ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. TBURSDAY, JULY 36th, 1974) Gaonaraska Wouid Like To Get Pratt's Miii, Cobourg Pýratt'5 Miii, a land'mark in Co- bourg since the 1800.,s, was. pro- poed for purchase by the Ganar-, aska Conservatton Authority, at a recent meeting. A siot in. the Authority's 1971 capitpLi budget is being heid open pending talks with miii owner AI- Opening ofthle Orono Bo uti qu e Com.encing August 4th MAIN STREET ORONO ONTARIO For AppolutsnentS Phone 9S3>5416 Caix. NO1 Fresh Ont., CORN doz. 49(' Ryatt Brand - witlx Porlc iftTomato sauce B EA N S 14oz. tins 6 for 991 Barns or'Maple Leaf - Fufly Cooked - Short Shank Skiniess. (Butt.Portion) SMOKED HAMSR lb 6,5 The Real Treat is the Eating - Extra Special for the Barbteue Loin Pork Chope Tender, Juley, Tbick Cut l.8 Fully Cooked - Tender, Juic-y, ,WeU-Trimmed Schneider's J Smoked HAM STEAKS IL. 89C POLISH LOOPS IL.71 Schneider' 6-oz. Pkgs. 2-oz. Pkgs. 4P COOKED HAM lb.' 69c Shopsys Corned Beef 9 Save 10e 3"z Cordon Bleu MEAT' SPREADS 3 for 69c Save 5e! Kellogg's KRISPIES 13 oz. 47c Reg. $1.29 Value! - 10e off pack! Blue Bonnet Carton Iore&sorve the ri_-hltO lihuit AYLMER Tornato or Veget- able lO-oz sours Save 13e! 4. for 49c Save 10e! Guardini Brand GARBAGE IAGS Feature! Roasted NABOB COFFEE 10e off pack IL bag 89 10 to Pkg. 39c Il 9 ex Pratt. Cobourg representatives at the mee ting, Counillor Ed Haynes, said he spoke, of the possibilities with Mr. P ratt foilowing the meeting and thinïs look hopeful for the Authority, hie said.- Mr. Pratt is considering it and seems sympathetic, IMr. Haynes added. Mr. Pratt saidhe has an,'open, mind' on the sale. "I've just been, approached and haven't zeally, had time ,to think about it," hie said. S Mr. Haynes said hie and Mr. Pratt had discussed price but no figure had been arrived at. The purchase wouldi probably take place in phases with the first ac- quisition being the pond and streami which flows down fromn the milI into a proposed recrea- tion area behind the United Counties building and through the -town of Cobourg. Evenrtuallly, the Authority wouid like ta acqu ire some iand, for picnic sites, said Mr. Haynes, authougli Mr. Pratt would like to keep the miii itseil. Mr. Pratt stii-i operates the miii although not to the extent it was o.nce used. The miii is stili partially pow- ,ered by a Water fali, larger than any other in this area, said Mr., Haynes. The fails is ap-proximateiy 50 feet wide and 30 feet high, and coupled with the pond màkes 'the area a natural retreat right now, he said. Skaters and swimmers have us- ed the facîlities for years and the area bas so much naturai beauty it is inciuded in an Ontario gov- ernment brochure of provincial sites. Although the falis, he add- ed, is beeom'ing overgrown -with- trees. Séme private housing bas gone up in the nieighbourhood oFf the miii, but it is alniost a quarter of 'a mile baek and oniy to the west of the miii. A cemetery bor- ders on the east. keeping, the ar- ea relativeiy seciuded. In addition to funds for pos- sible purchase of, the Mili, Co- bourg.wiiI also be ailotted money for the improvement of the dam in the same creek behind the Counties, building. 'c Aithough it was the first meet- ing Cobourg bas attended as a member of the authority, the town couid corne up with a large portion of the estimated $20,000 capital tilotment. Co Mr. iHaynes said at the meeting he was not prepared to ask for any specifie amouat because the town h-as not yet had time to as- sess what nccds to be donc in the Cra Chairman of the Authority, Roy Foster, suggested the dam nibo site, saying that it needed chan- nel work hecause of a heavy sult buiid up. HIe suggested a differ- ent type of dam than the one aow exis tiag, one built of logs ýthat can be removed to keep silt flowing. Conservation officer Stan White suggested an allocation of $2,000 for an engineering study of the area and preliminary investiga- tion of. the dam to see if the ex- isting structure can be modified. Mr. llaynes agreed that work in this area was logicai as "it is the town's màin stream." Port Hlope, has requested an ai- lotment of $2,500 of the budget to complete the front section of the town's conservation' area, north of highway 401 on highway 28. The, toWn has spent $1,000 each year for the past two years of authority funds on improvements ta that area. Once next year's phaseý is complete, said represent- ative Jim ýReynoids, the area will be more suitable for pienies. 1lIe said the deveiopment would tie in with development of an old dam, close to the site. Sylvan Glen needs about $500 worth of stones and pienic tables and the Garden Hlli conservation area couid use $1,000 for rakîing weeds and resanding thé bottoin of the pond. The administrative budget' for 1971 has been set at $15,650. The final approval wiil be de- cided.at a meeting of the Depart- ment 'of Energy and Na turat Re- sources 1IVanagement meeting in Peterborough August 27. Rozeil Roofing ALU1INUM SIDING CHIBMY REPAIES and EVETEOUGHING PIRONE 5761271 158 Bloor St., Oshawa CLOSED HOLIDAYS JuIy 27th to' August 3rd inclusive MiddletoB»b n. e u4ff OBONO, O0". Girand Î, Ln _ oo ATTENTION FARMERSD F WHY PAY MORE? I SAVE ON Prernium Quallty * GASOLINE * DIESEL *- MOTOR OIL Farrn tanks an-d pumps available CALL COLLECT S668-3341 FOR IMMFDIATE DELIVERY . .... ..... ýack 9c ph»e gu-ML Orth», Ont., Piý OIL