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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jul 1970, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, .TULY 3th, 1970 Milison -Insurancej ÂR luses of personal and Commercial Coverares' Office: lnSa., Orene 988.5038 SGord Simpson PHRONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS CHARLES REID, Orono's'Licenaed Âuictioneer and Valuator Specialize in Fanm and Furniture Sales. Consuit nme for terms and dates PRONE ORONO 933-5914 Monuwments and Family Mem orials Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Asic the person who bûnght fram us, a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73,Ontari.Street PORT HOPE Largeut display, là SethiSU Otarie WVTATSOûN'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 9835343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Allouette Snow Mobiles MeCuiloch CHAIN SAWS Repairs to al makes of Lawn Mowvers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines IALLOUETTE PUMPING OUJT SEPTIC TAN!KS BertTomtkins Clarke ublic HOURS OPEN- Tuesday 6:30 - 8:30 Thursday 6:20 - 8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 - 30 Saturday 10:00 am2W x. BYAMS PLUMBIG aMd HEATIN ' a" .a"d ervi« "4 Houa BUgNER SERVICE GUIF FINANCING LOw Inter..t Rate$ Tyrene 2U4U Orvile Chatterton Electrical Contractiniz Electric HeatinLy and Service IPHONE 983-5546, or 983-5940 Orono. 0Ontario' ORONO ELECTRIC Jlerb aid Gerry Duvali- 983-5103 ICECTrRCAL CONTIACTNG ELECCTRIC HEATINQ ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V.- COLOUR T.V. FRIGIDAIRE - &C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS.- THON -GUARANTEED SEl VICE- Hlamiltons Insurance Service Lu.5 Fierat MaemoL.als SaidingaHmuet? que Phen 98.511 FOR SALE WANTED Raspberries for s'aie. Pick your Waitresses wanted at "The qwn. 4 pints for $1.00. Bring your Coach and Four". own contffiners. Phone 983-5560. a-c A. Van Hattum, Eighth Line- 300 yards off 115, Leskard Road. NOTICE a-c Cus~tom Combining. Cail Minnie FOR SALE Used Piano for sale. Good con- dition., Phone 983-5807. a-c HORSE FOR SALE Almost ail white Gelding, brown patch on chest and face half brown. Broken Western. Spirited but very gentie. Eight years oid. Phone 263-2183., a-c FOR SALE Anglo Arab Mare, 3 years old, quiet, weii-mannered, partialiy broken. Vern Harris, phone 983-5524. a-p SALE - IJISCARDS- SALE Stock up for cottage reading. children's Books, Junior, Books, Aduit Books and some Paper Backs - 10e each. Olga Beauchamp ono Landscaplng for Garden Service, Plantlng, Soddlng and Seedlnré Phone 983-55M. tif ORONO TRAILER SL AND RENTAL For the %-ton Trw* S.t a"d Bard Top Camper, Charles Stapleton, 983mt Custom Cmnng $6.00 au Acre CùsIom BaWing"J Se a Bale ,83-5795 983-5422 JACK REALTOýR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE Whea Buylng or Selliag ca. WILF HAWKE YOUR 'ORONO AITEA REPRESENTATMV 983-5274 Member of. Oshawa and Dis- hîct Real Estate Board Wybenga, phone 983-5284. C-33-P EUCHRE PARTY Eigbht O'clock , July 30th, 1970 Newtonviile Hall. Admission 50c. Prizes and Lunch. '- SUMMER SPECIALS, Texas Watermelon, New Close Apples and daily fresh picked home grown sweet corn. FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Phone 983-5628 LHighway 115 - Orono REST HOME Orono Rest Home lias accom- modation for lady or gentleman. Phone 983-5639., b COMING EVENT Plan now to attend Volunteer Biood Donor Clinic Wedn'esday, August 5t1], Lions Centre, Bow- manville. 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The need hs great! NOTICE Ray's Barber Sliop will be, closed for holidays from July'25th to August 4th. b-30-ç NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F HARVEY MATTHEW SINCLAIR late of the Township ci Cjarke in the County of Durh-am, Labourer, de- ceased; AUil Jèrsons having dlaims a- gainst the. estate of the said Harvey Matthew Sinclair, who died on or about the l7tli day of September 1969, are liereby noti- fied to send to the undensigned Administratrix or lier Solicitor on or before the lSth day of August 1970, their names and 'ad- dresses and full particulars of their cliW, and the nature of the securities (if any) lield by them duiy verified by statutory deelaration. Immediateiy after the said 2Oth day of August, 1970, the assets of' the said deceased wil be distrib- uted. amorçt the persons -entitled thereto havl'g regard onlyto the dlaims of which the Administrat- rix or the 'undersigned, Solicitor shahi then have notice. ,i Dated at Orono, Ontario, this 29th -day of July 1970. ýMAYi LILLIAN SINCLAIR R.R. 2-; Newcastle, Ontario. Adiminlstrýatrix. W. K. -LVCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Adminfistratrix. ITSPOLTN NO, MATTER WHERE, ITS FROM JIORTICULTURAL NOTICE lt wüs stated a- the, recent Oro- By popular demnand the Orono,, no Police Trustees meeting that Horticultural Society is agnin a wýarning had been issued a- sponsoring a Window Box and gains1t the burning of brush at Planter Competition. Please have the south of Orono where trees your entries in by July 30 to Mrs. are being removed to widen the Couvier or Mrs. Chlalice. rond into Orono. The burning of Menbers -,are also reminded of the brush is an net whicli adds -our August Fiower and V egetable to air Polution. Show on Thursday, Autust 20. _______________ Keep your cameras clicking 'tQo '4! for the Photographie Competition BIRTH in October. Classes are listed iin j H ,-1ýeriI n ao r the Year Book. - b-30-c eir4 n ao r hapy d announce the arrivai of Jeffrey Freçleriek, 8 lbs. il oz. on COMING EVENT -"Jtuly 23, 1970 at Bowmanvilie Cedar Valley Resort celebrates Memoriai Hospital. A baby broth- its first ýMidsummer Celebration er for Steven and Ellen. a-p -t.. a A . ., 9. 12 <I O -1m1 Saturday 'Evening: 'Film;'"Cre- ation of ,'Cedar VaIIey"ý_ Camp Fire. Sunday Aiternoon: Fun and Games; Evening: Dance' and -Mid- night Swizn. Monday Afternoon: Tour; Cof- fee; Finale. Chldren and Teenagers must beaceompanied by parents. Temporary Members: Aduits 50c a day; Chiidren and Teen-, agers,_25e a day. a-0 Wanted Dead or Crippled Fann Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Telephone Coileet 263-2721 Margwill Fur Farff Licence No. 258-C-70 1~ I Callyour I PcenscJ plumbwng&I M~ ,-r ~7 olflracfol qiid - - &anteu lNGAND HEATIIIG Phono 983-5207 Oreno CARD 0FTHANXS I1 wish to ex-press xny sincere fhanks to ai friends, relatives and xneighbours for the, lovely Generai Eleetrie Mix-Master and crystal witli which 1 was ýpresent-. ed. A special thank you is exten- ded to Eileen Bîllings, Dorothy Bailey and Giadys Brown for their part in arranging such an enjoyable evenîng. a-p Sharon Tarnblyn. CARD 0F THANKS We would like toecxp1fess our sinieerec, appreciation to all our friends and neiglibours for their * ranY acts, of kindness, cards etv. in. the hiss of our loved one, Mr. *Mlton Cal c, Millbrook. Orville uffd Isabelle Challice and Family. a-p, IMED -OFFATT--At Toronto Western: 4ôptton Sin4ay, July 26th,ý 1l90, -AllenMoat in bis 66th ,r, eloveédhu1ýbar-!iof Meta A8Pr'oýqpect Street, Bow- i , !ýai, fat!h i of Russell, ýý Shî i-1 (,\,- V -. onel Ten- riant)>"11d(1L eop n brther of Gor- don andDo.ii(l 0. Reynolds) - Scn7îcas held in the Morris FmelChapel, Bowmanville, on Tuesday at '3 o'clock. Interment Orono Cemete -y. DIED BALL-At lemoriai IHospital, Bowmanville. on Thursday, July 23, 1970 Kathleen Green, aged 47 years, beloved wife of Leiand Bail, RP 4, Bowmanvilie, dear mother of Karen and Murray. Service was held in the M'orris Funer I (hapel. Bowmanville, on Saturducy at 3:30. Interment Or- ono Cemetery. Exterlor Interior

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