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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jul 1970, p. 5

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------------ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY l6th, 1970 Kend ai News On Sunday, July 12 the friends and family of Mr. R. Wilsobn gath- ered at the home of Mr. Fr-ed andA Miss Hlelen Boyd to honouir Mr. Dick Wilson on reaching his eigh- ty t4i rd birthday. Ris son Thomias and family 'were there. lis daughi- ter Mr. and-Mrs. Geo. Palmer and Mrs. D. Clow and littie, Shawn. Mr. and Mrs. ýLloyd Gardi ner, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Batten, Mrs. Louise Boyd and Mr. Wm. Winn were among the neiglibours pres- ent to wîsh him another year of happiness. A deliélous lunch was served at this happy event. Sunday services wei'e attended by sorne of our endal folk in Kirby United Church and in the New Dutch Reform Church in Bowmanville. One of the features especially enjoyed was the fine music. Our minister will be away for twn more Sundays: let us take advantage of the opportunity to see other churches at work.' Plans are being made for Ken- dal Centennial Tea on the last Wednesday in July, the 29th. The people of the community are ask- cd to bring home made eandy, bread, pies, vegetables, jam, in fart anything that will seil. A fine parade of' the Orange Turn on the Fun with a' Order was held in Port Hope on Saturday. Kendal was represented. The Kiltie bands were, very fine, fromn Boxvmanville, Cobourg, Lind- ia nd. Peterboroughi as well as from as far away as Toronto. One kiltie -band was made up entirely of girls. There were children's 1odges: with fife and drum bands and littie girls twirling their bat- ons. There were a number of lad- ies' lodges. One from Pontypool The Elliotts sent a card home from Waa Waa, so we know they are' stili travelling west. The farmers are busy haying but find the weather a bit catchy. The abundant rains have made the gardens and other crops look fine. M~rs. Lawrence Greenwood is taking a summer course ln Peter- borough. communion (Continuecl from page 3) source of living water. People find real life in Jesus Christ. People can go on denying the fact and power of Christ. The Spirit existed before Pentecost, before.Christ. A great power con exist for centuries without men being able to tap it. For instance, atomie energy always existed but it was recently that man found how to draw from the power of the atom. In the fellowship of the Lord's Supper, we arc reminded it took the life and death of Jesus Christ to lead us to- Pentecost. We are told in the Sripturc Mg, ~ ueB lthat some of the people thought Jesus was the prophet whom M oses promiscd. Some thought He was the, anointed One of God and they began to dispute. What hod storted to be a great religious ex- perience was ending ln the bar- renness of a0 theological dispute. Jf>sus Christ is not someone about whom to argue; He is someone to - know ond love and enjoy. If we have one view of Hlm and sone- one else has another, it dQes not matels lo11lg as both f u find Hlim Saviour and occept Him as Lord. Fox builds the world's Most Todoy let'it ring in our ears, wanted mini-bikes! Exciting hearts and spirits the invitation of trail models for Trait Blazing, Christ,, "If any man thirst let hlm hunting. fishing and camping conme unto Me and drink." As we -.Finest campus bikes for coe-ne togethe.r around the Lord's swingers, shoppers, swimmers table in. remembranceof what He ... A "hot dogge' scrambler did and what He does, let it be a thaVs flot a bit timid for the time of rededication for us. A field or track. Many models are time of coming together in, the street icensable. Spirit of Christ, all one in love Turg, oft t» ,FUN and service. If wc come to Him DWt*a Wilh>ng fealand drink He will f111 us with the M~ efr ~wil ow ~ 19995 water of life which is of an eter- Mt hvo 'ni ow a $19.95 nal quality. 1Rolph Hardwavre ORONO PHONE 983-5207 BrICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCHMAHL Phone 983-5606 Speclalizing in aIl kinds of« STONEWORK and FIBEPLACES We aise do chimnev Revairs VENEZIA RESTAURANT Highway 115 and 35 1/ mile south of Orono Phone 983-5651 Open 7 days a week Speciaiizing in Pizza -Meals Cla rke Council In Opposition Clarke Township Council at the July meeting expressed their op- position in the form of a resoclu- tion ýagainst any move by the Fed-, cral government with new legis- lation which miglit be detrimental to the tobacco industry. Council was concerned over the fact that considerable assessment in the Township is connected with the tohbacco industry and that this in- dustry is also one providing em- ployment in the district. Thcy did not want to sec the municipnl tax structure altered. Council also passed a resolution outlining their opposition to any revision of tarriff of rates by the Bell of Canada. BOB YOEMANS PLUMBING AND HEATING i 24 Hour Service New Installations - Alterations Repairs Specializing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work RR 1, 'Orono 983.5624 Local 'News Congratulations, to the follow- ing pupils of Mrs. M. H. Staples, who were successful at the recent Piano Examinations of The Royal Conservatory of Music of Tforonto, held in Bowmanville: Grade VIII pass - Karen Lowery and Suzanne Bunting. Grade VI Honors - Lorna Lowery ýGrade IV Honors- Jonathan B. Staples. Grade I Honors- Jane Ann Staples., Miss Janice Rutherford has ac- cepted a position with the De- partment of Hlealth and Welfare. Miss Rutherford willl work out of Kingston. The Clar-ke Township Fire De- partment assisted with the demol- ition of an old framie bouse on the propcrty of the Departmen t of Lands and Forests on Tuesday ev- ening. The building was consider- cd a hazard and was demoîished by fire. It was locatcd west of Or- ono on the fifth lne on the Clarke Darlington boundary. It has been reported that a memorial stone at the Ordno Cem- etery has been broken and knock- cd over. It appears that a car was used to push over the stone. The O.P.P. are investigatîng. In speak- ing with Mr, Chas. Taylor, custod- !on, he reports that the cemetery has had very littie vandalism over the years 'and to his knowledge this was the first incident of des- truction. Mr. and Mrs. Junior West and family, having sold their Sunoco Service Station and house on Highway 115, have now moved into an apartment of Mr. H. Hoensch. Miss SahIy Staples is visiting friendis in St. Georges andi War- wick, Bermuda. A number of Orono Masons journeyed to the Royal York Hot- el ln Toronto on Tuesday to at- tend a convention. UNITED CHURCH- S Orono Pastoral ~ i" >' Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, JULY l9th, 1970 Orono Uniteo Church- Sunday Sehool at 10:00 Ser'vice at 11:15 a.m. Krby- Xorniing Service at 9:45 a.m Sunday Sohool at 11:00 25% OFF Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gîlmer and family of Carrievale, Sask., are visiting with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabail and Mr. and Mrs. Wiliis Barrabaîl and family and other relatives and friends.' Visitors with Mrs. Ken Gamsby for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gams'by, Melaniie and Steven,' Lorraine, Quebec and Mr. and.Mrs. llarold Snell, Toronto. Mr. and.Mrs. Carl Kiminett and Mrs. Harry Bailey spent the week- end ln Napance and attended the wedding anniversary party given for the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manly Kimmett on Saturday evening. They also visited on Sunday with Mrs. Robt. Allun in 111- BI(G DAYS- Sidelwalk Sale JULY 23 -24 -25 Open until 9 p.m. Thurs. - Friday Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce Kingston, who wished to be, rem- embered to frer Orono friencis. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moffat and Ian spent Monday in Kingston, visitIng Old Fort Henry and other places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. K. Grundlberg and son Carl of Wilmingtoni, Deleware, spent the weekend with their unce, Mr. and MrVIs. Carl Billings. ST. SAVIOà"' I Establslied K1864 -Regu1ar, Su nday -Worship Servicec - 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion- First and Tlird Sundays Morning Prayer4- Second aud 1Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 rhe Rev. "ý. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.TIX. Septic Tank1 Service GENEBAL PUMPING 24" HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 )L PANTS lre lcg pool. pants for girls, sizes 7 si-s. Attractive. prnts. Reg. values to ,E PRICE . . pair $3.39 'S SHOES -yelet Canvas Ssoes with cushion in- ,k rubber soles. Brown and navy in )12. Ideal for wearing at the cottage. ;o. ,E PRICE per pair .. $2.49 Reductions in SUMMER FABRICS ARMTRONGS VAN BELLE'S provide a complete GARDEN CENTRE in Evergreens, Shrubs, plants, fertilizers and garden equip. ment. Patio slabs, decorative or- naments and fountain units. are also available along, with --nany --other garden needs. PAY Us PIZIONE 623-5757 WIE DELiVER Vau Belle Gardens Highway No. 2, West of Bowmanville ILS b;ay ta ystals -pre- e w. 4 Isandi -ice to aion. k. Ciearance LADIES' DRESSES POO 20% OFF ail Ladies' Spring and Sum- Fia mer Dresses. to 16 yea 2%OFF $4.98. 20% SALI IIANDBAGS SAVE 25% MEN~ 25% off any Handbag. Dressy and Cas- 3-e' ual styles in black, brown, beige, grey, gold sole, thic: and white. sizes 6 to Reg. $3.50 LADIES' BLOUSES SL 25% off al- Ladies' Blouses. Tailored styles te wear with shorts and, slacks as wel as dressy styles. ff u»071

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