W veekly 'Tims1 Orono Youth At Beautif ul Orono Park Theatre Play Barbëeued beef.. was liigh on the menu on Saturday evening at -the1 Orono Park when the Orono' -Dlamber of 'Commerce sponsored the Annual Barbecued Beef cook- out in aid of the'Clarke Public LIbrry- metliree ,liundred pounds of barbecued beef, five hundred baked potatoes, ail the, cole slaw, roils and left only a fewleans to stick to the side of tlie massive iron pot. Coffee, rel- lsh and donuts rounded out tlie -menu for the evening. From ail reports thýat tliis re- porter heard from patrons the 'barbecue was termedA the best yet in food and organization. The oniy dàmper to the whole event was that some inte 'arrivais were not able to bce'served, as every- thing hbadlbeen eaten. A number -Youth Theatre tertailoment to mnajorit. On Monday ;was reiorted the barbecue StURi le some from the Orono provided vocal en- the deliglit of the a sum of $49750 as' the take from but there, couid revenue to corne The ,Carke, Publie Library Board met on Tuesday evening wlihen tliey furtliered tlieir plans Ior the'restoring and renovation ,of tlieir new lilirary building. 'It was reported that, tlie piastering repair liad been completed and that decorating was now under- w7,ay,. ITe Board is liopeful that týliey cean move into their new premnises by tlie middle of Aug- The total cost of restoring tlie building- includingý decorating is estimated at $14,000.00 and it now appears that the eost of the work -will be in this arca. To date pay- nients for capital improvements have amounted to around $9,00. Availalile funds for the project including grants are expected to amount. to around $12,000. Provisions are ýnow underway lor the sanding of the floors, la- from the pre-sale of tickets. The acetivities for the evening concluded at a dance in the Or- ono. Town Hall with some seventy in attendance. Net proceeds from the barbe- eue and dance are not ksown at this tirne as ail bills have not been received. DURHAM COUNTY CO-Op> TO EXPAND Tlie Durham County Farmers' Co-operative, nortli of Orono, will this fail have additional merchan- dising area added to their pres- ent, premises. The new addition 30 x 50 will lie added north of tepresent store area and wil house hardware and electricai ap- pliances as well as other items already carried by the co-opera- tive., It has heen stated that the Co- operaive lias been crar,ied for space to display their mercliand- ise or t.o add new lines. The new addition will double the store ar- ea at. the miii. It' will lie of sim- il ar construction as the present store. terior decorating and the choos- ing of drapes. The' libranian on Tuesday ev- ening reported tliat circulation during tlie montli of June had risen over' thErty, percent from that of, June 1969. During June 1970, 1362, books were dîstriliuted wiMT e 1002 were distributed in Jund, of 1969. The Board passed a resoiution authorizing thie chairman and treasurer to a rrange for a temp- orary liank loan in the amount of $4,000 and also to authorize them to dispose -of present securities held by tlieBoard. A change in memliership fee for patrons is also to corne into their new quarters., Aduit mcm- effect when- the lilirary gpens in bership will lie $1.00 instead of the present lnjc. Public sehool stu- dents will lie 25c whicli also is an incerease fmom 10c. DARK 0F, THE MOON Dark 01 The Moon, Howard Richardson and William Berney, as roles. Various scenes. The classic of rural Americana and the perennial favourite of eom- munity tlieatres. Based on the haunting ballad of "Barbara Al- len", and enmpioying a large cast in ,the imaginative settings of the Smoky Mountains, it recounts the story of an elfin witch-boy wlio one day beheid'thýe beautiful Bar- bara Allen and immediately.fell in love with her. A compact is made by whicli lie wili be given human form to woo and' marry lier, on the, condition that she re- ,main true to hlm. The marriage is consummated and Barbara qives birtli to a witcli chiîld, whom the midwives humn, In the frenzy of a, religious revival Bar- bara is led to'betray lier witcli- ,boy husband in order to break the menll. Whereupon she dies and lie returns forever to the woid of the mountain ýwitches. ýGLu3to, vîtaûty, humour and a naturai, easy-going way of intro- ducing folk sýongs that add up to an engaging evening (on) Broad- way. There's a swing and spirit to the beet scenes that liad some of the audience tapping its feet ,and humming"' . . N.Y.- POST "Wierd, fascinating theatrical entertainment. Daringly experi- Sawmac Farms, owned by Roy and Mike Sawyer, was tlie scene of a Pollution Night on Monday, July 13. The night was sponsored by tlie Bowmanviile Office of tlie Ontario Departme4t of Agricul- ture and Food, tlie Durliam Coun- ty Crop and Soil Iniprovement Association,, Durham County Jun- ior Farmeqs and Durhiam County 4-H Club Leaders Association. Approximately 175 people at- tended tlie meeting that was chaired liy Gary Jeffrey. To start the evening, a film caiied, "Chemilcals of Benty" was shown. This 'film 'offered varlous views from medical doctors, bioiogists, chemnis'ts and souls and crops specialists on the effeets and uses of chemicals in pest coiitroi. A. O. Dalrynmple, Agricultural Representative for Durliam Coun- ty tlien introduced tlie first A Lot 0f Wotk Off-Stage Considering Second Well Far tflurid Jampé Cue4r..e j 8 VU %0UIV Expect Rond Work Completed This Year Reeve John Stone of Clarke Township stated on Tuesday that lie expects the County to have completed certain work on the county road running soulli from the Taunton road through Orono to the 115 intersection south of the Village. ,He pointed out that tree re- nioval was now well under way on the west side of the mîlU hili, soulli of Orono. In this area a new culvemt will be erected as well as the road ling straigliten- ed out. Reeve Stone, also expeets sorne work to lie undertaken on the section north £romi Orono, Main Street, to the Taunton Road. This could include the wid- ening of the road in the area of the Main and Mill street intersec- tion. He pointed out that most of the womk has licen approved for a number of years and that plans for the work have been availalile. mental, an enriehing ai urable experience" WORLD-TELEGRAM "A folk play of coloui phere and imagination" SUN. vvUuI 7I bum Discussion lias centred around the 'ossdhlity of developing a second w eil for the Village of Or- ono. A number of weeks ago a meeting was lield between the Orono Police Trustees and mem- bers of the Ontario Water ]Re- sources Commission in Orono. No definite plans were devised but further consideration will ,be givea the project. The, joint meeting resulted 0v- er the application for water for an eighty-lot sub-divislon at the noËth of the Police Village, This su'b-division, north of the Orono Cemetery, must be serviced with a municipal suPPly of water which 'would corne from the Or- ono system. In -speaking with Mr. Wood- Yard, secretary to, the Police Trustees it was learned that the cost, of dýveloping a second ýwell for the Orono system w'ould range, from an estimated $15,000 to $20,000;ýwith the capital beîng provided by the Ontario Water Resources Commission. This cap- ital boan would be repaid by the locai system over a perîod of years, possibly ten to fifteen years. Mr. Woodyard stated that there ad pleas- would be no cost increase td Io- *.N.Y. cal present users due to tliis ex- pansion. The cost would lie borne by tlie- increased 'use of the sys- r, atmos- tem. It was also pointed out liy . . . N.Y. Mr. Woodyard th at Orono should haéa standby weli in case sore- thing did liappen to the present weli wliicli eould resui.t in- Orbno being without water. The cost to develop a second weIl would be -less today than in the future. gli. Mr. Prior, toplacing the water sys- ctor and tem 4in Opono a number of years, alist for ago a testing program was car- tern On- ried out in the Village witli two .e back- supplies-being found. One suppiy epresent lias been developed' at the nortli tural pol- of Orono witli a second supply stressed area near tlie miii 'pond as a blaming weli. This second location liad at tion lie- possible location for a second twe may time of testing a higkier capacity soil. He than the locationl deveioped at ate need lie nortli of Orono. ricuitural tof an- ime time ly estali- :d froni closed niove in ig cited with re- iction on id that movig th watesbuth~ wnd-posai of animal wastes. This code ered where they were going as was prepared by The Depart- ment of Energy and Resources large amountsý of land were (Continued on page 5) AppoveSurplus Funds For HoLuing For Th Aged nceded., Bob Watt, Assistant Agricul- turi Representative for Durham County introduced the second Speaker, Mr. Gordon Tobev, wlio is the Agricuitural Engineeringr Specialist for Durhiam and North- umlerland Counties. Mr. Tobey spoke on the suggested' "Code of Practice" for establisliment of new lîve stock buildings, expan- speaker, Jim McCullouj MeCuliougli is, area direc Farm Management Specii a six-county area in East tario. 11e spoke on th( ground ieading up to the controversy over agrieultu lution. Mr. McCullougli that we must lie careful other peapie for pollut cause as we are speaking lie poiluting tlie air or empliasized the immtëdial for some controls on Agi pollution, espeeialiy thal imal wastes, but at tlie sai farmers who are' alread3 lished, must be protect. the possibility of being down liy ppople who n near hlm. Mr. McCuiloug a number of exampies - gard to intensified produc a small acreage. Hie si many of these placesw Desigýner Barliara Suarez (cent- re) of. Toronto and of the Orono Youth Theatre, înstructs helpers Cheryi Brown and Margie Bell, bath of Bowmanville with pat- terns for costumes, for the three tilays to be showni at the Orono Ârena commencing August 4th. 1The upstairs room at the Am- ena is set up with sewing mach-, &nos, cutting table etc., for the preparation of the many, many ceFstunrýrs to lie womn by the young actors and actresses. This work Is an important feature of the theatre and long bours are being 4pent in preparing all types of costurrçcs and wearingk apparel. The ingenuity, of the company in tuis department is evident in their work already cornpleted. The nï*-mbership of the Dur- hiam County Co-operativfi Medical Services gave their approval on Tuesday evening of a proposa] submitted to them by the direc- tors of the Co-operative. The dir- ectors suhymitted to the member- ship that surplus funds of the Co- operativ-.lie used to provide liousing for the aged in the Unit- ed Counties of Northumberland and Durhiam following the change in their charter to ailow thîs ac- tion to lie undertaken. The niem- bership voted 28-10 in favour of the proposai. 1 The directors of the Co-opera- tive will now seek approval from the Province of Ontario to ob~ange their charter to aliow the funds to lie used and to enter into the field of providing housing for the aged under a new charter. It is the-intention of the group .that three or four projeets could lie undertaken in various parts of the United -Counties. This would make it possible that prospective dilabitants of the units would mnot have to move too far froni Ïheir present localities, It was ýpointed out that the local co-op- erative under their new proposed ;Aharter wouid oniy have to put up ten percent of the cost of the -erojects. The remainder would corne fro]n federal grants and grants froni the Province. The directors of the co-oper- ative wîll now Imeet to make their submission for the change in their charter. VOLUME 34, NUMBER 30 -A Beefed-Up Party ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JIJLY 23, 1970 Renovations At Library Building Costing -$141OOO - Pl1ution Night