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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jul 1970, p. 5

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0RN WEEKLY TlIMES, THURSDAV, JULY 23, 1970 Kendal News M.and Mrs. George Brewer cf London -Ont. and their four daughiters are spending 'a week, at heir-suxumer home (the Sam Searle home). Mrs. Brewer is Mrs. Ethelda Wiiliamson's daugli- ter. ,Ehelda's grandson -Is also with them, Mr. and Mrs. ]Roy Veinot and £aa-ily are vacationing in Nova Miss 'Ana Foster is takiag a summner course at Western Uni- versity., The Kendal ladies are busy prepariag for The Centeanial Tea whieh will be held in the Sunday Sehool next Wedaesday afternoon, July 29th at 2:30 p.m. We are hoping that the people cf the eommunity as well as those from the other churches, wiil attend like they did one hundred years ago., It will con- tinue ail afternoon as long as people are stili coming. Our ehurch was represented last Sunday la Kirby and Orono church during the morning serv- ice. The heavy raia on Monday played havoc with the hay but it made the grain and gardens look wonderful. We have been free of forest fires this year. Turn on the Furn with a ;MUIb Fox builds the world's m( wanted mini-bikes! Exciti trail modela for Trail Blazir hunting, fishing and campi *.Finest campus bikes1 swingers. shoppors. swimmE * .A "bot dogger" scramb that's not a bit timid for t fWbd or track Maniy models a utreuit licensable. Tron, OR tbu FUN MK h m I lLow mi Rolph Hardwi ORONO PHONE o=t ýing ing, ng for ers )er the SMITH-ELLIOTT Mfiss Joyce Colieen Elliott, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs.,Regia- aid Elliott of Kendal, and Mr. John. Albert Smith, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of Newcastle exch'angecd marriage vows 'in Kendal United Churcli at 7 o'clock on Friday eveniag, June 26th, 1970, Bouquets of ycl- low carnations and salmon giadi-. olsenhanced the ehurcb forthe candjelight eeremoay. The officiating clergymen were Rev. H. Robert Haynes, assisted by, Rev. T.* Snelgrove. The wed- ring music was playcd by Mrs. Hariand Seens and the so loist was Mr. H. Seens of Bailieboro. Given ia marriage by her fath- er, the -bride wore a formai Iength gown of white peau, de charme. overlaid with organza ad- orned with Alencon lace appli- ques on the neckline, long siecv- es, g own front and fioor length train. It had deep mauve under- lay la waisfband and cuff lands. Her headpicce was of lily of the valley accented with pearis and she carried a cascade bouquet of yeilow carnations. Mrs. Wilfred Donneily ýof Port Hope was matron of honour and the bridcsmaid was Miss Barbara MacAllister of Ottawa. They were attired in floor length pol- yester crepe in deep mauve wîth empire waist, trimmed in white lace. Ail wore long white gloves and flowcrs of daisies aestled in their coiffeurs. 'the attendants carried nosegays of baby yellow roses and daisies. Mr. David Mercer of Kendal was best man, and ushering were Mr. Neil Ellîott of Kendal and- M4r. William Smith of Os'hawa. The reception was held at Or- ono Oddfeliow's Hall la Orono where -the bride's mother recciv- ed wearîng a lime green linen dZess with matching coat of em- broidered jacquard sheer with white and, yeliow carnations. She was assisted by the groorn's sis- ter who wore a cream metalic crepe and corsage of yeilow car- nations. Before leaving on their wed- ding trip to Lake Placid, the bride donned 'for travelling 'a yellow kImt 'suit with white ac- cessories accented by a corsage of white carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are resid- ing in Newcastle. Queen's Park -. - (Centinued from page 4) tion of the Governments' serious intent and leadership. (C) The policy of Co-operation $199.95 with industry ini red'ueing indust- rial pollution is paying off witb ir ndustry pouring qillions of dol- 983-5207 research. - (D) Chemi-sts at O.W.R.C. have -*developed, a new process which removes phosphates from sew- age. S(E) The installation of an air pollution index recenitly in Met- ro has rcsulted ln industry cur- tailing or modifying operations during periods of high level air NS pollution. (F) Ail septie tank systems on IHL the Kawartha Lakes are being in- spected this summer, and correc- tion measures taken in co-oper- is Of tion with cottagers. [s 0f (G) Legisiation has been intro- duced this spring setting new %,CES higher standards for dumps. (H) Soîl pollution' is beîng ne- ev duced by necent restrictions on the use of certain pesticides. (I) Ontario has taken the ini- -. tiative in arrangir~g top level, meetings with six, American - States to deal with Great Lakes poi:iution, (Conti nued from page 1) Managemient and The Onltarjo Food. Mr, Tobey ouýtlined the pr poses of the Code 'and the nrec- ommended procedures for uising the Code. Mr. Tobey mentioned' that the Code, is based on! an An- imal Unit System,- where for in- stance, one dairy cow «seuit one animal1 unit. Then dcpend- ing on the n1umbers of animal units, a,,fatmer requires so manly acres before he can build a new byuilding. ,Mr. Tobey also brought out the separation distances that the Code suggests for. the place- ment of buildings. In the question period ýthat followed, it wa s stressed by farm-, crs that if the Code is used, it shouid aPPlY to evenyone. It was --also brought out,-that the Code should be flexible cnough to al- low farmers the right to their land. Draws for door prizes wcrc made and the evenîng brought to a close with the Junior .Farm- crs senving lunch. Anyone wishing a copy of the "Suggested Code of Practices", can pick one 'up at the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food office at 14 Frank -Street, Bowmanville. pollution. (J) Nine grants in 1970 have been awarded by the Ontario Government to Ontario Universit- ies for research on specîfie pol- lution problems. No one can mainimize the dang- ers of pollution. Many of the pos- itive developments have been un- noticed because they have been less than sensational, but the pollution problem is under at- tack from ail sides. It is still scr- ious, but it is being defeated. 4~UNITED HUC Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, JULY 26th, 1970 Orena United Church- ftnd*Y Sehool at 10:00 .%,ivice at 11:15 a.m. Kfirby- M1torning Serviee at 9:45 a.m. Suuday Sohool it 11:00 31AJIJUANA, WINI? ANID POSSIBLY LSD A Port Hope eiementary school teacher, Gary W. Chase, 28, was believed to be the host at a party Saturday night that netted police three ounces of marjuana and a quantity of suspected LSD, in a raid on a house at 10 Hawýthorne Street in Cobourg, shortly' alter miçlnight Saturday. A police spokesman said "par- phernalia - smoking apparatus, pipes etc.,"l were found, and a l'ood mnany botties of wine were also in evidence. A .witness said things were around midnight. Several rooms 111 SIG DAYS JULY 23-24,-25 Open until 9 p.m. Thurs, - Friday Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce Sizes 4 to 6x years. Regulan $4.95 inte upper fiddie class dwelling wý%ere diiy lit witIi coloreci lights swingirg at numiber 10 Hawthorne and a 'f 1 rock band blare& from the basemnent. Thir'ty-edght pêople, 10 femalet and 28 m'aies were present. Two,. a boy and a girl, were under 16 years of age. ST., SAVIOURS. ANGLIÇAN EstabÂshed 1869 Regular Sundl.ay worshlp Servicec - 9:30 a.m. Holy CoMMunon- First and Third Sundètys Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptis I by appoiîntment with Rector 987-4745 fle Rev. H.LRobert Hayue,, B.A, L.Th. Septic Tank 'Service GENERAL PUfMPING 24 ÛOUI SERVICE LORNEHARD"Y .1Leskard, Ontarîo Telephone 983-5266' or 983-5728 Sale for $5.29 Fow ers. by >van Bell1,e > phâme,623-5757 Llighway No. 2, West of Bowmanville u xford IMlICKLAYERS. STONEMASO WILLIE J. SCIMA Phone 983-5606 Speclalizing in-ail kinlî STONEWORK and' FIREPLA We also do chimne Revairs S mer C ntienu es LADIES' DRESSES Further reductions in Ladies' Dresses. We still have a good selection which we are clearing at CLEARING AT ýONE-THIRD OFF LADIES' SWIM SUITS Five only, Swim Suits, one and two-piece styles in sizes 12, 14 and 16. Clearing at CLEARING AT ONE-THTRD OFF LADIES' SLACKS We are clearing ail of our fortrel and cotton slacks as wÇeil as a few stretch nylon and wool. Sizes 10 to 18 in the group. CLEARING AT ONE-TITD OFF -GIRLS DRESSES 25% off ail Girls' Dresses. Good styles and colours In sizes 2 to 3x years and 4 to 6k years., GIRLS JUMP SUITS Slçoveless stretch terry Jump Suits with zipper front. White with stripes of blue, pink, yellow and red. Sizes 8 to 14 years. Regular $7.95 for $3.39 YEN EZIA RESTAURANT Highway 115 and 35 '2mile south of Orone Phone 983-5651 Open 7 days a week Specializing in pizza -Mel BOB YOEMANS PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 Hour Service New Installations- Alterations Repairs Specialing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septie Tank Work RR 1, -0rono 983-5624 £b - - e-,tj-, Aï !ViiS-,iTRONýG,,-Sýl

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