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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Aug 1970, p. 1

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cý(/ e /C'7, -xzGcxx); Orono Public Llbraxy Jan 10, 1969 its w. Orono Theatre, VOLUME FE UMER 32 A dramatic scene from Dark cfthe Moon on Tuesday evcning wben it is realized-that a young OROINO WEEKLY TIMES, THIURSDAY, AUGUS T 6th, 1970 mother lias given birtli to awiftchý child. Furthier Dark of the Moon performances on August 8, 11, 13 16 and 20. The spacious stage allowed an active performance. Selection Committee Announces No Paper Aug. 13 The Orono Times will not puib- # à- ligh this coming week due to a longof the office for a one .ýcutura SCh lOrsýPsweek period. Holidays are in or- der. The winners of tihe Agricultur 1from Durbam County who is pre- Tefie uing Au ust l the a, .stniuaaziinq f[LJ i QtUiitin h-ul UP1rld n vl p nni ek durn uutlt. yond the Secondary Sdchool level have been announced by the Se- lection _Committeesý for Durham County. These sel olarsh,,Iips arc providedý by groups and individ- uals Whlo are jinterested in the educalon of rural, young people, woare planning to continue in flic Agricultural field of the f u- turc. The committee does appre- ciate the interest and know that the, 4-H and Junior Farmer mcm- sdholarships also appreciate this bers who have been awardcd tlie financial assitance. W. FRANK REAL ES"jTATVE Ltd. SCHOLARSHIIP Mr. Walter Frank of W. Frank Real Estail'e Ltd., Bowni anville, 1provides an annual s.holarship of $300.00 to an outstanding boy senLtjy iiea or ii Vii t>tII iti- ing in a degree course in Agri- culture at> any Canadian Univer- sity in the 1970-71 academnie year. The wiriner this year is Mr. John Hecringa of Fraserville. John lias been involved in 4-H Club work in Durham County and lias donc excellent work taking part in thie Dairy, Grain, Senior Projccts, as well as attcnding the inter-club competitions' at Un- iversity of Guelph. This sciolar- ship will be paid to John at the suecessful completion of the first semester at thc University of Guelphi. OSHTAWA and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD Isgiven annually to a wortliy student entering a diploma or de- (Confinued page 5) eekly A--pply For Injunctioon Tîcre may be no Rock Festival at Mosport this week-end. ý The Attorn-y General's office of the Prov. of Ontario l'as applicd for an injunelion againEt fthc promo- tion of the planncd activities for Ilirce days tisis weckend. This in- junction would close ou't the pos- sîbi lity of a rock festival being beld at thc park. Reeve John Stone of Clarke Townsh 'ip informed us at noon on Wedncsday fliat lie lad been not- îificýd tise Province had applied for an injunction against the promo- ters of thc event for flic weckend Mr. Stone also stated fliat flic Township would be unable finan- cially .to issue sudh an injunrition The only action council could take would be to take fhe promo- fers f0 court if an infringement of the by-law existed. This could only liappen. affer an event was held. Townsliip at their meeting on Tucsday spent a great deal of time Qver the incident but were unable to take any action f0 stop the proiotion taking place in flic mun'icipality. 'Considerable infcresf is alrcady week-end and people arc already mounting over the festival type sceking ou Mosport. Some thrce hundrcd arc ai- rcady in residence at flic park. If is understood that facilifies are also underway. imes It ail 'go' at thse Orono Arena Where on Tuesday evening the Orono, dYoutli Theatre opened their repertory theatre whieh continues for the montli of Aug- gust witli the final presentation on Augusit SOti. During this per- bod the Theatre will be pres'ent- ing tlree excsting plays, D'ark of the Moon, Antigone, and Indians. The performance on opening niglit, Tuesday, with Dark of the Moon, set a high standard for the Theatre both for tbe performers and for the feclinical staff. The production was direc Led by Roy Higgins. The production is a lively af- fair with momentum gathering as the play proceeds to its climax. Thle cast was well versed with flicir production and gave a su- perb performance hoaded by Murray Twist of Bowmanville and CaIndv Storks of Newcas tic. Doueý Luxton, Bowmnanville as thse preacher stirred the audience botis on and off the stage with his revival religion and Jim West- leuser, Newtonville, the father of the innocent bride, played his part ini an excellent manner as did Keitli Aluin, Nèwcastle, John McGuirk, Oshawa and Val Wat- son of Scarborough. The entire cast was excellent. _ Phip Akin, tise Conjur man, and a resident of Oshawa was rnost pro found and convincing iu his final act as lie badgered with flic filmy gliosts of the moun- tain wiso were overjoyed with tlie -probable return o f their boy.. Furtlier success for the produc- tion cornes with tise set and the costumes as well as the ligliting. ,Professional in nature and imag- inative, the keynot. The moun tain scene certair ly, sets the at- rnosphere for the playful witdbes who liaunt the area' and bring turmoil 'fa flic mountain comn- mslIlityof Iuan.Thc, witches cou nes d tisat, of the Conjurý man hiig-huliht the costumedepart. ment for tfhe opening production. OPENING NIGUT IHIGHLIGHTS A steak barbecue was wcli atil tended at tbe Oorno Park. Assis, tance with' this venture was pro-ý vided by members of the Bow- manville Rotary Club w'ho acted as cooks. It is expected that the barbecue will net the Youfh theatre around $250.00.' The transformation of' thc Or- ono a'ena to a týheafre is amazing It lias an atmosphere of spacious- ness and tlie foyer lias to be seen to bie ap'prcciated.. Acousties at the Arena are ex- cellent and even sitting in tlie laqt row there is no trouble hear- ing. 18 yeir o]d Dave Turney of Bmimanville excels in an art dis- plav whicb is placcd in tlienorth- cmn section of thc theafre. Thse Orono Firemen. in their ncew green blazers, assisted witli the promotion in acting as park- ing attendants. Tlie wbole affair ks a cred-it to tlic Orono Youtli Theatre and fthc young workcrs who bave for the rqýst month been prcparing for this moment. If Is a glorlous one. Over 350 wcre in attendance for the opening performance. We do not liesifate to reýcom- mend flic Orono Youth Theatre to anyone. The p'livs wîll be pre'sented on fwenty individual niglits. Music CompetAton At Orono Fair A modern twist cornes to the Orono Fair this year wlien the op- ening attraction on the Thursday evening, September -lOth, is de- signed to bit, the beat with the younger set. Planned for the Thursday ev- ening is a Rock 'N Roll band comf- petition. One hundred dollars is be'ing offered as prize money and it is expected that a considerable numbeË of bands will be placed in eompetition. The event is, we understand, being supported by 'the area disc jockies and under the director- sh,,p of Mr. H. Ransberry. As an added feature the popu- lar Caballeros are to perform. This local area group does nighit club wc-.k and is well known a- niong the younger set. Thursday will be the modern music, night of the Orono Fair. Port Hope' Planning The Port Hope Planning Board held a short meeting in the town hall Tuesday niglit to deal with routine business. Several replies were received frorn neIghboring municipalities on the boarct's suggestion of a regional planning board. Clarke Township said that after giving the matter consideration the council will be willing to take part in any future diJcussions on a joint planning board. .Hamilton Township said that after considerable discussion at a. recent meeting, concil decided to take part, in aniy futur'e joi nt planning, concepts. T7he, board has recommended to council that a committee of. ad- justment sÉould be set up as soon as- possible. Wilfred Day, board member, warned that if the committee was not set up soon, the coun'ty land division com'mittee would have jurisdiction in this area, Committees of adjustment are set up only when a munieiptlity has an officiai plan. Street Fuir This 'W'ednesday This coming Wednesday even- ing thc Orono Amateur Athîctie Association hold their annual Street Fair. The occasion takes place on the Main Street in the heart of the business section. As usual t'here will lie games of chance, bingo and a nuniler of rides for the children. Fun for every one as. they always say. Added to the evenings activi.. ties is a fifty4ifty draw for which tickets are already on sale. Proceeds from this venture go- towarcýs the promotion of sum- mer and winter -;port3 for the youth of the area.

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