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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Oct 1970, p. 1

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Orono VOLUME 34, NUMBER 41 Wee'kuly Tines ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, ffCTOBER 14thi, 1970 Ask Final Approval It Wus iMurder ~~~AftInlIIJ ~ ¶AwLiy Buck In 1841 a va I# V Illm a v II,~~iU*~ Ttrais reporÉteci et thse North- umberiand-Durhiem County Boerd Ai Education on Thurgday even- ing in Portipe, tisat final ap- proval biad been received by the Board firomi the Department of Education for thse construction ai tihe new BowmanvÉile Seëonldary Scisool. On recelving thuir appraval the Board pasised a reisoluition that application be miade ta the Ontuar- io Municipal Board for their fin- al appraval ai the i4suanee ai debentures in tise stan of $2,760,- 000 for the construction, iurnilsi- ing, equaipiig and applicable ex- pensecs o at-eproposedu secondary sahooà at Bainanville. It rua-s aliao reported at the ~meting tisat an essaminaution for discovery hais been arangeci for Noý,vemîber 4Vh in the miaiier af OaiaaulhElecteic On. IJtd'e Melsauies Lien Action againait the Board rvti regard the addi- tion of the General Purpose room at the Orano Public Sehool. Total.cost ai the sebl is ex- pecteci ta be $4,861,632. oi wlhuiich $4,139,491,-is for thse conitrulctian coýnLaelt wn by Stewrat-îimnn Coistruu-tinn Oampiany Equàpmenht for the scisool is expccteid ta. a- mounLt ta_$495,193, l1cm $56,366, -NVbidh la indlud'ed in the dcnstrue- tion contiact pice. Thse archâtef6t's ee~s an thse projecit wl ho $271,- ,636. lVMsceâaneou[s expen&itturqs ïnivalvifsg legal deiseniture andu in- terest arcexýpecteci PVoauQelunt for unoather $11,678. Thse board expectts ta receive $1,881,616 in the form ofL a voia tiorjal granit from the OntiarCo De- parbmenft ni Edincation. The town ol nDwranMýl1e Ls expected ta kick in $100000 wthide another $120,016 lis expeéted back from iales ax. The total incarne fer the project amountis.ta $2,101,632, leavlnig $2,760,000 ta be raised by de[bentureis. Thie board' tentative requiest ta the Ontario Municipal Bdard wais $2»90,000. The requIist 'for final opproval ai $2,760,000 is within the Onbalio Department's maxi- mum allocation of $2,765,733. Public Scho3l News .The paper camittee wiil con- tinue to write an aricile in the newslpaper. The aticle wlil dMier fnam the type produced last year. A meimber hi ta qualify fur ad-. mii silion by writing a composition. Ociiober Znd the gymi woke up for the rue dn people wiadting ta get, in the grade 6's -dance. The room wasdiarkened foT the sloiw and fast dianceis. lt was rated vcry surcesirul. on October 30th the enadie 8's are plannilng a spooky Hgillawe-en diance. Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 andi any other outsiders with passes are invited. The schooi lis Mlg1ht in the soceer seqson tls year. The teamý names and thelir captiain are: Dusters - Nita Tabirma, John New Guidance, Bookiet Mr. R.11. ledeas aOf}sornO po ,ided Ss wîtls a copy of thse '"Clirlsltan G'uapi'an"' pubilieci April 7th, 1841 iii wlich an ac- cenut af a isier comunititeciin Cbr~ke onh was printcd. Thse report ou'lines the mehian- choly delaxis 0f a hdghly esteemcd memnber ai thse WesieyanýMIethsoci- ist cli uwcl, Mr. Join 1be'nry Mar- sha] of Petrbwrougea in his 28tih year. Tise report continues "Mr. Mirsha1l h'aving a vote in Dur- bai County, altlsaugis noît living ini it, was rcqucsted to go andi vote for Mr. W1IIiams. Witb mucis reluctaince, he xvith athers on thse same buzness Icit home on the 26th ins. . On Saturdiay he gave hii vote and was in the acit of de- scending the bastings ýwhen he was m ý,tby a ,gang ai ruffians. One a <,,ked Mr. il larshiaall for whom he had vated? He replieci "for Willias. As sloon as hie had, ut- tered tlbe'e wordis he receivefi a violent blow an the brèéad ts tha stick or club appeiaring ta be stunnýec, but d'id nfot fall. The wretch slru ck hlm a second blow on thse side of thse bead, which causcd immedulate daatl." Tube report ruas wriltten by a W. -MeFadiden. Boaits; ýChallengers -Ma'rk Mercer, Lifi- cia DeJong. Chergers - AIda Becker, Ronniiie Beacock. itebels - Doug Bl'ack, Valtes-ie Wlhjte. -Mrs. RObinson ýshosaweci grade 6 a film aibeuit acljhesRanudhryw tlhey wloik. Anoliser film about prinling vruas sbown. Editor - Ed. Clark. Vice Edtor - j'imMofat '~Wht'sNew or ou"Smoking'Stîli Big A bonket entitiedi "Wisat's New for'Yoa. ? ? " bas jusit been produeti by tise Guidance Servic- es ni tise Northiumsberland andi Durham Caunty Board ai Educa- tion and wVlI soon he distsibutedu 'watisin tise caianties,. ise booblet oilles tise Ps- gram ai Studies in tise Secondas-y sebioals n Nstomfelad and Durbamn Coutnutes anci1 is ainseci at Gradle eigistgtiuideiits anii tiseis- parents, misa, ritisin the year wili bce facinri Vise complexity aifculoos- îng 'sutable secandary courses, options etc. Terry bawkins, Co-or dinitar af Guiduanue Services commefiteti: "me have itied v'ery bsard ta avoidi educatioanial jargon and ta, pro- duce a cear, concise bookletthat miii be easy ta undestandu." Incorporateci in tise publication, aire sisoit notes on W'HY, changes bave taken platie in tise Secondary aihool- pregrams,, WIÎAT tise changes as-e, a glossary ai cur- rent educational tes-ms, and an outuine aif eps a student shuulti inllaw ta arrive at a soundu tion'al dedilsian.1. Tise hoakiet wui orm tise bas- is ai thse Grade 8 educational Guldauce pragram, and wIl ii e sup'plenjented by Guidance les- sons, graciat speakers, vilsts ta Secotd'ary sehoohus, indivlduai stu- dent counselling, 'parent inter- views etc. 1Ms-. bawkins nated tisait tise Grade 8 studenit andi bis parents can mnake bettes- decisians if they have ali the faiets. t is anc ai tie jobs ai a goci Guiýdance programn ta provide thase facts. PortopHihShl To Be Compter centre Port IHope bHigi Sehool jr ta be the compter centre" for al secandery socisoals andi senior el- ese'ayseisools je tise Unitedu Counti( s. Duiriilgtise reekenci tise Nartis- 'amer~anu -Durhuam ,County Boaird ai Eduadaptiion accepiteci a tendfer fsrn a Tas-anta company te supply a COMputer st IL CWof $137,472. D. W. Pattezuen,' superIêteid- ont oif a'n., ,~ er wml ibave a tbree-upliase pro- gram of use; for situdents in elec- -tronics data procoassing anci matis- emu.atie S; for scisool admÙinistra- ian applicatilon andi for busineus ad[rinnstratiois. it is inltially for use ni Port bape bigis Scisool students huit cventu'ally otiser secandary sceiools and ýsenior elementary schanissla tise tira counties wlll be programmed in. PrhsclIpal Harold Mumshy raid be understooc tise computer wnuMl be installed witisin the next three monîlis. A 'temperat-ureecont'oled roomn iais been provideci for tise cm- puter in thse nom enýtensïon ai the school. Cause Cancer "Too 'many peuple as-e uatsng for a rondes- drug ta cas-e cancer" tise Ontario Cancer 'Socdety's Miss Hope taluc meinhers ai-tise Ca- bourg hiancis at tise annuai meet- Ing in Greýenwoti Towers1 Motel secently. "But bar rnany people know tisat 53 per ccntt ai cancer cases are cureci hy early detection?' isc askeci. Miss3 Hope, fiormcs-iy Ju dy Shiarpe, was nsarried rayera] montisi ago to Ralpis Pomeray, iormes-ly ai Part Hope. Sise ras selcdtced as Miss Hope at a meet- ing oi the Ontario Division oi tise Society hcId uic Port Hope carlier Viis yeas-. The province-acide Miss bope conte u,*t is opesn ta traince nurses. i'r.Pomeroylis a 1970 graduate fs-rn St. Josepls Scisool ai Nus-. riing, Peterborougis. S'Ie rsaid tihat today's socicVty ras "too drug orienteci." Twenty- itre yearrs ago tise dets rate fron cancer visý equal for men ani xomen. Now 23 percent more, men de ai lung cancer "bedause they re-fuse ta baVt tiscîr cigaret- tes" lise improvemeit in tise deatis rite figures for momen was, main- ly -due, Vo tise papaýmear test, misici pravid cd eariy detecition. MisHope ensphisatizec tisait ps-e- verili on andi early tietection wre the big hopes for cancer- patients. "PeapIle get is-igistesseciandi do nait seek tise knomledge tisey nec for eaily detection," Yhse said. Acconrding ta recenit statisties, 80 per- cent, cancer cases cauuld have heen preventeti. Gir'sKiller Found Insane Randl! Clay Dawoan, 16 4>f Dar- l4on Tarihip rias founil fot Yw ty mi onjcapCtad murder by rlm an af ib anity by cri aail maie jury at the Nrhmhcadand DurfieemCaunty Court Hbuse in ,Cobourg. The- vcrd e s+cl n from the murii'cr ai Cmi BRuri ýh ,19, in thse up- 'Virs bedroom ai ber Darington Towvnbip, home, just carl oif(Oshawia, an AprIl 16, MJhil3 s Mohnr, body wassdcor cd lyiing face down an the floor of the bedroom by ber parents wiien they rciturned home fram a chusch banquet. Diater a partial palm print 'of Dawson, io live'd next door ta the Mohms, was dis- eovered on a kitcheu counter top. Èr. Je ýtice ,Ab,-i-inim (cff ln thse proceedings tolci the jury theit they should ihave iittî Vs-a .btl in reaching the conicltus- ion that Dawise, haci killediMs Yinbut lie noted that there was "coneiderable evildence ta ix- d.esQte thse aecîuied wasinne PurEng Ttîeday'r proceeddngs d n~ attorney Terence KeLly adaniftted that Dawaon, aged 15 at the time, uscd force "ta stop br a pýh of Gail Ruth Miohas, thus eau- ng derath," Twýro lpychatrists whio bid ex- aînincd Da.wson at thse Clark In- ttoein Toronita tesitified bat they lid founci the aceused ta ha D' f"ering froni an extreme psy- chosis ithat wouid render hîm un- able ta realiizc the seveiity af his actions. Thse youtl will rermain in the couiiy jail pendting transfer te an Ontiýaria mental inetitutian. Preent BrefAganist Breaup fUnilted Counties Northunsjherhand endi Durham Caunties dlon't ruant tao give up any landi or power Vo .pramnicte re- gionuA gav'ermnent in ýOsharua.. Tuisiposition was sý' ply put forward, in ýtihe public iseani1ng in Coabourg on tise ObssArea Planning anti Developnie,ýat Study third paiper. Thse council andi bolarc ai cdu- cation ai thseUnitedi Caunties vitedt taenlige,,! Viiser deegatiaons. 'secouncil'sbIef raid las aif Bow~uavs~le ncimix t C ar'- wr(ight anud Darhiý-ng onhp routi e uit a sset 4Per Cent. Headed hy Wrc liiig ton, thie municapial ci lgatLion, raid Ilors a am uoipafte conaid jcoadz contissueci ex-, istence ai Ih-e remiainder." 'IThey saidconie were a, gea geaphiic, siciological andu cconum- jc un»ity w1isiclh coulci be madeQ ino regiopal igoverient thenselIves. 'Flbey s'aid there biard alsa, 'been noa "ýsbstant!al reason" sbawn for amalgamation ai thse wëstern areas waih an RýÇjavpa baseti reg- ion. >The Nor'thumberland - DuTshans Caunity 'Board ai Ediacalduon said régional ýgovernmýenit in Oshara could csitically diansage educatian in -neighiboring, mssnicipaldîtes, The board Gtriangly 'criticized tise 'tibrd papes- proposais 1%ta 1op off" its western area ai jurisdîe- ian. Tise board delegaution isea,-ded by the chlerman Jeiff Rp, Coýbouvg, rsadit didu not abject . politicaq separation oai.Boravn;a- vleand thse townships. Hreves-, it did aoppose tranaieý;fr Voa egtisa basciaiedcaofin Teeboajisimawed it Would l 30 'll per eto itS holdings if tisa weeta lake place. They oaldhave.ta give Up 32_ per cent ai ifs 24,894 students., 37.8 per, cent ai i ts 82 sgciools, and 33.5 per cent nfiits aluniost $712ý,- 000,000 assessment >base. Mr. Rau, Cobourg raid îaany of tise bonari'r ,menical andi counncil serviceswould bave ýta be reduc- eci and curtadled. Two weeks ni baek-to-lback b-e'anigs as-e scheduIeci. Mr. Pal- emrosn il aàsseI Nbýlic response ia or 'des- ta amendi the third dins'- clewion papes- andi present a fin- ai report ta tise study's execuitive committee. MTn. anti Mas. Davidi Laiwrence Stapleis, ishown la tise above photo, were nsarnled ln Grena UnitedCi(hiurcison, Sals-day aiternoon, Aug- al 15, 1970 'at 3:30 o'eëlok. Tise bilde lis tise former Miss Shamrin baureyne Tambluyn, ýdaugliter of Mr-. andi Mas. OarIas Taumblyr. :f ironlo, andi the bridegroom la tise son of Mr-. andi Mrs. Lawsence Staples, Buithany. ïï -, - - -- -"', --- ----------

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