ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, JULY, iGth, 1970 DX Service Station, Highway 35 and 115, Just north of Newcastle 3' Featuring: Premium Quallty Products - Ai The Most Reasonable Prices Stove oil may be picked up iii any - quantity 19.9c'per gallon Phone U874215, I .1 Mid-Sunamer SPECIALS Picnic Brand - Peeled Whole Segments lO-oz. Tins ~mandarin Orange rs 4-99c> Best Buy! - Robin Hood Layer Style Celebration CAKE MIXES 3 for 89C Reg. 98e Value - 10e off pack 32-oz. bottie MAZOLA CORN OIL 79c Feature! - Prince Edward - Choice wholc W hite 19-oz. Tins POMMTES 2 for 35c Best Buy! - Save 6c - Canadian "-z. pkg. Cheese Suices Kraft -37c Save 13c - Pantry Shelg - Rcconstituted 48-oz. Orange Juic. 2 for 69c Reg. 33e Value!- Red and White Hamburg Buns and 1S to pkg. Wiener Rolis 2 pkg. 49c Specially Selected - Tender - Juicy RROUND eS"TEAK Fuli Cut lb. 99c Burns Well Strcakcd Rindless For the Barbecue Fresh Minced Burger Mix Bacon lb. pkg. 790 Ground Deef lb. 59, "Al1ways Tender"i RUMP ROASTS Lean - Trinuned lb. $109 Schniders' LUNCH MEATS 2 <6 oz.. pkgs. 65c Canada No. 1 Crisp Ontario, LETTUCE 'Jumnbo Heo'd s- ea. 19c Place your order today fer Montmorency or Black Sweet Cherries - Delivery later this month. CHILLIED CHERRIES 20 b. pail CORNIH'S ED HITE W a wfgbt j. N=It Pheae flZ-821, Or~ ~ j biI Communion Message Jesus was teaohing in tice'tem- pie at the time of the Jewisi Feas t of the Tabernacles, or the festival of booths.: He was pro- claiming the g reat trullis of Goti and Hec ýas gctting-away with il even though the, authorities were seeking to .kilt lHlm. The people saii, '"Can this be the anointed One ýof ýGoti?" Then thcy said, "No, He can't be because we know. w'here Tic cornes fri7o." They be- lievedtheUi Messiah would just sud- denly appear. The thinking stilI prevails a- mong any people that to finti Goti you must seek lm in the ab- normal or the unusual. This was the exact opposite to what Jesus was f orever teachinig that you finti God in tic ortiinary common things of 11f e everyxvhere, always. He saiti, "Many appeareti before the Lord andi the Lord said, 'You are tic righteous because 1 was hungry anti you gave me footi. I was thirsty andi you gave me drink.' These people were amazeti anti saiti, "Lord, when diti we do these things?" Anti the, answer wa's, "As you did it tn one of the least of tiese rny brelliren, you titi it to Me." God is to be found in the ordinary things of life. 1As Jesus stood there teaching, He shocked the people. Uc sait they ditin't know Goti. They couldn'j recognize that Uc came from Goti. This was a bitter in- sult to tell the chosen people that tiey titdn't know'Goti. They sait, -You are guilty of blaspbemy" anti were, seeking. to kill Hlm. To those who opposet Hlm Jesus said there would corne a time whcn tbey woulti seek Hlm but tliey would not fint i Hm. Uc was witb tliezon for a little wvhile. Trhe ltime would corne wlicn they would seek, not to arrcst Hlm, but bo ob- tain w,ýhat only He coulti give. But it woutil be boo late. He would be gone wliere tliey could not follow. Here is a solerni trutli. Some- tirnes wc alig-n ourselves witli those captivating things in life that where the Lord would leati, SAVE ON' Premium Quality " GASOLINE " DIESEL " MOTOR OIL Farm tanks and pumps av;afiable CALL COLLECT 668-3341 k DX OIL wc cannot follow. ,lt is neyer too late with God, but it scems it is too late with men. Isaiah saiti, "ýSeck the Lord while Hc may be fôund. -Cal upon Hlm while He is near. Let the wicked forsake bis ways." Many people crowd the spiritual Into some left over space or neglect it altogether. There secms to he a point in some lives, where they cross that line wliere they are able to let go, even though being dragged into notli. ingness. Quite often t * c young think, "We are 'young, healthy, with years ahcad. of us. What do we need" Today an acroplane crash- ed in Toronto. No one knows liow many years he lias. Sometimes we think we're too husy or are simp- ly too sure. Michel Quoist says, "Al mren complain that they liaven't enough tirne. They look at their lives from too human a point of view. There is always time to do what God wants us to do, but we niust put ourselves completely into each moment that He of- fers." Uc puts in prayer form some of the truths he has seen in Ill e: "Good-bye, Sir, excuse me, haven't time. l'Il corne back, I can't wait, I haven't time. I mnust end, this letter - 1 haven't time. I'd love to help you, but 1 haven't 1time. 1 I can't accept, liaving no time. I can't think, 1 can't eati, I'm swamped, I haven't time. I'd like. to pray, but I haven't time You understand, Lord, they sim- ply haven't the lime. The chilti is playing, lie hasn't time riglit now.. Later on The schoolboy has his homèwork to do, he hasn't lime.. Later on. The student has bis courses, and 50 rnucli work . . . Later on.. The Young man is at bis sports, he liasn't time .. . Later on.. The Young married man lias his new house, lielias to fix il up. Hceliasn't time.. Later on.. The grandparents have their granclchildren. They haven'î time . . . Later on.. They are ili, they have their treat- ments, they liaven't tlime... Later on.** They are ting, they have no... Too late! They have no more time! You wlio are beyond time, Lord.. You gave ecd one 'time bo do what you want him to do. But we must flot lose time, waste time, kili time. For time. is a gift that You ga ve US. But a perishable gift, a. gift that tioes not keep. Lord, I 'have time, I have plenty of time.f1 Ail the time that you gave me, The years of my life, the days of rny years, The hours of my days, they are ail mine,, Mine to fuI quietly, cahnly, but to f111 completely up to the brim, To offer them to you, that- out of their insipiti water, you may make a rich winte midi as you made once in Cana of Galilce." Jesus stood in the Temple teaching. It was the feast of the Tabernacles when tbc people wcre renjindeti that Goti led bhem in the wilderness andi cared for BEEF BAR B-Q Phime Bar-B-Qued Beef, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw, Baked Beans Relishes, Coffee, Donuts ORONO PARK Saturday, JuIy l8th Serving 5:30 P.m. on ENTERTAINMENT BY ORONO VOUTIT THEATRE GROUP DANCIN Orono Town'. Hall Proceeds in aid of CLARKE PUBLIC LIBRARY Aduits: $2.50 Chîldren: $1.00 Tickets Now On Sale Sponsored by Orono Chambèr cf Commerce FATTENTION FARMERS W-HY PAY MORE? FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY A lbert's Texace GRNIOEAL REPAIES Phono 988-UO49 on. them with food and water. A -priest would go to the pool of Si- loam and dip out about two pints of water in a golden pitcher. As he carried it to the altar the People would chant, "With joy shall ye draw water out of the Wells of salvation." As the priest poured the Water on the altar the People would chant, "Oh give thanks to the Lord." It may be at this moment that Jesus' voice rang out, "If any man thirst, let hlm ýcorne unto me and drink. And lie wlio drinks of Me,, out of his heart will ý flow rivers of liv- ing water."1 Jesus mùay refer here to what could %aýppen to. any man who cornes to HiM. If he drinks of Christ then he becomes a fountain of living 'water, the 'Spirit flows througlj him into the lives of others. âesus may refer to himaself as the rock andi the 'people would think of the rock andi Goti bring- ing water out of the rock for their salvation in the wildetness. But the truth remains. Jesus is the (Continueti on page 4) SUPPLIES, ,Plates, Cups, IJtensil5 Table Clothes etc. Soit Drinks - Chips - etc etc. CHILDREN'S Summer Toys For outside play Shovels -Pails -Etc Priced 29c. to 98c. Gre-at te have around the house for those younig visitors3 Middletoms MlONO. ONT.