Guidance- Services Co-ordinator Northumberland, Durhamn Board of Education Have you ever had an inter- vûcew at school - or for a job- or with anyone - wlere it is impor- tant to you, but didn't seem to be important to the other person? The type of meeting where you feit that you were imposing on someone's time and that he was really too busy to see you. Or he gave you his time - but seemed disinterested and you came out feeling frustrated and cheated. Or after you had been talking five minutes he iooked at bis watch.* Wletler he did it from habit, or on purpose, the effeet is the §ame - you feel you have taken up too niuch time and will probably leave slortiy even though you aren't finished, For an interviewer, looking at your watch is an effective way of cuttîng short an interview - but it's a sign of a real amateur. If in interview shouid be ended - and somnetimies it should because s6ine people want to say the saine thing over and over again, *Turn on the Fui-i with a Mm M - M,* Fox builds the world's mo wanted mini-bikes! Exciti trait models for Trail Blazin hunting. fishing and campi Finest campus bikes f swingers, shoppers, swimme ..A 'hot dogger» scrambi Uut's fot a bit timid for tt flld or track. Many models a Ir l-et ensabe.. Tm M MteFMS Rolph Hardwi ORONO PHONE1 - Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASOI WILLIE J. SCIB'A Phone 983-5606 Specializing in ail kind STONEWORK and FIREPLA We ais. do chimni there are a numbr af ways ta do it' without causing lard feeling-; w:;iie it taltes considerale S k à.d t\perience tao bcoine a goad Lkter,ýIwcu and coanse!- lor, àit docsn't take mudli of cilli- er ta know when y ou have had a reasonabiy good interview. Without farmally listing the gaad assessmcnt, madniy baseil on e- motion. How do you feel about it? Dîd you feel you were wel- and badl points you ro make an came or not? Did you feel the interviewer was interested' in you? Did you get the impression that your probicm or what yau wanted to say was important? Yau don' have ta be an expert to to tell how you feci. On the oth- er hand we have ta reniember that it is rarely the purpose of an interviewer just to niake one feel good. It should be pleasant, but wan't necessarily, make yau happy. The problein under discussion may nat be a happy ane and to anticipated it being )saived in an interview. may be too muel ta expct. As a matter of fact, I wouid go as far as ta say that if it is a guidance interview, it wiii rareiy be soived an the spot. I say this, because il is important ta knaw that it. is important ta knaw that it is nat the role of guidance ta salve people's pral- lems. It is the counseiior's raie ta ask stimuiating questions, pro- vide valuable, factuai informa- tion and ensure that the persan situation. Upan completion of the inter- rýco, the pcv an wll have s0ame ideàs ta thonk about, possibiy beiîig initerviewed is aware of thc esome' fact tae check out and saine people ta taik ta in order ta salve the prablemn. A per, an who wants ta lic]p peiaple and daes it by soiving, other peopIe's problerns dan't want him. It defeats thc very purpose of guidance if a teacher, parent or frinnd or guid- ance counsellar is awasred ta salve a prob1im for somfeane. 1 ng MORE CAPABLE ng. I -mast certainly think that as ing a persan'becoines more experàen- for ced and responsibiele h xiii be- li-s camie more eapable of scrlving his ý1er awn prablems. It is important ta the me that guidance shauid not be are respansibie for taking that right awiay from him. Indeed we en- courage people to accept this rigît if they are not doing so. Everyone la an individuai, and $199.95 same people, jvu-t because 'of their make-up, their experience, aere their family, and training, are mare' able tocape with and salve 983-52-07 problems than -others. For those students who are iess ready ta salve their prabflems or are fore- ced by circumstances ta face a problcm beyond their ycars, the gVid,-.ncc services can pravide helo. Some situations are very e- motinally upsetfing partieulariy for a chid or an adolescent. This is the anc lime t hey may reccive ýNS direction from a guidance coun-, sclaor. kHL There is no sense in cxpecting a persan ta salve his probiem if. lie is ilosct or sa overwlelimed ds of by it that lie doesn't know what ta do. This is the time for the stu- ACES dent and caunselior ta work through thec situation together, iiev the student dioing what le can, and the caunsellor and parents directly aiding him. Witl the problem under contrai and thiat icarn how ta deal witl the next .~worry subdued, the student will Jproblem and over a pcriod of Counselling, Tricky Business UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge l'dnistèr Rev. B. E. Long Next Sunday the Orano Congre- gation will attend churcI. ser- Churcl. This arranement will vice at 11:0 Qa.m. at Newcastle continue until and inciuding tIc first Sunday in Septemrber. he in a muei better, situation to turnelie wiii iearn to salve- them h1mýe1f with littie or 'no aid frorn others. But he wll oilly d,3 this if lie ha3 -eaew-o wilM tr aI lm a3 an individuai, as an imuortqn-t r~ron i~han !mp-r'!u t prob,- lem. Someone wilo wiii take the time to chat with him, sameone who wili ask questions that wili make him assess his ideas and someone who wiii be, firmn but fair, and teach him how ta helip hirnself. The guidance counseilor is one of the persons prepared to do this. COLLEGE AND O.F.L. SCHEDULE POLLUTIONS PREVENTION SEMINARS' Ways individuai citizens can help prevent pollution wiil be dis- cussed at, one-day seminars Oct- ober 17 in Cobourg, Lindsay and Peterborough as a joint effort of the Ontario Federation of Labour and Sit Sandford Fleming Col- lege. Labour councils in the three centres have named representa- tilves to an area steering commit- tee for the seminars, whidh are among about 40 sponsored by the OFL in co-operation with com- miunity coIieles across Ontario. Henry Nokes, chairman of Sir Sandford's board of -governors, wi1l chair the steering coumittee. Hie said the seminars will appeai to a great number of people since they, wiii equate pollution and in- dividual responsibility. "It is easy to- point a finger at the misdeeds of other individu- ais and groups, but we warit to concentrate on those things which are within the contrai of the private citizen," lie said. It is expected that seminars m7iil be -,held at Sir. Sandford Fleming College facilàties in Lin- dsay and, Peterborough,, and in secoendary sdhooi facilities an Ca- bjurg., of, al three pliical lr C. i Ontario ave bren a sk. cl , ~al)îathe sCiV ars by ineans thaI, the prograin in ecdl com- îuunity wiil go its awn way. The committce planning area programs wiil be made up of Geraid Wood, Peter Mernidew and Michael Connaughton of Pet- erborough; Russell Waiker and George Ferguson of Cobourg; and Aiian Houghton and Ralph Hart of Lindsay. Coliege officiais have named facuity members Gien Crombie Gary CrQnàkwright, John Finch, David Fraser and Fred Anderson to the committee. MOSPORT PARK DECLARE DIVIDEND The, Directors of Mosport Park Limitcd have declared a dividend of $1.00 per share to ail Share- holders as of Juiy 21, 1970. In making this announcement, Dr. Irwin M. Fineberg, the Pres- !dent ofiMosport Park Limited, announced that he loped that this would be the first of such regular quarterly dividends to be de- ciared by the Company. H1e stat- cd: "In deciaring this dividend, the. Directors were giving recog-, nation to the substantiai, achieve- ment and progress made by Mos- port Park -Limited since *April, -, I .1 SALE 0F SH'OES, Lace-to-toce Tennis Shocs for Women ana Chidren. Sturdy canvas uppers with rubb-r sole and cushion insole, mostly white. Also a fcw leather shoes for children. Broken sizes. Regular values ta $4.50. YOUR CHOICE PER PAIR .............. $1.79 MEN'S SIO'ES Men's Canvas 4-cyclet Oxfords with thick rubber sole and cushion insole. Navy and brown. Sizes 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12. Reg. $3.50 SALE PRICE PER PAIR--------------. $2- CHILDREN'S JACKETS Nylon Hooded Squall Jackets with Cotton Flannel linij-, for boys or girls. Red, blue and black. Sizes 3, 4, 5, 10, and 14 ycars Regular prices to $4.95. SALE PRICE ONLY-------------------..$2.95 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS The balance of aur Men's Sport Shirts lu permanent press Fortrel and Cotton. with long or short sîceves. Also a few knits with crew neck or V-neck. CLEARING AT 25% OFF 1969, when new management an& direction wvere provided W~ theý Company-.» Mosport Park Limited will con- tueto 5trive for even greater c ; prti i and unlderstanding wil1 ail those with whom it la presontly associated as well as- cqntinuing to extend ail areas of_ development open to -it. ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Servicec - 9.3ûar. Holy Communion- First and Third Sunday.s Mornlng Frayer- Second and Fourtlh Sundays Hloly Baptism by appointment wIth Rector 987-4745 fle Rev. H. Robert Hayae, B.A., L.TII. Septic Tank, Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE,1HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 Van Belle' Phone 623a55 Highway No. 2, West of Bowmanvilie YEN EZiA RESTAURANT Highway 115 and 35 ½mile South of Orone Phone 983-5651 Open 7 days a week Speciallzing ln BOB YOEMANS PLU1WBING AND HEATING 24 Heur Service New Installations - Alterations Repairs Specializing in flot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septie Tank Work RR 1, 'Orono 983-5624 ORONO WEEKLY T1MS, THURSDAY, AUGUST th, 1970 1 sil