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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jul 1970, p. 2

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flRflNfl WEEKT.TIMES. THfUR8DAY. JULY 16th, 1970 ORONO W KLY TIMES LEAVE l!T ALO NE! The request to remove 'ail educational tax, from ai real property as niade by the Ontario Federation of Agri- culture and supported by,Çlarke Counil may have sosne cf-: f ects which are just as undesirabie as present conditions. Theamount involved lin Ontario wouid be some $700,- 000,000. which would have to be transferred to sanie other form cof taxation wihl in the end would have to carne out afthe ipocket.ý-,of the same taxpayers. Increased corporation tax, income tax, or sales tax vt)uld have adve rse effect on. va rious segments of the population mast as taday withthe dlaim against property tax. Property tax on property holdings is really based as is income tax on the abiiity ta pay. The larger home the taore .a. the langer farmi the m.pre tax.. the treater salary the mi4-e tax. Pro¶pefty tax is an above the board tax and is not hidden. It gives the taxpayer sanie idea of his costs3 within his own Rnunicipaiity or district and allows the .are taxpayer sonie say inthe operation of his educational systeni. If it is reasonable ta partially fipiance roads, garbage disposai etc t'hrouigh muinicipal.,PTD'PertY t2x it is just as reasonable to finance a portion of education through the samie tax. It certainfly aiiows local participation and no0 doubt is a check on unrestricted municipal spending. If property tax, was suddeniy reducedby'fifty percent by ci- iminating educational costs we would anticipate a sudden increase in municipal expenditures to partialiy offset the saving. Race Entries For Friday Night Ist RACE- Lorraine Hal, Rutha- tor, Wades Rocky, Julo Pet Rich- ards, Molly Haw Les, Ohief Clyde Dec- Herbert, AE8 Dreamy Chief 2nd Race-K,-a, Herbert, Aprl- ite, Zing C. Song, Juno Herbert, TiLightu Thoughts, Gordie Park- er, Johnny One Step SRd ft£E-_RegalPick, Liz 5cn$ Frî.tddit Grattan, Van's M-Nary;, rre- vor Son, Juinbo. 4th RACE-Ral Don, Shifty Cier. WiI Lor Cindyv, Deep Rua Sta, MonlghtBen, Aurda Her- bent, MWistie Star, Zip) Scott. 5h RACE-Jubilee Song, Chat- ter Hal, Kinîg cf Diamionds, Bon- nie DeLight, Rusty Pete, Elva M&agic, Jonathan Dale, The Enter- talber. 6h RACE-Truc Adios, Larry Dillari, Superoe Ted, Miss Buck- eyc Lady, Moreiands Dusty, Freddy Pick, S. W. Lightning. 7th RACE-Dolnas Hat, Rob Ron Cy, Lynda Howard, Wîl Lor Corky Gien Jay Bill, Coni Herbert, Apol- lo Dawn, Gaitime Gînny. Due to unreadable copy wç can- not give you the 8th and 9th race loth RACE- Parkview Ana, C. EParker, Doctor Kirk, Brown Tim, Waitzing Matilda, Tru Ray Sis, Mighty Betty. Company of eighty in opetory AU C. 4-30 daily except Monday and Frday 815 P,, OýNO IDUTIH THEATRE AUGUSE. , 69, 12, 15, 25, 26 eeK OQF'T+4r MOON by RÇHAROLSON &' BERNEY "a folk fantasy" AUGUST 5, 8, 11, 1j. 1, 20 ýantigone by JEAN ANOULII "a modern adaptation.o& the Greeli traqedy" CANADIAN PREIIERE AUGUST 18. 19, 22, 23, 27, 29, 30 INDIANS yATURIOI "an ab-oo 0k a htory" 'ORONO AMA (416) 983.5617 C'nnd Fiday 5 MiN. -f 404o.., 15 60 Min.tes Easl : or ta Soýbncipton 3 I.O7) - $6 S, oie 4nR- St - $250 Mail Gîd«, -E- 105, Cran. Ont, -.d 1--,... - ia,,L Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barclay, Barclay -Alun, White Mums and Giadiol'i formed an ýattractive setting for the niarriage of MissSharon An, Allin, daugher of 'Mr. a nd Mrs. Nozman Allun, Orono, Ontario; and MVr. John Paul Barclay, son of Mr. and Mrs. -James Barclay, of Bowmanivilie, Ontario, on Satur- dey, June thirteenth, at three o'- dlock la Orono United Church, Oronio, Ontario. The Bey. Basil Long performed the ceremony; Mr. James Wilson played the wed- ding music, and MUrs. Everett Brown was soioist. SGiven in marriagqe by* her fatiher the bride wore awedding goWn of wvhite impor ted Ottoman Peau de Soie; with empire waist, featuring inset panels of lace in the long full sieeves, bodice and skirt. 11cr train feul from, the shoulders, and was floor length. lier veil was tiered with scallops, embroidered with pearis land fell from a head- piece of crystals and fiowers. She, wQre pearls, a gift of the groom. Her cascade bouquet was of yel- low roses, white carnations. and stephanotis. Mrs. Neil Elliott of Kendal, sîster of the bride, was matron of honor; Mrs. Brian Weir of Oshawa and Miss Carol Nixon of Orono were bridesmaids. They'ail wore dresses of orchid crepe with em- pire waistlînes, accentuated by lace trim and floor length trains. Their matching head pieces. wer e of tulle and flowers; they carried cascade- bouquets of white mums and gladiolli with shadings of or- chid. The two junior bridesmaids,, Miss Karen Elliott and Miss/Ghris- tine Eliiott, nieces of the bride, wore identical gowns to the sen- ior attendants and carried -nose- gays of 'white mnuins and tinted giadiolli flowerets, 'with nribbon streamers with daisy mium(s. Mr. Donald Johnlston of Bow- maniIlle acetcd 'as best man for D. ROGERSOà"N ORONOé, ONTARIO ANTIQUES WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, China, Pine Articles Toyuaud Odifti IIF IT'SOLD ... I. CALL US WB PAY CASH Phone 623-5342 after 4 P.m. and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN . We have a Sauna and Whlrl- pool ready for your use. Drop in and give them a try Group Rates AvalIable Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 a-. Sun. 8 a.m.-i p.m. 16A ONTARIO, STREET 728-2460 OSHIAWA Dry Cleanlingff Agents For thé groom. Thev ushers, were Mr. Stephen Bac>Y and Mr. Peter Brly broth ýr of the groom.i Mrs. Allia wore a coat dress of blue chiffon and delustered peau de soei, 'with matching hat and white accessories. 11cr corsage was of shaded pink rosebuds,. Mrs. Barclay wore a coat dress 0f pink silk shantung, with cm- broidcred sîceves, and her -access- ories were white. 11cr corsage was of ,TInk rosebuds. The -reception foliowed the, ccc- eniony and, was ,hcld in the main auditorium of the church. The guests were welcomcd by- both parents cf the bride and groom. Mr. E. G.* Hay, Newtonville, uncle of the bride, actcd as mast- er of ceremonies at the reception, foliowing whiech the couple left on their wedding trip to Eastern On- tario aid the Lake District. The bride wearing a ýcoat and dress cf yeiiow crepe, with a corsage cf, orange rosebuds. The couple will be living on Wilson Road, Oshawa, where the groomn is employed at Pediar People Ltd., and the bride will be teaching at the Stepping Stone Day Nursery. The groom sttcnded Bowman- viii Public Schiool and HIigh Sehool. H1e is a graduate of the, Port Hope Technical 'Schooi. The bride attended Orono Public School, Clarke High School and I. Bowmanville Higli School and re- cently graduated from Sir Sand- ford Fleming College,- Peterbor-~ ough.: Prior to her wedding the bride was honoured at a number of showers. Mrs. ýDon Carter entertained the bride to be at a miscellaneous, shower .at herhome ln Peterboro. Mirs. BrIan ý'Wier entertained for the bride to bé at the home of' Mrs. Lloyd Massey, R.R., Peter- borough, where her class' mates and faculty rambers of 2nd«-year Early ýChiidhood-Education of Sir- Sandford FlemingCoeg had a presentation. Miss Carol Nixon. Mrs. Bruce Mercer and Mrs. Everett Brown, held a miscellaneous shower la the Main Auditorium of Orono', United Chtirch; about' 80 guests were present to honour Sharont with gifts and good wishes. Mirs. Bruce Milne, Mrs. Claire Wakelin, Mrs. Stephen Barclay and Mrs. Carl Barclsy of Bow- manvilie were co-hostesses at a miscelianeous shower at the home of Mrs. Raby, King St. East, Bow- manville. Mrs. Andrew Barclay and Mise Lynn Barclay cntertained at theirý Oshaws home, to a supper party and shower. Mrs. E. G. Hay and Mrs. Wmt Hay entertained at n luncheon andi miscellaneous shower at the home of .Mrs. E. G. Hay, Newton- ville. High Voume Sales Benelit You For a car you eau depend on contact EarlMQue at ýINGRAM MOTORS LTD. SAuthorizeti Chev Olds Dealer Whiere a good selection of late model O.K. useti cars are on display due te our recent high vol- ume sale cf new cars. These cars are fully reconditioneti and mechan- ically checked to Department of Transport reg- ulations. Highway 2 West Cobourg Phone 372-3291 Bowmanville 623-7166 During the months of July, August and September the dealership wili be closeti at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. Open daily until 9:00 p.m. Monay te Friday inclusive. L. . BrdReal Estate Limiteti PLACE CALL ]IF WE MAY ASSIST YOU IN SELLING OR BUYING PROPERTY Orono Branch on 115 Highway (Ontario Sports) BUS. 983-5350 TORONTO 364-1807 BOSS GILBART, P. Ag. RES. 983-5427 MANDER RAFUSE RES. 623-3605 Wilimc.eal B. Comm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday _MpZIUDr - - t --ý -"7Z;71 dgâEà»dli

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