ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 16th, 1970 DOMINION HARDWARE FRANCHISES ARE NOW AVAILABLE. PHONE 534-656me ELECTROHOME 20" FAN Beatthe heat with this "iCana- dian" made fan. Features: powerful two-speed motor- reverse switch -precision balanced aluminumn fan blades-minimum vibration Doubles as an air circulator or wîndow fan. VALUE 36.95 ELECTROHOME AIRq CONDITIONER Do-it-yourself installation-no special wiring required. Rug- e. ged 1 H.P. unit cools and fil- < ters. Thermostatie contraI and 2-speed fan maintains a conm- fortable temperature range.~ Ca pacity 5000 B.T.U. VALUE 179.50 x ÈhI I-ECUBE TRAYS Easy to use "Twist-Pop" de- sign. Just twist tray and cubes drap out easily. Fast-freezes *1cubes pertray. VALUE 790 q each. PFec for your oýutngs.. Fea- tu..res white inner liner, fric- tion seal cover, moulded-iri hand grips for easy carrying. Size: 131/211x:k221/21 x 121/411 CAP: 24 quarts. Coloulr: Ava- cado. VALUE 12.95'R .I1l,' WESTCLOX "SONNET" Distinctive styling blends with anpy decor. Easy to read 3. WimensionaI numerals. Ex- ess cord storage. 6112 high. VLUE $9.98. White Oniy WESTCLOX "BELFASI"P L.arge numerals, shatterproof crys tal, second hand. VALUE w-O95- White OnIv WAIR DRIER CRYSTAý1 The economical, easy remove dampness in rnents and closets. Orý absorb the moisture venting warp anci mli,ý quart bag. AIR DRIER STAND< Supports air drier crystaý exposes maximumi surfi ý ýr for rapld dehumidific j metal rac - -, A Ralph Dominionl Hairdware Orono, Ont. Phone tSI-çdâ ENJO COMFOIR unooul Ai muma 'fAIR CONDITIONING, . . .. . .......