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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Aug 1970, p. 5

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Av ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TURSDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1970 Lo«ial News Mrs. Chas. Taylor returned to her home Satuirday after being a patient in the Bowmanvilie Mem- oral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Carmaàn Cornish hnd famiiy are on a miotor trip to the East Coast.. Mr.,-and Mrs. Donald Staples and daughter Jane have returned home after holidaying in Algon-, quin Park. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph St.ipies, the former 'Ruby Porter, ,who were marriad in the Orono United Church on Friday, Au.gust l4th -by Rev. Basîil Long. ~Mr. ,and Mrs. Wayne FBailey and, Shawn spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm ,MeKenzie and family, Ayimer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carman and Ifamily are',on hoiidays this week. Dr. Hariey Bilings and daugh- ter Miss Julia Biiiings of Phil- adeIpýhia are spending this week with. Mr. and Mrs.> Carl Biilings Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leaman of London werc recent visitons of her sister Mrs. Fred Lycoît. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. David Stapies, the former Sharon, Tamblyn, on their mar- Turn on the Fun, with a Fox builds the world's m wanted mini-bikes] Exciti trail modae for Trail Blazii jhunting, fishing end campi ... Finest campus bikes Swingers, shoppers. swimrm ..A 'hot dc6gger- scramb twraS flot a bit tirnd for1 fadd or track. Many models @ treet riensabie. Tra a eFUN aa wuiininDeal Mvo.,,W 1 I ow as Rolph Hardwv ORONO PHONE IMICKLAYERS STONEMASO WILLIE J. SCifI.I Phone 983-5606 8pecializing in alkMW STONEWORK and We aise do chii Repairs Highway 115 and 3; Smile south of Oroi Phone 983-5651 open 7 days a weel Speciali inl ost ting 'ng. )ing for ni'age on Saturday, Aug. 15th in .Orono UTnited Churehi. Sharon is the daug.hter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Car- los Tamýblyn, Orono and David is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stapies of Bethany. Rev. B. Long performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stephens and famiiy, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Briap Priestley and daughters of -Oshawa spent last week at a cot- tage on Canal Lake. Mrs. Marshall Chatterton rec- ently visited friends in Boulter and Bancroft. Mr. F. O., Cooper returned home from Bowmanville Memnor- iai hospitai where he had been a patient for severai weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Biilings and Mrs. Harry Bailey spent a few days last week on a motor trip ln western Ontario and called to sec Mr. and M's. Alex Watson at Burlîngton. Mrs. Watson was convalescing at her home after baving surgery At Burlington Hos- ptal. They wished to ho remem- bered to their Orono friends. Mr. asd Mrs. Reginald Worr, the former Julie Joncs, have taken up residence in the Long apart- ments, ýafter their recent mar- niage. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harness of (arievale, Sask., and Mrs. LDiey Bond of, Florida have been rment visitors with Mrs. Ivan Farrow. Mn. and Mrs. Wayne i1lson have purchascd the house by the C enotaph, ýformeriy owned by Mrs. Jack Ried,, and with their lfamily aretaking up residenwe in it this Saturday. Mr., Uarry Mercer is a patient in Bowmha'ille 7Temorial Hospit- ai. Greg Maher is a patient iW the Bowma'2ville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Forrester hiolidaved lat weék aI a" cottiage on Calaeyon Laiçe. Mr. and Mrs. Kiaas ýSchoenmnak- or and family, aiong w,ýith ,, other relatives returneci home this week from a camping trip thro' Algonquin Park. LEGI ON, DRAW MONEY AGAIN GOES TO OSHAWA RESIDENTS The August Dx'aw was made bier Satui'day Night, August l5th, a t the the Royal 'Canadian -Legion and are Mr. Frank 'Sheridan of 1192 Rav- ine Road, Oshawa was the winner of $1382.00 Fir'st Prize with his +h'1kP'f No. 13 2942 and Mrs. Je~an Navior of 320 Nipigon St., Apt. $995 402, Oshawa received Second Prize of $10000a for her. ticket aro No. B 274. t was hoped, with the tickets 983-5207 that v7ere ont that this wouid be - 'the largest draw to date, but un- - , fortunately when the tickets werc 'turned in on Friday and Saftuday the picture changed conFi-înabiy due to the number of "uifmoid" tickets turned in. Total Sales for the month were $2964-0o. MVrs. P. K. Pingle, wife of Bon ýNS Pîngle one of the Executive mm bers who was in attendance was AHL caled on bo make the draws. Seller awards went to Mr. C. B. Hamlyn of Oshawa - $13800 Is of for the first prizo ticket. Mr. Hamlyn sold ten books of tick- ACES ets this month as his first ven- ACS ture in seiling, Bowamnville tick- ets and has found àt has paid off. iev Second seller aw ard went bo Mrs. N. Milîs. also of Oshawa who re- ceiv.ed $1000 for the sale of the - second prize ticket. The September monthly draw will be made at the'Legion dance on September lgth. Tickets are now available and anyone wish- inging to assist in this project by sclling tickets arc asked to con- Ttact President Stan Dunn at 623- Î, 5769, or check with other Legion Members who will sec that the 5 tickee -s are delivered. Now that the Carnivals and on car draws are over President Stan, who is chairman of the -k monthly draw is hoping that he kwill be able bo get, sales aIit last to the $3500.00 figure in the next month or two. ils Tickets in Orono are available from M. Annaert, telephone 983- - 5711. Time I Opportunity to sec the' offer- ings of the Orono Youth Theatre are quickly reducing and tonight, (Thursday) offers the last pro- duction of Aniýgone, There stili exists.however two more produc- lions ýf "Dark of he Moon" and five more appoanances of "Indi- ans." Antigone has a local cast with many from the Bowmanville an- ea in il. Il is directed by Oharles Ewert of Bowmanville.- The play, silaging ils finale tonight is a modern adaption of the Greek tragedy. The set design 'and cos- tumes are by the talented Mich- ael Eagan and have won much acclaim. DARK 0F THE MOON- There are two more production for Dark of the Moon directed by Roy H-iggins. This, play has proven most, popular with the theatre- goers. The remaining dates are August 25th and 26th, INDIANS- Indians, aiso directed by Roy ffiggins,, wil ho presented on five more occasions being Aug- ust 22, 23, 27, 29 and 301h. Ia- dates for Ibis play are August 25 dians was first presented on August '8th aI the Orono Arena adian Premiere by Arthur Kopit. "Indians" is an absurd look at and his presentation was the Can- hiatory. Here .again acting and eostuming exceils and ýsurely you wont wanîto miss il. IymGES For FIVE-ý limages for Five wil ho staged aI the Orono Arena on Monday, August 24 both aI 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Il is 'billcd as "an original folk montage" and is by John MeGuircek a...member of the Oroso Youth Theatre. Don't lhesitate, the piays are nearing'an end. UNITED CHURCH Charge Minîster 1tev. B. E. Long Next Sunday the Orono Congre- gation wiil attend church ser- Church. 'his arranement, wiii vice at 11:0 Oa.m. at Newcastle continue until and inciuding the first Sunday in Septemnber. OSHAWA MAY APPEAL IF DEMANDS DENIED Oshawa may a ppeal ýto e pro- vincial cabinet ýand the minister of municipal- affairs;, if l s de- mands for more area amnagama- tion with Whitby and in1creased the local regional government Mayor Bruce Mackey says the province will have t113 final say on the Oshawa region, and hopes council will appeai if the Oshawa Area Planning and Deveiopment Study does flot adopt its officiai. position. Amalgamation with Whitby is_ the most controversial of Osh- awa's demands, aihougli Whitby, ývhich also plans to prepare a brief, may ignore it as a mean- ingless move by the city. Mayor Newman, chairman of the regional study executive reprdsentation fare not met by committee,' says he has neyer *onsidered amalgamation "at al PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 Hour Service New Installations - Alterations Repairs Specializing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work HI 1, 'Orono 983-5624 seriously." Oshawa feels a strcpng centre. is needed to offset the proximity of Toronto and \vould leadl to ec-' onomîcal, efficient administration.. in arleas- sueh as recreatilon, in. dustrial promotion and service,_ western part of Darlisgton Town.~ Oshawaï's proposai to anlnex ,thiel sh'ip is also a controversial ques-. tion. ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Servicec - 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion- First and Third Sunday.s Morning Prayer-. Second and Fourth Sundays HoIy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 rhe Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.TIX. f .,-- t i i 4. 4 f f -- - ~ .-..~ I .~1 Septic Tanklý Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 ROUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontarlo' Telephone 983-5266 or -983-5728 by Phone 623-5757, Highway Ne. 2, West of Bowmauville We have a nwspetof Face Coh to match New i l resses ad nt uits rfenoliw m111 We Need Room For Fail Merchandise so the Remiainder of our de

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