lORONO ,WEEKLY <xýlIW5XAUGUST thi, 1970 ~. See Mils..Insura mce Ageucy, M elas Of persoual and Commercial Coverae, Wface: Mlion*M, Orea. 983"31 a«s. n4 Go;d Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CABPENTRY REMODELLING *GENERAL REPAIES Interlor Exterlor CHARLES REID Orono 's Licensed Aiuctioneer and Valuator Specializc, in Farm and Furniture Sales Cosuit, me for terms and dates, PRONE ÔRONO 983-5914 Menuýnelp"te uz.d Family Memoriols Our qualitv~ and sérvfr*f îeives nothhng to be, desired Ask.the person who bougbt from ms, à~ neighbou#, frlend or relative 'Mhe RUTTER GRANITE< COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest dizplay in Sethera Ontario WATSON"S Min and Cycle I Oron, Phone 983-5341 PRINCE CRaFT BOATS I Allouette Snow Mo0bles IvMcCulplch CHAINSWS Repairs to ail ma GsofLiwn Mowers and 2 -Ad4Ile IALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PUMIPLNG OUTj SEPTIC TANKSý Bert TomukinsI Phone 7862558 HOURS OPE.N. 6hsa :30 2 :30 Thursday 6 :383 Friday 23 ;8 2 - 830 Saturda.-y 0O-29am,. BYAMS PLUM MEIOmd MEEAIP Salesmad B8oe$« 84 Houa BUENHE i«vioe GULF FINANMIO gh Lw Iatre. Ea e 1 Tyreue MI-2un Ouille Chatterton Silecti4cal Contractinir Eiectric IIeatïnsz and Service IPHONE 983-5546.or 9935940 ORONO, ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTINS .ELECTRIC HUATING ELEGTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. -RADIO - HI1-FI FRIGIDAïRE - -R.C.A. DOMINIONELCRHM INGÈLS - TIIOR1, - GURANEEDSERVICE- lIHamiltons Insuranco. Service lre, Ffrst Mortgage Leaiu 'Sadie Hamilton! Phone 983-5115 21' Builing a fs?I or remodelllng yowpr-e;eut ontheetact Phone 932-5049 1: ORONO Vt FOR SALE Local Grown Potatoes, North- land (red); Raspberri i-#, Red Cur- rants. Pick jyour own. Reasonable prices. Can be delivered. Caîl 983-5081, R. Rienstru,, Or- ono. ,a-p FOR SALE 2 year old Chestnut Mare, sad- dIe broken, quiet. 983-5003 a-r FOR, SALE Local grovn' Potatoes, North- land Red,- reason&ble price. Can be delivered. Phone 983-5081, Orono, R. E. Rienstra. 194~ FOR ,SALE 194Volkswagon Pick-up new paint, snow tires. 1959 Volkwag-on car., suitable for Dune Buggy. Phone 983-5937. a-p ROO-11and, BOARD Available lu private home. Phone 987-4527. a-c Orono Laixdscapiùng for Garden Service, Planting, Sodldinïg and Seedinj3r'. Phone 983-5598.' ti O)RONO ITAILEIR SALES AND ~RENTAL ForCh .ýt 4oa Truek Sft anid Ra4; Top Campors $6.00 an Acre Custom la ingj Phone: 983-5795 983-5422 Or... Buildàing Contracter Brick Bleck Concrete Stone Work Carnentry Cabine.t Work Floors - T111e 983-5441 ORONO 99 KIng et., M. BU WMAN VILLE When fluying or SeUling cl REPRESENTATIVE 993-5274 Member of Oshawa andi Dis- trict Real Extate Boart NOTICE Custom Combining. Cali Minnie Wybenga, phone 983-5284. C-33-P SUMMER SPECIALS Texas Wfitermelon, New Close AppleS and daily fresh picked home- grown swet corn. FREDIS FRUIT MARK~ET Phone 983-568 I*ighwvay 115 - Orono lEST HOME- O0rono Rest, Home has accom- modation for lady or gentleman. Phone 983-5639. b Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education CARETAKER- Applications will býe received for a part-time Caretaker to work five hours per week at L ord El. gin Public School and ten hour's per week at Vincent Massey Pub- lic School, until 5:00 p.m. August lOth,' 1970. Please apply in, writ- ing statîng experience and quali- fications to: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education, 335A 'King Street East Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario. a-c Northumberland and Durham am County Board of Education CARETAkE'R Applications wýill be received for a part, tim-re earetaker at Ken- dal Puiblic Sehoo0 l util 5:00 P.m1. August 14, 1970. Please apjply in- wnîingstaing experience and qucÀlafiatiOnIS t0: M',r. M. A. MlvacLeodl Business Adiiistrator and Treasurcr Nothivnhen1arid and Durham C'ouïrýy Board of Edlucation 335A,ý King, Street East, B3ox 470 Cobourg, Ontario. TRENTWAY TOURS to MARITIMES September î2th 'Ji26th NEW ENGLAND andi CAPE COD Sept. 27th to Oct. 3rd WASHINGTON and WILLIAMSBURG, VA October 3rd to 9th TIIAN,ýKSGIVI NG SPECIALS October 9th to l2th To- NEW YORK NASH VILLE V'ERMONT andi LA KE PLACID For further information contact: Trentway Tours, Box 772 Peter-borough Phone 742-9192 ICallyouzr - )frensed ýPlu,,,bio &~ Who uh instalà - ~antees Phene ':'5207 Orone NO1ËICE TO 'CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HARVEY MATfHEW SINCLAIR late of the Township cî Clarke in the County of Durham, Labourer, de- ceaseti; AUil .rsons havîng dlaimis a- ga1is the estate of the said Hlarvey Matthew Sinclair, who dieti on or about the l7th day of Septeiber 1969, are hereby noti- fiied to sendI to the undersigned Administratrix or her Solicitor on or hefore the 22nd day o! August 190, their names and ad- dresses and full particulars of their c1in and the nature o! the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by statutory declaratioin. Immediately after the said 22nd day of August, 1970, the assets of the said deceased will be distrib- uted amon1g the pensons entitled thereto havl'ng regard only/to the dlaims of which the Administrat- rixd or the undersigned, Solicitor shall thpn have notice. Dated at' Or ,onýo, Ontario, this 29th day, of July 1970. MAY LILLIAN SINCLAIR R.R. 2, Newcastle, Ontario. Adminilatratrix. W., K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontarto, Solicitor for the Adminiistratrix. Mrs. Milton, Tamblyn, Oshawa returned Wednesday, July 29th from aAi. enjoyable bu s and oceëan tciir of.Quebec, _Maritime Prov- inces and ~e wfundad lan To Attend Youth Wanted Dead or Crippled Farm Stock P.e'CKED'UP PROMPTLY Telcplione Coileet 263-3721 Margwill iFur IFarm Licence No. 258-C-70 iBox 133 Phone ii88,-3552 iStafflord, Brothers j Lluated I Manafactre ro of I.Cemetery Memorials WHITD, NTAI Lý