Tues. &ý V-ed. Open.ng Nights The above is a portion aif the ,cast of 'Antigone" which opens on August 5th at the Orono Ar- <ena. Above in the for stage is Valerie' Watson, Scarborough, Sue Goldie, Peterborough, Peter Hick ý, Belleville. ln the back stage is Cathy 1,svekin, Newcastle Phil Atkins, Oshawa, Leslie Mi k- los, Newcastle and Mike Gilhooly, Bowmanville. Oro-,no. Weekly Times VOLUME 34, NUMBER 31 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,. THURSDAY, JULY 30th, 1970 1'ighway Dept. To Study lnduction Meeting Access To, Clarke S<hool. For New Teachers The Department ofI ighways b,as notified the Northumberland and Durham Board of Education that its taffic engineer will con- sidèr and forward bis recommien- dations- regarding a request for a left turn starage lane for south- budtraffie turning into the fol! Fuir Dates lu Tht Area Witb the1 grain bhamvest close' at hand, this is the season of the year when people are trying to forget that sehool opens in a littie more than a month and the fal faim. season will be upon us. A eminder that the yeam is f1ast flitteing away came this week fram the Ontarilo Depart- ment of Agriculture and Food at -Queen's Park when it forwarded its list of faim dates acmoss the province. For the information of aur readers, the lîst aI faim dates for this region is: Beaverton --------- Sept. 18 - 19 Blackstock ----- ---------- Aug. 29 .Kingston --------- Sept. 15 - 19 Lakefield --------- Sept. 18 - 19 Lindsay ---~ - ---------- Sept. 22 - 26 Markham ------------ Oct. 1 - 4 Norwood ------- Oca. 10 and 12 ýOakwood ----------- - -- Sept. 22 ORONO -------- Sept. 10, 11, 12 Peterborough ------ Aug. il - 15 Port Ilope -------- Sept. 18 - 19 Port Perry Sept. 7 Rosencath ------- --- Aug. 29 Sunderland ----------- Sept. 16 Warkxvorth _---------- Sept. 19 Woodbridge------- Oct. 10 and 12 The Canadian National Exhibi- tion opens Augiust 20 and closes Sept. 7; while the Roy ai Wster Fair is schcduled for Nov. 13 ta 21. . 1The International Plowiug Match will be held on the Claire Farm and neighbaring farms -Anrms near Lindsay, Oct. 13 ta 17. Clarke Iligh Sehool. The Orono Home and School Association wrote the board as1k- ing 1nmediate, consideration be gîven Lo aileviate tae danger to scflool buses turning off iLgliway ii into the selnool. It stated a 60 mile an hour zone is no place for buses carry- ing hunctrecis of chiidren daily to turn. la view of the fact that senior school is being cons'adered in the area action was essential. The associatipn suggested the lowering ol thie speed limît dur-, ing, the hours of arirval and de- parture of the buses, a flashing caution hight plus adequate sýwns and the possibility of wîdening thîe hîghway. The Department of Highways told the board àt does flot norm- ally build left-hand turn lanes for private entrances unless the cost is ujidertaken by , 'the per. sons making the request. If. the board would be willing to pay -constiruction coeýs consideration would be given to the request. Oreno Swilmmers SeIctsd For TOaM Five swimmers of 'the Orono Water Safety Club who last Weck passed their bronze tests have been chosen to, join an Oshawa demionstration team. TIhis local group were chosen for their swîmîninig anid water safety abil-, ity and along with others will train in Oshawa to f orni a demon- stration tha n. The team will be used to demonstrate swimming sfrokes and water safety. Tiiose chosen fromn the Orono club are: Kathy Gustar, Karen llomewood, Steven Reynolds, Chu fFe.e and Richard den Hall- anrier. New teachers stqrtng in the Noilthunberandl.Durham schools in September wiil be asked ta at- tend an induction ýmeeting in Ca. bourg ýon September 16. The Caunty Board of Educa-, Lioan decided at its last meeting that It was "htighly desirable" for a school board, its adiinistrators and new staff membersta meet together in the early part af a school year. The board believes that if the oppartunity for this involvement is provided, a ca-operative atmas- phere af mutual understanding can be established and ail con- cerned will benefit from the ex- perience. 1Atagether about 160 new teachers, presidents of the local Teachers' Feàeration units, chair men of the Principals' Associa- tion,\ consultants, board members and administrators wîll meet at the Canadian Legian in Cobourg. A social haîf-haur will be foi- lowed hy a roast beef dinner, which mil be served by the Can- adian Legion caterers. The board members feel that the dinner haur should create an atmosphere -of s-.-ialization and communication and provide Information an the details of the boards operatians . The board stressed that the value resulting fram the induction meeting would be well warth the expenditure of funds required. Ushers Nened Mr, lRoy Higgins, director of tIi Orono Youth Theatre, iuform- Cd ' lie press on Tuesday thai thi vo was a great nccd for ushiers at the theatre. He said anyone wi,.ÏInii, to asst iu this manner, e-%,ie on a anc night a week plan, s îoksd contact the box office at the Orono Arena.. inwdentally thc box office is no'w op.Ln at the arcua daily cx- cept Friday, frein noon until 9.00 p.nm. Youý may buy your tickets now by visiting the office or phoning 983-5617. Artistîc Director, Roy lliggins, announced the final casting of the two open-Ing shows of the three play season of The Ordno Youth Festival. A hundred youing minds were finally rehieved to know who was g3ing to appear in Dark 0f The hviOO opening August 4 and Antigone, opening August 5. Not triat anyone will be disappointed. The Canadian Prerniere of In- dians. joins the, season on August A8 and there are plenty of parts in this "total environmental" pro- duction. Ca,' in Dark 0f The Moon (the weird and fascinating folk tale based on the haunting ballad of "Barbara Allen") are- Sheila Jaurard from Believille; Cheryl Brown, -Andrea Ewart, Vermine Kerekes, Inn and Bill Pet'ers from Bowmanville, Keith Allin and Brian Mikios from New- castle; Jim Westheuser from Newtonville; Marilyn Burnett, Monica Connolly, Rossi Grose and Herchýýl Rosen from Oshawa; Ste- pý.în Campbell and Linda Corn- ish from Port Hope andi Mary Love and 'Val Watson from Tor- onto. Previously announced in lead- ing raies were Doug Luxton and Murray Twist from ,Bowmanville, Candly Storks from Newcastle and Philip Akin fromn Oshawa. Roy Higgins directs the opening show of the season with Hershel Rosen af Oshawa as Assistant Director anid Peter Hicks of Belleville as Stage Manager. Cast in Antigone (the modern adaption of the Greek Legend of useless civil wars and senseless suicides) are- Stephen Bocley from Belleville Andrea Ewert and Mike Gilhooley from Bewmanville; Kathy. and Janet Lovekin and Leslie Mikios from Newcastle; Monica Connoly fram Oshawa and Stephen Cam- bell from Port Hope. Prevîou'sly announced in lead- in g raies were Peter Hicks of Belleville; Susan Goldlie of Peter- borough and Val Watson of Tor- onto. Charles Ewert' of Bawmnar- ville directs with Anne Ellbeck of Toronto as Stage Manager. Costumes and sets -for bath shows were designed by Michael Eatgau, who is a resident instrue- tor and designer for the National Theatre School in Moutreal. And, as anîybody from Oraro xiii tel you, "if you want to sec something ,ensational, drop into the Orona Arena and- have a look at those costume sketches" Both shows xiii be a visual treat ta the eye with their dazzling array of cal- ours and imaginative design. Now that the Box Office is af-' ficialiy open (Noan ta 9:00 p.m. daily except FriMay), lhe first twa piays well inta rehearsal and f ui- ly cast, Artistic Directar Roy Higgins. is- smifing more aften, even though, the pressure is mauuting as the grand apening of the seasan draws dloser. This is his third Yauth Theatre Com- pany. Althaugh he has directed and appeared in plays for il years thraughout Canada and the U.S., Youth Theatre is his first lave. Subseriptiorrs ?are available un- tii August 20.ý A saving of 20% for three plays! Curtain 8:15 p.m.. Tueý., Wed., Thurs, Sat. and Sunda4y. Port Hope4Kendal Bus Run Stopi The Port Hlope-Kendal bus rua is being discantinued at the end of this week after 20 years of ap- emation. 1Sam Geach, a K endal resident who bas driven the run for ai- most. the eLntire 20-year period, wili also bn endingà his career on this job. The bus run was operat- ed ýby Burley Bus Lines Ltd. of Cobourg. Also being ended will be the bus runs -from Harwoad ta Ca- bourg and Roseneath ta Cobourg. The rural services are being cur- 'tailed because they' have became a financialiy lasing venture. Orono, Police Trustees To Support Merchants On Parking The Orono Police Trustees met on Monday evening when they gave their support ta a del- igation of Orano businessmen wbo are seeking ta mainâtain di- agonal parking on the east side of Main Street in the Orono bus- iness section. The Orono busin- essmen are ta again approach the Counties' Road Commission in' the retentiQn af diagonal parking and were seeking the support af the Orono Police Trustees. The Trustees are ta &upport the mov'e and attend wîth the Orono businessmen a meet- ing with the Road Commission. Letters fram Totten, Sims, Hu- bieki Associates, engineers for the Police Village, were filed. The engineering firm estimated a cast of $1,700-00 ta establish the Station Street and Division Street right-af-ways. The letter al- sa painted out that some dilîficul- ties could be encauntered in thîs work. A further letter from the en- gineers gave estimatedi costs for ather road work in Orono. A total cost of $112,000.00 was estimated for storm sewers and paving af Cburch Street, north from Oob- bledick ta the ravine. Thç Vk lage's share of the $1 12,000.00 would be $44,800. if Princess Street between Church and Main Street wasj ciosed the cast of the above pro- ject wauld be reduced by $16,- 000.00. A cost af $144,000, was also est- mated for storm sewers and pav- ing af Division Street between (Continued on page 5) Vo1unt eer Blood Donors Urgentily Needed Ali pcrs ans in good health are ti-ged to attenrd the lRed Cross \/ountcer Biood Donor Ciiic ta hc held Wednesday, August 5th at the Lions Cen tre, Bowman-. ville. 1VIany hospitais in thc Torouto area are curtailiug ail but emner- gency operatiaus due ta the shortage of blood. Lay-off s and strikes have caused cancellatian of miany industrial clinics, drast- ically reducing blood supplies. Pe'rsons be-tween the ages of 18 and 65 years are eligibie ta donjate A o se who has passjed theiî- l"th birthday and hpýve par- enti'ls p -*risLsian iii writing-, wiUl b, accepted as a donor. Half!, an bour of your nie could manr the dif rrce between life or death to somneone. Clinie' hours are 1:30, p.m. ta 4:30 pri. lu thc aftcrnou and 6.30 p.m. ta 9:00 p.m. in the ev- ening.