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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Aug 1970, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, _TIRUESDAY, AUGUST Oth, 1970 Agricultural Schalar.Motorcycle'And Rock r es- (Continued from page 1) gree course at a recognized Can- adian Agriculturai Sehool, Coll- ege, or Veterinarian Colege. In addition to the $200, a perpetual trophy is awarded each year' to the winner., The> winner this year is Mr. John Lane, R.R. 4, Bow- manville. John is enering the Un- iversit of Guelph and on comple- tion of the first semester will re- ceive the $200 scholarship., TUE MACLEAN FOUNDATION SCHOLARSIPS These scholarships of $12500' ecd are offered to four Durham County Juniors. Two in the Jun- ior year in the Agricultural course and two in the Senior year at the Kemptville College of Ag- riculture and Technoiogy. In the senior year, the committee has decided to again award the seho- iarships to Raymond Cameron anîd Bill DeMille. In the Junior year; there has been only one ap- pli cant to date and the seholar- ship will be awarded to Donald Heeringa of Fraserville. ELDORADO NOT AFFECTED BY PROPOSED CUTBACK IN URANIUM STOCKPILING Thie government's announce- ment that it may have to eut back en its uranium stockpiling pro- gram wiii not affect Port Hlope's Eldorado Nulear Ltd. ,esources Minister J. J. Green said the federal government wil oniy continue aid to the Canadian be convineed that financiai. help uranium-mining industry if it can is necessary. A spokesman for Eldorado said th§t in regard to the Port Hope operation, the governinent's an- nouncement is not iikeiy to have any direct effect.* Eldorado, he said, i'ad ehanged it's operations to doing eusfom conversion of material even from U.S. tival Mixture For MoÈýsport Word broke out last.week-end that Mosport Park in Cl'arke :wnpmay aiter ail be the seene of a form of rock festival. Over the week-end and on Tues- day traveilers were looking for Mosport -track in anticipation, of the activities being booked there for 'August 7, 8 and 9th. Although some confusion ap- pears to exist tic event will be held in conjunction with a ser- ies of motorcycie and go-kart races. The- added. entertainment has been reported to include "a carnival of sight and sound" a- long with ferris wheels, candy floss, marchin-g bands, and 'some contemporary entertainiment'. The Metro Toronto Police Pipe Band is reportcd to be a feature on Friday night, aiung with rac'- ers, beauty contest entrants, and other gro1ups. -It is ho ed that 'het-ween 15000 and. 20,000 people wili buy $15.00 tickets to attend the' event. The Toronto Telegram. on Sat- urday in a news story reported that few people in Toronto and Mosport Park areas were aware that it's going to take place and few knew exaetiy, what kind of event it's going to ie. Accordinýg to sources in Toron- to and New York, the event is a earry-over fromn a pop music fes- tival originally scheduled for >Siediac, New Brunswick, which was, disailowed because the New .flruLswiick Government, revoked its license. The advertising for the event has been ambiguons, s0 it is re- ported. The littie advertising that has been, distributed in Ontario emphasizes that it's nothing more than a series 'of. motorcycéle races eallýed the Strawberry Caýp Tro- phy Races, with some 'contem- porary entertainment added'. The bulk of the advertising, is in the Eastern seaboard of the U.S. There, the *emphasis is on, the 'eontemporary, entertainment' announcing that Mosport Park is t ,o be tic site for a giant rock festival. The Teiegram story also states groups such as Erie Burdýon, War that ads proclaiming various and Grand Funk Rialroad were played over radio stations, and printed in Newspapers in Boston and -New York. The story also states that Bill Howard, te$ e ecretery-reasurer for. Les Producions Sportives, tie organization running the event, claims that this U.S. oriented ad- vertising 'is a vast mistake'. Part of a press release distri- buted by Les Productions Spor- tives states that 'our company is inerested in inicreasing the sport of motorcycle raeing.' A spokesman for 'Les, Produc- tions, as reported in the Tele- Moncton, N.B., recently. The tic- Mosport 15 beîng produeed by the same organization that attempted the StrawVberry Fields Festival at kets sold there wili be honoured at Mosport'. gram, said that 'tis, festival at Severai other points are also clear: That John Brower, former mentor behind tie now-defunet iold a peace festival at Mosport Park. e4riler tus year, is acting Karma Productions that'tried to as a consultant; that promotion complications that beset both the New Brunswick effort earlierl last week, and Karma's e.arlier this of the event is aimed at avoiding theatrical attorney, Jerrold H. year: and thiat a New York City Kushnick is doinýg tic bookings.. Tic Tely report also said that on contacting Mr. Kushnick he said he was unaware of tie con- tradictions in the' promotion; but that as a represýentative of JWG Productions Ltd. he initially con- tacted Les Productions Sportives "NO 'OVERFLOW' CAàIP1NG IN PROVINCIAL PARKS AS VEHICLES INCREASE 'Overllow' camping i.s not pro- vided, by Onerïoos provinlcill parks tuis summner. When a pai-k's numbered campsiites are fully qccupied, later arrivais are directect by pak ofticers to.other camping parks in the immediate area. Tic nced to protect provincial parks against the damage' caused by intensive use iis strcsscd in this recent announcement by the parks branci of the department of lands and forests. Camping veieles have inces- ed from ten per cent of tic camping traffic in 1957 to 65 per cent in 1969, and ticir number is estimated at 250,000. The fol-, iowiîng tabulation refers to prov- incial parks in 1969: Equipment Percentage Tents ------- Tent-Traihers j-Tuse-Trailers Camper-Backs Bus-Campers 35 41 14 8 Total --- --100 Tic rapid increase in campers ai camper vehicles have placed. v-cessive pressure on some parks .u southern Ontario. The resait been the deterioration of c,npgounds through soil com- p ection with consequent wind and .,2ter erosion and the loss of irýes and herbaceous ground eover. The curtailment, of excessive traffie is seen by parks branch as a necessary step to maintaiin the quaiity of the park environment for the present and future enjoy- ment of park visitors. ,onspany .of.ighty hII mç*tory 1 AUC. 4.30 THEATRE AUGUST 4, 6, 9.12, 15, 25, 26 SOf T+Hf MOON by RICHARDSON & BERNEY AUCUST 5, 8,11l.13, 16.20 antigone by JEAN ANOUILH '* -udenadaptatu ionfte G-er l'qqeIy' CANADIAN PREMIERE AUGUST 18, 19, 22, 23. 27.29,30 INDIANS b; ARTHUR OI ORONO ARE à (416) 983.5617 CCosd Friday 5 ML N. of 4b1 on 115 60 Minutes East ot 1 oronto Subscription (3 pays) -$0 Singl- re - $250 Ma ,d- Ode Bu.. 105. O,..., Ont. BrochuretaiTourtBr3--s and Channb-r of Conrne,c COURSES FOR ADULTS Check this list of fuil-time courses starting August lUth at Durham College's Retraining Division. Completion of one of thcmo will improve your job opportunities. Ifyou are not cligible for Canada Manpower Assistance you may enrol in a 16-week course for $32.00. To ensure acceptance on course contact immediately. STARTING AUGUST lUth - ACADEMIC JP.GRADING Grade 9...... ... 16 Weeks Grade il ........ 16 Weeks Grade 10......... 16 Weeks Grade 12 ......... 16 Weeks: Typing Refresher.................... ............ 12 Weeks einvento'ry Côntrol ................................ 24 Weeks STARTING AUGUST l7th Academic Upgr-ading Grades 1 - 8 Duration Varies STÀRTING AUGUST 24th Air Cooled a nd Marine Engines ................. 20 Weeks, Retail Merchandlsing ......... ......j.............. 16 Weeks DID YOU, KNOW YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR TRAINING ALLOWANCES FOR DETAILS CONSULT VOUR LOCAL - CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE THE RETRAINING DIVISION Durham CoIIegeOf Applied Arts and Technolgy SIMCOE STREET NORTH TELEPHONE 576-0210 LCAS5,4,3 OSHAWA 0ONTARIO' 24 HOUR General We Idingq and Meicanicaîl Service AUl Work Guaranteed Farm and Industrial Work Your Premises or Our Shop A.S.M.E - C.S.A. Approved PHONE 263-8818 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 Ki St. W. Bowman'dlle 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 8854543 For prompt, courteous, effici- ent service when buying 'or seling and for the Iargest sel- ection of, properties ini the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy- Foster 983-5801 Dane Found 623-3965 Andy Sutei 983-9119 R.y Stronz S2 r Il Bethany OPENINGSPCA SHAMPOO $20OO REGULAR $2.25 ORONO BOUTIQUE Phone 983-5416 Orono Main Street On Display SýK-I-DOO' AT SUMMER PRICES ORONO FUEL & LUMBER Phone 983-9167 . OCALS 51, 54, 53

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