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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jul 1970, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAy JULV 30th 97 Local And' Area. Swimmers Pass 'Tests At Orono Pool Qualified Instructors were Mrs. Shirley Reynolds, Miss Debbie Reynolds and Steve Reynolds. Th ose who passed the Beginner Red Cross Exam wcre: Neil Knapp, Dennis Knapp, Janice Heard, Mary Lou Powell, Heather Nixon, Jim Moffat, Day- id Den Hollander, Wendy Heard, Rîck Annacrt, Wade Long, David Reid, Christiné West, Gwenyth Ard, Lewis Strong, Wendy Wat- son, Laurie West, Jeanette Dyk- stra, Shelly Brown,. Ian Moffàt, Kerry Lynn Grady, Bram Reid, Michelle Major, Muriel Gîbson, Alex Dyk-tra, Boscmary Killeen, Wayne Gibson, Preston Long, Lori Hall, Ross Stutt, Susan Woodley, David Hutton, Kevin Preston, Randy Jarvis, Diane Woodley, Bill Clarke, Jake Reid, Xeitb Barrie, Tom Gustar, Rod- ney Finney. Our thanks to the helpers, Su- san Goode, Mrs. Norma Lee, Mrs. Lynn Kimmctt, Kathy Grady, Katby Gustar and Stacie Stutt. 1A great deal of credit goes out to thec following ladies wbo give so mucb time to keeping tbe Or- ono Swim Club going-Mrs. Rutb Grady, Mrs. Joanne Htton, Mrs. Joan Ard, Mrs. Darla Lowery, Mrs. Barbara Long, Mrs. Florence Allen, Mrs. Beryl Clark and Mrs. Helen Hcndersqn. These are tbe ladies that look' aftcr the regis- tratins and worry -about keeping everyone -. staff and parents, happy!- H-aving very littie equip- ment to work witb, these ladies made it much easier for us tbis year by coming through with 2 life jackets - buoyant, aids and a weigbt, used for undcrwater search. Ladies - we appreciate what you have donc and wc do, hope you stay with it for another year. Shirley, Dcbbde and Steve, Reynolds On Fiday, July 24th Mr. Jim Coutts our arca supervisor came to examine and the following passcd tteir Red Cross Exams: Junir- Jan et Bragg, Evelyn McLaren, »Ichael Hutton, Doug Kramcr, Stephen Clark, John 1Hll, Nick Gibbs, Isobelle Davidson, Ken Coatham, Darlene Knapp, Laurie Barnes, Doug Henderson, Jo Ann Mercer, Marilyn Snelders, Lori Clark,Milan Popadicli, Kim. West, Wendy Wilkins, Honnie Taîsmna, Patti Luan, Heather Barrie, Ja- son Lee, Cbnstina Storsbergen, Cathy Watson, Eric Seis, Marg. Moffat,_ Robert Henderson, Mary RuthCawker, Morris Allia. intermedate- Kcnny Hlutton, David Hender- son, Sonya Fcddema, Nieki Van Seggehir, Brenda Vandlerspruit, Lura Bridger, Maureen Shether, Cathy Homewood. Survival- Larry Lunn, Richard Den Hol- hander, Don MLaren, Janet Schoamaker, Becky Lee, Betty De Jonge, Cli!! Fec. Senio- Rory Gibbs, David Ard, Steven Allen, Sharon Lowery, Pamn New- cli, Yvonne Schocnmaker, Jane Reyaohds, Tracie Stuitt, John Cor- aish, Ruth Chater, Cheryl Corn- isb, Mark Carman. Royal Life Saving Society- 2nd Bronze Bar- Steve Reynolds hst Bar- Kathy Grady, Karen Homewood, Kathy Gustar, Stadle Stutt. Bronze-Larry Luan, Betty De Jongs, Becky Lee, Don McLaren, Richard Dca Hollander, Ciff Fee Paul Staples. Because -o! the excellent quaI- ity o! the teaching and the high standards s.-t by the instructors, and the many children that took lessons, we feel- we have bad a very successful ycar. Orono Trustees (Continued from page 1) Station Stree and Somerville Drive. The V~illage share of the total cost would be $57,500.00. A plan was submittcd Vo the Trustees whcreby the work could be donc over a. four-year period. A letter was reccived from Mr. J. E. Mow at rcgardiag sur- face drainage la the area of his home on Division Street. The letter was filed. Petitions wcre also receivcd for the closing off of Princess Street froiViMain to Church and also for the closing off o! AI- len's Lane fromn Main to Churcli Street. The petitions werc sîgn- cd by adjacent land owners. It was reportcd at the meeting that the Trustees stili had no authority for the enforcement of the new parking reguhation and tbat thîs authority must corne fromn the Township of Clarke. The Trustees are also o contact the United Counies to reccive authority to enforce regulations on Main Street witbin the Vil- lage. *It is expected that the Oono disposai arca will shortlY be feaccd- and that dumping o! gar- bage ia the area will be controli- cd. Uaauthorized use o! the area could lead to prosecu tion. It was pointed out that there was no way that the Trustees can now coatrol tbe use o! thle dump. The new regulatiQns are Vo give the Trustees the authority. Theý Orono Hydro Commi ssion approved a special water beater campaiga which will be held be- twccn September .14 to October 2nd. Special prices wihl be offered during this period. County Judging Competition Held At Garmet Rickards, The Annual Durham Couaty Judging Competitions were beld on July 7 at the farms o! M. Gar- net Rickard, and Sons, Bowman- ville and M. Francis Jose, New- castle. In the moming competi- tions, _4-H- members from Durham jounty judged Beef Cows, Swine and Sheep at thec Rickard farmn. AI-ter travelling to Mr. Jose's farm by 'bus, members enjoyed lunch, then took part in judgîng dairy cows , sire selections for dairy cows, grain, hay and pota- tocs. Aftcr each class, the mcm- bers were dividcd into groups and- then presented reasoas for their placings la each chass. Those people taking easons and gîviag placing la each class were: Jim Rickard, Don Wclsh, Terry Mal-, colm, John Heeriaga, Roy Mc- Hohm, Ahi 4-H Leaders in Dur- ham, as welh as, Bob ýBrusso, _As- sistant Agricultural Representat- ive ia Peterborough Couaty, Rick Jefferson, Assisant Agricultural Represeatative la Ontario County Bob Watt, and Rodney Stomk, As- sistant Agricultural Representat- ives la Durham County. Special thanks should also go to Garnet Riekard, Lloyd Ayres and Francis Jose who supplied the livestock for the competitions. A total of 68 members took part and following is a li'st o! the win- ners: Novice: lst- Henry Van Dorp, Port H\ýpe ' 2nd- Janice Yellowlces, En- niskillen 3rd - ivirlene Beai ty, Campbell- crof t 4th - .Dennis Malcolm, Nestle- ton 5th - Elaine Kellogg, Poft Hope len Junior: 1st- David Larmer, Blaekstock 2nd- Ruth Kellogg, Port Hope 3rd- Walter Taylor, Enniskil- len 4th Dorothy Norton, Cavan 5th- Lawrence Taylor, Ennisk- illen Senior: lst- Eric Bowman, Enniskilhcn 2nd- Brian Wilson, Janetville 3rd- Karen Yellowlecs, Ennis- kilîca 4th- John Larmer, Blackstock th- Arlene Allia, Orono. In addition, trophies were pre- COntPanyOf eghfy rin reperos- y AUC. 4-30 da ly. pt Mod.y .nd Frd.y THIEATRE AUGUST 4, 6, 8, 12, 15 5, 26 DAJV 0r 'i MO0N by RICHARDSON & BERNEY "fok fanOny" AUGUST 5. 8,11., 13, 16, 20 antigone by JEAN ANOUILH ". ..udeu.dpttu.n of th Greek trgd' CANADIAN PREMIERE AIJGUST 18, 19, 22, 23, 27 29, 30 Aî uY.,ARTHUR KOPI T "uen bu.,d 1l.kt thinfry' CRIM0 MENA 4Ii 983-5617 CIe-ud Fr1460 S 4ýI.N. of 401f1, on 60 Enu w TUtot Sfuscupton (3 fi*yg - $6 S,1 Rrurvyet$.6 O od.,y ,ruu7-,,iLrr AI x Carruthers, llPP, Durham Conservation in Durham County A great deal is heard these days about the pollution o! our a,îr and water and the abuse by man o! his natural enviroament. Perhaps ùot enough emapbasis is placed on the quiet effective work of those involved in restor- ing and preserving our natural heritage. The County o! Durham can be proud of its leadership in this proccss of restoration for through the Ganaraska Conservation Au- thority, the pilot authority in the province, and the Otonabce, and Central Lake Ontario Auth- oit ies, the abuses of the past in thi.s part of Ontario are being er- ased and our river valîcys restor- ed to their natural beauty. ln paying tribute to 'the work of the three authorities in Dur- bain, the following brief outliae of the projccts undertaken and the eypenditures made to. create and maintain them may be of in- terest. These projeets are excel- lent examples o! conservation minded citizens working co-oper- atively with the provincial and municipal governmeats on a 50-50 cost-sharing basis. Authority Conser'n Cote Costs Area or Apr. '61. Project Mar. 31,1'69 '69-J70' Cen. Lake Ont. Ennisllen $42,800 $10,864 Long Sault 16,700 744 Ganaraska Region Port Hope 2,200 1,163 Sylvan Glen 300 108 Dean Hill Î,750 Garden 1Hl1 600 250 Ganaraska Channel (Port, Hope) 28,000 Otonabee Cavan Swamp 9,700 20,823 -The following dams in this rid- ing have been acquired or built by the Authorities witb tbe Pro- vificial Government assistiag with grant; of 75% o! the Oost$ imdi- cated. Autbority Dam anà Costs Costs Reservoir Apr. 161- Mar., 31 '69 '69-'70 Ganaraska Region Corbett (Port. Hope) $1,800 Garden Hill 1,500 Graham Creek Engineering 3,300 tonabee Region Millbrook M1500 The Provincial Goverament al- s0 assists the Authorities with grants o! 75% o! the costs o! maintenance and, operation of th.ese damns.and provides ppriodic, detailed inspections and tests to ensure tbat each structure is maintained in safe and proper op- erating condition. as Overaîl High Competitor. The day was arranged aiid con- ducted by the staff of the Ontar- io Department o! Agriculure and Food office in Bowmanville, in- Iluding, A. 0. Dairymple. Agricul- tural Representative and Agricul- tural Assistants, Bob Watt and Mrs. Judy Sawher, Secretary. sented to Henry Van Dorp as the High Novice and to Eric Bowman Conp.y ofi .ghty murt, daiiy os, ept Monday and Friday THEATRE AUGUST 4 691215,2526 re 0 4.~MOON by RICHIARD3SON & BERNEY folk 16" antigone by JEAN ANOUILH modern adpttion of the Greef t ugedy CANADIAN PREMIERE AUJGUST 18, 19,22, 23,2729,39 !ND4 INS byARTHUR Kc3:îT OftOtO MENA (416) 983-5617 CIosed Frduy 5 Mi N. of 40f 0n0115 6 0 Minutes East or Toronto f Sbs ipton (3 puays) - $6 Sngle Ressre Seul - $2.50 fIOde, -ou. 105, Or..., Ouf. ""Antigone" Antigone, tragedy, translate& ýby Lewis Galantiere from the French of Jean Anciilh. Produc- ed in modern dress - white ties and evening gowns at the Cort, Theatre in New York with Kath- arine Corneil as "«Antigone" and', Sir Cedrie Hardrwicke as "Creon". The two sons of Oedipus, late King of the ancient Greek city of" Thebes, hail started a civili war- and both were killed. Their uncle Creon becarne Regent. This vers- ion of the ancient Greek legend7' cornes from a Paris that bas su!- fered under the, heel, of tyranny. Th- plays parallels to modemi timýes are easily grasped, are ex- citing and 'provocative. Creon ordains that, one of the- brothers who had in his opinion- provoked the civil war be left un- buried. Antigone, an individual- ist clinging to a higher law, cov- ers the body of ber brother with earth. Creon kas her buried alive for punishment, which act brings about the death of bis son, who was in love with, Antýig-one, prov- okes bis wife to take ber own hf e, and eventually brings about his own ruin. IlTs (Antigone) dimensions are, noble, its intentions -uncomprom- ising. From the most of, the mid-, way exhibits of our show-sbops, it stands out like an edifice o! marbie in shantytown". . . SAT- URDAY REVIEW OF, LITERA- TURE. "lIt is a great college play" Southwestern University, George- town, Texas. General Wleldigg Mechanical Service AUl Wrk Guaranteed Farm niad Industrïal Wrk Your Preieg or (huý $hop A.S.. - C.S.A. Approfl W, FRANK REAL ESTATI Rtealtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt, courteoiks, effici- ent service when buying or selling and 'for the largest sel- ection of properties la ti area Contact Orono Area Representatives Report From Queen's Park' on Displuy 1971 SKI-DOO AT S UMMER PRIÇES ORONO FUEL &LUMBER Phone 983-9167

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