary cf' the Bat- tie cf the Beyne. One cf the ýorganizers, Austin Trotter, said everything went well l>ut the crowd, likely due te the earlier ramn, was smaller t1ýan had been expected. The Orangýlemen started the thc-ieroute from the park at 1:35 p.m. an-d finished there at :2,Foliowýing the parade, a short ceremony -%as held at the park. Mfayor Michael Wladyka and DurhýIam MIPP Alex Carruthers ad- dresedthegatliering. Port Hope ConilrArthur Crowhurst was' maser f eremonies. Two cups were award.ed te the best juvenile lodges. Thle award for the orange went ta the Peter- borough Juvenile Orange,, wliile the award for the best blue lodge was given te the Oshawa True Blues. It was the first Orangemen's Parade held in Port Hope in nine years. Ontario SchoIars At Clark. High Three grade thirteen students at Clarke High School have earn- ed the henour of being Ontario Schoiars. They have obtained an average et at least eighty percent ini grade 13 papers. Those receiv- ing the awards will aise receive $150.00 in cash. The Ontario sehol- ars are pictured below. DON McKENZIE son of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKeni- zie cf Orono. BILL CALDWELL son et Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cald- well cf Orono. Orono Chamber Stili Battling Mr. and Mrs.' M. Annaert, Orono ,entertained on Sunday at a Bap- tisai party in their berne for in- fant Cliarlene Annaert et Ba\v- manville. Forty-five guests were present tram Aylmer, Delhi, Langton, Tillsonburg, Castleton, Cobeurg, Osliawa, Bowmanville and Orono. Pictured above are tour generations present at the party. 1. te r. Mrs. Lucien Annaert cf Bowmanville, Mrs. Platteeuw, Aylmer, Mrs. Les Audenaert, Cas- tieton and infant Charlene An- naert. The Orana Chamber of Com- merce met on Monday evenîng at the New Dutcli Oven Restaurant where the graup authorized thie in-. viting of the Réeve, Deputy-Reeve and Clerk cf thie Township cf Clarke ta attend the September meeting ta elutline and discuss regional gavernment in the area. Thie Cliamber cf Commerce lias gone on record with thie Oshawa Planning Area as favouring the inclusion of Clarke Township within the Oshawa area. A letter was received from the Study Group wlio painted eut ta the Cliamber tliat they sliould pre- pare and present a bief at pub- lic meeting' when sucli is held withia the district. It was reparted at the meeting that the sign commîttee had erect- ed the three "Weicome Signs" at the twa north entrances and at the soutli entrance. A letter et ap- preciation la te lie sent bath thie Local Department cf Lands and Forests and Curvply Wood Prod- ucts for their assistance in this project. The sign committee was also given tlhe ga-aliead te make ar- rangements se that Coming Events niay lie placed at the battcm et tlie south Orono siga. It was pointed out that tlie letters for tliis portion of the sign were stili MARIA KORDAS daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jakoli Kordas, R.R. 3, Nýewcastle. intact. The proposed parrellel parking for the east side cf the Main St. again came befare the meeting and it was ýdecided to make an- ether effort ta have this proposai set aside. The members were ask- ed te first meet witli the Orono body the next meeting cf the Police Trustees and following this meeting that thcy attend in a ('aunties' Road Commission. Mr. P. M.Telunn spoke briefly cf a need for planning now te obtain more land for the Orone Cemet- ery. 11e was given autliority te look into this matter further. Everyïhing Progressing Favourably At Theatre Four Generations At Party