ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2Mt, 1970 Up And Dowu The Bokýýtaicks NEW BOOKS AUGUST'10, 1970 Adut- Drugs and The Law- The Can- adian Scene by Reginalti Whit- aker The Hoapital by Jan de Hartog (an Exposé) Plants That Feed Us by Else HIrIass arIagelaThe Firs.t Stop ',To-. ward Divorce by Pamela Mason Devi's Ilarvest by Frank G. Slaughter Go Tell It To The,',ountain by James Baldwin Junior- Ruth by Maud and Micka Peter- sham Firefightin.g by Paul C. Ditzel (a new look at the old Firehouse) The Day 0f Th e Pigeons by Roy Brown (Mystery) Girl Guide Stories by Blackie Easy Reading and Picture Books Angus And The Cat by Mari orie Flack Bennet Cerf's Book '01 Laughs CLASSIFIED SECTION NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHIAM COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION requirea for th~e achool year 1970- 711 TEACHER ASSISTANT for School for TrainaËble Retard- ed (Bethesda Sehool northi of Bowmianvîlle) Minimumi Grade 12 education requircd. Experience in working with young children an asset. Apply in wrîting stating quai- fications to: H. R. Moorcroft Area . Superîntendent Box -470 Cobourg_ Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTU'NITIE',S EARN MONEY IN SPARE TIME Men or Women to re-stock âtnd collect money from New" Type high quality cin-operated dis- pensera in your area. No selling. To qualify, mua:t have car, refer- ences, $750. to $3,000. cash. Séeï- en 1o twelve hours weekly can nxet <excellent income. More fu.ll -trne. We invest with you-and estâblish your route. For personal interview write: B. V. flISTIB- UTORýS LIMIPED, 2489 Xecuînâeh Road East, Windsor 19, Ontario. Include prone nuinher. à-34-c CARD 0F THANKS fCURIS-Many thanks to rela- tives and frieds for acts, of àindness and messages of sym- Éathy in the loss of our dear broIther Biîl Special thanks'to Mr. .Barlow, Rev, Snelgrove, Or- anlge Lodge and Heather Rebekah Lodge for flowers and lovely lunch., Thanka to ail. a-c Edith, Violet and Ruas, Argus and Jean. BIRTU FBI[RRIFER-1-Jr. and Mrs. David Ferrier (nee Dale Ohallice) are Uhppy to announce the, safe ar- rival of 'their son, Douglas Wil- liam, 6 lbs. 4 oz., Wed nesday, August l2th., at Newmarket Hios- pital. a-c CARD CaF THANKS My sincere thanks to relatives, friends, leather Rebekah Lodge for cards, gifts and visits. Spec- !l thanks to Dr. McKenzie, nurs- ing staff of Memorial Hospital and toail thosewho helped at home in any way. Thanks again. Elaine Mercer. DIED 'WHITE-At.- Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sunday, August 16t.h, 1970 Ephraim White, Orono in lis 84th year beloved husband of Aima Biýadley, dear father of Carmnan.. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Tuesday, August l8th, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Orono Cesnetery. DIED POLLARD-At the Lodge Nurs- ing Home, Newcastle, on Thurs- day, August 6th, 1970 Nellie Pol- krd R.R., 1 Orono aged 93 years, wife of the Ilate Milton Pollard, dear mother of Rutherford, Sid- ney and Rosaline (Mrs. Fred Page). Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman-, ville on Sa turday, August 8th, at 2 o'clock. Interment Ofono Cerne- ery. I a Cool'- Refresliing. Nutritious Suagle, Pure J U ICE froon Concentrate 40 oz. Container AT VOUR 1100E OR AT YOUR STORE 'IF IT'S 1 -J IT'S GOOD Fumia and The Doiphins hy Chi- yoko Nakatani Brownie's Hush by Gladys L. Ads- hcad. Olga Beaucha'mp Kendal News At the time of writing this the weather bureau tells us this is the. longest sustained hot, dry speli since the year 1936. Over a month without any ramn here. The funeral of Mr. Wm. Curtis took place August lSth at Orono. It was an Orange Service con- ducted by members of the Order. ¶his was followed by a grave-side ýservice performed by the Rev. T. Snel'grove. The bearerswere Wm. Reid, John Lowery, Roy Patton, Robt. Nicholîs, Ross Patton and, Len Lowery. Mr. Bill Curtis was a bachielor who liveci alone and farmed his !and north east of Kendal. He was in his fifthy-eîghth year. Sympathy la extended to his brother Argus and to his sisters Mrs. Edith Gordon and Mrs. Rus- sel Suteliffe. The friends met af- ter the service in the Odd Fal- lows' Hall. The fine o'ciock church ser- vice was conducted last Sunday by 11ev. Colin liudd of Petêrboro, the district secretary of the Bible Siecicty. 1He brouglit a fine mes- sike of 5ts work in spreading the gospel story. We were pleasedý to ~have as visitors Mr. andi Mrs, Jackson Peacock and their tvwo boys also 11ev. and Mrs. Normýýian McKenzie who are at their summer home. The flowers at the altar were in memory of Mrs. Ed. Youngman, Bob's motb;r, and of Mr. Bill Curtis. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Lavern Hoy, Mr.. James Hoy and Mr . Alex Hoy of Oshawa on the passing' of their bretherin-law ,Mr. E. TatterÏail, their sister Mary's husband. The' funeral was MJG. 4-30u dill ex tMMonday mal Fkte 8.15 P. AUGUST4 21 52 DARJ( cw TI'H O by RICHARDSON & BERNEY «*& folk fantafy" AUGUST 5.8, 11, 13, 16.20 antigone by JEAN ANOUILH "a monden adaptation of the Graeelstragedy" CANADIAN PREMIERE AUGUST 18, 19. Z2, 23, 27, 29, 30 INDIAZIsbyARTHUR KOIT ORONO MRENA (41,6>3 983.5617 Closed Friday 5 Mi N. ft 401 o. 115 60 Minutes East ot Toronto S'bscrption (3 plays) - $6 Sie1 Resre S.t.- $250O Mail O,dne -OB..105,0.Oon, Ont. Brochures at Toorist Boreaus and Chambers of Commerce OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE annoulices the opening of the FALL TERM, on TUESDAY September 8 Complete and up-to-date cours- es in CLERICAL, STENOGRA- PHIC SECRETARIAL and AC- COUNTING TRAINING;. Individual Instruction FREE brochure entitled "Job Training for Business". Avail- able upon reqnest. DIAL 728-0052 or 725-5875 18 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Clip and mail this coupon for Complete Details Nam e --------4 ,A ddress ------------------ Age Telephone ----------- son Friday, August 14 from the ,McIntosh Funeral- Home, Osh- 5awa. Interment Orono Cemetery. Mrs. Ethelda Williamson and 'her son and family have been rspending the last two weeks in -the Searle home in Kendal. il is .now being wired for electricity. *The nrw homes being, er>ected on the seventh lne by Mr' Bill iReid and Mr. Don Roughley north iof the former Cecil Glass home 'are nearing completion. Mr. Joe >Smith la alsýo erecting a new !house on the former Cecil Tebble 1propèrty. This house overlooks a flarge pond. There are several of 1hese pisturesque ponds aýround lKendal. Mr. GossZm has one on he west aide of the former Reg Elliott property. BOARD CONSIBERS PROPOSAL TAX COMMUNITY COLLEGES Durham College ma.y be added to the tax rolîs if a tax proposýai from Barrie meets favor in the provincial legialature. iThe resoluýtion presented to Oshawa board of control Wednes- day calîs on the province to pro- vide taxation assistance to al municipalities in which univers- itics and cominunity colleges onw land. Presently East Whîtby Township in whi:ch Durham Col- lege la loýcated loses at le'ast ,$1,6,273 per year in tax revenue based on assýesisment of the col- lege. If the bill is amended to in- clude community colleges with the sanie assistance as main uni- versity buildings (with taxes of $25 for each student regittered jn December of thc ycar previous to taxation), Durham' would then become liable for taxes of $11,250 with its 450 students. Board, of control is expected to, eall in regional assessment com- missioner Gerry Meredith fordis- cussion, before endorsing or re- jecting the proposai. GM Cars Unveil.d, Lot. September' The last week of September will mark the official public un- veilîng of the 1971 General ýMot- ors siodels in showrooms across ,Canada, according to a company spokesman. Work towards the f irst show- ing ýis aiready underway in GM's A plant in Oshawa and the first ,body drop took place Monday on a Morite Carlo, ithe medium range automobile in the Chevrolet line. . This was the firat ;Monte Carlo ever 'built in Oshawa, the spokes- ,man said. The series was intro- dueed last ye.ar but all units were manufacured in the United States. In addition to the Monte C7rlo, this year the Oshawa plant will assemble the Chevelle series as well as the Pontiac Tempest, he gaid. Next step toWard the public in1jroduction of models is a series ,of introduction meetings with thýese meetings the dealers wil be familiarized with the -new .models and ail significant chang- es. Al bert's Txc GENERAL REFAIES Phone 983-5249 Or.n. dealers across the country. At Mc.re than 5,500 hourly-rated employees are back on the job in the, Oshawa auto manufacturing plants. Most of these are employ- ed in the A plant. A steady recall of personnel is slated from now tintil full scale production whieh will be some- time "shortly after August 24." This rate has ýbeen scheduled for the firsi body drop in the B plant and recaîl for that area w1l probably start Thursday or Fri- day. 1970 Honda Motorcycles Prlced $219.00 190Aluminum Boats 12 ft. $199.00- 14 ft. $269.00 ATV Jlgger, used $495-00 1971 SKI-DOOS, are here at fantastic prices Ontacrlo Sports SKI-DOO SHOP HWY 115 Orono Phone 983-54 Dr. W.RKenItDDS Bowmanville Professional Bldg. 222 King St. E. - Suite 106 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone 623-7349 LesardWelding AND 'FABRICATION Repairs ArIcla" Gau welalng Egreîmgs a"d Weekeada PRONM U *g-5 COOL OÉÏf HIERE! Instal an Air-Conditioning system in your present furnace for living comfort in your home Also available - Window units For the latest developments contact Harvey Partner PLUMBING and HEATING OR ON 9352 IL. M lm m ý 0