ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY lGth, 1974, ON TA RIO -- DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS The'Expropriations Act, 1968-69 Notice Of Application For Approval T. Expropriate Land IN THE MATTER of an. application by thle Ministcr et Higli- ways for appr<wal -to expropriate lands in the TownMhip Off Carke, in the Gouw4y of Durham, for the purpose af acquar1ng sufficient land for the proposed reconstruction of Counfy Road Nunber 1, Hiahwuar 35. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that applicationi. las been. made for approval to expropriatte th-e land described in the sctedule liereto. Any owner of lands in respect of whieh notice is given wlio de- sires an inquiry into whether fle .taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in th~e achieventent of ftle oh- jeotives of file exprupéiating authority shall su nokify the approving authority in writing. (a) in file case of a registered owner, served pers-onaliy or by registered mnail mwithin tbirty days alter ie is served witl tlic notice, or, when le is served by publication, within thirty days after thle first publication of file" notice; (b) in file case of an owner Who i s fot a registereil owner, wilihin thirty days alter file mirst publication oIfile notice, THE APPROVING AUTHORITY IS Minister of HiEghways, Ontario Parliament Buildings, Toronto 5, Ontario ,Minster of HighàWys, Ontario~ H. F. Glberti,, Superintendent of Properties. NOTES: 1. The Expropriations Act, 1968-69 /provides that, (a) where an inquiry is requested, it shah b le conducted liy an inquiry afficer appointed by the Minister of Justice and Attorney Generai; (b) thle inquiry officer, (i) shail give ever y arty ta ftle inquiry an opportunity ta present evidence and argument and ta examine and cross-examine witnesses, eitlier pers>nal!ly or iby his counMe or agent, and (11) may recotnmen d to the approving autlority thnt a party to the iaquiry be paid a fixed amount for lis costs of the inq-uiry noLta4 exceed $200 and fileap- prowing auhority say ln its discretion order the expropriatiiig athority ta pay sucli costs fortlwith., 2. "lowner and "regfitc-reed owner" are defined in thle Act as foilows: "lowner" includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, a person entitled ta a limited estate or interest in land, a committee of thle estate of a- mentally incompetent person or of a persan incapable of managing lis affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in wliom land is vested; "1registered owner" means an owner of land wliose interest in the land is defined and wlose name is specified in an Wn strumenit in the proper registry, land, tities or sheriff's of- fice, and iincludes a person sliawn as a tenant of land on the( iast revised assessment rol; 3. Thle expropriating aufilority, each owner who notifies the approving authority that lihe desires a hearing in respect of thle lands intended ta be expropiated and any owner added as a party by thle inquiry officer are parties ta flic inquîry, SCHEDULE Al ,right, tille and int-erest in the following land: In the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, belng part o' Lot 26, Concession 5, d"signated as PART 7 on Plan p-2390 4 e site in the Registry Office at Bowmnanville as TS NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED JULY 2, 1970 I Your Health It's our concern and for this reason we use the utmost care in preparing your prescription needs with quality and ,fresh drugs. ScramblersAsst. Models48 The Fastest Gyro Powered Car Vet48 STUTT'S PHAKMAMMCY ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5009 Now Thru Saturday OLIVER Winner 6 Academy Awards Starring Ron Moody and Oliver Reed LAST 0F THE RENEGADES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mrs.,L. W. Krause wishes to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of lier dauglter Judithi Evelyn to Brian Douglas MeConneil of Ot- tawa. Tlie wedding will ,take place August 8 la King St. Pentecostai Churcli, Oshlawa at 2 p.m. a-p Genermi Weldiug AUl Work Guarantoed Farm andi Indatrial Work Your Premiasa or Our Shep A.S.M E - CS.A..Approved PEONE 263-8818 DIED HARRISON, Mattlew- Suddenly at his residence, 23 Brown St., Bowmanville, on Thursday, July 9th, 1970 Matthew (Matt) Harris- on, aged 67 years. Beloved hus- band of Mary Glanville. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Saturday at '3:30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. a-c IN 1MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mrs. Mar- garetHarness, who passed away July 15th, 1967. 0 happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory stili; But death lias left a loneliness The world can neyer fi. Ever rememhered by Mervyn, Marion, Marie and Alfred. a-p IN MEMORIAM MARTIN-In loving memory of, our dear son and brother, Allan Clare Martin, who passed away July 15th, 1959. Thougli yaur smile has gone for- ever, And your hand we cannot touch We have so many memories 0f you, Allan, we loved so, much Lovingly rememhered by Dad, Mom, Audry and Lorraine. ap Up And Dow. 1he Book Stocks NEW BOOKS JULY l6th, 1970 Adu it- A Rope Ia Case by Lillian Beck- withi (For those Fans of Miss Beckwith in the Outer Hebrides, liere is lier sequ-elto "The His Is Lonely") How To Avoid Automobile Acci- dents by F. E. Taylor Canada'% North by R. A. J. Phul- lips For Your Eyes Only by Ian Flem- ing Greenmnantle liy John Buehan The Ten Gifts by Elizabeth Goud- ge (an Antliology) Junior- Pogo's Truck Ride by.Jo and Ern- est Noriing (the story of Motor freiglit) Adventures With Thle Heroes by Cathierine F. Sellew- (Richard Wagner hased many of his Op- cras on these ancient stories of heroes, hlaf God and liaif man) Stolen Pony by Glen Rounds Thirty 'One Brothers and Sisters by Reba Paeff Mirsky (a <Chiarles W. Follett award book). Easy Reading and Picture Books And It Rained by Ellen Raskin The Cat In The Hat Beginner BookDictionary by The Cat Himself, Dr. Seuss The Birthday by Hans Fischier (a merry tale of Animais and a loving old lady) The Fast Sooner Hound by Arna Bontemps and Jack Conroy. Olga Beauchamp Instal an Air-Conditioning system in your present furnace for living comfort in your home Also available - Window units For the latest developments contact Harvey Part ner PLUMBING and HEATIG r ORONO 9%3-5mS so 1970 Honda Motorcycles Priced $219.00 1970 Aluminum Boats 12 ft. $199.00' 14 ft. $269.00 ATV lgger, used --- $495.06 1971 SKI-DOOS are ber. at fantastlc price. Ontario Sports SKI-DOO SHOP RWY 115 Orono phonego 93-4 Dr. W. R. Kent DDS Bowmanvile Professional Bldg, 1222 King St. E. - Suite 106 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone 623-7349 Rozeli Roofing ALUMINUM SIDING CHIMNEY REPAIES and EVETROUGHING PHONE 576-7271 158 Bloor St., Oshawa Leskard Welding AND FABRICATION Repairs Arc and Gas Weldîng Evenlugs and Weekends PHONE 983-5760 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE. LIMITED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanvige Port Hope Office 885-4543 Fer prompt, courteoufs, effici- ent service when buying or uelling and for -the largest sel-' ection of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Rtoy Poster 9350 Dane Pound 623-3965 Andy Sutch 983-9119 Bey Stronir 52r n, Bethaay DOW MEI COOL Or? IIERE!