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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Oct 1970, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TItURSDAY, OCTOBER Si 1970 Bul, yarlng R.Steinge.r and son. Ilile, ilf -1 .Stendýer and S il e2 & k , 2 jI V eh()g B r 2 etig 3 .Sxgtrami SGns. .Oo-w, 3'ye-ns1iR. Ste-rggr and 'Sons -2 CR. Stllel, 3afÀSrn dtyti, 4 yýeai-s - 1 and 2 R.ý Steng- er anid Sons Verh-oog B'o, CoW, 5yeà) 1R Se'grand tx,2 iià 3 Vr glcs Dr Cw iR.S- n and Son 2 - Výcoog Dros. 1IdU R. Ste ngeraii Soli 2 V.logBros. GRAIN AND, HAY Specia by A, lit. $u okand Sons foi, Be&t Ex.hli.'t of: Barey - Wes Ye11oiwle-es Oats - Wes Yellowlees. liarley, 2 rowed - 1Wec, Y.lilow- Ice 2 '.ro1d SwaiýýJ1n 3 Ceresamore Fali 'W'heat - Hlarold Swaàin 2 Cerismnore Farms, Oats, Stormont -i1 es Yellow- k Ls 2 1-al'old Sýw4n 3 Ceresnrore \ýsAO.,- 1 Murra, Yellow- LbiACoro, 1() crs- 1 Don Staks2 Buc T~r3 Jkhn Silage Corn, 8 stalJk, - 1 Brucé Tayvlor2 CereŽ-,iore Parmis 3 Don Oat Shelaf - 1 John Cruicsahnk M-lýCixedHay, lst cut - i Wm. Taiiyuiv 2 Fraiici'sJeie 3 Pier 1, . 4 Wes Yellowlees. lVixed Hay, 2ud eut r 1 Gordlon BRýïrie anjd Sons 2 Bruce Taylor 3 Orville llîndm'an 4 Pder Sima. VEGETABLES TrQ)phy by Mr. and Mrs. C., Ticu Most points in classes of veebcsw'on by George Thorl- 7reets - 1 G. Thorlby 2 Grace CoaVh)am. C4rirots - 1i Helen Branndng 2 SnChpman 3 G. Thorlby 4 Firarjk Zegers. Cabbage, wite r - 1 G. Thorlby A Publiic llearing will be hceld in the Council Chambers of the Couhties Municipal Bulding, Cobourg, on Tuesday, October 13, 1970, at 10:30 a.m., >at which time the Councïl of thé IJnited Counties of Northumber- land and Durham will present their Position Piper on Regional Goverament to Donald-M. Patersoni, Regioairi Government Sàtudy Principal of the OAPADS Study. Sealed tenders will be re£eived by the undersigned for the preparation and pavig of 825 Sq. yards; area at the Cobourg District Collegiate Institute East, Closing date Is Wednesday, Oct. 1, 1910 at 4:00 p.m. The lowest or any Tender flot necessarily accepted. Specifications miay be received from the office of M. A. MacLEOD" Business Admý-*istrator and Treàsurer Northumberland and Durhamn Countv Board of Education 335A 'King Street East COBOURG, Ontario T E COMPACT ELAN!1 , ej Ski Doo does it gain! The company that nvented the snowvmobile invents a totally new concept ... Ean, the compact snowmobile. Perf ect for the first time snowmobiker or s the family that wants more ha one, Elan is an easy-hanidlng, fui! performnance, fui sîz lowest [Diiced Sk:Dc Aalable)w1tV electr i(csitrt for $0 SiD oe. Size oneB Up SO S heni neteen -seventy -one file s,çgn of the Lînest snowmobiles, sportswear, 'essbhes, parts and service. Ski-Doo. *T.M. Bombardier LU!l. Orono Fuel& Lumber Phone 983-9167 Orono, Ontario *rono Fuir Prize Wiuners, GENEItAL REPAIES 'Phon 933.5249 Or... Reserve Champîot Fenale - W.' J1. lieid. Cuhaipioni Bull- Dr. R. B. Mur- raý.y afid sons., CeseiweiChampio Bull - Wm. Leskard, Welding AÀ» FABRICATION Arc a"d Gas Weldlng Evealugs and Weekem6i PIRONE 9835760 Thie ily evenimgs of Septemn- ber anid Octoher are cu'tting inîto [Il a the Orono track but is flot clia'pening the entiiuýsàasm of lo- ciA horsesnen and drivers. Last Friday 351 patronîs pîasscd flro' the gates to bet a total of close to $20,000. 0 f the local horsemenKet West tûok two wtins comting in thie third race with Lee Chief and !ri the fEfth with TPhe Little llb.Junior West, came up with two second place eveÈtis . In, the seýcond race Jenior placed second w' tiýi M. Robin1,on'; Ozark Jeffrey arO 'in t;he final event placeti sec- ond with his own horse Yankee Ndck. Rflay Sbaplcs placed third witd' lufis ownl horse Happy's Mac. Wàl- l!1im Rcxd drove Pan's Pride ýtoaa t'hird p1ace finish in the eighth race. Th~e spect'ators took greait e iiglît in a powder puff race in wich the wîomen proved thedr speed, driving the second fastest race of the aught. 2 H. Bi'anning. Caulifiower - 1 G. T'horlby. M' angels - 1. F. Zetgers 2 G. Trhorlby. Miangcls, A.O.V. 1 G. Thoriby Onions, yeilow- 1 G. Thorlby 2 Arnold Holldngsworth 3 G. Coa- Parsî~p -1 A. Houlinîgswor th 2 G. Th1or1by.ý Pixmpkimw, pie - 1 A Hollings- wofeth 2 G. Thorlby Purnipkiý'n, -field 1 Rhocla De- Pe'ppýrs, 'wet green S. Chap- man 2 Il., Bran lninig. Squns h, peipper - 1 G. Thorlby 2 A HoUliingsworth 3 G. Coatbam. Toritatocs - 1~ S. Chapinan 2 A. Tuîiîh- .fiel1d 1 iA. HIollingýs- worth 2 G. 'lildrlby. Thr(p.~ tble-iA. HolIEngs- worttýh 2 Il. Theaniing 3G. 7Thorlby Mnsssdo -1i F. Zùeers, Pota"tqbs, 'ra quart, Cearly - R. iienstr-a 2,!.,,Thorlày 3 F. Zegers' 4 Il. Brannin 'g' P.atoes,. 6 quart, late - 1G. Coathiami 2 G. 'Thorlby 3 R. Etien- str'a 4 A. Hoiliing«sworth. ' Cof'ct tatoes - i G.. Coa- Garden Diýp1av - 1. G. Thorlby 2 Frank Zgis Largest P.urfpkin or Squash Mlost odly £'aped vegetable A. Petersen. s';1 IIAIRY CATTLE- Ayrshires- J3ll-Sr. and Jr. Caif - i.Dr. R. B. Murray and Soins; 2. Wm. J. Reid. ifl -Su. a Jr.-Yearlàng -1. Dr. R. B. Murray and Sons; 2. W. J. Reid. Female - Sr and .Jr. Yearling, - 1. Wnm. J cdd;2. Dr. R. B. Mu~r- 'aY -1 onsýi; '4.Wnm. J. Reid. Fernale, 2 yri. old - 1. Dr. R. 13. :,. 2. n..J.. Reid Female, 3 yr. old- 1. Dr. R. B. iurrs,ýy and Sons; 2. Wm. J. Reidi Fenui ale -4 y.old - i. Win. J. Reffd; 2 . rIR B. Murraty and Female- 5 yir-. oid andi Up - L. Wm. J. Rc id; 2, Dr. R. B. Murray nd Sons. Feimale - ry cow- 1. Wm . J R&Id; 2.-i r. R. B. M'urray andi o'ns. Breeder ilHerd- 4 anrimais -1. Wm. J., P A; 2. Dr. R. B. Murray ChminFemale - Dr. R. B. Viray andi Sois, - Os6~wa Area Planning & Development Study' $05 Iossland Road East, - Whitby, Ontario, Canada (416) 668-3383 PluBLIC HARNG Pu blic hearings by the Regional Government Component of the Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study will bie held, during the -per.iod October 13,'1970 to and including Oct- ober> 22, 1970. The scheMule for these hearings is as follows: TUESDAV, OCTOBER 13, 1970 Northumberland and Durham County Council Chambers, Co- 9:00 A.M.' Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education 10:30 A.M. The Council of the United"Counties of North- umberland and Durham WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1970 Cannington Community CeWre, Cannington: 1:00 P.M. The Councils of the Mu nicipalities of Beaver- ton, Brock-, Cainînngton and Thorah 2:00 P.1W. Mr. Norman L. Lyons, Deputy Reeve, Town- ship of ScOri (Personal appearance) 3:00 P.M. The Committee representing the Municipali,- ties in, the County of Outario north of the OAPADS Basic Study Area Cartwright Township Hall, Blackstock: 7:30 P.M. The Council of the Towniship of Cartwright THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1970 Pickering Township Municipal Offices: 7:00 P.M. Mr. R. M. Watson of the Pickering Po5t 8:00 P.M. The Council and the Planning Board of the- Township of Pickering 9:30 P.M. Mr. John P. Kruger, Councillor, Township of Pickering (Personal appearance) 10:30 P.M. Mr. V. Rudik, Councillor, Township of Pieker- inig (Plersonal appearance) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1970 City of Oshawa Council Chambers: 2:00, P.M. The Council of the City of Oshawa 4:0W0 P.M. The Oshiawa Chamber of Commerce MYONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1970 Ontario County Council Chambers, Whitby: 9:00 A.M. The Ontario County Board of -Education 10:30 A.M. Mr, W. Gould, Reeve of the Townof Uxhridge (Per- sonal appearance) East Whitby Town Hall, Columnbus: 4:00 P.M. The Central Ontario Museums Association 7:30 P.M. The Couneil of the Township of East Whitby 8:30 P.M. The Planning Board of the Township of East Whitby 9:30 P.M. Mr. D. Marlow, Deputy Reeve, Township of East Whttby (Personal appearance) 10:00 P.M. Mr. W. Beath of the Township of East Whitby (Personal appearance) 10:30 P.M. Mr. J. Howden, Reeve, Township of East Whit- by (Personal 'appearance) TUESDAY,:OCTOBER,20, 1970 Town of Whitby Coundil Chambers: 2:00 P.M, The Central Ontario Joint Planning Board 3:30 P.M. The Association of Lakeshore Municipal Hydro and Water Systems .:362 P.M. 'The Council. of the Townf of Whitby 9:30 P.M'. Mr. J. Goodwin, Councillor of the Town of Wheýtby (Personal appearance) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1970 Town of Bowmanville Council Chamnbers: 7:30 P.M. The Councils of the Town of Bowmanville and the Township of Darlington 9:00 P.M. The Durham County Federation ofAgriculture THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1970 Ontario County Council Chambers, Whitby: 2:30 P.M. Thç Counril of the County of Ontario Town of Ajax Council Chambers: 7:30 P.M. The Council of the Town of Ajax. 9:00 P.M. The Council of the Village of Pickering Members of the Public are welcome to attend all meetings. DONALD M. PATERSON, REGIONAL GOVERNMENT STUDY PRINCIPAL. Ilouca Motorcycles Prlced $219,00 1970 Aluminum Boats 12 t. $199.00 14 ft. $2490 ATV Jlgger, used - $----- 1971 SKI-L>OOS are here at fantaitic prices Ontacrlo Sports gKI-DOO 5110F HIY 115 Orono Phone 983-5444

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